Stary Quotes Wordpress - wordpress

OK so here is the deal I am using a plugin called stray quotes for a website, , It has some really nice functions I can't find in other plugins like that it has a simple to add quotes to the database etc. Thing is, not only was the styling odd and I had to fix all that. But it only displays text. It doesn't allow comments for each quote, voting, or sharing. This is something I have been asked to make, and for the life of me I can't figure out how.
Here are some of my ideas:
Forget the plugin, use wordpress posts instead, make it so only that post type is shown on that page only. This allows comments to be tied in already etc. Problems here are: Styling the post, and only that type, and making it easy to add quotes for admins and users.
Other thought, modify the stray quote plugin, add the functions to allow commenting etc, since it already has the easy to add parts. Problems: Lots of code to have to read, No clue how to make it so when you hit reply it opens a new "page" with the quote and all its comments in paginated form.
So my questions:
Can anyone help me with either of the above. I have looked through tons of stuff and I can't figure out what to do, there is so many freaking things. The ideal thing would be to have a plugin like stray quotes that had a simple to add quotes section for all; stored them separately from posts; allowed comments(with pagination) and voting; and styled well.
P.S. the WordPress theme I am using is suffusion, which has tons of custom abilities.

Add quotes as a custom taxonomy.
Or simply have post entries with a category of "quote" be output with a different CSS class than normal post entry.


I need some ideas on how to allow the site owner to set tooltips in one place that affect all instances of that word on a WordPress site

I'm working on a WordPress ecommerce site. They want to have some industry-specific words (like "ADA Compliant, ANSI/BHMI") have tooltips with definitions.
I've added tooltips via tooltipster and created a shortcode for manually adding tooltips, but as these words are repeated many times throughout the site, I really want to give them a single interface where they can define a single instance of word + tooltip, that affects everwhere those words are written in the content.
The only thing I can think of is a gettext filter, but it seems like that would be terrible for performance, since they will have a lot of words.
I'd love some ideas of how I could achieve this. I don't know what direction to go in. (Translation won't work since it's in the content, not theme or plugin strings.)

Where should I be storing extra strings for Wordpress site

I have a wordpress site with a theme. But now I need to extend it.
For example, I want to make a custom section on the homepage. The section needs a header which is not a part of any post. I know how to code this, but I don't see where I should be storing the string which will be displayed.
Possible solutions:
Store in the PHP file itself, obviously not a good idea.
Store in the database as an option, using
get_option( 'my_custom_header', 'default_value' );
The issue with this is that there is no easy way to edit the value other than opening up the database directly.
Use an options plug in. The ones I have seen seem an overkill.
Write my own so I have a table specifically for such tables.
So the question is what is the best place to be storing such strings?
What I ended up doing was extending the existing theme options panel to add a few extra options.

How would one marking up Wordpress content with RDFa?

Hopefully, I can write this to avoid any problems that caused a similar post to be closed. I don't mean to invite debate or say whether or not RDFa should be handled on Wordpress in a way similar to another CMS. I just want to see if one were going to do this, how it would be done. In other words, do we do this in the theme? Ideally, we need custom fields and RDF mappings for each field and for the Content type.
So, maybe this goes in the Wordpress functions.php file. The user interface would need a way to ask the user, what property to assign to each field, e.g. if it is a name, then we might use foaf:name. The content type itself, would correspond to a RDF type, aka Class. I'm not sure how one would accomplish this.
I think that i'd implement RDF using Simple Fields: to add custom fields specifically to post types.
Then i'd print the data with the correct XML syntax in the theme.
Maybe you can write some helpers in your functions.php (or similar) to avoid code duplication to print RDF information, but this is something more.

How to override searchform.php using a plugin

I am trying to build a search form that looks a bit different from the default WP search box. I can edit the searchform.php for that, but I want it to be in form of a plugin, so that I can easily enable it and disable it at will. But the problem is that if WP finds searchform.php, it will use the form in that file, so no tricks like add_filter, add_action will work here. So, what I want to ask from folks here is: does there wxist some way by which I can achieve the above. i.e override the code of searchform.php
Also on a different note, if I name the search box to anything other than "s", then the code goes to index.php, instead of search.php. This, I have verified by putting debug echo's and other wierd statements.
What could be the possible reason for this?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Okay, I found a hack. Not very good though, but works for me. So what I did is, in the activation filter of my plugin, I wrote the code to rename the original searchform.php (the one residing in the current theme folder) to searchform_orig.php This way WP does not find searchform.php and so renders the searchform which I have hooked to the filter. Similarly, on deactivation part, I rename the file back to searchform.php. May not be ideal , but is working on y systems that I have tested. Though I would be interested in knowing loopholes/caveats in this approach. Marking it as an answer ;-)

Wordpress-blog with two languages - which plugin?

I spent a couple of hours in the search of a solution to a two-languages-blog (site?). It seems that there are two general approaches: a single site which holds both languages; or two sites (thus WP installations) where each one holds a single language.
The solution for the latter one would be the Multisite Language Switcher.
But in principal, I'd prefer to work with a single site. Less hassle.
And I would like to use the same "New Post" page to enter the title and text for the languages - thus two title boxes, two text boxes. If I upload an image, I can insert it directly into each of the text boxes.
There, it seems the WPML is the way to go. Not sure about qTranslate. Tried it but only the title box was added.
Can you recommend anything else? Or am I thinking to narrowly? Thanks a lot for any hints or tips! - easy to use and manage languages.
For each post you choose the language you'll need. You won't get to add both languages in the same post since it would result in the same url.
For images, you don't need to upload it twice, just choose it again from the media library.
Not free, but WPML is probably the most advanced language plugin (hence the not free part). It will allow you to use a single install and choose the language based on directory or query string parameter. Overall fairly affordable.
Tried out a couple of plugins. Finally spent many hour with multisite and domain mapping. When I got it working, I used the Multiple Language Switcher.... and like it a lot! Thanks for the hints!
