How accept HTML in page/widget title ? (wordpress) - wordpress

I'm using wordpress and i would put HTML link in title page or title widget.
Thanks to help me :)

You can't put images in title tags. Not ever, not just in WordPress. If you are wanting an image to show up next to the URL in the browser window, that's called a favicon. Look that up and you'll find a number of generators and tutorials.
Or, are you trying to figure out how to put an image next to the heading tag? (such as <h1>)?


Title caption missing for images in google images

I have been posting blogs on my website recently. I tried searching the images for certain keywords on the google images section, the problem is that the image only shows the site title but the title of the page where the image added is missing.
Having just the site title makes no sense for the keyword we looked for. What am I doing wrong or what do I need to change or add to have the title of that specific page below the image on google image section?
Basically, I hadn't called the title inside function.php and that's why the title of my blog pages wasn't visible in the google search engines. Refer the following link if anyone faced the same issue as me

wordpress theme - links (relative or hardcoded)

I am using a wordpress theme and am confused about links to other pages.
there are places where I can add a link to an existing button but I am not sure whether the link should be hardcoded or not.
Also if I have to hardcode it, should I be using https://??
This is not HTML, its like a textbox where you can add a link for a button, I guess the theme provides it.
Here is an image which shows how you can add a link to a button, it askes for a link, I would want to link to my contact page, what should i enter here?
Apologies this is all new to me.
As i know you can hardcode it. Like in Title
I use this code for
<?php the_title();?><?php the_permalink();?>
it will link to the page according to the title of the page/posts.
hope this helps

Wordpress pages error

when i create new pages title comes out like that and also in the WPbakery and I use the design option to design any elements on the page it doesn't show up
It seems you are adding <mark> tag in wordpress, not an issue. In screenshot there are 3 titles and two of them have mark tag only, can you please check the title tag inside of editing screen ?
I hope that is coming from title itself.

Prevent to automatically render youtube links in Wordpress Comments

Wordpress is now replacing the youtube links that people post into comments of a post with the actual video. It is rather anoying and I would like to know if it is possible to leave the link as is and not add the embed code to view the video directly from the comment container?
Have you tried entering that code in the TEXT tab rather than the VISUAL tab of the editor?

Wordpress gallery page with title AND descriptions?

I need to create a page template for wordpress that will allow a user to upload images onto the page easily, like the native upload I suppose. Then be able to render the images on the page like this picture shows. Simple 3 columns, with image, then title and description under it. The images can just be static even, dont need to link or lightbox out.
Any thoughts on how I can do this?
Thank you.
The PhotoSmash plugin does pretty much exactly what you want.
