Simplifying ItemTemplate output of `GridView` to regular <td> -

I'm using a TemplateField for a column because I need the HeaderTemplate. However, the ItemTemplate renders the content of a cell as an <asp:Label> and the output looks like this:
Is there any way to make the ItemTemplate just render the content of the cell so that the output will look like this:
Thanks for any suggestions.

The built in templates that are autogenerated will always use a Label for simplicity because they assume you might want to do formatting. If you want to just get basic HTML out switch it to use a Literal instead of a Label. A Literal acts almost the same as a Label with no formatting so there is no span tags. Change your TemplateField to the following:
<asp:Literal ID="ltTestItem" runat="server" Text="Test" />
It will produce:
You can do the binding however you want by replacing the Text value with Eval("yourField") or by implementing the OnDataBinding for the control and manipulate it however you like.


ASP.NET closing tag

When I use autocompletion in VisualStudio 2010 within my .aspx application, there are different default completions at closing control tags:
<asp:CheckBox />
Is there a explaination for this behaviour?
<asp:Label />
Wouldn't be invalid.
This is because ASP.NET's Label control is decorated with the ParseChildrenAttribute, with ParseChildren(false) while CheckBox isn't.
You can support the same behavior whith your custom controls, for example, with the following code, Visual Studio will behave like Label if you use MyControl in the web form editor:
public class MyControl : WebControl
The label closing is like that
<asp:Label runat="server"></asp:Label>
because usually we type something between
<asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblOne">better start programming now</asp:Label>
that is not the case for checkbox, that we type inside of it
<asp:CheckBox runat="server" Text="enable" ID="cbOne" />
We have on both elements the Text field, why on the one we prefer to write out side... Look at this example, on Label, or On other similar controls the text that we may have to write may include characters that are not allowed inside the Text Property, maybe a complex css style or what ever... The check box from the other side is only include a small text (yes, not, something like that)
<asp:Label ID="lblLabel" runat="server">
This is a <b>"label"</b>
<br />And one more line
and more example that compiles
<asp:Label ID="lblLabel" runat="server">
This is a <b>"label"</b>
<br />And one more line
<asp:Literal runat="server" ID="ltrOneMore">One more Control Inside</asp:Literal>
---but this is not compile--
<asp:Label ID="lblLabel2" runat="server"
Text="This is a <b>"label"</b>
<br /> and one more line"
At the final end is a decision that the makes make - maybe we need to ask them for the real real reason.
Now this is also not compile
<asp:CheckBox runat="server" ID="cbMyChbx">one<asp:CheckBox>
check box when is render on page is use two controls, one input and one label, so they maybe need to help user to understand that the text is not going on the input control.
<asp:CheckBox />
Because the element has no content, you can close the tag with /> instead of using a separate closing tag
<asp:Label></asp:Label> or <asp:Label />
Displays static text on a Web Forms page and allows you to manipulate it programmatically.
Learn more about it Web Server Control
All the answers above are valid, but something additional. All the asp controls are eventually rendered as HTML controls and that also defines how the asp controls behave. For e.g. it is not necessary that text in a label is always set as
<asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblOne">better start programming now</asp:Label>
it can be also done as follows
<asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblOne" Text="better start programming"></asp:Label>
now both are correct format, so it is not valid to say that any control which needs content will have a separate closing tag. It also depends on how it rendered in HTML. for e.g by default asp Label is rendered as a span and doesnt conform to XHTML standards. Hope this makes it clear, always think of how it will be rendered and ASP tries to adhere to what eventually will be rendered.

SPGridView Filter menu shown separated of LinkButton with templated header

I use Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPGridView control to write out data.
Filtering is allowed for grid.
Columns contain templated column, it define ItemTemplate and HeaderTemplate:
<asp:LinkButton ID="linkTitleHeader" runat="server" Text="TitleHeader1"
CommandName="Sort" CommandArgument="Title"></asp:LinkButton>
some text
It works fine, shows header as link, its performs sorting by click, but filter menu
show on separate row:
i expect that it shows as:
I already try with no result:
Leave Text property empty and define other properties
Set Microsoft.Sharepoint.WebControls.Menu Text programmaticaly after
Set link text by javascript
Have any ideas how to join Menu with LinkButton ? Thanks.
You must also specify the properties of SPGridView : FilterDataFields, FilteredDataSourcePropertyName, FilteredDataSourcePropertyFormat. Maybe this article will help you link

How can I prevent duplication of the content in itemtamplate for the alternating template in repeater?

Is there a way to prevent duplication ot an itemtemplate content which will just appear with a different css class for the alternating template block?
<asp:Repeater ID="rptCommentHistory" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="lblComment" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("Comment").ToString() %>'
<asp:Label ID="lblComment" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("Comment").ToString() %>'
This should do what you want:-)
<asp:Repeater ID="rptData" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="lblData" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Comments") %>' CssClass='<%# Container.ItemIndex%2==0?"itemTemplate":"alternatingTtemTemplate" %>'></asp:Label>
I never make use of the AlternatingItemTemplate. I don't like having to duplicate my code for the purpose of having an alternating item, and I think that if the code is that different that it cannot be classed as a duplicate, then you shouldn't be using a Repeater control anyway.
Therefore I always just use the ItemTemplate, and make any changes I need to in the ItemDataBound event.
To determine whether the item is a normal, or alternating item, I would do something like:
if ((e.Item.ItemIndex+1 % 2)=0){
//Alternating code here..
In your case the only difference is a change to the Label CssClass, so I would do something like:
if ((e.Item.ItemIndex+1 % 2)=0){
Label lblComment = e.Item.FindControl("lblComment");
lblComment.CssClass = "alternatingTtemTemplate";
It's not really duplication as such, don't worry about it. You are implementing this pretty much as intended.
The only other option I can think of would be to use the itemtemplate, write some code that is fired on the itemdatabound event and programatically change the css class using FindControl.
I know which I would rather use...
As it seems that the proposed solutions are not satisfying and that there are no other ".net" solution, I would suggest that you do that in javascript (as it doesn't exist in pure CSS).
jQuery allows you to apply a different style on even and odds elements of the selector.
It should work with other elements than table rows...
So something like this should work :
$("#rptCommentHistory span:even").addClass("itemTemplate");
$("#rptCommentHistory span:odd").addClass("alternatingTtemTemplate");
Or you can just set ItemTemplate to all elements and use (it may perform better) :
$("#rptCommentHistory span:odd").removeClass("ItemTemplate").addClass("alternatingTtemTemplate"); (4) listview gives me troubles with generating id's

i'm in a listview, in the itemtemplate.
<asp:ListView runat="server" ClientIDMode="Predictable" ClientIDRowSuffix="Texttranslations_key"ID="lvwTextitems">
This is my code in the itemtemplate:
<span runat="server" onclick="openDiv('<%= EditItemDiv.ClientID%>')" style="width: 450px;"><%# Eval("Translation")%></span>
<asp:panel runat="server" id="EditItemDiv" style="display:none">
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID = "EditItemArea" TextMode ="MultiLine" Rows="12" Columns="50" Text="<%# Eval("Translation")%>">
Now i have two problems.
First the span: i want the clientID of the asp:panel in the function openDiv(), so i can create some show hide functionality.
However, i get this as result:
<span onclick="openDiv('<%= EditItemDiv.ClientID%>')" style="width: 450px;">
my code isn't seen as code, but as plain text, and i don't know why?
Second, this line gets me a runtime error (The server tag is not well formed):
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID = "EditItemArea" TextMode ="MultiLine" Rows="12" Columns="50" Text="<%# Eval("Translation")%>">
Can somebody help me out?
at first i used this code for the generation of the id's: "myid<%# Eval("Id")%>" but that didn't workout either...
i'm always getting in to trouble when using the Eval and the <%# %>, so it's probably some stupid thing (i hope)
For the first part, you definitely need to be using a binding expression:
<%# EditItemDiv.ClientID %>
The <%= %> scriptlet will have no context for each item. I assume you were "paraphrasing" the syntax you say you tried, so what didn't work before?
The "server tag is not well formed" is because you are trying to use double-quotes inside double-quotes. Change the outer to single-quotes:
Text='<%# Eval("Translation")%>'>
Basically, you can't nest similar quote types. Inline script will usually demand you use double-quotes, since single-quotes have a different meaning in c#, but you can use either double or single for markup parameter quoting. The upshot is that if you need to have inline script, use single quotes to wrap the markup parameter, which frees you to use double-quotes inside it.
If you need further single quotes in the output, e.g. to render a javascript parameter, just use '. You could also use " if you wanted to render double-quotes.
OnClientClick='openDiv('EditItem(<%# Eval("something") %>');'
As stated in my comment and by jamietre to fix the binding problem you need to change the code from:
Text="<%# Eval("Translation")%>"
Text='<%# Eval("Translation")%>'
As for the problem with the onclick of the span, it should work as you want if you just remove the runat="server" portion. I am not sure why, but it seems that adding this causes the controls to encode the onclick property.
If you need the runat="server" on the span then I will attempt to find another solution, but there are not guarantees.

ASP.NET Repeat Dynamic Data Main Menu Horizontally?

The default ASP.NET Dynamic Data template by default uses a GridView to display the menu repeating vertically. This doesn't look particularly well. I'm wondering if there is either (a) a way to get the gridview repeating horizontally or (b) use another control that allows horizontal repeating.
A DataList can be used :)
You set an ItemTemplate to specify how the items should be displayed and set the RepeatDirection to Horizontal, bind it to your Dynamic data source and you are done :D
Additionally you can specify the number of columns to be repeated through the RepeatColumns attribute.
This page (scroll down towards the end) has got some examples on how to use a DataList
This is a simple process. In our code-behind file we have to wire up our Dynamic Data connection like so:
Menu1.DataSource = visibleTables
Then we create a DataList like so:
<asp:DataList ID="Menu1" runat="server"
CellPadding="3" GridLines="Vertical"
HorizontalAlign="Center" CssClass="DDGridView" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"
ItemStyle-CssClass="td" HeaderStyle-CssClass="th" >
<asp:DynamicHyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server"><%# Eval("DisplayName")%></asp:DynamicHyperLink>
You can see that I've utilized (temporarily) the css classes from the default gridview to provide uniform layout/display elements.
