how to images store localy from xml using flex 3? - apache-flex

I have one xml link. that link have collections of images(apx 1000 images).
when i flex applications start at the time load all images in locally. then when i need that images then use it.
How i do this... give me some links and logic.
Using flex 3.
Thanks advance.

Load the .xml form server or so.
Parse the .xml and create a Map where you store all the image URLs
Place an Image Component on your UI and set the "source" property to the value of the image URL
Flash Plugin will load the image from the URL and will show the image when done.
If you are facing a "SandboxVaiolationException" (or something like that) you need to tell your server to let the request go.
If you want to change the "source" Property of the Image at runtime, just set it after a click oder an other Event. (is no problem)


Get TinyMCE 4.3 Image Tools to save images as regular image files

The new TinyMCE 4.3 Image Tools (eg when cropping) saves images as blob data instead of image files in a directory. the edited mage url is like
I want to upload the image file to a specific folder and then use it as regular image referance / path.
The question I am going to put is similar to Image edit issue. but the answer to this question is not working. I also tried solution but not working because it produces always same name image name.
The basic process is that TinyMCE will create a separate HTTP POST for each image that you modify with the image editor. It will send that image to a URL of your choosing (via HTTP POST) based on the setting of the images_upload_url option in your init.
The image handler at the URL referenced in the images_upload_url (which you have to create) has to do whatever needs to be done to "store" the image in your application. That could mean something like:
Store the item in a folder on your web server
Store the item in a database
Store the item in an asset management system
...regardless of where you choose to store the image your image handler needs to return a single line of JSON telling TinyMCE the new location of the image. As referenced in the TinyMCE documentation this might look like:
{ location : '/uploaded/image/path/image.png' }
TinyMCE will then update the image's src attribute to the value you return. If you use the images_upload_base_path setting in the init that will be prepended to the returned location. The TinyMCE page has more details on all of this:
The net here is that TinyMCE knows when an embedded image exists in your content but it can't possibly know what to do with that image in the context of your application so that job (the "image handler") is something you must create.

How to show image from the oracle database in

Hi there i need to show an image stored in the oracle database in (blob format i think).i have retrieved the image from database in dataset = dt.rows[0]["image"].how can convert the image to show it on the page.
In order to display it on a page, you need to serve the image as a separate resource from the web server.
Meaning, your page.aspx will have a tag with a src="your_image.aspx". In your_image.aspx, you need to clear response headers, make sure the Content-type is set correctly (image/jpg or something similar), put the contents of dt.rows[0]["image"] into a byte array and then write it out the binary image with something like Response.BinaryWrite(yourByteArray).
This is just a general outline. Use the googles for details :)

Background image path during web based development

I'm Playing around with a cloud based front end developer called Jetstrap and Divshot. A bit confused as to how I'm suppose to code the PATH for css "background image" when using a web based software like this. Where do I store the image and how do I call it? I would like to preview the background image as I develop before export.
Since I cannot find any upload function on both site, I guess you can only assign an image that they can access that image via network.
You can do it as follows:
Click on an element.
Assign that element a class.
Click the 'Edit CSS' or 'CSS/HTML' at right-bottom.
Write the css rule for the class assigned at Step 2.
Screen Shots:
At the moment Divshot only supports external images. We plan to offer image uploading in the near future. I recommend using the Public folder or a shareable link on Dropbox to host your website assets for now. Copy the public link for the background image and use it as your background image path in the CSS editor:

How to Display Uploaded Image from File System

I'm attempting to modify an inherited project that has a convoluted process of displaying uploaded images using an ImageMap control.
The current process inserts a new database record with image file name as well as model number and part number. The image files are saved to a virtual directory visible to IIS. Each part number has a corresponding .htm file containing an image map referencing the uploaded image. The image map has to be sized for each part and saved in the file system.
How can I streamline this process using either client side or server side controls? I'd like to bypass use of image maps as they require manual sizing. Can a control be used that auto sizes the image? Should the images be stored inside the database or kept in the file system?
Thanks for your advice;)
Storing the images in the database is IMHO a much more scalable solution.
Take a look at the Image Resizer project and its associated plugins for a way to resize the images, regardless of where you store them:
You could use regular ASP.NET controls to display the images, for example, a ListView.

Want to dynamically get images from a database and set it to CSS background

This is something I just couldn't figure out how to do in ASP.NET:
I have a database of photographs, with upload/management and all that.
What I want to do is to dynamically change/create a css file that changes the background of a div to one of the selected images on the database. ( style).
Is this possible using images stored directly on the database? (sql2008)
Or maybe possible only using uploading images to a directory and saving it's path/name on database?
you would use an HttpHandler to read the image from the db and serve it up. Then you could also create an HttpHandler to create a small css file for the background css.
This SO search has lots of articles along your line. Perhaps a few of them will give you some ideas.
