lisp function to concatenate a list of strings - common-lisp

I need to write a function that will concatenate a list into a string. example:
(concatString (quote ("hello" " world"))) ==> "hello world"
here is what i have so far:
(defun concatString (list)
"A non-recursive function that concatenates a list of strings."
((not (listp list))
(princ "Error: argument to concatNR must be a list")(terpri) ())) ; check if parameter is a list
(if (not (null list)) ;check if list is not null
(let ((result (car list)))
(dolist (item (cdr list))
(if (stringp item)
(setq result (concatenate result item)))
I'm getting a "Error: "hello" is and illegal type specifier" message when i try to run it. I've tried a bunch of ways to modify this function and i havent been able to figure it out. does anyone have any ideas?

concatenate requires a sequence type specifier as its second argument. To concatenate two strings, you should call concatenate as:
(concatenate 'string "hello" "world")
Another bug in your code: you do not make sure that the car of the list is a string before assigning it to result. By fixing your code, I came up with the following implementation:
(defun concatString (list)
"A non-recursive function that concatenates a list of strings."
(if (listp list)
(let ((result ""))
(dolist (item list)
(if (stringp item)
(setq result (concatenate 'string result item))))
;; tests
> (concatString (list "hello" " world"))
"hello world"
> (concatString (list "hello" 1 2 3 " world"))
"hello world"
> (concatString (list "hello" 1 2 "3" " world"))
"hello3 world"
> (concatString (list 1 2 3 "hello" " world"))
"hello world"
The following redefinition of concatString is more efficient as it does not create many intermediary string objects:
(defun concatString (list)
"A non-recursive function that concatenates a list of strings."
(if (listp list)
(with-output-to-string (s)
(dolist (item list)
(if (stringp item)
(format s "~a" item))))))

Just use the format function on a list, this will convert everything to strings and concatenate them with the correct format string.
(defun my-concat( list )
(format nil "~{~a~}" list))
If you want to concatenate them with a space use this form with the "~^" directive:
(defun my-concat( list )
(format nil "~{~a~^ ~}" list))
If you'd like to filter out the results, you can just transform the list before formatting it.
(defun my-concat(list)
(format nil "~{~a~^ ~}" (remove-if-not #'stringp list)))

To concatenate sequences to a string, use concatenate 'string.
(defun concat-strings (list)
(apply #'concatenate 'string list))
To remove anything from the list that is not a string, use remove-if-not.
(defun concat-strings (list)
(apply #'concatenate 'string
(remove-if-not #'stringp list)))
If the argument is not a list, an error will be signaled by remove-if-not. You can add the assertion before, of course, to give a more specific error message, but it does not really add value here.
(defun concat-strings (list)
(assert (listp list)
"This is not a list: ~s." list)
(apply #'concatenate 'string
(remove-if-not #'stringp list)))
As Rainer notes, apply only works on lists of limited length. If you do not have reason to believe that your list cannot be longer than call-arguments-limit minus one, a reduce form is better:
(defun concat-strings (list)
(reduce (lambda (a b)
(concatenate 'string a b))
(remove-if-not #'stringp list)))

Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition
concatenate result-type &rest
This one should work
(concatenate 'string result item)

According to the Common Lisp Cookbook :
(concatenate 'string "Karl" " " "Marx")
"Karl Marx"

Why limit yourself to lists?
(defun concatenate-strings (sequence)
(reduce #'(lambda (current next)
(if (stringp next)
(concatenate 'string current next)
:initial-value ""))

Here are my two cents:
(defmacro concatString (&rest strings) `(concatenate 'string
,#strings) )


split format string of (format t ...)

Sometimes I like to output some text with (format t ..).
To prevent long unreadable format-strings in source code, and get the output easily aligned, I use (format t (concatenate 'string ....).
(format t (concatenate 'string
"some output~%"
" error-msg: ~a~%"
" uiop-cwd: ~a~%"
" uiop-file-exists: ~a~%")
"error foo"
(uiop:file-exists-p "hello_world.bmp"))
Is there a more idiomatic and at-compile-time way to do the same in Common Lisp?
Here is an equivalent format string that makes use of the Tilde newline format directive, which ignores the following newline and spaces (until the next visible character). In order to indent with spaces as you did, I wrote the forced newline ~% before the spaces:
(format t
"some output~
~% error-msg: ~a~
~% uiop-cwd: ~a~
~% uiop-file-exists: ~a~%"
"error foo"
(uiop:file-exists-p "hello_world.bmp"))
(NB. This is a single string so there is no concatenation to be done at compile-time.)
You can do quite well with something like:
(defun fmt (to control/s &rest args-to-format)
(declare (dynamic-extent args-to-format)) ;?OK
(apply #'format to (if (listp control/s)
(apply #'concatenate 'string control/s)
(define-compiler-macro fmt (&whole form to control/s &rest args-to-format)
((stringp control/s)
`(format ,to ,control/s ,#args-to-format))
((and (listp control/s)
(eql (first control/s) 'quote))
;; literal
(destructuring-bind (_ thing) control/s
(declare (ignore _))
(print "here")
(if (and (listp thing) (every #'stringp thing))
`(format ,to ,(apply #'concatenate 'string thing) ,#args-to-format)
The compiler macro should ensure that the common case of
(fmt t '("~&foo: ~S~%"
"bar~%") ...)
will have no run-time cost at all.

Implementing a dictionary in common lisp

I am trying to implement a dictionary using lists in Common Lisp. The program is supposed to take a list of words and create a word histogram with frequency of each unique word.
This is the program:
(defparameter *histo* '())
(defun scanList (list)
(loop for word in list
do (if (assoc word histo)
((setf pair (assoc word histo))
(remove pair histo)
(setf f (+ 1 (second pair)))
(setf pair ((car pair) f))
(append histo pair))
((setf pair (word '1)) (append histo pair)))))
The error I get is: (SETF PAIR (ASSOC WORD *HISTO*)) should be a lambda expression.
Where is the syntax or semantic error exactly ?
(defun scanList (list the fox jumped over the other fox))
(princ *histo*)
Use hash-table for creating the dictionary and then transform to an association-list (alist) to sort it by key or value.
(defun build-histo (l)
(let ((dict (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
(loop for word in l
do (incf (gethash word dict))
finally (return dict))))
;; which was simplification (by #Renzo) of
;; (defun build-histo (l)
;; (let ((dict (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
;; (loop for word in l
;; for count = (1+ (gethash word dict 0))
;; do (setf (gethash word dict) count)
;; finally (return dict))))
(defparameter *histo* (build-histo '("a" "b" "c" "a" "a" "b" "b" "b")))
(defun hash-table-to-alist (ht)
(maphash #'(lambda (k v) (cons k v)) ht))
;; which is the same like:
;; (defun hash-table-to-alist (ht)
;; (loop for k being each hash-key of ht
;; for v = (gethash k ht)
;; collect (cons k v)))
;; sort the alist ascending by value
(sort (hash-table-to-alist *histo*) #'< :key #'cdr)
;; => (("c" . 1) ("a" . 3) ("b" . 4))
;; sort the alist descending by value
(sort (hash-table-to-alist *histo*) #'> :key #'cdr)
;; => (("b" . 4) ("a" . 3) ("c" . 1))
;; sort the alist ascending by key
(sort (hash-table-to-alist *histo*) #'string< :key #'car)
;; => (("a" . 3) ("b" . 4) ("c" . 1))
;; sort the alist descending by key
(sort (hash-table-to-alist *histo*) #'string> :eky #'car)
;; => (("c" . 1) ("b" . 4) ("a" . 3))
The posted code has a whole lot of problems. The reported error is caused by superfluous parentheses. Parentheses can't be added arbitrarily to expressions in Lisps without causing problems. In this case, these are the offending expressions:
((setf pair (assoc word histo))
(remove pair histo)
(setf f (+ 1 (second pair)))
(setf pair ((car pair) f)
(append histo pair))
((setf pair (word '1)) (append histo pair))
In both of these expressions, the results of the calls to setf are placed in the function position of a list, so the code attempts to call that result as if it is a function, leading to the error.
There are other issues. It looks like OP code is trying to pack expressions into the arms of an if form; this is probably the origin of the extra parentheses noted above. But, if forms can only take a single expression in each arm. You can wrap multiple expressions in a progn form, or use a cond instead (which does allow multiple expressions in each arm). There are some typos: *histo* is mistyped as histo in most of the code; f and pair are not defined anyplace; (setf pair (word '1)) quotes the 1 unnecessarily (which will work, but is semantically wrong).
Altogether, the code looks rather convoluted. This can be made much simpler, still following the same basic idea:
(defparameter *histo* '())
(defun build-histogram (words)
(loop :for word :in words
:if (assoc word *histo*)
:do (incf (cdr (assoc word *histo*)))
:do (push (cons word 1) *histo*)))
This code is almost self-explanatory. If a word has already been added to *histo*, increment its counter. Otherwise add a new entry with the counter initialized to 1. This code isn't ideal, since it uses a global variable to store the frequency counts. A better solution would construct a new list of frequency counts and return that:
(defun build-histogram (words)
(let ((hist '()))
(loop :for word :in words
:if (assoc word hist)
:do (incf (cdr (assoc word hist)))
:do (push (cons word 1) hist))
Of course, there are all kinds of other ways you might go about solving this.

I working through little lisper. The function lat? checks whether all elements of list are atoms or not

(defun lat
(lambda (l)
(cond ((null l) t)
((atom (car l))(lat (cdr l))
(t nil))))
The function takes a list as an argument. It is a recursive function that checks every element in the list. Whether it is atom or not. If every element is an atom, then it returns true else false.
Following is the error displayed
While compiling LAT :
Bad lambda list : (LAMBDA (L)
(COND ((NULL L) T) ((ATOM # #)) (T NIL)))
Just like Hal Abelson called Scheme "lisp" in the SICP videos this book does the same, however the language in the book is a predecessor to Scheme and not Common Lisp. When you see:
(define name
(lambda (arg ...)
body ...)
This is the same as this in CL:
(defun name (arg ...)
body ...)
The reason is that in Scheme it's the same namespace for operator as well as operand bindings. A lisp-2 like Common Lisp can split it up like this:
(setf (fdefinition 'name)
(lambda (arg ...)
body ...))
This probably won't happen since you can always use defun, but in the event you return a function from a function you can do this or you must rely on funcall or apply to use the returned value:
;; This is a function that creates a function
(defun get-counter (from step)
(lambda ()
(let ((tmp from))
(incf from step)
When using this you might want to bind it globally:
(setf (fdefinition 'evens) (get-counter 0 2))
(evens) ; ==> 0
(evens) ; ==> 2
Or in functions you get it bound to normal variables and need to funcall or apply:
(defparameter *odds* (get-counter 1 2))
(funcall *odds*)
; ==> 1
Which one do you prefer?
(list (funcall *odds*) (evens))
; ==> (3 4)
The ? in lat? inidicated predicate and in CL a p in the end does the same. Your function latp is suppose to return nil or t so it should not return a function at all. Thus:
(defun latp (list)
(cond ((null list) t)
((atom (car list)) (latp (cdr list)))
(t nil)))
This of course is the same as:
(defun latp (list)
(or (null list)
(and (atom (car list))
(latp (cdr list)))))
Unlike Scheme using the name list as the argument does not affect the function call to list.

Common lisp hashtable

Task is to read N string like "name phone" and store in. Then find stored data with requests like "name".
My code stores names and numbers in hashtable, but after it doesn't find any values. Stored values checks with maphash (it shows all pairs key-value).
Function split-by-one-space is just utility.
(defparameter data (make-hash-table))
(defun split-by-one-space (string) ; to split string: "aaa bbb" -> (aaa bbb)
(loop for i = 0 then (1+ j)
as j = (position #\Space string :start i)
collect (subseq string i j)
while j))
(dotimes (i (read)) ; input data
(let* ((inp (read-line))
(raw (split-by-one-space inp))
(name (string (car raw)))
(phone (cadr raw)))
(format t "Adding: ~W ~W~%" name phone) ; debug
(setf (gethash name data) phone)))
(maphash #'(lambda (k v) (format t "~a => ~a~%" k v)) data) ; this show all stored data
(loop for line = (read-line *standard-input* nil :eof)
until (or (eq line :eof) (eq line nil))
(let ((key (gethash line data))) ; it cannot find anything. Why?
(format t "Searching: ~W~%" line) ; debug
(if (null key)
(format t "Not found~%")
(format t "~A=~A~%" (car key) (cdr key)))))
Sample input:
sam 99912222
tom 11122222
harry 12299933
Unless you specify a test function, hash tables will use eql to determine "is this key identical to that key".
(defvar *s1* "a string")
(defvar *s2* "a string")
(loop for pred in '(eq eql equal equalp)
do (format t "Using ~a, the result is ~a~%"
pred (funcall pred *s1* *s2*)))
This generates the output:
Using EQ, the result is NIL
Using EQL, the result is NIL
Using EQUAL, the result is T
Using EQUALP, the result is T
In this case, the main difference between equal and equalp is that the latter is case-insensitive, while the former is not. To use another test function, use the :test keyword and one of the found "standard" test functions. If you don't need case-insensitive matches, you would simply create your hash table like this: (make-hash-table :test #'equal).

Declare global variable using an "artificial" symbol

By "artificial", I mean one created from a string using intern or make-symbol.
I have a section of my code that declares up to 49 global variables:
(defparameter *CHAR-COUNT-1-1* (make-hash-table))
(defparameter *CHAR-COUNT-1-7* (make-hash-table))
(defparameter *CHAR-COUNT-7-7* (make-hash-table))
I thought, instead, I could create a function to do all that:
(loop for n from 1 to 7 do
(loop for i from 1 to 7 do
(defparameter (symbol-value (intern (concatenate 'string "*CHAR-COUNT-" (write-to-string n) "-" (write-to-string i) "*")))
(make-hash-table :test 'equalp))))
But get the error(sbcl):
unhandled SIMPLE-ERROR in thread #<SB-THREAD:THREAD "main thread" RUNNING
Can't declare a non-symbol as SPECIAL: (SYMBOL-VALUE
What is the correct way to do this?
Defparameter is a macro, not a function. That means that it defines a special syntax. The defparameter form needs to have a symbol as its second argument, but you're providing the list:
(symbol-value (intern (concatenate 'string "*CHAR-COUNT-" (write-to-string n) "-" (write-to-string i) "*")))
What you want is a form like
(defparameter *foo-1-1* (make-hash-table ...))
(defparameter *foo-n-n* (make-hash-table ...)))
You seem familiar enough with loop and creating the symbols to create that list; just change
(loop … do (loop … do (defparameter …)))
,#(loop … nconcing
(loop … collecting
`(defparameter ,(intern …) …))))
and you can get the form you need. Then it's just a matter of putting it all into a macro
(defmacro … (…)
,#(loop … nconcing
(loop … collecting
`(defparameter ,(intern …) …)))))
and calling the macro.
One of "use a macro that returns a PROGN with DEFPARAMETER stanzas" or "use PROCLAIM, it is a function, not a macro".
The correct way is to use a proper data structure instead of encoding dimensions in symbol names. Do you really want to calculate and encode symbol names any time you want to access the correct table?
(defparameter *char-counts* (make-array '(7 7)))
(dotimes (i 49) ; or (reduce #'* (array-dimensions *char-counts*))
(setf (row-major-aref *char-counts* i) (make-hash-table)))
Now you can access the array of tables just with the indices (x and y in this example):
(gethash (aref *char-counts* x y) :foo)
