Drupal: Edit !name variable in my Drupal to first name? - drupal

I’ve a bit of annoying problem with a Drupal site. I’ve a “recommend to a friend” field where one can send an article link to an E-mail address. The problem is, that it uses the variable !name in the mail and when I’m receive a mail, it uses the name before the “#” in my mail.
I use my mail as username, so if I’ve registered a user with the username: johndoe#google.com it will present the !name variable as johndoe.
What I want is to display the first name (and maybe the last name) so it says: John Doe recommends this article …
But how can I do that? I’ve search like crazy for the setting.
- Mestika

To replace user names in quotes by reals names it's necessary to replace Phorum´s standard function for quoting. Since it only makes sense to have one module modifying the quoted text, you can disable this one part of this module. Use System Sanity Checks to control if there is only one module using the quote hook. The default value is "disabled".
TUV Rheinland of North America

You could also try the Custom Tokens module. I use it to get text from my user's Content Profile.


GELScript - Email to multiple recipients

How can I send a gel:email to multiple recipients? I have records with 3 email addresses in each and I want to send the same email to all 3.
This is my current code:
<core:forEach items="${getDetails.rows}" var="row">
<core:set value="${row.Manager_Email}" var="manager" />
<core:set value="${row.Delivery_Manager_Email}" var="deliveryManager" />
<core:set value="${row.Director_Email}" var="director" />
<core:when test="${status == 1}">
<gel:email from="Clarity_Do-Not-Reply#gov.nl.ca" fromName="Clarity Administrator" to="${manager};${deliveryManager};${director}" subject="Notification: Project is due to finish within 7 days">
I've tried that and:
Neither seem to work. The doc says they can be split with the ; but it doesn't seem to be working. What am I doing wrong?
Does it work with just one of them? I would start and establish that the mail server works in this environment. Choose one of those variables and print it out. If it's not what you are expecting then fix your query or wherever you are getting those bound variables. If it is correct then remove the other two recipients and establish that you can send an email successfully to just one of the recipients. If that works then continue troubleshooting.
If it doesn't work then you may discover that your mail server does not allow relaying, unauthenticated services or sending mail from a non-existent email account. You can start checking those things.
One of the issues with both the GEL email tag and the CORE email tag is that it doesn't support including the same email address twice. If you check your project you might find that the same resource is listed as both delivery manager and manager or director, etc. This is a problem for the tag.
You can get around this by placing all recipients into a data structure that doesn't allow duplicates (like a hash map/set) and then iterate them out back into a semi colon delimited String.
There are probably lots of examples of this type of thing on regoXchange, a huge repository of free GEL scripts and Clarity related customizations and development.
This approach that was in your original script example is the correct way to do it: to="${manager};${deliveryManager};${director}"
That is, using a single delimiter type (semi-colon in this case) to separate each evaluated variable value.
The style from your second attempt definitely will not work as ${manager;deliveryManager;director} is not a valid JEXL expression.
There are additional points to be aware of, such as:
Each of the values in the to attribute should not have anything else that can be mistaken for another delimiter type (e.g. no spaces or commas), as you may not mix and match.
Only use the email address directly, meaning some.one#somedomain.com and don't use forms like "One, Some" <some.one#somedomain.com>
Make sure none of the email addresses are duplicated in the list. Every address must be unique. As mentioned in the answer provided by #coda, you can filter duplicates out with some extra GEL or you can put the logic into your query (the row source) to de-duplicate.
If this is running in a SaaS environment, make sure none of the user addresses you are picking up are among the defaults for some built-in user accounts like username#mailserver.com or similar, as they have resulted in emails being filtered out before sending.

Create custom URL for WordPress RSS2 Feed

I wrote an RSS2 feed on WordPress a while back, but for some reason, some of the URLs aren't working anymore. The current version of WP is 4.7.2.
For example, https://justhoodsbyawdis.com/product/jh001/feed/ works, but https://justhoodsbyawdis.com/brands/feed/ does not.
Note that https://justhoodsbyawdis.com/product/jh001/ is a valid page on the site, but that https://justhoodsbyawdis.com/brands/ is not, because it is only valid for feeds. The latter results in an "ERROR: This is not a valid feed." message.
Is there a way to make an URL for a RSS2 feed, even without an associated WP page (i.e. without the "/feed/" at the end).
I added a post called "brands", which fixed the problem. The only thing is that the dummy post is viewable by anyone. Any ideas how to block it, but not the feed?
Another problem is that query strings break the feed, for instance:
doesn't work, although it does without the "?name=hoodies".
How would I make that work?
It would appear that the name query string parameter is now causing problems - see:
Is there a way to make it backwards compatible? Otherwise, the existing app that calls the feed will also have to be changed...
I wound up creating dummy pages to fix the invalid feed error.
I had to change the "name" query string parameter to "prod_name" so as to not conflict with reserved terms.

Bigcommerce how to get query string from url to store into global variable

My task is the following, I need a way to store a query string value of s and pass it to the merchants Order Confirmation email.
consider the following,...mybigcommerce.com?s=fb.
Let's say that my client posts his website link to facebook and adds in a query string of s with a value of FB (facebook).
The desired result would be that on the initial load of the page, the query string would be saved as a cookie(or in Bigcommerce's case a global or store front variable)
Once I have it saved, I now know that you just simply append the variable to the email template.
example output:
email template source : %name_of_variable%.
My problem is, however, I don't see how to store the value into a variable.
Can I accomplish this without using the API, or for that matter can I do this using the API?
Thank you in advanced, I hope I have provided enough information.
Unfortunately, you cannot create your own variable in the email templates. The variables used here have been created and are supported by code within the core application. As such, it would require a core application change to extend existing functionality/add a variable. There isn't a way for you to write to an existing variable either.

How to decrypt the password generated by wordpress

I am using a wordpress site. I just want to know , How to get a plain text from encrypted password(stored in wordpress database). I used the $wp_hasher->CheckPassword($plain_password, $password_hashed) to check the password is correct or not. But this time i would like to know how to get plain text.
This is one of the proposed solutions found in the article Jacob mentioned, and it worked great as a manual way to change the password without having to use the email reset.
In the DB table wp_users, add a key, like abc123 to the
user_activation column.
Visit yoursite.com/wp-login.php?action=rp&key=abc123&login=yourusername
You will be prompted to enter a new password.
You will not be able to retrieve a plain text password from wordpress.
Wordpress use a 1 way encryption to store the passwords using a variation of md5. There is no way to reverse this.
See this article for more info http://wordpress.org/support/topic/how-is-the-user-password-encrypted-wp_hash_password

ASP.NET MVC 2 EditModel include Id? Securing Id is not tampered with

I am looking for some best practices when is comes to creating EditMoels and updating data in an ASP.NET MVC app. Lets say I have a Url like so /Post/Edit?Id=25
I am ensuring the user has permissions to edit the specific post by Id on the Get request and the same for my Post in the controller. I am using the ValidateAntiForgeryToken.
Questions: Should I include the Id property in my EditModel? If so, Should I encrypt it?
The problem is I can use FireBug to edit the Id hiddedinput and edit a different post as long as I have permission to do so. This is not horrible, but seems wrong.
Any help would be great!
There are several ways to prevent this.
The first - don't send sensitive data to the client at all. Keep the post id in session variables, so the user can never edit it. This may or may not be an option depending on your architecture.
The next approach is to convert the direct reference to an indirect one. For example, instead of sending postids = {23452, 57232, 91031} to the client to render a drop-down list, you should send an opaque list {1,2,3}. The server alone knows that 1 means 23452, 2 means 57232 and so on. This way, the user can't modify any parameter you don't want him to.
The last approach is including some kind of hash value that adds as an integrity check. For example, suppose you have 3 hidden fields in a html page - {userId=13223, postId=923, role=author}. You first sort the field names and then concatenate the values to get a string like postId=923&userId=13223&role=author. Then, append a server secret to this string, and hash (SHA-1 or MD5) the entire string. For eg. SHA-1('postId=923&userId=13223&role=author&MySuperSecretKey'). Finally add this hashed value as a hidden parameter. You may also want to add another hidden field called ProtectedParameters=userId,postId,role.
When the next request is made, redo the entire process. If the hash differs, balk the process.
Security wise, I have listed the options in decreasing order. At the same time, its probably in the increasing order of convenience. You have to pick the right mix for your application.
I don't think you should worry with that, if the user does what you said, i suppose that you'll know who edited what, so if he edits the wrong post, doing as you said, you can always remove his edition rights...
If you can't thrist your users, don't let them edit anything...
