Windows Mobile - Keeping SQLite Database Connection Open - sqlite

I am using ADO.NET Provider on Windows Mobile (C#) to connect to SQLite database.
Will keeping database connection open for application life create any issue? I am thinking to keep it open because,
It will not allow user to delete database file (as it's already in use).
It will not allow other processes to modify it (as it's already in use).
Does not require to open connection each time.
Please let me know if there will be any issue with it.

The best way is to keep reference of the connection object in a static way. You should know that the connection can drop after a while, and you must prepare the code to handle reconnection.
Something like clsDbUtils.getConn() would do the job inside if sees the connection is no longer valid.


Wrong dependency to IIS restart for getting changed data in SQL Server

I am working on an ASP.NET webforms application with Entity Framework. Also for some reports it uses a dll and in that we have explicit query to get the records from SQL Server (such as ADO).
The problem is that when I change a column such as ParentID in SQL Server, I must to reset the website in IIS to see it and this solves the problem. This dependency is not logical and I want to know why this happens? Is there any relation to caching because of calling method in the dll?
How can I solve this problem?
When you run a query against SQL server (or any database, really), the result that you see is not the data "in the database", so to speak. The query returns a copy of that data that belongs only to you. The copy of the data gets sent over the network, to the client - in your case, an ASP.NET web application - and the application does whatever it needs to do, such as show it to a user.
Once the query which retrieved the data is complete, there is no longer any link between the data in the client, and the data in the database. There is no continuous, "live" connection between the two, even if your actual database connection is still open. The database connection is merely a way to send queries to the server, and for it to send copies of the data back.
It's like taking a copy of a file from a different machine. If you copy a file from my machine, and then I update my copy, your copy doesn't instantly get updated.
If you want data in some user interface to stay perfectly up to date with the data that actually exists in the database, you have a difficult problem to solve. There is no "easy" way to do this. Or perhaps more accurately, there is no simple or efficient way to do this.
This might seem odd to you. You're thinking "well, why not? Why doesn't it just show me the values as they actually exist?". The reason is that these systems need to be able to support many users - often thousands at once - who are all both reading the database and writing to it. Imagine someone was in the middle of updating data in the database, but then they rollback their transaction. Should you see the data as it was being modified, but not committed? What if two users are trying to update "the same" data at once? All sorts of concurrency questions come into play, which basically boils down to questions about locking.
What you are encountering here is a basic principle of multi-threaded environments, which translates to systems with multiple clients: Data can't be accessed directly by multiple people at the same time. Instead, you give each person their own immutable copy.
In a web application things are even more disconnected. When the browser requests the web page, the server side of the web application gets a copy of the data from the database, and then transmits that to the browser. Once the page is loaded there is no longer any link between the web server and the database server, or any link between the web server and the web browser at the client, and certainly no link between the web browser and the database.
Ultimately, this is one of the "hard problems" in computer science. You want to know how to tell the client to invalidate their "cache", and refresh their local data. There are a few mechanisms provided by .NET to do this with SQL Server, but they are quite technical. One of them is query notifications

ORA-22337: the type of accessed object has been evolved - in application

Setting: ASP.Net application with Oracle backend, we utilize User Defined Types (UDTs) and use ODP.Net to communicate them between the front and back-ends.
Problem: I had to alter one of my UDTs attribute length, once I did that and tested in backend it worked fine, but when I run my site I keep getting the ORA-22337 error (in subject line)!!
You will not find much if you research this problem online, other than the useless Oracle error documentation you will not find anything helpful. The Oracle documentation says to close and re-open the connection, but that does not apply to my scenario
I already solved the problem by dropping and recreating the UDTs and NTs, but this is inefficient to have to do every time I need to modify one of my core UDTs, any ideas how to solve this without dropping and recreating everything?
If the error info says "Close and reopen the connection" as the solution and you are using a OracleConnection which has a connection pool in it, then simply Close()ing the connection is not good enough. It will just go back to the pool still open and when you "reconnnect" you will just get it back again. You'll need to Close all open connections and then call ClearPool() to make sure that all old connections in the pool are removed.

flask manage db connection :memory:

I have a flask application that needs to store some information from requests. The information is quite short-lived and if the server is restarted I do not need it any more - so I do not really need persistence.
I have read here that an Sqlite database, which is held in memory can be used for that. What is the best way to manage the database connection? In the flask documentation connections to the database are created on demand, but my database will be deleted if I close the connection.
The problem with using an in memory sqlite db is that your Sqlite in-memory databases cannot be accessed from multiple threads.
To further the problem, you are likely going to have more than one process running your app, which makes using an in-memory global variable out of the question as well.
So unless you can be certain that your app will only ever require a single thread or a single process (which is unlikely) You're going to need to either:
Use the disk to store state, such as an on-disk sqlite db, or even just some file you parse.
Use a daemonized process that runs separately from your application to manage the state.
I'd personally go with option 2.
You can use memcached for this, running on a central server or even on your app server if you've only got one. This will allow you to store state (including python objects!) temporarily, in memory and you can even set timeout values for when the data should expire, which from the sound of things might be useful for your app.
Since you're using Flask, you've got some really good built-in support for using a memcached cache, check it out here:
As for getting memcached running on your server, it's really just an apt-get or yum install away. Let me know if you have questions or challenges and I'll be happy to update.

Best way for making a singleton socket for web application in .net?

I am having a lot of problems with the behaivour of the socket (not closing or opening correctly) used in a webapp to communicate with another program running on a server. The problems I hava found is that the socket either ends up being opened or closed various times during the same request or it does not ends even when I kill the active session.
Currently I save the socket in a Session Variable and I check whenever it should be created or if the value of the variable should be referenced, although I am still having a lot of problems.
Have you faced something similar and would you share some of your experience with me?
Also at first I tried to make it Static although I had even more problems with it.
Thank you.
You put your active open sockets in cache or application object in dictionary or whatever suits you provided by Before opening new port you check if it is already open by looking in dictionary stored in application or cache. Remove the entry from dictionary when conection is lost.

What's the ASP.NET Connection String Format for a Linked Server?

I've got a database server that I am unable to connect to using the credentials I've been provided. However, on the staging version of the same server, there's a linked server that points to the production database. Both the staging server and the linked server have the same schema.
I've been reassured that I should expect to be able to connect to the live server before we go live. Unfortunately, I've reached a point in my development where I need more than the token sample records that are currently in the staging database. So, I was hoping to connect to the linked server.
Thus far in my development against this schema has been against the staging server itself, using Subsonic objects. That all works fine.
I can connect via SQL Server Management Studio to that linked server and execute my queries directly. I can also execute 'manual" queries in C# against the linked server by having my connection string hook up to the staging server and running my queries as
However, the Subsonic objects are what's enabling me to bring this project in on time and under budget, so I'm not looking to do straight queries in my code.
What I'm looking for is whether there's a way to state the connection string to the linked server. I've looked at lots of forum entries, etc. on the topic and most of the answers seem to completely gloss over the "linked server" portion of the question, focusing on basic connection string syntax.
I don't believe that you can access a linked server directly from an application without the OpenQuery syntax. Depending on the complexity of your schema, it might make sense to write a routine or sproc to populate your staging database with data from your live database.
You might also consider looking at Redgates SQL Data Generator or any other data gen tool. Redgates is pretty easy to use.
One other idea - can you get a backup of the live database that you can install in development to do your testing? If its just data for development and testing that you seek, you probably want to stay away from connecting to your production database at all.
Create testing stored procedures on server B that reference the data on server A via the linked server. e.g. if your regular sproc references a table on Server B say:
then use the linked servername to reference the same database/table on server A:
If server A is identical in its database/table/column names than you will be able to do this by some quick find/replace work.
creating a linked server from .NET doesn't make any sense since a linked server is nothing but a connection from one sqlserver to another server (sql, file, excel, sybase etc etc), in essence it is just a connection string (you can impersonate and do some other stuff when creating a linked server).
One Way is to create two connection strings and access the approperiate database when required.
Second option is create connection for Database A only and create a link server For Databse B in Database.good article, i really like it. I am doing a bit on research about connection and i found also macrotesting to be very good source. Thanks for you article.....
Meganathan .J
