Adding avatar to $user in Drupal 7 - drupal

I've created a simple module for displaying a flash game in a custom block by overwriting game_block_view() and game_block_info() in the sites/default/modules/game.module and it works ok.
I need however to pass user avatar and also gender and city (I've added the 2 mandatory fields to the registration form) through the FlashVars-parameter to the flash game in my block.
So I'm trying to overload the hook_user_load, because I suppose that this is the method where you add properties to the $user object after it has been initiated from the database (this probably happens when the user logins or alters his/her profile data?):
function game_user_load($users) {
global $user;
$uid = $user->uid;
$result = db_query('select filename from {file_managed} where uid=:uid', array(':uid' => array($uid)));
$avatar = $result->fetchField();
$users[$uid]->avatar = $avatar;
drupal_set_message("<pre>$uid: $avatar</pre>\n");
Unfortunately I see no output produced by the last 2 lines above in the web page
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you!

The global user object does not go through hook_user_load(), see Don't ask me why, that's just the way it is :)
When using user_load(), any added fields will automatically be loaded, you don't need custom code for that. You just need to know how to access them, which is a bit complicated.
Something like this should work:
global $user;
// $account is now a fully loaded user object.
$account = user_load($user->uid);
// Your field name is probably 'field_avatar'.
if ($avatar = field_get_items('user', $account, 'field_avatar')) {
dpm($avatar); // only works with devel.module, strongly suggested!


Symfony2 - Sonata Admin - Edit/Create "return to list" action

I have a Sonata admin for an entity with many elements that naturally spans multiple pages in the list view.
What I'd like to do is make it so after editing, or creating a new entity, redirect the user to the appropriate page which displays the edited entity (as opposed to going back to the list's first page which is the default behavior of the sonata admin). The dafult behavior is ok when there are only 1 or 2 pages but when you have tens or even hundreds of pages, navigating back to the correct page becomes quite tedious.
So my question is what is the appropriate way to make this happen?
I'm thinking that it would involve customizing the admin controller for the entity but I'm not sure what the right extension points are. And also, how to utilize the paginator to obtain the correct page to navigate back to.
Another potential hack would be to capture the query parameters state when navigating from the list view to the edit, and then returning the user to the same URL. This won't work correctly for creating new items.
There's also the matter of the state of filters when navigating from the list view (if the user had sorted and/or filtered the list before navigating to the edit page).
I know I'm late but this can be useful for someone else...
Here is the way I've made it, by overriding AdminBundle CRUDController:
namespace MyProject\AdminBundle\Controller;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Controller\CRUDController as BaseController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;
class CRUDController extends BaseController
protected function redirectTo($object, Request $request = null)
$response = parent::redirectTo($object, $request);
if (null !== $request->get('btn_update_and_list') || null !== $request->get('btn_create_and_list')) {
$url = $this->admin->generateUrl('list');
$last_list = $this->get('session')->get('last_list');
if(strstr($last_list['uri'], $url) && !empty($last_list['filters'])) {
$response = new RedirectResponse($this->admin->generateUrl(
array('filter' => $last_list['filters'])
return $response;
public function listAction(Request $request = null)
$uri_parts = explode('?', $request->getUri(), 2);
$filters = $this->admin->getFilterParameters();
$this->get('session')->set('last_list', array('uri' => $uri_parts[0], 'filters' => $filters));
$response = parent::listAction($request);
return $response;
I am having the same problem, I was thinking of passing a variable in the route to the edit page, thus giving you where the request for the edit originated from, then you could redirect to the originating page given the variable.

How to use Silverstripe 3 beta UploadField

I am trying to use a UploadField on frontend for user to upload their company logo.
There isn't much documentation on UploadField yet. And I have tried it but no luck so far.
Can anyone guide me on how to use it?
This is a little old, but if anyone else stumbles upon this like I did.
UploadField does work frontend. I haven't been able to save into a many_many relationship using the saveInto function. But the biggest thing I missed was the DataObject/Page needs to exist first, as in it needs to be saved before you can attach a related object like an image.
static $has_one = array(
"Photo" => "Image"
$fields = new FieldList(
new UploadField( 'Photo', 'Upload' )
function saveForm( $data, $form ) {
$object = new DataObject();
// for a new object write before saveinto
using ss 3.0.1
Alternatively rather than using the saveinto function you can manually loop over the parameters and attach them on the object yourself for many_many images.
The upload field checks for permissions via the can*() methods in the object.
In order to allow front end editing - you may have to overload File::canEdit (or Image::canEdit) in your custom object to handle this.

Need advice to get my logic correct in d7

Goal: Is to save information of a node which gets updated. We need to gather the node id of the node which is updated and also the user names of people who have bookmarked it.
I have managed to get the both this detail using flags and rules module. I made a custom module which implemented the hook to get this info.
I am getting stuck here:
Now I need to save the user name and the node id. I am still deciding if I want to use fields or the db layer.
One username can have multiple node id saved.
Now the problem is I don't know for sure how many nodes will be enough. It depends on the user. It can be 5 can be 500 or even 5000 node ids that might need to be saved for one user.
So how do I make provision for this ?
So I am stuck with the logic. How should I use the db layer or the fields in custom content type to save this ? and how should I do it ?
Please advice. I am using d7.
custom module code
* Implementation of the hook_rules_action_info()
function customvishal_rules_action_info()
$actions = array(
'customvishal_action_userdetail' => array(
'label' =>t('Custom function to send notifications'),
'group'=>t('Cusotm Code for sending notifications'),
'parameter'=> array(
'account'=> array(
'label'=>t('Going to get user list'),
// for the node
'productdetail'=> array(
'label'=>t('Passding the node data'),
return $actions;
* The action function for the rules exampled hello world
function customvishal_action_userdetail($account,$productdetail)
drupal_set_message(t('This user #username! has flagged it',
array('#username' => $account->mail)));
drupal_set_message(t('This node #nid has got updated',
array('#nid' => $productdetail->nid)));
// The above takes care of the node and the user information later I will put
// it in a db or something like that.
// end of the function customvishal_action_userdetail
It really seems like you should be using hook_node_update() and hook_node_insert() to for access to nodes that have just been added or updated.
If you wanted access to the node data just before it was saved, then hook_node_presave() would be the one to use.
I don't think you need presave though because you mentioned you needed the node ID, and presave does not have that for new nodes yet.
Here's a way to process new and updated nodes. The first 2 functions just hook into the right place and route the node to the 3rd function.
// hook into node inserts
function customvishal_node_insert($node) {
if ($node->type == 'mynodetype') {
// hook into node updates
function customvishal_node_update($node) {
if ($node->type == 'mynodetype') {
// custom handler for the nodes
function customvishal_handle_data($node) {
// load a user object of the node's author
$author = user_load($node->uid);
// now do what we need to do with $node and $user data
Remember you need to clear the Drupal cache for new hooks in your module to work in D7.

How do I Render a Drupal User Profile using api calls?

I'm doing this to render a node and returning the output to an AJAX call and displaying a node inline on a page:
$node = node_load($nid);
$node_view = node_view($node);
echo drupal_render($node_view);
I need to be able to do the same things for a user it similar?
It's pretty similar, you can use the following functions:
$account = user_load($uid);
$account_view = user_view($account);
echo drupal_render($account_view);
I changed the variable name to use $account instead of $user, just to eliminate the possibility of overwriting the global $user variable.
The Entity API module provide a generic function to render any entity: entity_view() that can also be used. For a user entity this should produce the same results than user_view().
$account = user_load($uid);
$account_view = entity_view('user', $account);
echo drupal_render($account_view);

In Drupal, how to change the values passed to Pathauto?

I have Pathauto configured to generate an alias based on the title of a node, for a specific content type. The problem is that I want to make small changes in this title before Pathauto uses it to generate the alias.
The first comment in this post suggests the use of hook_token_values, but I couldn't really understand how to use it, even after reading the docs. In my tests, when I implement this hook, the alias generated is always "array", which means I'm missing something.
Any help? Thanks.
It might be that you missed to implement hook_token_list as well. Providing a new token is a two step process:
Implement hook_token_list to declare the tokens you are going to provide. This will just be the name of the tokens, along with a short explanation, and the information to what type of objects the tokens will apply (e.g. node, user, taxonomy, ...)
Implement hook_token_value to actually generate the content of the tokens. This will be called when the tokens are to be replaced with the content they should stand for.
As you just want to provide an alternative version of the title token already provided by the token module, it is probably best to just copy the relevant portions from, stripped down to the relevant cases and adjusted to be used in another module:
* Implementation of hook_token_list().
function yourModule_token_list($type = 'all') {
if ($type == 'node' || $type == 'all') {
$tokens['node']['yourModule-title'] = t('Node title (customized version by yourModule)');
return $tokens;
This simply says that yourModule provides a token for node objects, named yourModule-title, along with a short description. The main work gets done in the other hook:
* Implementation of hook_token_values().
function yourModule_token_values($type, $object = NULL, $options = array()) {
$values = array();
switch ($type) {
case 'node':
$node = $object;
// TODO: Replace the check_plain() call with your own token value creation logic!
$values['yourModule-title'] = check_plain($node->title);
return $values;
This will be called whenever the tokens for node objects are needed, with the node in question being passed as the $object parameter (for a user token, the $type would be 'user', and $object would be the user object, and so on for other types). What it does is creating an array of values, keyed by the token name, with the replacement for that token as the value. The original code from just runs the title through check_plain(), so this would be the place to insert your own logic.
In Drupal 7, the token functionality has been moved to core. Tokens are implemented by the hook_tokens and hook_token_info methods. For usage examples, follow the links provided, and look for links to functions that implement hook_tokens and hook_token_info… I found the statistics_tokens and statistics_token_info functions helpful in understanding how this hook works.
It's probably also worth noting that this hook needs to be implemented by a module… my first attempt I dropped my test functions into the theme's template.php, only to have nothing happen at all :-p
