Difference between (eval '(+ 1 2)) and (eval (+ 1 2))? - common-lisp

In clisp, what is the difference?
(eval '(+ 1 2))
(eval (+ 1 2))

The first will pass the list (+ 1 2), which is similar to what you would get if you wrote (cons '+ (cons 1 (cons 2 nil)), to the eval function, which will then evaluate that expression, and produce the answer, 3. The expression '(+ 1 2) is a way of quoting an expression, so that it the expression can be passed literally as data, rather than evaluated immediately. Passing it to the eval function will then evaluate it.
The second will evaluate the expression (+ 1 2) to get the result 3, which is then passed to the eval function. A number evaluates to itself, so it will return the same answer as the first case, 3.

It seems
(eval (+ 1 2)) will first compute (+ 1 2), then use (eval 3)
(eval '(+ 1 2)) will transfer expression (+ 1 2) to eval, and let eval to interpret it.

All functions (except primitives and some special functions) like eval first evaluate all their argument and then pass them inside their function body.
However, one can suppress evaluation of arguments by quoting them. In such a case the S-expression itself is passed as an argument instead of it being evaluated first.
(eval (+ 1 2)) => First (+ 1 2) gets evaluated => (eval 3) => this gives answer 3
(eval '(+ 1 2)) => quote prevents argument from getting evaluated => (+ 1 2) gets passed as argument => however result of evaluating that S-expression is also 3.
The difference can be understood better from following example:
(eval (cons (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4))) => this becomes (eval (3 7)) => this gives error that "3 is not a function" as the S-expression to be evaluated is (3 7)
(eval '(cons (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4))) => this becomes like typing (cons (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4)) on REPL => evaluation of this S-expression gives result (3.7)


Write a function that behaves like car, cadr, caddr etc

I'm new to lisp (i'm experimenting with sbcl and ccl), i came across the use of car and cdr that can be chained arbitrarily within a single function call like (caddr).
I was wandering how one would write functions that behave like this...
Say for example i'd like my-eval to eval the input s-exp 3 times if i invoke it like (my-evaaal '(+ 2 1))
I've hacked my way around with a macro like
(my-ev $$$$ '(...)) where the behavior is dictated by the number of '$' in the first argument by transforming it into char sequence (coerce (symbol-name x) 'list) and the evaluate and recurse until the list is nil...
basic need:
;; if
(defvar *foo* 1)
(eval '*foo*) ;; => 1
(eval ''*foo*) ;; => *foo*
(eval '''*foo*) ;; => '*foo*
;; then
(eval (eval (eval '''*foo*))) ;; => 1
desired syntax
(my-eval '''*foo*) ;; => '*foo*
(my-evaal '''*foo*) ;; => *foo*
(my-evaaal '''foo) ;; => 1
Functions like CAAR, CADR are just regular functions; you can define a macro to help you define them easily if you want to.
(defpackage :so (:use :cl :ppcre))
(in-package :so)
(defmacro eval%% (count form)
(case count
(0 form)
(1 `(eval ,form))
(t (check-type count (integer 2))
`(eval%% ,(1- count) (eval ,form)))))
For example, the following :
(eval%% 3 '''most-positive-fixnum)
expands successively as:
Then, you can define custom eval functions as follows, or even with another macro:
(defun evaal (x) (eval%% 2 x))
(defun evaaal (x) (eval%% 3 x))
Handler and restarts
Alternatively, note that you can catch calls to undefined functions:
(block nil
(handler-bind ((undefined-function
(lambda (e)
(values (cell-error-name e)
(compute-restarts e))))))
(evaaaaaal 'a)))
You can also use the standard USE-VALUE restart to provide a different function to call:
(defun multi-eval-handler (condition)
(let ((name (cell-error-name condition)))
(when (eq (symbol-package name) (find-package :so))
(register-groups-bind ((#'length count)) ("EV\(A+\)L" (string name))
(invoke-restart 'use-value (make-repeated-evaluator count))))))
You need an auxiliary function that computes an evaluation N times:
(defun make-repeated-evaluator (count)
(case count
(0 #'identity)
(1 #'eval)
(t (check-type count (integer 2))
(lambda (form)
for value = form then (eval value)
repeat count
finally (return value))))))
For example:
(funcall (make-repeated-evaluator 3)
=> 4611686018427387903
And then, you can have arbitrarily long eval functions:
(handler-bind ((undefined-function #'multi-eval-handler))
(evaaaaaaaaaaaaaal '''''''''''''0))
Now, if you compile the code, you'll have warnings at compile-time about the unknown function, when then you can muffle warnings.

COND clause with test only

When COND is given only one test clause and nothing else at all it always returns the test result:
CL-USER> (cond (t))
CL-USER> (cond ((> 5 10)))
Isn't COND just a way to write IF statements?
This doesn't hold for this as when rewriting COND with test only:
CL-USER> (if (> 5 1))
error while parsing arguments to DESTRUCTURING-BIND:
too few elements in
((> 5 1))
to satisfy lambda list
between 2 and 3 expected, but got 1
If it is this way then how does COND exactly transform every clause into IF version?
When COND is given only one test clause and nothing else at all it always returns the test result:
That's right. According to the HyperSpec entry on cond:
results---the values of the forms in the first clause whose test-form yields true, or the primary value of the test-form if there are no forms in that clause, or else nil if no test-form yields true.
Isn't COND just a way to write IF statements?
Well, cond is declared to be a macro, and if to be a special operator, so you can think of it that way, although the expansion of cond isn't defined specifically. But if is defined with syntax that requires a then-part, whereas cond isn't. Here's what a cond clause with no forms expands to (in SBCL):
CL-USER> (pprint (macroexpand '(cond ((+ 2 3)))))
(LET ((#:G1013 (+ 2 3)))
(IF #:G1013
The value of the form is saved in a value and then used as the then-part. When there are forms in the clause, they're wrapped in a progn (which returns the value of its last form):
CL-USER> (pprint (macroexpand
((= 2 3) 42 78)
((+ 2 3))
((= 4 5) (print 'something-else)))))
(IF (= 2 3)
(PROGN 42 78)
(COND ((+ 2 3)) ((= 4 5) (PRINT 'SOMETHING-ELSE))))

Format both an expression and its result without eval

I am trying to format an arbitrary expression, say (+ 2 3), and at the same time, its result, 5.
I have the following:
(defun expr-and-result (expr)
(format t "~a returns ~a~%" expr (eval expr)))
CL-USER> (expr-and-result '(+ 2 3))
(+ 2 3) returns 5
Though it's a simple matter by using eval, I'm curious if this effect can be accomplished without it (because I heard a lot that eval is to be avoided).
I understand that quoting the argument is necessary, because otherwise the given expression will be evaluated as the first step in calling expr-and-result, and only its result could be used inside expr-and-result. Therefore, any possible solution requires the input to be quoted, right?
I thought a bit about macros but I feel like it's the wrong approach to what I am looking for.
Edit: My intent was to construct a simple test-suite, such as:
(mapcar #'expr-and-result
'((= (my-remainder 7 3) 1)
(= (my-remainder 7 3) 2)))
(= (MY-REMAINDER 7 3) 1) returns T
(= (MY-REMAINDER 7 3) 2) returns NIL
After reading Paulo's comment, it seems that eval is the shortest and cleanest solution for my purposes.
Here is a simple macro:
(defmacro exec-and-report (form)
`(format t "~S returns ~S~%" ',form ,form))
(macroexpand '(exec-and-report (+ 1 2)))
(FORMAT T "~S returns ~S~%" '(+ 1 2) (+ 1 2)) ;
(exec-and-report (+ 1 2))
(+ 1 2) returns 3
PS. I second #Sylvester's suggestion not to reinvent the wheel

Unexpected behavior with loop macro and closures

Why do these forms behave this way?
(setf *closures*
(loop for num in (list 1 2 3 4)
collect (lambda ()
(funcall (first *closures*))
(funcall (second *closures*))
I would have expected the first funcall to return 1, and the second to return 2, etc. This behavior is consistent with both Clozure Common Lisp and Steel-Bank Common Lisp implementations.
If I rework the loop macro to a version using dolist, what I'd expect is what's returned:
(setf *closures*
(let ((out))
(dolist (item (list 1 2 3 4) (reverse out))
(push (lambda () item) out))))
(funcall (first *closures*))
(funcall (second *closures*))
What's going on with the loop macro version?
num is same variable shared by all lambdas.
(setf *closures*
(loop for num in (list 1 2 3 4)
collect (let ((num1 num))
(lambda ()
num1 is fresh variable for each iteration.
As of dolist, "It is implementation-dependent whether dolist establishes a new binding of var on each iteration or whether it establishes a binding for var once at the beginning and then assigns it on any subsequent iterations." (CLHS, Macro DOLIST). So it may work on one implementation and fail on other.
The name num represents the same binding during the evaluation of LOOP.
Maybe you want to write:
(mapcar 'constantly (list 1 2 3 4))
to get what you meant.

Difference between `set`, `setq`, and `setf` in Common Lisp?

What is the difference between "set", "setq", and "setf" in Common Lisp?
Originally, in Lisp, there were no lexical variables -- only dynamic ones. And
there was no SETQ or SETF, just the SET function.
What is now written as:
(setf (symbol-value '*foo*) 42)
was written as:
(set (quote *foo*) 42)
which was eventually abbreviavated to SETQ (SET Quoted):
(setq *foo* 42)
Then lexical variables happened, and SETQ came to be used for assignment to them too -- so it was no longer a simple wrapper around SET.
Later, someone invented SETF (SET Field) as a generic way of assigning values to data structures, to mirror the l-values of other languages:
x.car := 42;
would be written as
(setf (car x) 42)
For symmetry and generality, SETF also provided the functionality of SETQ. At this point it would have been correct to say that SETQ was a Low-level primitive, and SETF a high-level operation.
Then symbol macros happened. So that symbol macros could work transparently, it was realized that SETQ would have to act like SETF if the "variable" being assigned to was really a symbol macro:
(defvar *hidden* (cons 42 42))
(define-symbol-macro foo (car *hidden*))
foo => 42
(setq foo 13)
foo => 13
*hidden* => (13 . 42)
So we arrive in the present day: SET and SETQ are atrophied remains of older dialects, and will probably be booted from eventual successors of Common Lisp.
(set ls '(1 2 3 4)) => Error - ls has no value
(set 'ls '(1 2 3 4)) => OK
(setq ls '(1 2 3 4)) => OK - make ls to (quote ls) and then have the usual set
(setf ls '(1 2 3 4)) => OK - same as setq so far BUT
(setf (car ls) 10) => Makes ls '(10 2 3 4) - not duplicated by setq/set
You can use setf in place of set or setq but not vice versa since setf can also set the value of individual elements of a variable if the variable has individual elements. See the exaples below:
All four examples will assign the list (1, 2, 3) to the variable named foo.
(set (quote foo) (list 1 2 3)) ;foo => (1 2 3)
(1 2 3)
(set 'foo '(1 2 3)) ;foo => (1 2 3) same function, simpler expression
(1 2 3)
(setq foo '(1 2 3)) ;foo => (1 2 3) similar function, different syntax
(1 2 3)
(setf foo '(1 2 3)) ;foo => (1 2 3) more capable function
(1 2 3)
setf has the added capability of setting a member of the list in foo to a new value.
foo ;foo => (1 2 3) as defined above
(1 2 3)
(car foo) ;the first item in foo is 1
(setf (car foo) 4) ;set or setq will fail since (car foo) is not a symbol
foo ;the fist item in foo was set to 4 by setf
(4 2 3)
However, you can define a symbol macro that reprents a single item within foo
(define-symbol-macro foo-car (car foo)) ; assumes FOO => (1 2 3)
foo-car ;foo-car is now a symbol for the 1st item in foo
(setq foo-car 4) ;set or setq can set the symbol foo-car
foo ;Lisp macros are so cool
(4 2 3)
You can use defvar if you have not already defined the variable and do not want to give it a value until later in your code.
(defvar foo2)
(define-symbol-macro foo-car (car foo2))
setq is just like set with a quoted first arg -- (set 'foo '(bar baz)) is just like (setq foo '(bar baz)). setf, on the other hand, is subtle indeed -- it's like an "indirection". I suggest http://www.n-a-n-o.com/lisp/cmucl-tutorials/LISP-tutorial-16.html as a better way to get started understanding it than any answer here can give... in short, though, setf takes the first argument as a "reference", so that e.g. (aref myarray 3) will work (as the first arg to setf) to set an item inside an array.
One can think of SET and SETQ being low-level constructs.
SET can set the value of symbols.
SETQ can set the value of variables.
Then SETF is a macro, which provides many kinds of setting things: symbols, variables, array elements, instance slots, ...
For symbols and variables one can think as if SETF expands into SET and SETQ.
* (macroexpand '(setf (symbol-value 'a) 10))
(SET 'A 10)
* (macroexpand '(setf a 10))
(SETQ A 10)
So SET and SETQ are used to implement some of the functionality of SETF, which is the more general construct. Some of the other answers tell you the slightly more complex story, when we take symbol macros into account.
I would like to add to previous answers that setf is macro that call specific function depending on what was passed as its first argument.
Compare results of macro expansion of setf with different types of arguments:
(macroexpand '(setf a 1))
(macroexpand '(setf (car (list 3 2 1)) 1))
(macroexpand '(setf (aref #(3 2 1) 0) 1))
For some types of arguments "setf function" will be called:
(defstruct strct field)
(macroexpand '(setf (strct-field (make-strct)) 1))
