Spontaneous CSS Problems - css

I was working on the print CSS for a webpage of mine, and for some impossible reason, my website's CSS (as presented to a computer screen) became very odd. Firebug says that a user agent stylesheet is causing portions of my page to have enormous margins in random places for no reason. I have no idea how this could have possibly been caused.
Anyway, to begin, how can I get rid of user agent stylesheets?

Try using a reset CSS sheet. This will reset all browsers to have the same styles to begin with, and should fix it.

Already tried to empty your cache?
Ctrl + F5 works wonders sometimes


Firefox is not rendering CSS background (Firefox error/bug?)

After spending a while creating an online portfolio, then uploading it, I noticed an issue with one of my sections. On the "Advertisement" section, I noticed it was not displaying the information, just the title. So, I kept on re-pushing the stylesheet.css, even editing it, and it would still look the same. The HTML, CSS, and JS is working how I wrote it. But it is just the section that is not showing. After browsing online and on stackoverflow for an answer, I believe it has to do with Firefox. When using Firebug, I noticed the section's background has been removed, causing the entire section to "disappear." It works just fine on Chrome. I'm not worried about IE, I know that browser has some issues in itself. Anyway, would anyone on here have an idea to resolve this issue, if I can? Or even, what could be causing this issue?
Here is my website to see for yourselves. www.voelkerdesigner.com
It is the opposite for me your entire site works in firefox for me but not in chrome, looking through your code, its being caused by your naming conventions. Namely #advertise
I use the adguard extension in chrome and below is the css it plugs into my html pages to hide ads, so im guessing your using an adblocker in firefox
#adsense_top, #adsensewide, #adspace, #adspace_top, #adspot-300x250-pos-1, #adspot-300x250-pos-2, #adswidget1-quick-adsense, #adswidget2-quick-adsense, #adtext, #adtop, #adv-masthead, #adv-top, #advert1, #advert2, #advertbox3, #advertise, #advertisement1, #advertisetop, #advertising-container, #advertising_wrapper {
display: none!important;
Might as well post a random answer on this... As i wont visit posted links by new users.. i'm just gonna guess that your background image might not be 100%...
In general i use background-image instead of background.. Short hand can be a little pain and breaks in some browsers if not perfect.
so i would compare against the following example
Basically alot of people do not use the url and just go straight for a file name or dont quote it.. And have seen that be the problem in the past, so do use the url('') method.
Otherwise if it still fails to work and you know the image is absolute, you would then have some other css that is either over riding your elements background or is preventing it from loading.
Another trick is using your console / inspect element to manually inject the background-image and see if that works... So once the page has loaded in chrome, inspect the element as normal.. And double click on your css property listing as you can add your own styles this way and if it fails, then its not the markup but something else.

Browser tools detect CSS twice

When in the Element section, in the right panel, a CSS set of properties is detected twice:
Same CSS file, same line number, I have only one file named commonCSS. It happens for some elements but not for all. What is going on?
EDIT: I tried it with Firefox & Chrome so it's not browser related.
Stupid me: it was called twice in the source... Jeez, this code I'm maintaining is so awfully badly written.

Firefox making CSS Rules up?

This is what I see on the inspector:
There's like a left highlight in two rules, which are the ones Firefox is making up,
if I look on the computed styles I see this:
And finally this is how the original CSS looks like:
So Firefox it's changing the position and width rules somehow.
Anyone can explain me why is this happening and how to avoid Firefox changing those rules?
(In Chrome, Safari works fine)
The "left highlight" is used to indicate a style rule that has been modified within the Developer Toolbar since the page loaded. Reloading the page and/or restarting the browser should repair the rules from your stylesheet.
If you're still encountering the issue after this "quick fix", my next advice is to search your stylesheet(s) for position: absolute, disable them one at a time, and re-test. It's very unlikely Firefox is changing your style rules on its own.
You might also find it easier to postpone minifying your CSS while you're debugging. That way you'll get more useful line numbers to reference vs. having every rule cited as being on master.css:1.
Finally, you might find it advantageous to use shallow selectors in your CSS rather than deeply nested selectors like the one you've shown. This will help avoid specificity conflicts, which was likely the original cause of the issue you're encountering.

Why won't IE7 recognize class calls to an external stylesheet, but will recognize inline styling?

When using IE8 to view IE7 through the developer tool's browser mode feature, I am having an odd recurring problem with CSS. When I make changes to an external stylesheet and then reference that class in the HTML, it's like IE7 won't recognize it at all. If, however, I put that same styling inline, IE7 will obey it. Has anyone heard of this before? Here's a simple example to help illustrate what I'm saying:
External stylesheet:
.bold {
Call in HTML:
<p class="bold">My paragraph here</p>
No changes will be effective in IE7, although all other browsers are fine.
If however, I do this:
<p style="font-weight:bold;">My paragraph here</p>
IE7 seems happy. What's the difference? Do I really have to make CSS changes this way, or is there another workaround?
I'm baffled as to what the issue could be. I don't know if the developer tool's browser mode has a quirk and doesn't quite work as a real-life version of IE7 would, or if this is something completely different. I am using IE8 (I can't upgrade to IE9 at this government computer), but I've heard the problem persists with my changes in IE9's browser mode of IE7 too.
We're using ColdFusion to generate the HTML, using an HTML5 doctype (), and I've added a timestamp parameter to the 2 external stylesheet references so the browser is forced to grab a new copy every time.
Any help with this mystery would be hugely appreciated - thank you!
For #Stano or anyone else who is interested in recreating the exact problem, here is a stripped down version of it: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B02DZPpIlMwGSk1VZHRDUHNCTkU (Can click File > Download to get the zip). Notice in IE7, "Photographer" is fine because it has inline styling, but the others aren't picking up anything.
With regards to your comments, you're right in saying that it could be a caching issue, but it could also be an issue with that stylesheet (though it doesn't look like that's the case), another stylesheet, or invalid HTML.
One of the things that I want to correct you on, because I think it may influence your understanding of how CSS and HTML interact, is that class attributes in HTML elements do not call CSS. Rather, CSS rules tell the browser agent how to render things with certain attributes. This is why we are able to use the elements ID, name, groupname, class, and other values to identify which elements to apply which class to.
I mention this because if you have invalid HTML (a missing end tag, a missing arrow, etc.) it can do all sorts of weird things. A few days ago it helped me solve an issue where a misplaced tag was actually causing a script of mine to loop on one of my pages.
Take a quick second and validate your HTML using the W3C Markup Validator.

Firefox not completeing stylesheet; works fine in Chrome and Safari

Firefox does not seem to be completing every aspect of the stylesheet for the site (nsfw text) www.theshandy.com
Firefox seems to have implemented the body styling but none of the class or id styles. Every other browser seems to be having no trouble at all.
After doing some research I have tried fixing problems other people have found. The sheet is directly linked (not called by php). The type is definitely text/css. And I believe it has the correct utf-8 character set.
I am really at a loss.
Thank you very much.
It was a rogue apostrophe in one of the early ID styles. Apparently chrome and safari will ignore is and firefox won't and it then refused to load the rest of the stylesheet (creating the idea that the body styles were loading but not others.
Thank you for trying to help!
Check your paths.. you might be using /css/style.css instead of css/style.css.
This could generate this problem.
