Every second postback on chrome is slow - asp.net

i've recognized that on google chrome browser every second postback of my asp.net application is a bit slow (~1 seconds)... every other shows up immediately. internet explorer is doing fine on every postback!
someone any idea?

Do you mean that when you are debuging your asp.net app using google chrome that it is running slow?
I had this problem also at one point and was to do with your host file. See this post here for a solution to his problem

I've noticed that chrome frequently has connection issues, not just during debugging. I've seen this on multiple machines, different OS's. Sometimes if we just leave chrome idle for about a minute or two it will completely not respond when trying to do a post back.
After seeing the quality of a number of google's other products this appears par for the course.

Bring up the console to see if there's any weird stuff going on there. Also, view the Network tab.


Chrome waiting for available sockets, Firefox is fine

We have a Wordpress based website (rendeljkinait.hu), and we face freezing issues while editing articles when using Chrome. When I hit the save button for the 7th time without page reload, the article editor freezes during save and I get "waiting for available socket" error in Chrome. No matter how long I wait, the editor won't save until I reload the page. When I'm using Firefox, everything is fine, no matter how much I hit the save button. Current Wordpress version is 5.2.3, but error occured in former versions too.
I investigated the error, and found it is caused because Chrome never closes the open sockets until I reload the page. So until hitting the button 6 times everything is fine, since Chrome and other modern browsers allow to have maximum 6 paralell connection to a single host. But after I press the button for the 7th time, there is no space for another connection, so Chrome is waiting for the older connections to get closed, but it never happens.
Here's a screenshot from net log
Using Firefox I observed that it always closes the connection after the save is successful, so only 1 connection is active all the time, it never exceeds the 6 paralell connection limit. I attached Chrome netlog file here, you can view it here. I also attached a video showing Firefox closing the connection here (107.6.*.** is our servers IP).
For various reasons we have to use Chrome, so I would like to find a solution for this problem, but I'm completely stuck. Does anyone have a suggestion what could cause the problem and how to solve it?
Thanks in advance!
I have the same problems with chrome and gutenberg.
It is impossible to do any heavy editing on the site, so I use firefox for all admin related stuff.
Haven't found a solution either...
For anyone who might find this topic with similar problem: seems like it was a Wordpress bug, a Wordpress update solved the issue.

Can't navigate through ASP.NET website while Jmeter recorder is running

The title pretty much says it all. When I'm running HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, one particular page becomes unresponsive - when I click on something it just reloads. The recorder itself is working fine, it is recording every step. And the problem is not proxy related. I've successfully recorded other pages of the same website. When I'm not recording, there are no problems.
It's a .NET 3.5 project.
The page itself has a lot of forms, file uploads, etc, but as far as I know, it should not interfere with recording or even more - with browsing the page. When debugging the project, no breakpoints are hit, so I assume that something gets lost before reaching the server.
Browsers that I've tried: tried FF, Chrome, Edge, IE.
Tried recording the web locally and online. Same thing.
Played around (reinstalled and whatnot) with certificates, didn't help.
Has anyone encountered such a problem? What could be done to fix this? I'm more interested in finding the solution, than a way around (blazemeter, badboy). Any help would be very appreciated.
EDIT: I tried recording with blazemeter and it worked. But when looking at view results tree I noticed that the request path and parameters don't change, even when in the HTTP Request Sampler they are different. So there's no solution yet
This often happens to me and what I've found is that JMeter changes the root certificate in the bin folder every week. So usually the HTTP traffic is fine but certain HTTPS traffic won't work. So make sure that your browsers are seeing the latest JMeter certificate and not using an old one that doesn't exist anymore. On Windows, Chrome and IE use the certificates in Internet Options, while Firefox needs to have it added to it manually.
It turns out that in Test Script Recorder HTTP Sampler Settings choosing Type: Java was all that was needed. I suspect that the issue was related to file upload being involved.

ASP.Net MVC - Images taking a long time to load

I have tested my pages in Firefox & IE and looking at Firebug in Firefox for some reason some images are taking a long time to load. They are not very big in comparison to the ones which are loading quicker.
Attached is a screenshot of Firebug.
I especially notice it in IE with the progress bar at the bottom of the page, it just sits there saying loading image...
Could it be the path or something which is http://localhost:49211/Content/_layout/images/bg-footer.png for example
I guess you are running the site in VS (using Cassini) this is really slow, I had the same issue. I used Chrome, as it shows when the browser makes a requests to the images and file, which showed a large delay on Cassini delivering them.
if this is a case, try putting you site on the local IIS (if you have an instance). the site should run a lot faster.
It may be related to the number of available connections. It is just sitting there since it is waiting for a connection.
With older browsers there was a limit of 2 connections from the browser to a site.

Internet Explorer 8 timeout too quick on page POSTs

We have an asp.net site running, which has been working fine for some time, but recently I have been experiencing some issues with IE8.
On posting some pages - mainly on our development server, although on staging too - we get an occasional "Internet Explore cannot display the webpage" error along with the button asking to diagnose connection problems. IE only seems to wait 10 seconds before timing out. I know that the page itself may take longer to load the first time (on dev and staging). So press F5 and everything then works fine.
Is there anything that should be done in the aspx page to tell IE to wait a bit longer?
I thought I had read that the default timeout supposed to be 90 seconds or something for browsers.
A bit more info:
It mostly happens on a POSTing a signup page, but that is just because I test that page and it starts the IIS App, makes the first connection to SQL and pre-caches some information. That first time the page can take 10-15 seconds to come back. IE8 times out after 10 seconds as it has had nothing back.
This happens on a dev W7x64 machine with 8GB RAM, as well as on a staging server WIN2008.
Having googled around a bit, some people are seeing the same problem, but no conclusive pointers to the problem or a solution.
It isn't a connection problem; everything works fine in Firefox, Chrome and even IE7; I have tried with add-ons disabled and resetting IE settings, still happens.
Ideas welcome.
Try this out
<httpRuntime executionTimeout="15"/> under system.web in the web.config
A 10 second timeout might be a usability tool in disguise. 10 seconds is a pretty long time. Js capable browsers are > 99% now, why not push it off over Ajax and poll until the long work is done, then redirect to the next page? You could show the user more useful progress info in the meantime. If for some reason the next page itself is the source of the slow down and cannot be separated from its slow parts, you could finish by precaching the next page then redirecting.
Check your Application pool Advanced settings in IIS. It may be lower than is normal. Maybe the Ping period? Mine is 30secs
I think that the long term solution is not actually related to timeout configuration.
You're saying that only the first request takes a long time, and it takes > 10 seconds, so you should issue a warm-up request first after installing your application in a way that the first request load is never experienced by the end user.

IE backbutton works just once (as if browser history has just one entry)

I'm trying to fix a browser history issue. A customer of ours has a ASP.Net intranet page running for a while now. A colleague made it. Recently they asked to fix the "Back button" we made on their page (the application).
It looks at the sitemap and when clicked loads the parent page. However, in some situations I have to use "javascript:history.go(-1)". All worked fine on our test systems but when we deployed it on their test server it started to malfunctioned. We noticed that their production environment has the same problem.
Apparently all their machines (running IE) can only go back one page in the browser history. This is not intentional. We had one of their IT staff trying some other browsers and OS's. Apparently the problem (so far) only occurs when using IE. All other browsers they tested were fine. On my development system this problem doesn't occur. Also when I let someone else look at the site the problem doesn't occur either.
I have checked what their browser history length is set to and its 20 days. I tried searching here on stackoverflow but the only relevant answers concerning browser history didn't help.
How to clear browsers (IE, Firefox, Opera, Chrome) history using JavaScript or Java except from browser itself?
Also pushing the back button (the one in IE), it only works for just one page back. There is no way we can navigate more than one page back.
How can I fix this?
Server: W2k3 R2 SP2
Clients: XP I guess / IE 8 mostly
This looks very much like a local configuration problem within your customer site and therefore unlikely to be seen elsewhere, as you've proved yourself. What you need to discover is how this could be restricted and SO isn't the place for that. You might want to try posting on SuperUser for further assistance.
