IE7 text being pushed down - css

Here is my site:
In Firefox and IE8 it's fine, but in IE7 the down arrow image to the right of the big 'CHISTOPOL' heading is further down that it should be. It looks like its being pushed down a row, as if the 'CHISTOPOL' text is taking up 100% of the width.
Why is this happening and how can I stop it?

Not sure exactly what the problem is but it also happens in IE6.
You could apply the following CSS
#welcome-title-bottom {
And then add style="position:absolute;right:5px;" to the "arrow" anchor and remove the class="right" which fixes the problem for me in IE6.
Personally, I try to avoid using CSS float when I can due to these sorts of cross browser layout issues.

Try removing width:auto from #welcome-title-bottom a see if it helps.


IE7 background color issue

Can anyone tell me why the background color 'black' isn't being picked up on the footer of this website in IE7?
Probably the hasLayout bug - have a quick read of this:
Try adding height:1%
The footer container has all floated children inside and therefore has no height. You need to clear the floats. There are many ways to do this, ranging from adding a clearfix class to the container or simply adding overflow:hidden
Also related - Background not showing behind floating divs
It's probably worth just using the hex value #000000 instead of black, and see if that fixes the issue.
IE7 is pretty lame sometimes...

CSS and IE7 Z-Index

Ok, I'm stumped!
If anyone has a suggestion or two on a CSS / JavaScript fix for an IE7 z-index issue on this page without changing the DOM structure much (it's set up for easy tab usage) I'd be incredibly happy to try it out.
On this page, IE7 renders the bar that spans 100% of the width of the page above everything else, while I actually need to cram it very specifically between the text and the hero image (as seen when viewed on any modern browser).
Here's the link.
IE7 has known bugs with z-index, see: IE7 Z-Index issue - Context Menu
In this specific instance, you can fix it by changing a few parts of your CSS. Complete each step and check the progress as you go:
On #container remove position:relative .
The z-index issue is now fixed, but everything is in the wrong position!
On #thumbnails and .pane_img remove these properties: position, top, left, z-index.
On .pane_content, set left:50%; margin-left:-480px; bottom:90px.
On #learn_more_btn and .renova_logo, repeat the left: 50%; margin-left: ??px method to place the elements back where they should be.

position:fixed on element in ie7/8 and problems with the scrolling of the content inside it

I got an element fixed in the center of the screen, having specific dimensions (let's say 500x500). The element has content, which is larger then the height of the element and thus causes scroll bar to appear, which is fine. In FF/WebKit everything works nice. However in IE 7/8 ... content of the fixed element doesn't scroll, or scrolls with HUGE delay. If I change position:fixed to position:absolute, it starts to scroll fine, but with position:fixed... it's just a pain!..
Is it some known issue? Anyone heard/encountered something like that? Any ideas how to deal with such?...
Only thing any useful I could find on this subject was this, How to create Position:fixed in IE5.5+.
Position:fixed was implemented in IE7. Maybe it still has some issues with it, but there might be something else in your markup or CSS that would cause such behaviour.
It'd be beneficial if we could see some code to help us with your problem.
It turned out that there was additional problem to this - shadow filter beneath that element with position:fixed and scrolling content within it. We couldn't find any solution to this other then either disabling shadow filter in IEs or disabling position:fixed.
position: absolute;
top:expression(eval(document.compatMode && document.compatMode=='CSS1Compat') ? documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop);
Check this page:

IE7 CSS bug aligning <img> with text in a <ul>

I've been banging my ahead on this IE7 bug for the last few days and it's time to resort to the mind of the crowd.
I have the following HTML and CSS:
The goal is to have a <ul>, with each <li> containing a small icon and some text. Multiline text would be aligned to itself and not wrap under the image.
I've tried using float:left on the image and a bunch of other things, and finally I thought the position:absolute would work for sure but in IE7 I consistently see the text pop off to the next line and get misaligned with the image:
This is what I expect it to look like:
I even tried to make the div display:inline which kind of worked but then started wrapping under the image for long lines, so it was no good. zoom:1 also produced a similar effect.
I'm at a loss at the moment. This code works fine in all other browsers. IE7 is a special, very special child.
Any ideas?
Thank you.
Edit: If you have IE8, you can emulate IE7 by pressing F12 and then Alt-7.
instead of putting the image as an element, try using background property. like so
ul li { background url(path to image) 0 0 no-repeat; padding: 0 0 0 20px; }
note: you might have to adjust the padding to suit the distance you want to maintain between the image and text.
Try using padding on the li instead of margin on the div. If display:inline worked, it's probably IE choking on working out the div's box model in some arcane way: padding on the li and maybe display:inline on the div may iron it out.
Moving the <img> tag into the <div> fixes the issue. Still unknown to me why IE7 does what it does.
Go back to floating your image left, and then add overflow: hidden; to the div. The text will no longer wrap below the image, and there are no side-effects unless you are trying to position content from inside the div out (don't see that here). Completely compatible cross-browser. With IE6 you simply need to add hasLayout by any means to get the same effect.

Round Corner (css and javascript)

Please go to: to see the problem
The top box look fine but in IE6 there is a double top and bottom border.
can somebody point me ut what i have done wrong ?
Or can anybody tell me a javascript rounded box that accept to do that effect with the border that is unequal. I have test some and they all fail, so i have done the picture round box but i like the jQuery javascript approach better.
Take a look at the JQuery's round corner plugin
And here is a demo
The default for background images to to have them repeat.
Try: background: transparent url(../images/roundbox-top.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat;
Edited after comment to provide full solution:
IE6 sets the height of empty divs to your font-size if the height specified in the css is less than the font-size.
On #roundbox .top and #roundbox .bottom, put
That will collapse the div to the right height.
In addition to the change you've made for the bottom border, setting the font-size of the element with class "top" to 7px fixes it in my IE6.
Try using the web developer toolbar in Firefox to validate the CSS and HTML. I did a quick check and there are multiple errors in each. The rendering difference, I suspect, is because IE does not handle malformed content as well as FF. In particular, even small errors in CSS files tend to snowball in IE and melt down an otherwise good layout. Not sure if IE7 and IE8 have made any improvements in this regard.
