how to update database field every year -

I have a database which contains 2 fields called DateOfBirth and Age, for storing users DOB and age respectively. I want the Age column to be automatically incremented by 1 every year, according to the DOB matching server date.
What could be the best way for achieving this? I am using and sql server 2008.

Rather than store both the DateOfBirth and Age, create a computed column on the table that calculates the age:
[Age] AS datediff(year, DateOfBirth, getdate())
So in yout table creation:
-- Create Table with computed column
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CCtest]
[id] [int] not NULL,
[DateOfBirth] [datetime] NULL,
-- etc...
[Age] AS datediff(year, DateOfBirth, getdate())
If you want to persist the computed value add the PERSISTED keyword.
One possibility, if you want Age displayed in years and months:
[AgeInDays] AS datediff(day, DateOfBirth, getdate())
then create a view over your table that formats AgeInDays into years and months.
Here is another possibility, using a computed column of [AgeYears]:
create view vwCCtestAge
cast([AgeYears] as varchar(4)) + ' years ' +
cast(datediff(month, DateOfBirth, getdate())
- case when (AgeYears > 0) then (AgeYears - 1)*12
else 0
end as varchar(4)) + ' months' as Age
from cctest2
[You should check for boundary cases...]


In SQLite, how to insert an id field in select result?

I know it works with following code in MySQL to achieve such goal:
set #n = 0;
select (#n := #n + 1),test_score from test_score where student_name = 'Gao' and test_subject = 'math'
In SQLite,there is no variable, so how can I implement similar function in SQLite?
Assuming you have an ID field in your test_score table you could just easily add ORDER BY ID ASC to your select query.
CREATE TABLE test_score (ID INTEGER AUTOINCREMENT, student_name TEXT, test_subject TEXT, score TEXT)
SELECT ID, score FROM test_score WHERE student_name='Gao' AND test_subject='math' ORDER BY ID ASC;
NB: by default the query would be ordered by the ID anyway, but in case you would want to switch it to the most recent just replace ASC with DESC

Simple Split function in SQL Server 2012 with explanation pls

I have two tables Procedures and ProcedureTypes.
Procedures has a column Type which is a varchar with the values (1, 2), (3, 4), (4, 5) etc...
ProcedureType has a primary key 'ID' 1 to 9.
ID Description
1 Drug
2 Other-Drug
ID is an integer value and Type is varchar value.
Now I need to join these two tables to show the values
ID in the Procedures table
ProcedureType in the Procedures table
Description in the ProceduresType table with the value separated by a "-".
For example if he value in Type is (1,2) the new table after join should show values in the description like (Drug-Other Drug)
I have used this query bot to no avail
SELECT * FROM dbo.[Split]((select RequestType from GPsProcedures), ',')
Can anyone tell me how to do it and why the above query is not working
with Procedures as (
select 1 as ID, '1,2,3' as Typ
ProcedureTypes as (
select 1 as TypeID, 'Drug' as Name
union select 2 , 'Other-Drug'
union select 3 , 'Test 3'
/*Get one extra column of type xml*/
,Procedures_xml as (
select id,CONVERT(xml,' <root> <s>' + REPLACE(Typ,',','</s> <s>') + '</s> </root> ') as Typ_xml
from Procedures
/*Convert the field string to multiple rows then join to procedure types*/
, Procdure_With_Type as (
select ID,T.c.value('.','varchar(20)') as TypeID,
from Procedures_xml
CROSS APPLY Typ_xml.nodes('/root/s') T(c)
INNER JOIN ProcedureTypes ON T.c.value('.','varchar(20)') = ProcedureTypes.TypeID
/*Finally, group the procedures type names by procedure id*/
select id,
SELECT ', ' + [Name]
FROM Procdure_With_Type inn
WHERE (Procdure_With_Type.ID = inn.ID)
FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('(./text())[1]','VARCHAR(MAX)')
,1,2,'') AS NameValues
from Procdure_With_Type
group by ID
You can't have a select statement as a parameter for a function, so instead of this:
SELECT * FROM dbo.[Split]((select RequestType from GPsProcedures), ',')
Use this:
select S.*
from GPsProcedures P
cross apply dbo.[Split](P.RequestType, ',') S

Single insertion of data on one date in SQL Server?

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[K_FS_InsertMrpDetails]
#date datetime,
#feedtype varchar(50),
#rateperkg float,
#rateper50kg float,
#updatedby varchar(50)
INSERT INTO K_FS_FeedMrpDetails([date], feedtype, rateperkg, rateper50kg, updatedby, updatedon)
VALUES(#date, #feedtype, #rateperkg, #rateper50kg, #updatedby, getdate())
SELECT '1' AS status
With this query we insert 9 rows at a time but what I want is in one same date do not insert again different details. How can I please help me.
Add a unique constraint on the column [date]. That will prevent you from adding more than one row with the same [date] value.
To allow 9 rows for each date you can add a computed column D that removes the time part and you need to add a column that will hold the values 1 to 9 R. Use a check constraint on R to only allow 1-9. Finally you create a unique constraint on (R, D).
Sample table definition:
create table T
ID int identity primary key,
DT datetime not null,
R tinyint check (R in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)) not null,
D as dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, DT), 0),
constraint ux_RD unique (R,D)
Try with this:
insert into T(DT, R) values(getdate(), 1)
insert into T(DT, R) values(getdate(), 2)
insert into T(DT, R) values(getdate(), 1)
First and second insert works fine, the third raises a unique constraint exception.

How to reset sql identity value per year?

Hi' I'm working with an application wich related to the registration of students, the data related to the students is inserted in to a database, each time a student is registered the field idStudent is incremented by one, what I want to do is when a new year begins reset the student value in order to begin from 1 in the new year.
idStudent Year 1 2011 2 2011 3
2011 4 2011 5 2011 ..... 1 2012 2
2012 3 2012 .......
How can I do this?
The databse is in sql server 2008
Hope your help
If I had this exact business requirement and I couldn't negotiate a better, more efficient way then this would be my approach:
Instead of using an artificial key (i.e. an identity column) I would utilize a composite key. To find out what your best bet for a composite key would be, you need to know the business rules and logic. In other words, a question you would have to ask is is the combination of year and id unique? In other words, per year a student id can only be used once...?
This is one of those times were you would benefit from a natural composite key.
You could add a computed column which derives the number based on the year. You just need to run the script below at the start of the new year. Do note that when a transaction is rolled back there will be gaps in the identity column. (and inserts in a previous year will create big gaps as well.)
-- test table & inserts
create table Students (Id int identity, year int, name varchar(20), StudentId int null)
insert into Students (year, name) values (2010, 'student1'), (2011, 'student1'), (2011, 'student2')
-- run this every year
declare #count int, #sql varchar(max), #year int
declare c cursor local read_only
for select year + 1, max(Id) from Students group by year
open c
fetch next from c into #year, #count
select #sql = 'when year = ' + convert(varchar(10), #year - 1) + ' then Id '+ CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
while ##FETCH_STATUS = 0
select #sql = #sql + 'when year = ' + convert(varchar(10), #year) + ' then Id - ' + convert(varchar(10), #count) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
fetch next from c into #year, #count
close c
deallocate c
select #sql = 'CASE ' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + #sql + ' ELSE 0 END'
select #sql = 'ALTER TABLE Students ADD StudentId AS ' + isnull(#sql, 'Id') + ' PERSISTED'
exec (#sql)

Comparing two date of varchar and getdate

I have a database table field named User_Created_Date of type Varchar.I want to write a query to fetch all records where the difference between Today's date and User_Created_Date is greater than 31 days
pls help
Since your VARCHAR column's date format is DD/MM/YY, use:
select * from Your_Table
where DATEDIFF(day, CONVERT(datetime, User_Created_Date, 3), GETDATE()) > 31;
