Rstudio command history - r

I have been using Rstudio a great deal these days but recently noticed that my commands are not being stored in the history any longer. I don't know then this started, but it might have been with the install of the most recent version. Any ideas on what the issue may be?

This is a bug that we introduced in v0.93.73 and fixed in v0.93.75. Please try updating to the latest version at
Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience!

If everything is normal (i.e., no bugs) there should be a checkbox under Tools > Options > General which says Always save history (even when not saving .RData). This should be checked "Yes". Then look for the hidden file .RHistory in the present working directory and there your command history is.
(This comment is less for the OP than for a googler who stumbles across this question.)


After new version of jsViews, depends not working

I updated last version of jsView in my application, after that depends does not working.
myFuction.depends = [entity,"PropertyObject.**"]
Before update to last version it worked.
Someone knew what had changed?
It seems to work for me. Can you provide a simple repro sample, which worked on the previous version and fails after the update?
Even better, report a new issue here:, and include a repro sample there

ATOM - CSSLINT ignore ids

Is there a way to make csslint in Atom ignore "ids", so I don't get the warning "Don't use IDs in selectors"?
Edit: My question was identified as a possible duplicate of "Disable warnings (ids selector) in linter-csslint on Atom?", but I mentioned in my own answer that I could not understand how to make the process to solve my problem. I ended up finding out.
Well, guys, I ended up discovering how to do that. The other questions similar to mine did solve the problem, but they were not so clear TO ME on how to make the solution work. If you guys go to github "", there are some lines to ignore the elements. What wasn't that clear to me was "ok, what should I do with it?".
So you have two options (I use Windows). You either create a file in Atom or command line called ".csslintrc" and place it INSIDE THE FOLDER OF THE PROJECT you are working on OR you can place this file in your USER FOLDER IN WINDOWS. Like, "C:\Users\yourUserName". If you put it there, all the projects will use this file.

Error: could not find function "lang_unnamespace"

I am getting the error here in this Travis build, and I cannot reproduce it locally. Yes, I realize that I do not have a minimal reproducible example, but I do know that it happens within tidyselect::vars_select(). Has anyone else encountered this before? I cannot find any mention of lang_unnamespace() in a Google search.
See if modifying your travis yaml to include the dev versions of the tidyverse packages help.
It looks like you're not calling rlang::lang_unnamespace() directly, correct? That function appears to have been removed, but tidyselect::vars_select() is still trying to call it.
I arbitrarily went back to the beginning of the year to see this old version.
The file doesn't even exist in today's version.

different versions of the shared library

I have a -lelf option in my makefile, I want to know: how does it choose the version of to link (e.g. or I do have a in my system, as well as a which links to When I compile the code, everything is fine, however, when I try to run the binary, it reports: "can not find". Any guide on solving this problem? Thanks in advance.
Ok, finally I understand something. I can specify which version of the .so at compile-time (I can force it to link to, while it will cause some problem at run-time). It seems the best way is to find the required anyhow.

Is it possible to get code completion for R in Emacs ESS similar to what is available in Rstudio?

Rstudio has a great code completion feature. It provides a quick view of functions that start with a given string, as well as function and parameter definitions.
ESS is powerful enough, familiar to me, and integrated into Emacs, where I conduct most of my work - so I am hesitant to move, but this feature is making me consider such a move.
Is it possible to integrate this feature into Emacs ESS?
Is there anything similar to this for Emacs ESS?
Any hope that there will be (and if so, how could I support such an effort?)
You do get the completion thanks to the rcompgen package by Deepayan (now "promoted" into base R as part of the utils package). So when I type
and hit TAB a new buffer opens which gets me the left-hand side of your window above: the available options to the function at hand. I don't think you can show the help directly though.
There is / was also a way to get context-sensitive help in the mini-buffer when typing but I have forgottten how/where that gets turned on.
[EDIT: This is an old answer and auto-complete package dropped out of fashion since then. Please use company-mode instead. It should work by default. Wiki configuration entry is here.]
Recent versions of ESS (> v.12.02) integrate with auto-complete package out of the box (you need not configure anything, just install auto-complete). It provides help on arguments as well as function help. I added detailed instructions to the wiki
Ess-eldoc was also rewritten and from v.12.02 it's active by default, so you don't need to configure anything.
Or maybe we should all use search:
Emacs autocomplete-mode extension for ESS and R
I don't want to be grumpy, I found this few hours ago and I'm still shocked. It works like a charm. Though I still prefer the old-style pop-ups. =)
