Adding custom CSS to Drupal 7 to hide the message - css

I use my custom block for displaying a flash game at the front page of my Drupal 7 installation, but there is also the annoying message:
<div id="first-time"><p>No front page content has been created yet.</p>
<div class="item-list"><ul><li class="first last">
Add new content</li>
below it and I can't remove it. Is there please a hook for adding custom CSS? In my module I would like to make the #first-time light grey or invisible.
I prefer not to add a blank content just to get rid of that text.
Thank you!
I've added the following to my module:
function game_init() {
drupal_set_message('XXX init called XXX');
if (drupal_is_front_page()) {
drupal_add_css('#first-time {color: green;}', 'inline');
but don't see that CSS-code or XXX string inside my front page.
Oh, I had to clear the cache and now it works (the Drupal docs seem to be wrong here - there was written that 'inline' CSS is not cached...)

Hiding the CSS is the WRONG way of doing it. why did you created your content as a Custom Block?
you should create a "Page" and set this page as front page in the Configuration->Site Information.
Whatever. you can also use any of these options but is not recommended.
you can also also add a BlankPage by Adding only the Title(then hiding it in PHP on page.tpl.php)
you can add your css in /templates/themes/
you can call drupal_add_css on the _init() hook of your custom module.
Blocks are used to display information in every page(although we can set to display only on certain pages). Say For Example. A Menu, or A Shopping Cart etc.

If you want to add some CSS for a module, you should use drupal_add_css()

Why not simply add this CSS to your theme?


How to add custom css in wix website

I am new at wix and editing a website and want to add css in a page. but not found any option for css.
Anybody know how to add custom css code in wix website?
You can do this by embedding inline styles to every page, via creating a chunk of custom css code contained between <style> and </style>.
Go to your site's dashboard.
Click Manage Website on the left.
Click Tracking & Analytics.
Click + New Tool **and select **Custom from the dropdown.
Set up your custom code:
Enter your custom code.
Select the relevant domain. Note: This option will appear only if you have multiple domains.
Enter a name for your custom code.
Add Code to Pages: Select which pages to add your code to:
**All Pages: **Click the dropdown to select an option:
Load code once.
Load code on each new page.
**Choose specific pages: **Begin typing the name of the relevant pages and then click the checkbox next to the relevant page.
Place Code in: Select where the code snippet in placed in your site's code:
Head - as noted by #Daniel Gurtner, avoid this because it'll insert it BEFORE any of the inherent styles, which makes it mostly useless here.
Body - start
Body - end Note: I'd recommend adding your style chunk here to avoid having a delay effect on your loading
Click Apply.
Wix keeps on updating this but I have found where the place described in the most voted comment is for now. I don't have enough "reputation" to add a comment to the thread, hence why this is an answer.
Go to Settings and scroll to Advanced(the last section) and you can see Custom Code. The rest of the steps are the same.
Click Add on the left in the editor.
Click More → Embeds.
Drag the HTML iframe to the site.
Click your iframe and click Edit Code.
Then type:
/* CSS Code */
As of 2022, you can add it from your Wix Dashboard under Settings > Advanced > Custom code.
Click the Add Custom Code button. Enter your CSS in the Paste the code snippet here: textarea. Make sure to wrap it within <style type="text/css"></style> tags. Set the Code Type as "Essential" as it doesn't require user consent to load.
Note: You won't be able to see your CSS from the page editor nor Preview mode. You have to Publish it and view it from the frontend.
Wix Add Custom Code screenshot
Follow these steps to add CSS in Wix.
Go to your site’s dashboard.
Click Manage Website on the left.
Click Tracking & Analytics.
Click + New Tool **and select **Custom from the dropdown.
Set up your custom code:
Enter your custom code.
Select the relevant domain. Note: This option will appear only if you have multiple domains.
Enter a name for your custom code.
Add Code to Pages: Select which pages to add your code to:
If you need more help with Wix Web Development visit
I just tried it on 6th Sep 2021. Yes it is possible to add CSS & JS custom code.
At the same place of writing custom HTML code
For CSS code add,
<style type:"text/css"> CSS CODE HERE </style>
For JS Javascript code add,
<script> JS CODE HERE </script>
The steps in previous answers did not work for me. It seems the interface has changed.
The following steps work with the new UI:
Go to your site's dashboard
Click settings in the left sidebar
scroll down to the "Advanced" section
Click "Custom Code"
All carriage returns within the embedded code will show up as \n on the output, rendering the code non-functional.
You could also achieve this by setting the .html property of your object (#id) in Velo.
The following example adds a drop shadow to your object with id equal to #id:
$w("#id").html = "<p style='filter: drop-shadow(1px 8px 4px #4444dd)'>test</p>"
Below snippet shows the result in pure HTML.
<p style='filter: drop-shadow(1px 8px 4px #4444dd)'>test</p>
You can't. This is not a feature provided by Wix.
ref. other ref.

Trigger a class to hide meta-data of posts on WordPress blog page

Basically on my bakery's WordPress blog page I would like to hide the meta data displayed below each post preview. Usually I always succeed in using the console and trigger the class.
As it shows in this case I use a display:none on the class .entry-meta. Nevertheless it does not work. Does anyone has an idea what to do?
Are you certain that you've added .entry-meta { display: none; }? Because I don't see it. Make sure you put it where it'll be printed to the page.
A better way to do it is by editing the archive.php and either remove or comment the code that prints the entry-meta block.

drupal 7 panels landing page, how to remove default theme elements

I'm drupal beginner, and can't solve problem with landing page. I create landing page with panels, set custom css code to it but it doesn't look how I want. I see default elements from my theme (header, nav-menu, etc.) on it. I want that layout fill all my page, how can I achieve it?
I have it
I want do like it
well, I found solution for this problem. I use bootstrap 3 sub theme, and there is file who provide page template, it calls node.tpl.php. I just remove string <div class="main-container <?php print $container_class; ?>"> and now it works well.
go to page.tpl.php file, remove the lines that render the header, the logo and the title. They would usually be in an if statement and the varibles are $logo, $site_name, $main_menu, $title.

Trying to change CSS on New-Post page (WP-admin)

I’m inside the New Post page on WP-Admin, where you can create a new post.
At the right column, there’s the category selector, in which you select the category for that new post.
I have something like 15 categories, and therefore the category box is showing with a scrolling bar. Since I need to automate some post creation, I need all the categories to be visible right away, without having to scroll.
So I found the css file that manages the height of the category box (it’s inside /wp-admin/css/edit.css and //wp-admin/css/edit-rtl.css) and there I changed the CSS files to allow a bigger height by default on that box.
However when I open the new post page, it still shows the small box in categories, and when I see the CSS rule, the change I made is not visible. It’s like the CSS is cached or something. I already made sure that my browser is not caching it.
The problem I think it’s because the CSS rules are not pulled directly from CSS files, but from this file:,admin-bar,buttons,media-views,common,forms,admin-menu,dashboard,list-tables,edit,revisions,media,themes,about,nav-menu&load%5B%5D=s,widgets,site-icon,l10n,wp-auth-check&ver=4.7
That file seems to go and gather the CSS information from some place (which I assumed was the CSS files in the wp-admin/css/ folder, in which I could find the exact same CSS rules that were applied to the category box) but for some reason, it’s not retreiving the updated CSS file. Or something else is happening (Server side caching the PHP response and therefore retreiving all the time the old response?)
I wouldn't recommend tampering with core admin files, as any changes you make could be lost from a WordPress update.
The proper way to do it is through a custom function added to your theme or child-theme functions.php file:
add_action('admin_head', 'custom_admin_css');
function custom_admin_css() {
echo '<style>
/* remove scrollbar from categories panel */
.categorydiv div.tabs-panel { max-height: none !important; }
Another options that will allow you to have CSS for individual pages is to use this OH header/footer plugin. Once you install the plugin you can then add your CSS in the header textarea of the pages admin. Just make sure you enclose your CSS within a <style></style> tag.

Wordpress automatically adding paragraph

So I am working on making a child theme of the "twenty fifteen" theme.
So far I have made custom post types with custom fields. It is imperative that I use custom fields for adding Soundcloud embedds. I have used the "Advanced Custom Fieds" plugin to do so.
Now, the problem I have is that whenever I use the custom field to add a soundcloud widget (just by pasting the link) it seems that the WYSIWYG Editor is adding the link inside a paragraph like this
This causes (I think) a white line (a new paragraph) to appear below the Soundcloud widget.
As you can see in the picture below, if I open the code view of the WYSIWYG I can spot the paragraph lines being added around the link.
So all in all, the main problem for me here is the white space below the soundcloud widget. Perhaps it does not have to do anything with the paragraph tag, but either way I the space below the widget looks bad, unprofessional and I need to remove it somehow. Now you may say "why don't you just remove those paragraph tags?" and that is the problem, even if I remove them, they are added automatically.
So, any suggestions would be very appreciated. I have worked my head on this for three days without any progress.
Edit: this question is old and I do not have the site anymore.
I would just add this style to a global stylesheet:
.SoundcloudEmbedd p { margin: 0; }
seems safe
Wordpress WYSIWYG pops in <p> tags. If you're not careful, it will <p> all over your content.
Pop this into your functions.php
remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wpautop' );
If you're using ACF, the text area field type has an option for whether or not to add the <p> tags. As mevius suggests, depending on your use case, you may want to consider using the URL field type.
OR, you can use this when calling the field in your theme.
the_field('wysiwyg_field', false, false);
It's possible that the WYSIWYG is adding those <p> tags, due to WordPress's wpautop function.
Rather than completely disabling wpautop, you could remove the <p> tags using a combination of get_field() and wp_strip_all_tags():
echo wp_strip_all_tags( get_field('field_name'), true );
EDIT: On second thought, why are you using a WYSIWYG for this at all? If you're just pasting a link, you should consider using a text field, or a url field.
I did not have access to the code, nor I had access to any plugins, hence I tried this only using the WYSIWYG editor.
To remove the any unwanted paragraphs from any particular web element like div just follow these steps:
add a class to your div (the div which is containing that unwanted paragraphs).
Write a javascript function using querySelectorAll.
Example Below:
var blankps=document.querySelectorAll('.removePara p');for(var i=0;i<blankps.length;i++){blankps[i].remove();}
<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3 removePara">
How to Remove Empty Paragraphs. Solved.
Note: This will remove all the paragraphs inside any div which has class="removePara".
Hope this helps someone.
