ListBox deselect item -

I'm usting an asp:ListBox and I understand that to deselect items the user needs to hold down control while clicking on a selected item. Is there a way to make it that clicking on a selected item will deselect it without holding down control?

You can, but not in ASP.Net. You need to change the client-side HTML, meaning you need to code it using Javascript, to change the default behaviour or a select box. Something like:
function MyHandle(oSelect)
(change behaviuor here, using object oSelect)
return false;
<SELECT onclick="MyHandle(this)">
But... I really recomend against it. To acheive what you want, your "MyHandle" function would have to emulate everything that normal forms does: selecting, de-selecting, range selecting (using shift), single selection without affecting others (control key), etc.
Its easier to switch to checkboxes, as Jakob suggested.

I don't think's listbox can do that out of the box (I think winform's listbox can) but you can set SelectionMode to Multiple and write javascript to achieve the behavior you require.


DRUPAL: customize dropdown Views filter

I'm using Views dropdown filter (with tags) and it works great. However I would like to customize it in this way:
1 - remove button "Apply" and automatically update Views (at the moment I'm updating it with Ajax)
2- allow my customer to change the order of the dropdown items (specifying top items)
3- select multiple items without having to press the SHIFT button on keyboard (do not unselect other items if new items are selected)
Let's suppose the items in the image are tags... something like this:
Use jQuery to .hide() the Apply button, and then set a handler on the filter fields so that whenever one of them is changed (i.e., by the user), the Apply button registers a click.
Hmm, can't help with this one. You might be stuck writing a custom module that hooks into the Views API.
Sounds like the Sexy Exposed module would solve this problem?
I'm using the following code to keep the items selected and it works.
$('#edit-tid option').click(function() {
$("option.selected").attr("selected", "selected");
//submit request
When a request is submitted the page is refreshed. The selected items are still selected (class="selected") but the javascript code do not keep them selected.. I don't understand why, since they have the correct class attribute.
So.. it doesn't work after refresh, even if the html code is the same (the same class="selected" attribute is assigned to the same items).
I've solved point 1 and 2, installing better exposed filter module from drupal website.

ASP.NET Ajax ReOrderList - Any way to disable specific items from being dragged and dropped?

I have an ajax controltoolkit reorderlist within an application.
I need to disable certain specific steps from being reordered. This has to be done dynamically. All steps are consecutive and start from the beginning, but it's not known until runtime how many need to be disabled from being reordered any further.
I tried the e.item.enabled = false for reorderlist_itemdatabound but this just disabled links. I need to disable the drag handler.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
To be honest, I'm not too familiar with this control, but...
You need to hide the drag handler div (or whatever is in the 'DragHandleTemplate' I believe) and/or change its class. Two suggestions:
1) Add a javascript startup script to disable the divs in question.
2) Subclass this control... Override the Render() method. Replace it with original code from ReorderList, but check the Item to see if you should render the drag handle.
as a workaround to disable drag'n'drop for some item - you can set width=0 to the control inside <DragHandleTemplate> </DragHandleTemplate>. Thus user won't be able to pick the item for dragging.
Suppose you have an image with id dragme in DragHandleTemplate; you can do this in the ItemDataBound handler:
Image dragMe = (Image)((TableRow)e.Item.Controls[0].Controls[0]).Cells[0].Controls[0].FindControl("dragMe");
dragMe.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Visibility, "hidden");
This way you preserve the alignment.

Disable highlighting in an HTML SELECT box

I have a select box, <select multiple=true, that the user populates with values via a Picklist mechanism. I would like to disable highlighting in this box because, by definition, the values in this box are the selection.
Just to clarify, I am NOT referring to text selection, which is what ::selection operates on. I'm talking about the usually blue highlighting that the browser applies to selected line item(s) when the user clicks on them.
I'm not worried about the user blindly clicking around, because I am auto-selecting all items onsubmit so that all the values get sent.
Why not just list the items in their own div instead of a select element? You aren't having the users interact with them anyway, right?
Then, you can have a select element w/ all the values you want, but make it hidden via CSS so that the user won't ever see them. It'll just be there in your form so that you can grab those values on your submit.
If I'm reading you correctly, it sounds like you're using an accumulator model where you have a "source" box (or list or select or something) and a "selected" box. Rather than accumulating into a [select], maybe use a div? If you must use a select, you could try disabling it, but that carries other visual baggage. You could also try styling the select color, but that's definitely not going to be cross-browser.
Make it disabled?
<select disabled="disabled">
This would gray it out, unfortunately- the other option might be some javascript to unselect any selections.
if i understand you correctly, the user does not actually selects the items? then why not either disable it or if customer still interacts with it, you might need to go with some JS code to help yourself

Is it possible to catch a comboBoxes value before change with a change event

I am displaying a combo box in something of a WYSIWYG preview. I want the user to be able to click on the combo box and see the options inside, but I don't want them to be able to change the value. I tried using preventDefault() on the change event but it doesn't work. I don't want to disable it because I do want the user to be able to "look inside" the dropdown.
So I'm trying to block the change, but can't. My next resort is to change the selected index back to what it was before the change, Is there any way to do this within the scope of a ListEvent.CHANGE event listener?
Current Workaround is to basically re-assign the controls selected item the same way I am defining the selected item when I originally build it (a default selection). So a user sees their change then it immediately changes back to the default selection.
Are you sure that a combobox is what you want? could you do the same thing with a list component that is not selectable?
If you must use a combobox and you dont want the lag from listening for the event and resetting the control, I see two possible options. You could subclass the control and make your own. When you do, hijack any methods that set the value besides the initial selection.
Or, you could try something like this: The site seems like it is in another language but the code is still there. It will allow you to make your options disabled, so the user cannot choose one of the other options.

ASP:ListBox | Multi Select | Keep selected values when selecting a new one

1) Have a listbox with 3 values out of 5 selected
2) When I click to select another value without holding CTRL button, it will unselect over values
How to make it keep other selected values if new value is selected?
This is going to sound like a snide answer, but I don't mean it that way. I just like to look for the simple solutions rather than the complicated onces.
The easiest way to get a control to have the behavior you want is to use a control that has the behavior that you want, rather than modifying the behavior of an existing control.
That said, if you want a list of items where a user can select a bunch of items off the list, and don't want to have to rely on them holding control, you're using the wrong tool for the job.
Use a CheckBoxList instead of a ListBox. If you want it to be scrollable, then set it in a div of a specific height, and set the style of the div to "overflow: scroll".
If you still want to use a ListBox you should use javascript and for each click event fired, you should check if the clicked element is selected/unselected and act accordingly. It's a little bit tricky but at least it is a solution for your problem.
