printing from client side client side landscape (ie only) -

Can someone please help with the following: I am trying to force an page to go in landscape mode and remove all headers and footers.... N.b all clients only uses ie browser. therefore an activex control may work but i have not found any thus far.. thanks

If you are IE specific you can use CSS to rotate content 90 degrees. Documentation
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(Rotation=3);
I don't believe there is a JS solution to altering browser settings as this would be a security issue. ActiveX or some other binary should have access but then you will have installation issues.


Is there an easy way to force the user to use Internet Explorer, ideally without installing anything new?

I am working on 4 internal websites, everyone should be using IE but not everyone is.
Is there an easy way to force the user to use IE, ideally without installing anything new like JQuery?
I really shouldn't have to justify why i'm wanting to do this, but here goes.
This site is totally internal and 98% of the users do not have the rights to install a new browser... however there are a select few that do. This is fine for most of our sites, but since these sites are very old, they do not work in anything but IE. I could fix it for all browsers... but it is a better use of my time to just put a "hot-fix" in for now as it will likely all get rewritten next year. The site itself is also only used once a year. It's simply not worth the time investment in this case.
If you really wanted to do this you could check the user agent of each request and if it's not IE redirect to a holding page explaining that they need to change browsers.
var userAgent = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserAgent;
Alternatively use the Request.Browser property.
if(HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.Browser != "IE")
// do stuff...
You could find the browser type, and if its not IE, then do a Response.Redirect() to a generic "Use IE" page.
if (!(Request.Browser=="IE")){
You'll have to check the return values of Request.Browser though as I'm not certain without testing
I'll suggest something eretical: instead of fighting against Internet Explorer, force the users to use the Google Chrome Frame It's a "plugin" for Internet Explorer that make the page work as if they were in Chrome.
I'll quote from that page:
Google Chrome Frame is an open source plug-in that seamlessly brings
Google Chrome's open web technologies and speedy JavaScript engine to
Internet Explorer. With Google Chrome Frame, you can:
Start using open
web technologies - like the HTML5 canvas tag - right away, even
technologies that aren't yet supported in Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8,
or 9.
Take advantage of JavaScript performance improvements to make
your apps faster and more responsive.
Now your users can have IE 6.0 to work with their obsolete internal web applications AND you can work against a "unified" (you are programming only against Chrome) "modern" web browser.

What tools exist for tracking down IE7 javascript problems?

I am trying to debug a large and complex webapp that makes heavy use of DIVs, AJAX, dynamic HTML and server-side code to do its job.
Under normal operation we do not have problems. However, when we put the webapp into an IFRAME, certain functions trigger a crash in IE7 that renders the browser inoperable (all CPU used).
What tools exist to help track down what could be happening? Loading the IE process into the debugger gives me all sorts of fascinating info about the registers, but I think the issue is in javascript.
We have tracked down one problem with the app already that involved incorrect reparenting of an element (something attached itself to window. instead of document.)
I wrote a test IFRAME page that dumps the innerHTML of the iframe into a textarea, so it can be compared during various states, but that only shows me static attributes, I can't tell what sort of javascript events are associated with elements or determine if a handler is firing out of turn.
IE8, Firefox, Chrome etc do not have the same behaviour.
Ideally I'd like something that would let me snapshot the DOM (or the javascript VM?) during a known good state, then "just before it happens" so we can figure out what's added / removed / missing / different. What is out there?
Update: I'm now trying to use the IE Developer Toolbar to track it down.
Update 2: The IE7 crash occurs following this AJAX code:
function Sys$UI$Control$get_element() {
/// <value domElement="true" locid="P:J#Sys.UI.Control.element"></value>
if (arguments.length !== 0) throw Error.parameterCount();
return this._element;
The return this._element; line is the last thing that happens before I lose IE.
IE Developer's Toolbar. Download it here (IEDevToolBarSetup.msi).
For JavaScript debugging refer this blog.
Some guy made a bundle that's called Internet Explorer Collection. It includes some 6 different IE browsers ranging from IE6 to IE8 in different builds. All those include Firebug (really, it sort of works) and Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar.
It was really helpful for me to debug IE7 issues.
see this link.
By placing 'debugger' in the javascript files in places where you'd like to start debugging you can debug the javascript in visual studio as well complete with trace, call stacks, etcetera.
The IE developer toolbar definitely helps alot. Visual Studios's debugger is also very good if you can get a machine with VS and IE7 on it.
DynaTrace is a profiling tool for IE7. However, it provides a great deal of information (including JS stacks), so it can also be very helpful for debugging.
IE 7 and IE 8 has built in debugging tools. Press F12 and you are ready to debug. Also firebug-firefox and chrome's inspect element options are useful/

Why does the following flash not initially load in firefox, but works in chrome and IE

The following flash does not initially load in firefox, but if I click the second tab on the right, and then go back to the first, it loads. This works in Chrome and IE. Here is the webpage.
This is odd, normally things dont work in IE but do in Chrome and Firefox. Upgrade your Flash Player is my advice
Have you ruled out the possibility of it being a browser problem and not related to the site?
Does Firefox do this for any other sites?
Try clearing you cache and upgrading your Flash plugin to rule out the browser.
At a guess, a timing issue. Flash doesn't keep a network stack, it merely passes network calls to the browser, so any kind of logic that is sensitive to the timing or order of loads, load events, etc., can function differently from browser to browser.
But it's impossible to say more without seeing some code.

In what situations does Flash / SWF misbehave in different browsers?

Recently I had some issues with Flash in IE, involving a SWF which is something like a gallery.
In Firefox its loads perfectly, but in IE it doesn't work properly sometimes. The first time it is loaded its works fine but when I refresh all the images are blank. The image data came from XML.
I wish to get some tips regarding the browsers and Flash / SWF behavior in each.
Thanks in advance.
I once faced a similar problem. IE first displays image properly. Upon refresh it didn't display the image. The problem was with the IE security settings on scripting languages. If the script fails to load properly on first time, IE blacklists the script and hence blocks it from running again. When u reset the security settings it will work. But you should still get into the bottomline of the issue and fix it.

Strange Flex Sizing in IE on Server2003

I have a modified version of a flex calendar found Here, and though it looks alright on most computers I've seen, there is a problem on two of the three servers here. Because of the way Citrix is setup here, I need to have it functional on all of the servers.
When it loads, everything is stretched out vertically, and the numbers are missing on the date boxes. If you mouse-over the flex buttons, they jump to the right size, but there is still rendering errors.
The modifications I made had no effect, because the servers give the same results on both my version and the demo version hosted online. As far as I can tell, the servers are identical (IE version, Flash version, etc.)
How can I get it to display normally?
Initial View
After Mouseover
Usual Demo
Demo in bad server
Edit: On the server that renders it improperly, Firefox renders it fine, but Firefox cannot be used for other (unchangeable) reasons.
From the images it appears this is how the SWF appears in the Browser of each server - one good and one bad. Not how the SWF appears in any browser while being hosted from each server.
Sense it is the browser display that is not working correctly I would assume it is a rendering problem with the browser and not the server.
1.) The problem could come from JavaScript being disabled in one of the browsers and the view being taken from the embed tag. Check to ensure that it looks the same with JavaScript both on and off.
2.) The height being 100% could also be messing it up in the browser. Try setting the height to a specific value (800px) and see if that corrects the problem.
3.) Make sure that the browsers are the same. Is one IE 7 and one IE 8? If they are the same, check the version number to ensure that all updates are the same for each.
4.) View the site from another computer that is connected to the server.
Number 1 and 2 would be my best guess as a way to troubleshoot.
