Sequence of packets 'waitForBytesWritten' of QIODevice - qt

Are these codes the same behaviour for the remote:
I know the first code will get "aaaab" but..
I don't know if the second codes would result in "aabaa" or something else.

They are equivalent (as in, the remote end should receive the same order of data). In your second case if the socket has not finished sending it's current chunk of data, the new data to send will be appended to the end of the internal buffer for later writing.
This assumes, of course, that you're using TCP - if you use UDP, there's no guarantees the packets will arrive in the order you send them.

What type of socket are you using? TCP or UDP?
If you use TCP socket:
First and second lines will result in "aaaab".
If you are using UDP:
First and second lines in a very bad condition will result in "aaaab" or "baaaa". Below code is better to insure the sequence of UDP packets
if (socket.waitForBytesWrite(3000))


how to write one string at time using qtcpsocket?

How to send string using Qtcpsocket, when using
it send it in one string "hello world", what i want make it write only one at time, i want make client recive "hello" then "world".
This is not how TCP works. TCP is a byte stream protocol, not a message protocol. You might programatically write N bytes on the sending side, but the remote end might not receive all N bytes at once. In fact, when it does a recv on its end, it might only get 1 byte, N-1 bytes, or some other number of bytes. Issues such as IP fragmentation, TCP segmentation, TCP window size, can influence this.
Further if you write "Hello" and "World" separately to the socket, the message could easily get coalesced (on the sender or receiver side), such that "HelloWorld" is received all at once. Again, because TCP is a byte stream, not a message based protocol.
When you write TCP code, you have to deal with these issues, because they really do happen.
When you want to do:
Each word is a "message". But each message needs it's only encapsulation. Perhaps you could send the messages like this:
Where the trailing | pipe character of each word is the delimiter between each logical word. You could also use a space instead of a pipe char. Or have your own protocol header to indicate the number of bytes to follow. Regardless, it's up to the receiving side to parse the the messages from the byte stream back together to form the application messages.

Will the write() system call block further operation till read() is involved, or vice versa?

Written as part of a TCP/IP client-server:
Without usleep(1000) between the two calls to write(), the client prints data1 twice. Why is this?
I am doing a Client-Server program where the server has to send two consecutive pieces of information after their acquisition, via the network (socket); nfds is the file descriptor we get from accept().
In the client side, we receive these information via read; here fds is the file descriptor obtained via socket().
My issue is that when I am NOT using the usleep(1000) between the write() functions, the client just prints the info represented by data1 twice, instead of printing data1 and then data2. When I put in the usleep() it's fine. Exactly WHY is this happening? Is write() blocking the operation till the buffer is read or is read() blocking the operation till info is written into the buffer? Or am I completely off the page?
You are making several false assumptions. There is nothing in TCP that guarantees that one send equals one receive. There is a lot of buffering, at both ends, and there are deliberate delays in sending to as to coalesce packets (the Nagle algorithm). When you call read(), or recv() and friends, you need to store the result into a variable and examine it for each of the following cases:
-1: an error: examine/log/print errno, or strerror(), or call perror(), and in most cases close the socket and exit the reading loop.
0: end of stream; the owner has closed the connection; close the socket and exit the reading loop.
a positive value but less than you expected: keep reading and accumulate the data until you have everything you need.
a positive value that is more than you expected: process the data you expected, and save the rest for next time.
exactly what you expected: process the data, discard it all, and repeat. This isn the easy case, and it is rare, but it is the only case you are currently programming for.
Don't add sleeps into networking code. It doesn't solve problems, it only delays them.

How do you read without specifying the length of a byte slice beforehand, with the net.TCPConn in golang?

I was trying to read some messages from a tcp connection with a redis client (a terminal just running redis-cli). However, the Read command for the net package requires me to give in a slice as an argument. Whenever I give a slice with no length, the connection crashes and the go program halts. I am not sure what length my byte messages need going to be before hand. So unless I specify some slice that is ridiculously large, this connection will always close, though this seems wasteful. I was wondering, is it possible to keep a connection without having to know the length of the message before hand? I would love a solution to my specific problem, but I feel that this question is more general. Why do I need to know the length before hand? Can't the library just give me a slice of the correct size?
Or what other solution do people suggest?
Not knowing the message size is precisely the reason you must specify the Read size (this goes for any networking library, not just Go). TCP is a stream protocol. As far as the TCP protocol is concerned, the message continues until the connection is closed.
If you know you're going to read until EOF, use ioutil.ReadAll
Calling Read isn't guaranteed to get you everything you're expecting. It may return less, it may return more, depending on how much data you've received. Libraries that do IO typically read and write though a "buffer"; you would have your "read buffer", which is a pre-allocated slice of bytes (up to 32k is common), and you re-use that slice each time you want to read from the network. This is why IO functions return number of bytes, so you know how much of the buffer was filled by the last operation. If the buffer was filled, or you're still expecting more data, you just call Read again.
A bit late but...
One of the questions was how to determine the message size. The answer given by JimB was that TCP is a streaming protocol, so there is no real end.
I believe this answer is incorrect. TCP divides up a bitstream into sequential packets. Each packet has an IP header and a TCP header See Wikipedia and here. The IP header of each packet contains a field for the length of that packet. You would have to do some math to subtract out the TCP header length to arrive at the actual data length.
In addition, the maximum length of a message can be specified in the TCP header.
Thus you can provide a buffer of sufficient length for your read operation. However, you have to read the packet header information first. You probably should not accept a TCP connection if the max message size is longer than you are willing to accept.
Normally the sender would terminate the connection with a fin packet (see 1) not an EOF character.
EOF in the read operation will most likely indicate that a package was not fully transmitted within the allotted time.

Relationship with recvfrom, sleep

I don't know exactly,
In my case.
I was tested UPnP via Linux, I just use recvfrom.
I got a HTTP response not expected counts. (In this time, I expected 3)
So, I do put sleep(1) in while(), It works!
I have a question is 'why'?
recvfrom returns to buffer per one packets. <-- this is what I know, and is there a relationship with this?
You can use recvfrom() function for both connection and connection-less sockets.if you are using this function in connection-less socket, If a message is too long to fit in the supplied buffer, the excess bytes are discarded. To avoid this kind of situations "you can set the flag MSG_WAITALL that Requests the function block until the full amount of data requested can be returned. The function may return a smaller amount of data if a signal is caught, if the connection is terminated, if MSG_PEEK was specified, or if an error is pending for the socket."
if you are using recvfrom() function in a stream-based sockets such as SOCK_STREAM, message boundaries are ignored. In this case, data is returned to the user as soon as it becomes available, and no data is discarded.
In your case , instead of using sleep() you can set MSG_WAITALL flag that will block your socket untill full amount of data requested can be returned. and there is no relationship between recvfrom() and sleep() functions.

Dissector for TCP Option

I am new to writing dissectors in Lua and I had two quick questions. I have a packet which has the TCP Options as MSS, TCP SACK, TimeStamps, NOP, Window Scale, Unknown. I am basically trying to dissect the unknown section in the TCP Options field. I am aware that I will have to use the chained dissector.
The first question is while using the chained dissector to parse the TCP Options, do I have to parse all the Options from the beginning. For Example will I need to parse MSS, TCP SACK, .... and then finally parse Unknown section or is there any direct way for me to jump to the Unknown section.
The second question I have is I have seen the code for many custom protocol dissectors and if I need to dissect a protocol which follows (for example)TCP, then I will have to include the following:
-- load the tcp.port table
tcp_table = DissectorTable.get("tcp.port")
-- register our protocol to handle tcp port
My question is, is there anyway for me to jump to the middle of the protocol. For example in my case I want to parse TCP Options. Can I directly call tcp.options and the parser will start dissecting from where the options will start?
The TCP option is "uint8_t type; uint8_t len; uint8_t* data" structure.
I usually give common used ones a name. For example getSack(), getMss().
For others, keep them in an array(maximum size like 20).
For your second question, you mean you don't care about TCP header, right? If so, just move your pointer 20 bytes further to get access the TCP options.
