How to reference web service with my application -

I have my own web service application with more then one .asmx file.
Now i am not getting how can i reference web service with my web application as "Add Web Reference".
I want to connect with both asmx files at once.
Means once i connect web service as add web reference and i can call both .asmx file from my code behind page.

Doesn't work that way. You have to reference each web service or consolidate them.
You could do this:
Invoking Web Service dynamically using HttpWebRequest

When you add a web reference to your application, Visual Studio creates a proxy class that you use to connect to the web service. You will not connect to the web service directly. The proxy class name is set when you add the reference. It suggests a name for you that you can change.
As long as you are using the proxy classes that are generated, you should be able to connect to as many web services as you desire.
I hope that helps.


Consume soap web service in core

I am working on core i want to consume soap web service in my project in previous i can consume soap web service using mvc, but how to consume it in ASP.NET core,if you have an idea or an example.
Assuming you are using Visual Studio, you can right-click your project in "Solution Explorer" and choose Add -> Connected Service.
In the new window that appears you choose Microsoft WCF Web Service Reference Provider.
This will open a popup where you can type an URL to the WSDL definitition of the SOAP web service. Click "Go" to fetch the WSDL from the URL, or click "Browse" to use a local WSDL file.
You should now see the SOAP service in the "Services" area. Give your service a proper namespace and click "Finish" (there are other options, but you can leave them on their default settings).
Visual Studio will now generate some files and classes. One of these classes is named ...Client. Make a new instance of this class and you should find that it contains all the methods the SOAP service provides. Call these methods (with the appropriate parameters) and you will invoke the service.

WCF using it's own web.config

I have a MVC3 app that is calling a WCF Service Application. The WCF Service App has its own web.config file (comes when you create the project automatically). In this .config I added an appSetting section with key to retrieve.
When I run the MVC app and it calls the WCF svc and the svc cannot see this appsettings value. If I move the appSettings section over to the MVC web.config the service application sees the value.
I would expect this from a calling application if it were a Winform or client based application calling a DLL but not where I have 2 separate apps where I actually want separate configuration files.
For example, I want to configure unity in my web services to perform dependency injection. I don't want the calling web application to know or have to define these values. The service should have them.
The issue I had was with the Unity configuration in the MVC app. Originally I had been pointing at a class library for my services layer, I swapped this over to use WCF. When I did this I left in the old type registrations which unity resolved and caused it to look at the new WCF project (same namespaces/class names) as a class library instead of using the endpoints that I registered.
Ripped out those specific class registrations leaving just the interfaces and endpoints and it worked like a charm.

Changes to Web Service not reflected in application that has Web Reference

I am required to learn web services with web forms. I have a web form project that has a web service added as a Web Reference. The problem is, whenever I change anything about the web service (add new methods/services for example), it is not reflected in the application that has the web reference and tells me the new method doesn't exist. How do I fix this?
You have to right-click the web reference and click Update Web Reference to update it manually when the web service contract changes.
Visual Studio will then re-download the wsdl from the service and use it to re-generate the service proxy classes in the client.
Check that you rebuild your web service first, and that those changes are available on the URL used by the web reference in the client project (i.e. if the client app is referencing http://server.mydomain.local/services/CI/myservice/myservice.asmx then just re-building locally won't be enough, you'll need to either deploy the webservice changes or point your client to localhost before you update the web reference.
You probably have to re-import the reference to the webservice. I doubt this definition constantly gets updated like it's a class in your project.

connect to a WCF web service using

I'm new to WCF web services never done anything with them before and I'm being asked to create a page to connect to a WCF web service
I have no idea where to start and I've searched the internet with no success.
Does anybody have an example of an page connecting to a WCF web service?
I've set up the WCF web service on my server but do not have a clue on how to actually connect or query it to get my XML data back.
The WCF web service is set up as it's own URL and only has 2 files within the root one being the web.config.
I somehow need to query this URL and get some XML data back from it.
Any ideas?
You need to create a service reference from your project to your WCF project. Right-click on the ASP.NET and click on "add service reference", set the URL of the service and VS will generate a proxy class for you.
Asking your favorite search engine for " add service reference" should give you a good selection of starting points.
Look into WCF connections and web.config. This link should provide you some direction:

Consuming a WSE-enabled Web Service in an ASP.NET 2.0 web site

I'm trying to consume a WSE enabled Web Service from an ASP.NET Web Site.
I've installed WSE 3.0, used the config tool to add WSE info to my web.config and then done an Add Web Reference.
I believe that the problem may be that this is a Web SITE, not a Web APPLICATION. As such, the proxy class is generated at runtime, perhaps not adding the WSE magic.
I can access the proxy class from metadata, and it's of type System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol, which as far as I can tell doesn't have any WSE functionality.
I realize that this is all old technology, but I don't get to decide what the servers run :(
Any help would be greatly appreciated
You are wrong, proxy is generated when you are adding web reference.
Could you tell me how you are adding web reference to the website.
Please refer following article -
After you have located a Web service
for your application to access by
using the Add Web Reference dialog
box, clicking the Add Reference
button will instruct Visual Studio to
download the service description to
the local machine and then generate a
proxy class for the chosen Web
service. The proxy class will
contain methods for calling each
exposed Web service method both
synchronously and asynchronously. This
class is contained in the local .wsdl
file's code-behind file. For more
information, see Web References in
Visual Studio and Add Web Reference
Dialog Box.
Please refer following article - How to Add a Web Reference
