How to start Symbian development with Qt? - qt

I am an experienced Qt developer,
I just got Nokia 5233 mobile, I want to develop some Just For Fun applications on top of it.
Can you please tell me what are the prerequisite softwares/libraries I need install on my phone and computer ( Windows 7 32 bit )?

Install the Nokia Qt SDK 1.0.2 and you will get Qt 4.6.3 and Qt Mobility 1.0.2 together with all the tools you need for building Qt apps for Symbian. Also included Qt 4.7.0 as supported by Nokia's N900 device.
If you need a newer version of Qt (4.7.2, including QML) or Qt Mobility (1.1.1) then install the Qt SDK 1.1 (currently in beta).
Once the SDK installed, you will find the needed installation packages (*.sis files) for your Symbian^1 device, so that you can install the Qt framework components on your device. Also install the TRK component, for on device debugging.
If you need more help, see the answered questions at

See the Recommended SDK(s) on
Also see


Appearance difference between Qt4 and Qt5

I use Ubuntu 12.10 64 bit. I installed Qt4 from Ubuntu repo.
Version is Qt 4.8.3 and Qt Creator 2.5.2
I also downloaded Qt5 from and its version number is
Qt 5.0.1 and Qt Creator 2.6.2
When I compiled and run same project, their appearance slightly different.
What is the reason for that? Is it because of Ubuntu or Qt5?
Qt5 brought in some major changes of the GUI code, if you spot differences it's likely to be down to that rather than anything else.
New graphics architecture. Qt 5 introduces a new graphics architecture for Qt Quick using Scenegraph on top of OpenGL. OpenGL (ES) 2.0 is mandated for this to work. The new architecture makes it easier to integrate OpenGL-based content, such as shader effects, with Qt Quick-based applications. The QWidget-based stack continues to work as in Qt 4.x (based on QPainter), but supported back-ends have been limited to SW rasterization, pixmaps, and images, an OpenGL backend for GL surface,s and a backend for PDF generation and printing. X11 and CoreGraphics are no longer supported.
From Dr Dobbs Qt5 beta tour.

Qt SDK download for MingW

I´m looking for Qt SDK for windows that uses MingW as the compiler. Unfortunately, on the official download sites, I can only find the one that uses MSVC. Or just the library instead of the whole SDK.
Can anybody tell me where I can find the version I am looking for, or explain what I should do if I download QT library, QT creator and MingW seperately?
Here you can find pre-release builds using MinGW 4.7.
They work well with the MinGW builds distributed here:
The Qt builds come with Qt Creator, so you can install it and should be good to go after setting up your kits.
You can find binaries here:
But then you ought to reconfigure installation manual or you may use this utility.
Some guy from Digia promised MinGW builds by the end of January, so you can wait instead.

Link to Qt SDK? [duplicate]

I haven't used Qt on Windows in a while. I know that now we're supposed to download the open source version from the Qt Project website.
But the page at has separate links to installers for Qt libraries and Qt Creator. I remember being able to just download the full SDK and get started, but now I have t separately install MinGW, the libraries and Qt Creator.
Can I still get the libraries and Qt Creator in a single bundle, and if yes, where should I look?
Digia distributes the SDK now. Not sure if it's still free.
I just downloaded Qt SDK from
It seems to be working, although windows says the installer is unsigned.
There is a installation guide plus full SDK (1.2.1), both LINUX/WINDOWS including supplemental files. No non-functional Windows-MinGW installation is required here.

qt app support problem on nokia e series

I have developed a qt app with which uses mobility and phonon.
Qt version is 4.6.3 and Mobility is 1.0.2
Now when i install the smart-installer package on a s60v5 device, It installs correctly and runs also well.
But when I try to install it on a E series phone like E63 i gets installed. But when tried to run it, i get a message 'feature not supported' and app doesn't start at all.
Any pointers?
Look at section "Querying Backends for Support" .
Phonon and Phonon backends are not recommended on Symbian. Use the multimedia framework in QtMobility.

add qt and qt mobility to my project

I've been reading about qt for some time now and would like to use it to write application for Nokia devices. But there is one thing unclear for me. Let say my aplication uses qt and qt mobility so anyone who would like to install it would have to install qt and qt mobility manually first. Am I getting it right? Or maybe there is a way to add them to my project as static libraries or something...thanks for any help
Nokia Smart Installer eliminates the need for Symbian apps to bundle the Qt framework in distributed SIS files. When an app packaged with Smart Installer is installed, a check is made for the presence of the required Qt packages. If any Qt packages are not present Smart Installer downloads and installs them.
You need download the qt-mobility source code and compile it,
See QtMobility 1.2.2: Installation Guide
