Drupal - Rules Condition that node has been updated more than once? - drupal

Is it possible to have a Rules Condition that a node has been updated more than once?
I need different email alerts for when content is created and when its updated. The issue is that im using the Multistep module:
The Multistep module breaks the node creation form into 2 or more separate pages. One the first page the node is created but unpublished. When you finish all the steps the node is updated and published. I need the email to be sent after the node has had all the steps filled in, as the CCK fields are used in the email. Therefore I cant use Rules inbuilt event of 'After saving new content' and 'After updating existing content'.
How can I differentiate in Rules from when the node is first fully filled in, and when its subsequently updated? One way to do this would be to have different conditions for weather the node has been updated once or more than once. Is this possible and if so, is it the best solution?

I think the easiest way to do this would be too look at the URL or referrer like mentioned here, http://drupal.org/node/827728. You'd have to use the Execute PHP functionality and have some knowledge of how to write a short script though.

How to test for the number of times a node has been modified.
Include a "counter" field in the CCK that is hidden from the user (via CSS) and auto-incremented each time the node is accessed. Then use the value of this counter in rules conditions.
(See e.g., http://drupal.org/node/1172550 for more details)
How to treat a node differently based on whether it is being 'added' for the first time, or 'updated'.
Create a path rule that is conditional on node type.
Trigger the path rule for the node/add page of the specific node type.
Pre-populate fields on the node/add page using the elementdefaults module.


Drupal views: list referenced nodes except the one used as contextual filter

i have the following case: I am building a website that has information on filmmakers and their films. I have a node type for the filmmaker, with biographical content, etc and another one for the films, with a field 'author' that references one or more of the filmmakers (since one film may have been made by several of them).
I also have a views block called 'filmography' that lists all the films whose author is the filmmaker (node) the user is seeing. Setting this up with a contextual filter was quite easy.
But now I want to present in this block along with the film name, all the filmmakers that may have made the film ('author' field in the film node) and that are different from the filmmaker being viewed. Displaying all the filmmaker nodes referenced by the author field is immediate, but I want to remove the filmmaker that I am using in the contextual filter. The goal is to get something like this:
Filmmaker 1
Movie 1
Movie 2 (with Filmmaker 2)
Movie 3
I have the notion that this might be done using views php and filtering the node references returned, but I wonder if there is an easier solution for that...
Update: I have managed to get a result using the Views Field View module, passing the list of referenced nodes (filmmakers) as a contextual filter (node ID) and then adding another contextual filter (node ID as well) as an exclusion, and getting the default value of the letter from 'node id from URL option' (that is, from filmmaker's page the filmography view is embedded in). Keeping the question open for a while to get other, possibly more efficient, alternatives.
As I read your question, the Views Field View module popped into my mind as the obvious solution (then I saw your edit). I think this will still be your best bet. Definitely avoid using php fields as that is not a good practice in general from a security standpoint. If you are concerned about efficiency/performance, then you should just use views caching setting under the advanced options. Seems like this option is always looked over.
If you are looking for alternative options, one might be to use rendered nodes as your View style instead of fields, then use Display Suite to generate additional display modes beyond "Default" and "Teaser," create a view with the filters, then use the Entity Views Attachment (EVA) module to insert a view as a display mode field. While this is certainly a robust approach, it adds a lot of processing overhead with the rendered entities, so you definitely want to cache the results of that as well.
p.s. You might get faster/more responses over at https://drupal.stackexchange.com/

Can you create a joined view from task list and related content?

I'm trying to create a view of approval tasks that also includes a column from the related form library. I have tried creating a linked data source between the tasks list and the form library, but have trouble finding much information on creating linked views with the task list.
I have tried:
without luck - it just tells me "there are no items to show in this view." which I assume means it couldn't be joined correctly with the specified table.
I am using the standard approval workflow.
Here is the closest solution I've found so far
1.) Create task form fields in SharePoint designer.
2.) Go into Approval(1) to add the task form fields.
3.) Click 'Change the behavior of a single task'. Add 'Set task field' action in the Before a task is assigned section to set the task form fields to get the value of Current Item:ID.
4.) Use the new task field to create your subview on your linked datasource
While not optimal - and it created me many different problems - I was able to create the view desired.
Hopefully someone will come up with a better solution.

Author of a particular field - which user modified the field

Is it possible in Drupal to find out which user modified a particular field? Not just the whole node. After saving the content I want to display the author name next to that field.
Not sure if this is possible or not.
This is not provided by Drupal core, and (As far as I know) it is not provided by any contributed modules on drupal.org.
So, in order to do that, you would probably need to create a custom module.
A simple module to achieve that would have a database table with (nid, uid, current field value) and hook_node_presave implementation (compare field values, then update/insert/ignore saving new data to your database table).

What is the hook to use to set an expiry time on a nodes cache.?

I would like to cache a node individually based on the published date of the node. Older nodes could be cached longer than newer nodes. I thought I could cache using cache_set individually but realized that nodes are cached by default and so it could be better to set an expiry time on the cache. Any thoughts on how to do this? A hook perhaps?
Drupal does not have a node cache per se. If you have the page cache turned on for anonymous users, the cahced data for nodes is likely spread across three tables:
This table caches the values of fields that are not passed through an input filter such as file_fields or text areas with "Plain Text" selected.
This table caches the filtered values of Rich Text fields such as Body or a CCK text area with "Rich Text" selected.
This table caches the entire redered page output as seen by anonymous visitors
I don't know of a way to dictate exactly when these cache rows expire, so you would have create a function
If you want to clear all caches for specific nodes based on custom rules, you could use a cache_clear_all function within HOOK_cron to accomplish that. You would first need to determine which nodes meet your criteria for cache deletion, then you could use cache_clear_all with a 'cid' wildcard parameter. Something like (this would go inside a HOOK_cron function in your custom module and requires that a proper cron job is set up):
$wildcard = //Your criteria for the cache_content table;
cache_clear_all($wildcard, 'cache_content', TRUE);
$wildcard = //Your criteria for the cache_filter table;
cache_clear_all($wildcard, 'cache_filter', TRUE);
$wildcard = //Your criteria for the cache_page table;
cache_clear_all($wildcard, 'cache_page', TRUE);
I think the main point here is that it's quite difficult to override Drupal's build-in cache expiries.
You might try hook_flush_caches() but I'm not entirely sure if that's what your looking for or not... Just a thought.
Another possible avenue would be drupal_page_cache_header().
HTH. :)

How to display and hide Drupal 7 fields, based on value of a specific field

What I am trying to do here is controlling how a group of fields are showing up on node view. I don't want to control them by user role, as this is going to be a node level permission and I don't want these permissions affect other nodes with the same content type.
For example imagine I have three different roles: ROLEA, ROLEB and ROLEC. Each role has it's own permissions set for accessing to fields. When a node is created for the first time, a user with role of ROLEA, can see couple of fields and can edit the value of those fields. When node is published, a rule/action get called through Rules module, and will set a status field in that node to STAGE1. After this event (a new node created), if user (ROLEA) goes to that node that was just created by herself, those fields that were editable before, should be read-only now. This means when Rules module, set the value of the status field to STAGE1, when that node wants to get loaded by Drupal, we need to check the status value, and based on that if it was for example STAGE1, modify some other field in that particular node, read only or editable, or in some cases hide them from user. So my guess is to create a module that every time a node of that type, is loading, check the status field (which is a field that we have created in that node type) and based on the value of that field, decide which node should show up or hide. This should override the permission that have been set for those fields on that particular node type.
What I am trying to do is creating a method to control which field is going to be read only /editable / hidden based on the value of a specific field in that content type, which has been set by Roules module, based on different stages of working on that node by different group of users. I am not using Organic Group. I use Drupal 7 and Rules module and couple of other permission related modules. But I found that there is no such a way to handle field visibility in node level, separate from user roles.
Do you think there is any other way to achieve the same result? I appreciate if you could give me an idea about how to create such a module.
I really appreciate any and all input.
You can create a module and add a hook on node form using : hook_form_alter or hook_form_FORM_ID_alter
Using this kind of hook, you can easily modify node form and hide or make read only specific fields, based on whatever you want (user role, field value...)
There are also the hook_node_view_alter() hook and hook_entity_view_alter() hooks that allow you to modify the render array for a node before it is rendered. There you can set field arrays to have '#access' = FALSE so they are hidden, or '#access' = TRUE to show them.
I'm using this to hide some fields if the date in another field of the node has a time in the past (it's a "subscription expires" field). So I didn't need to change the edit form, just the field display.
