change weight block drupal 6 - drupal

I have 300 blocks in my site and when I wanted to change the weight of a block, JavaScript crashed and now I can't make changes to any blocks. How can I make a change to a block now?
Is there a way to change admin/builds/block to show any region in 1 page?

Disable the javascript you will be able to sort your blocks again.

This worked for Drupal 7 and may work for Drupal 6: Try increasing the max_input_vars value in php.ini. Setting that value to 2000 worked in my case (Windows Server 2008/IIS/MySQL/PHP5.3 and over 200 Drupal blocks).
Troubleshooting tips for WIMP:
In php.ini, set: error_log=C:\Windows\temp\php_errors.log
In php_errors.log, look for a message such as: "PHP Warning: Unknown: Input variables exceeded 1000. To increase the limit change max_input_vars in php.ini. in Unknown on line 0"


Mule ESB Kernel 4.2 - gap in wrapper.conf java.additional proeprties

I have noticed in wrapper.conf file, that there is a gap in java.additional. properties:
# Limit the Metaspace Size to protect system memory from unwanted usage
# Increase this value if you get "Java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace" error
Is this OK? I think all additional properties starting from 8 are ignored. Also, when I add new property (18, because last active property in the original file is 17) - it is ignored as well.
Yes, gaps are ok because there is a configuration option in the default wrapper.conf set to accept the gaps:
# Ignore gaps in additional properties sequence
Ignored options are a symptom of some other problem. Are you running in Windows as a service? There is a known permissions issues about that where auto generated properties override manually set properties:
In that case you need to uninstall and reinstall the Mule service.

WP advanced custom fields Field Group have limit fields?

I created a layout module 7m (layouts). Each layout has about 15-20 fields (including eating and one repeater with fields). There comes a moment when I can not create more fields. And nothing else is stored. A begins to persist if you remove one field. Then another one I can keep.
How can I fix this problem?
Change (screen )
But dont work
This is a complete number of fields that can be added (if you add one more), nothing happens. New fields do not appear.
44 filds (all including repeater ) in 7 Layout
I really need to solve this problem. I need at least another 10 fields.
Few solutions you can try..
Increase max_input_vars value from 3000 to 5000 or more.. (it worked for me after increasing value)
This method is if increasing max_input_vars does not help..
Quoted from ACF forum :
“I had the same problem and it turned out that because the server was using the Suhosin patch I also needed to set the following my .htaccess file: = 20000
suhosin.request.max_vars = 20000″
As mentioned by Rahul, 'max_input_vars' and suhosin settings in php.ini are the solution.
But what I would like to add to make this solution complete. You could get into case when migrating to other server or vps, where default setting for "max_input_vars" is 1000 or less and then You try to add new field which will result in all fields that was not in limit to disappear as from AFC administration or from POSTS also! .
So even if you fix the php.ini that leaves you with broken db.
Anyways solution is simple after setting 'max_input_vars' move that ACF field group to Trash, and restore it fields will be back ...
I hope it will save time to someone sometime.
I have the same problem yesterday. I solve this by increasing value of Blog pages show at most and Syndication feeds show the most recent in Setting -> Reading -> Heres the option.
In my WP dashboard, the default is 10.

I am not able to reorder the blocks in drupal 7

I have more than 200 blocks in my drupal website. Right now I am not able to reorder the blocks from the admin end.
I can drag and drop the blocks. So there is no problem with my js (I think so). After saving the blocks, selected blocks went to the previous position. (Weight is not updating.)
Any Idea?
Try increasing the max_input_vars value in php.ini. Setting that value to 2000 worked in my case (Windows Server 2008/IIS/MySQL/PHP5.3 and over 200 D7 blocks).
Troubleshooting tips for WIMP:
In php.ini, set:
In php_errors.log, look for a message such as:
PHP Warning: Unknown: Input variables exceeded 1000. To increase the limit change max_input_vars in php.ini. in Unknown on line 0

PHP: Maximum amount of uploadable files, $_FILES maxed out at 25 entries

I have a rather old page, where a lot of file upload input fields reside. The problem is, only the first 25 upload field's data gets populated after the post.
I'm using nginx+php5.3-fpm
max_file_uploads is set to 200, so that can't be the problem. There are also a lot of other input fields besides the file inputs, and they arrive just fine, all of them.
Any ideas, where should I look?
I GOT IT! It was suhosin's own restriction in effect:
suhosin.upload.max_uploads is set to 25

Drupal redirect / hide page content in form_alter

In a certain case I do not wish to display a the content of a form when you get to the form_alter stage of my module. I have tried drupal_goto() and unset($form) . In the first case an error is thrown:
Warning: Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes query: INSERT INTO watchdog...
&the second case the form is rendered. What else can I do?
The problem was the Devel module. Disabling this and it started working.
This you can also solve by increasing the value of 'max_allowed_packet' to 32M or more in my.cnf or my.ini file.
It is caused by the fact that mysql has to store a packet that is to big.
