Website translation architecture and implementation -

I'm conducting a project in which a website should have multi-language support.
Now, this website is supposed to serve about 500K+ visitors a day, so it must be super-efficient.
I've created a table of parameters {[ID],[Name]} AND a linkage-table {[objectID],[parameterID],[languageID],[value]}. I think it's the best way to deploy multi-language support while having the privilege to translate different parameters for each language.
As far as I know, server's memory is much faster than a physical HDD. Therefore, I'm planning to store ASP.NET Application State objects for my translation architecture.
How does my plan sound so far? any suggestions?

If you are planning on making an app that support multiple languages, your instant reflex should be let .net do the work for you. What i'm reading in your question is that you are setting up something to support that. You should know that localization is the way to go when you want to develop a multi-language environment.
Take a look at this msdn article, it should give you a general idea on the topic.

So, localizing an application can be divided into two parts:
Localizing business logic entities.
Localizing everything else.
In the question I see words which are related to business entity localization. For that purpose I agree with the concept to have separation between entities and their localizations.
Part 1 - Localizing entities:
Personally I do this way in database:
table Entity {EntityID, Name} -this is the entity-related table.
table EntityByLang {EntityID, LanguageID, Name} -this is the localized version of the table for each supported language.
This way allows me to have default values for each localizable property like Name and its localization, if such is available in the localized table. What's left here up to you is - you need to implement the data-access-layer which takes the Name localized for the current user language, or the default value (if language or the translation is not available for the given language).
Part 2 - Localizing everything else:
Here, with no alternatives in terms of the performance, I would recommend using some kind of static resources. Personally I live with static resources available for standard applications.
From the architectural point of view, don't directly refer to localization code from your UI code, like this (which I don't like):
var translation = HttpContext.Current.GetGlobalResourceObject("hello");
//excuse me, if I don't exactly remember the GetGlobalResourceObject() method name...
Instead, I would recommend using this kind of approach:
var translation = AppContext.GetLocalizationService().Translate("hello");
Where: AppContext - some kind of facade/factory (in fact, implementation of abstract facade/factory). GetLocalizationService - initially returns some kind of ILocalizationService, when implemented it returns StaticResLocalizationService (which implements ILocalizationService). This way allowing switching from one kind of localization to another. And particularly StaticResLocalizationService works with static resources
Sorry for messy sample codes, but I hope you understand my approach.
I hope this helps!

I would suggest to create custom resource provider, you can read more here:
with this model you can leverage existing asp .net localization functionality


Translate website and internationalization

I have an application in ASP.Net in AngularJS, until then that my application had the need only in Brazil, but recently the company where I work needs to make this site available to other countries in other languages ​​like Spanish and English.
I have never worked with International applications, so there will be many doubts and difficulties.
I'll start with the difficulties:
- My application has fixed texts in the html, database and code, how can I translate all these fronts? Is there a component that translates everything into the client? (Javascript, AngularJS, etc ...).
- Development time for this change (Too much code to change).
Questions: - Decimal, Date and Time, how to work with these values ​​in an International application? (My application has many logs and values ​​to display and insert)
I'm researching a lot but really needed a hint of where I could go.
Thank you, I'll wait!
I would start searching for "Localization". There is something called "AspNetBoilerplate" that has implemented localization into there project. Here is their link: and here is document on how to use it within their project: You can easily download a free project and see what they did to implement it.
They have different localization files based on language being used. The language being used is a setting in the DB based upon the tenant that logs in. All static text looks up to its respective localization file (See their .Core project under "Localization" to see all their files).
As far as DateTimes/Decimals/etc, I would have extension methods that looked up the cached localization being used and format respectively.
By no means am I recommending you use this software but rather see how they implemented it within their project. Also, know that I have only had to do this once and there may be numerous other ways to accomplish this goal.

How can I implement additional entity properties for Entity Framework?

We have a requirement to allow customising our core product and adding additional fields on a per client basis e.g. People entity some client wants to record their favourite colour etc. As far as I know we can't add properties to EF at runtime as it needs classes defined at startup. Each customer has their own database but we are deploying the same solution to all customers with all additional code. We are then detecting which customer they are and running customer specific services etc.
Now the last thing I want is to be forking my project or alternatively adding all fields for all clients. This would seem likely to become a nightmare. Also more often than not the extra fields would only be required in a very limited amount of place. Maybe some reports, couple of screens etc.
I found this article from Jermey Miller describing how they are adding extension properties and having them go from domain to the web front end.
Has anyone else implemented anything similar using EF? How did it work out? Are there any blogs/samples that anyone has seen? I am not sure if I am searching for the right thing even if someone could tell me the generic name for what we want to do that would help. I'm guessing it is a problem that comes up for other people.
Linked question still requires some forking or implementing all possible extensions in single solution because you are still creating strongly typed extensions upfront (= you know upfront what extensions customer wants). It is not generally extensible solution. If you want generic extensible solution you must leave strongly typed world and describe extensions as data.
You will need to use some metamodel. Your entity classes will contain only properties used by all customers and navigation property to special extension entity (additional table per every extensible entity) where you will be able to put additional properties as name / value pair (you can add other columns like type, validation, etc. if needed).
This will in general moves part of your model from hardcoded scenario to configuration based scenario and your customers will even be allowed to define extensions at runtime (if you implement such feature).

How to internationalize a handlebars + backbone view?

I would like to be able to internationalize a backbone + Handlebars application but I am not clear what the best way to do it. Are there any specific best practices for internationalizing backbone + Handlebar views?
On the server side I am using SpringMVC and have access to standard java internationalization facilities.
Here are some very good resources on internationalization for the client side. really worth watching it provides a good explanation of the issues with internationalization and is java-script focused. Good article about the internationalization
JavaScript libraries for internationalization:
Standards: (very useful read) (more of a reference)
Currently I'm working with an app with (very limited) internationalization, and I mix in an object with the model before sending it to the template in the Backbone.Marionette.Renderer.render function. If you have a similar central function which renders your templates (which I assume you have) you can do this logic there. You could for instance mix the internationalized content (language preselected in) in a namespace, for instance
data = _.extend(model, {t: translations(:dutch))
Leaves how to get the translations from the backend to the frontend, but I don't know enough of SpringMVC to give you advise on that.
We use i18next ( in our Require/Backbone/Handlebars app with very good results. It supports plural and context forms and there are converters from PO to JSON and vice versa. (PO is widely used for translations here.) The documentation is clean and full of helpfull examples.
It's possible to use it in Handlebars with both static keys (strings) or dynamic variables. You will have to setup your own Handlebars helpers but the documentation of i18next provides example code for this.
In this post, I've added more implementation details:

ASP.NET plugin architecture: reference to other modules

We're currently migrating our ASP Intranet to .NET and we started to develop this Intranet in one ASP.NET website. This, however, raised some problems regarding Visual Studio (performance, compile-time, ...).
Because our Intranet basically exists of modules, we want to seperate our project in subprojects in Visual Studio (each module is a subproject).
This raises also some problems because the modules have references to each other.
Module X uses Module Y and vice versa... (circular dependencies).
What's the best way to develop such an Intranet?
I'll will give an example because it's difficult to explain.
We have a module to maintain our employees. Each employee has different documents (a contract, documents created by the employee, ...).
All documents inside our Intranet our maintained by a document module.
The employee-module needs to reference the document-module.
What if in the future I need to reference the employee-module in the document-module?
What's the best way to solve this?
It sounds to me like you have two problems.
First you need to break the business orientated functionality of the system down into cohesive parts; in terms of Object Orientated design there's a few principles which you should be using to guide your thinking:
Common Reuse Principle
Common Closure Principle
The idea is that things which are closely related, to the extent that 'if one needs to be changed, they all are likely to need to be changed'.
Single Responsibility Principle
Don't try to have a component do to much.
I think you also need to look at you dependency structure more closely - as soon as you start getting circular references it's probably a sign that you haven't broken the various "things" apart correctly. Maybe you need to understand the problem domain more? It's a common problem - well, not so much a problem as simply a part of designing complex systems.
Once you get this sorted out it will make the second part much easier: system architecture and design.
Luckily there's already a lot of existing material on plugins, try searching by tag, e.g:
Assets is defined in a different module than employees. But the Assets-class defines a property 'AssignedTo' which is of the type 'Employee'. I've been breaking my head how to disconnect these two
There two parts to this, and you might want to look at using both:
Using a Common Layer containing simple data structures that all parts of the system can share.
Using Interfaces.
Common Layer / POCO's
POCO stands for "Plain Old CLR Objects", the idea is that POCO's are a simple data structures that you can use for exchanging information between layers - or in your case between modules that need to remain loosely Coupled. POCO's don't contain any business logic. Treat them like you'd treat the String or DateTime types.
So rather than referencing each other, the Asset and Employee classes reference the POCO's.
The idea is to define these in a common assembly that the rest of your application / modules can reference. The assembly which defines these needs to be devoid of unwanted dependencies - which should be easy enough.
This is pretty much the same, but instead of referring to a concrete object (like a POCO) you refer to an interface. These interfaces would be defined in a similar fashion to the POCO's described above (common assembly, no dependencies).
You'd then use a Factory to go and load up the concrete object at runtime. This is basically Dependency Inversion.
So rather than referencing each other, the Asset and Employee classes reference the interfaces, and concrete implementations are instantiated at runtime.
This article might be of assistance for both of the options above: An Introduction to Dependency Inversion
I've got the following method GetAsset( int assetID ); In this method, the property asset.AssignedTo (type IAssignable) is filled in. How can I assign this properly?
This depends on where the logic sits, and how you want to architect things.
If you have a Business Logic (BL) Layer - which is mainly a comprehensive Domain Model (DM) (of which both Asset and Employee were members), then it's likely Assets and Members would know about each other, and when you did a call to populate the Asset you'd probably get the appropriate Employee data as well. In this case the BL / DM is asking for the data - not isolated Asset and Member classes.
In this case your "modules" would be another layer that was built on top of the BL / DM described above.
I variation on this is that inside GetAsset() you only get asset data, and atsome point after that you get the employee data separately. No matter how loosely you couple things there is going to have to be some point at which you define the connection between Asset and Employee, even if it's just in data.
This suggests some sort of Register Pattern, a place where "connections" are defined, and anytime you deal with a type which is 'IAssignable' you know you need to check the register for any possible assignments.
I would look into creating interfaces for your plug-ins that way you will be able to add new modules, and as long as they follow the interface specifications your projects will be able to call them without explicitly knowing anything about them.
We use this to create plug-ins for our application. Each plugin in encapsulated in user control that implements a specific interface, then we add new modules whenever we want, and because they are user controls we can store the path to the control in the database, and use load control to load them, and we use the interface to manipulate them, the page that loads them doesn't need to know anything about what they do.

Entity Framework multi-language website with multi-database

As the question is a bit self explanatory, I want to achieve the goal of a multi-language website. I am using an Entity Data Model with MS SQL 2005. I came up with an idea of making a seperate database for each language with exactly the same model and relations. So I can use the Entities constructor that takes a connectionString and switch the site to the selected language.
I am using an ascx as the language control that fires an event, and the parent aspx gets the selected language as an integer (from event args) and call the method containing the same linq queries but Entity context will be created with the connection string of that db (of language)
I could only came up with this solution, because I think adding a new language will require a replication of the english one, imported to Access and sent to the translator. Then will be exported back, and the model will fit (HOPEFULLY).
My question is if this is really a good approach or am I missing anything that will create greater hassle to me. Thanks in advance
multi-database is not a good solution as soon as entities within the different databases have relations to each other. Generally a good approach is to work with labels in one default language. These labels can either be in a well defined format (e.g. 'LABEL.TEXT_HELLO') or just in the base language (e.g. 'Hello World').
So all you have to do is building a table for translations where the base language is the key and hopefully there is for each key a value containing the translation. As soon as you have the translations, you can write a method ont he frontend which writes the labels in the language used by the user.
In Zend Framework for example, you have to write <h1><?= $this->translate('Hello World'); ?></h1> instead of just <h1>Hello World</h1>
The good thing about that is, that if ya translation is missing, you can still use the fallback (in this case english) to show the user at least something.
That way, you can manage your app in one database and users who speak several languages do not have to switch between applications and content.
My approach: create a table Language that lists all the available languages. Relate each table that should be localized to Language. Now, you can easily access the localized content e.g.
Content[content_ID].HeadLine.Where(hl => == "en-US")
I look forward to see what other people as I myself is still learning DB design and EDM.
OK, if you want to be able to easily implement a new language, then reinventing the internationalization features already built in to ASP.NET is not the way to go, because it isn't "easy".
At least, not as easy as using a satellite resource DLL. Your translators will use off-the-shelf tooling to translate your resources, and ASP.NET will automatically select the correct DLL based on the user's current culture.
Read up on ASP.NET internationalization/globalization features; there's no need to invent your own.
