Flex: Custom context menu for a component - apache-flex

I have a Flex application, running with Flash Player, not AIR, that contains a Tree that I would like to put a custom context menu on.
Tried just doing <mx:Tree ... contextMenu="{MyClassWithStatic.menu}">, but that didn't do anything.
Went searching, and found this quote from some Adobe docs somewhere
In Flex or Flash Builder, only top-level components in the application can have context menus. For example, if a DataGrid control is a child of a TabNavigator or VBox container, the DataGrid control cannot have its own context menu.
so went upwards, trying each parent element until I reached my <Application>-element, which is consistent with what they wrote.
Tried making a Flex component, based on Group (the default) which contained my tree, and the context menu on the top-level element there, hoping it would work, but to no avail.
Is there any other way to manage this that I haven't found yet?
The code I use to create the menu:
var menuItems:Array = [];
var rename:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Rename");
rename.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, renameSelectedHandler);
menu.customItems = menuItems;

You're right, the contextmenu only works on top level components. It's a limitation of Flex which is annoying and shouldn't be there in the first place. There's not much you can do since there is no way to capture the event other than using some Javascript trickery, but even then, it doesn't tell you where you were clicking.
If I were you, I would just forget the concept and go away from using right click altogether if possible.

I can't be sure, as all the code isn't' there. But you seem to have ignored your own research. Don't use your new component, or anything which "contains" your tree. Then just stick the Tree in your application.
Also I've a memory of TreeItemRenderer not being the same as in other UIcomponents. Maybe, test your "menu" code with a Datagrid first and make sure it works. Good luck

I did not try it myself, but after reading the comments on http://michael.omnicypher.com/2007/02/flex-trees-with-context-menu_14.html it looks like you could add a context menu to the tree's item renderer.
The article and comments at http://blog.arc90.com/2008/04/21/adding-a-contextmenu-to-a-flex-tree/ are worth a look too.


Should children of a ContentPage be rendered too when using a custom renderer?

I’ve been using Xamarin.Forms for a bit lately and can generally get enough information following the Microsoft docs. But I seem to be stuck now that I need to create a custom renderer, so if someone could help, I’d really appreciate.
I read through the docs on creating a custom render and maybe I missed the part I’m looking for, but I’m not able to tell if as part of OnElementChanged, I also need to render all the children of the Element?
The ContentPage could have a StackLayout for example with several child elements. If I dont have to render these, how do they get rendered/laid-out?
No, you don't need to render ContentPage's children.
When you create a Custom Renderer you are only extending Xamarin's renderer, meaning you only add functionality (unless you explicitly change something, like redefining a property).
So, basically, the ContentPage render/lay-out the children the same way it renders/lays-out without the Custom Renderer.
Answering your second question, actually the layout and positioning is done without renderers, as said here Xamarin.Forms Layouts.
If you want to dig deeper, you can try to understand how the ContentView (it's the easier one) is positioned by reading the source code. Here the TemplatedView (ContentView's base class) is calling LayoutChildIntoBoundingRegion for each of its children: TemplatedView.
Then this line on the LayoutChildIntoBoundingRegion calls the Layout method of the view: Layout.
The VisualElement.Layout method only gets the rectangle and sets the Bounds of the view (Layout Method). The Bounds setter is called: Setter.
Well, now you can go on and explore more of the source code if you want, but I think you got the idea ;)
Hope it helps!

In Flex 4.5, can a DataGroup have accessibilityEnabled for all of its individual items?

I'm building a Flex app that has to be accessible and meet section 508 guidelines. Some pre-built parts of are making heavy use of DataGroup, DataGrid, and ItemRenderers. I can't get anything that was created with ItemRenderers to even receive keyboard focus, so it seems impossible to have their accessibilityProperties revealed.
Is there a trick to making focus available to an ItemRenderer? Or some alternative I could use?
I kind of stumbled across this, and I'm not entirely sure why this works, but the solution is simple. Just add implements="mx.managers.IFocusManagerComponent" into the root tag of the custom ItemRenderer, and then each item in the list will be able to receive focus and expose its accessibilityProperties.
The strange is, the Flex compiler doesn't complain if the custom renderer fails to implement the required IFocusManagerComponent methods. I don't know why, but I would speculate that these methods are implemented somewhere up the code chain, and aren't used unless a component explicity implements IFocusManagerComponent.
The only problem I'm having now is that only the visible items show their accessibilityProperties, which makes sense because ItemRenderers are only created for the visible items on screen, but I should find some way to scroll the list automaticaly if the last visible ItemRenderer loses focus.

Make a Spark TitleWindow modal without using much AS3?

I want to be able to show a Spark TitleWindow container as a modal without having to construct it by code via AS3. I tried creating the TitleWindow before-hand manually by dragging and resizing it around and adding objects, etc then hiding it. Then on a button, I set the called function to the ones below:
public function doPopup():void {
testWindow.visible = true;
PopUpManager.addPopUp(testWindow, this, true);
Unfortunately, this only shows testWindow but not as a modal. I want it to be like this so that I can freely resize and design the layout of my TitleWindow and only have to call some function to show it as a modal one.
I'm pretty sure the reason you are seeing this behavior is because your TitleWindow (that you've declared within the mxml of the parent container) is already added to the stage even though it is set as not visible. A workaround you could try is to call this.removeElement(testWindow) in a creation complete handler for the parent container. That will get it off the stage so the PopUpManager can add it later properly.
Having said that, I would recommend putting your TitleWindow into a separate mxml file and instantiate it using the PopUpManager. It's cleaner that way and you can still use the design mode to lay it out as you see fit.
Hope that helps.
Try the Cairngorm 3 Popup library :

Best way to make elements non-selectable in Flex

As part of requirements for a new feature of "locking" a page, it is desired to have all elements on a locked page be non-selectable. This is not to be confused with disabled. All elements should appear as if the page were active, but not be selectable.
The current thought is to create a clear canvas and place it over the existing elements. With this thought, I have two questions:
if you can think of a better way to make all items non-selectable than applying a clear canvas element over the existing elements could you describe it?
if not, what is the best way to retrofit existing implementations to accept the overlayed canvas item? BTW, all .mxml pages inherit from a custom .as file.
Sorry if this is not very descriptive, however, I am new to Flex and have spent many days trying to figure this out.
You could also set the mouseChildren property of the page to false so the elements will not receive any mouseEvents
To fully "lock" a screen from user manipulation, one must combine Chris Bos's and www.Flextras.com's answers: disable mouse input (mouseChildren) and disable keyboard focus (focusEnabled).
Would the focusEnabled property work for you?
Documentation says it only relates to "Tabbing", but my memory says it relates to all sorts of selection.

Simple AddChild question

I am checking this guy's code...
I have download the source code...but I couldn't figure out how he add the play, pause and stop button in the stage. I know in his VideoPlayerControl.as, he has
playbackControl = new PlayPauseButton();
in his PlayPauseButton.as. there is not code for the location of the button(x,y)..
I am not sure how he place the control buttons....
Also...Are there anyways to give the button location with object oriented way instead of specify it with static number???
I appreciate any help...
Without reviewing his code...
it sounds like you need to read up on the Flex Component Lifecycle.
In normal cases, the PlayPauseButton will be created and added in createChildren().
the updateDisplayList() method will position and size the elements. Additionally, many components implement a measure() method that will determine the ideal size for it. And many containers have code to automatically lay out the children. If the PlayPauseButton has a measure method and it is added to a container (such as an HBox of VBox) he won't need code to position or size the button as that wrk is already done in the code that he inherits from the Flex framework.
