xml and condition by dateTime - asp.net

var elements = from element in doc.Descendants("CalendarFair")
where DateTime.Parse (element.Elements ("DateStart").ToString())==DateTime.Now
select new
dateStart = element.Element("DateStart").Value,
idExcutive = element.Element("IdExecutive").Value ,
foreach (var item in elements)//send this error
System.FormatException: The string was not recognized as a valid DateTime. There is a
unknown word starting at index 0.
why error?

Try to change it as follows:
var elements = from element in doc.Descendants("CalendarFair")
let start = element.Element("DateStart").Value
where DateTime.Parse (start)==DateTime.Now.Date
select new
dateStart = start,
idExcutive = element.Element("IdExecutive").Value ,
EDIT: based on the XML you have posted the query above works pretty well. Try to test it with this input:
Note that I have inserted today's start date. Actually I think the result was empty just because there weren't entries with actual date.

It sounds like one or more of your input <DateStart> strings is not in a valid DateTime format.
Can you post some sample input XML?
It may be that you need to provide the date format using ParseExact - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/w2sa9yss.aspx


Xpages Date Time

I'm going loopy....
I want a date, in date format, for example
21/06/2017 17:23:04 GDT
I stamp this on a document, but I then want to display it on my xpage as:
21/06/2017 17:23
But I keep getting different results no matter what I do. I get the date from the onClick of a button using
var dt = new Date();
I then pass this into a function:
function AddObjectivesHistoryItem(doc, dt, action, username){
var ArrDocHistory:array = doc.getItemValueArray("History");
if(ArrDocHistory.length < 1){
// This should always return an object as it is created when an objectives document is first
// created but do this check to be safe and create an array if for some reason it doesnt exist
ArrDocHistory = [dt+"|"+action+"|"+username];
// append new value to the array
I've tried using toLocaleString() and all others it seems but it wont work.
For example, toLocaleString() displays as 13-Mar-2018 15:02:15 on my xpage. It's close to what I want except it uses hyphens instead of slashes, and also displays the seconds.
I've tried using custom date pattern on my date field properties with no luck and I'm certain I'm missing something super obvious!?
Any pointers on how to firstly get the date like 21/06/2017 17:23:04 GDT and store as a date and secondly to then display it as 21/06/2017 17:23, this can be a string if it needs to be.
You can get your date value as String in SSJS with:
var dateTimeFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy kk:mm");
var dateTimeString = dateTimeFormat.format(dt)));
If you want to store as text, java.text.SimpleDateFormat is best for converting a date server-side to a specific text format. It can also be used in a converter to manipulate to/from as well.

Parse alfresco date

I'm developing a custom validator of a date input in my workflow form and I get a null after parsing a date this is what I done:
// check dates can be parsed
str_expiryDate = field.form.prop_wfbxTestWorkFlow_NfDate.value;
console.log("Non conformite"+str_expiryDate);
str_reminderDate = field.form.prop_bpm_workflowDueDate.value;
Alfresco.logger.warn("Expiry Date: " + str_expiryDate + " | Reminder Date: " + str_reminderDate);
d_expiryDate = Date.parse(str_expiryDate);
d_reminderDate = Date.parse(str_reminderDate);
console.log("Date echéance"+d_reminderDate);
and then i get this in console:
Non conformite2013-06-21T00:00:00.000+01:00 echeance2013-06-09T00:00:00.000+01:00
Date echéancenull
How I can parse these two dates and then compare it? .thanks
Use Alfresco.util.fromISO8601(date)
According to the client-api docs
Convert an ISO8601 date string into a JavaScript native Date object
You are parsing the "value" of a date, not the date itself.
The best way to compare is, imho, using the format YYYYMMDD, and than compare it as a number.
Something like this (there is sure a far more elegant way to do that, but at this time it's the only one that got me):
var indexDate=str_expiryDate.indexOf("-");
var dayDate=str_expiryDate.substring(0, 2);
var monthDate=str_expiryDate.substring(3, 5);
var yearDate=fromData.substring(6, str_expiryDate.length+1);
int dataNew=yearDate+monthDate+dayDate;
and than compare the two dates value.
Obviously check if the index value are correct, I didn't double checked them.
Hope il helps.

EntityFunction.TruncateTime not working in my query

I am using Linq to entityframework to query some infomration. I am trying to use entityfunction.truncatetime and it doesnt seem to work as expected. here is my sample query
From d In Request
Where d.Requestor= "XXXX" And d.ProcessedFlag = "N"
Select d.RequestID, RequestReason = d.RequestReason.ItemValue, RequestType = d.RequestType.ItemValue, RequestedDate = EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(d.RequestedMoveDate)
The requesteddate doesnt seem to truncate the time part and I am still getting the both Date and time.
Am I missing something here?
In .NET, the DateTime class actually represents both a date and a time. Internally, this is stored as a numeric value represented by the number of 100-nanosecond "ticks" since Midnight, January 1, 1001 AD. This number gets "converted" when it's displayed (either in output or in a debugger). This conversion is done via a format string.
Even if you truncate a DateTime's time portion, it still has a time... it's just 00:00:00, and if you don't want to see that time, you need to adjust your format string to not convert that.
Thus, if you do something like this: DateTime.Now.Date it will display `10/15/2012 00:00:00" if you use the default date conversion string (or whatever is the default format for your culture).
If you want to only display the Date portion, then you must do something like myDate.ToShortDateString() or myDate.ToString("d").
EntityFunctions is a set of tools designed to be used in Linq to Entities queries, because doing DateTime formatting is not normally allowed in a query.
For example, this code does not work:
var q = from x in dc where x.BirthDate == DateTime.Now.AddYears(-15).Date select x;
You have to do it like this:
var q = from x in dc
where x.Birthdate == EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(DateTime.Now.AddYears(-15))
select x;
This will then generate the correct SQL to do date comparisons in SQL code. This is what the EntityFunctions are designed for, not truncating dates in the select portion (although it does work). But, even though the date is truncated, it will still have a Time component, it will just be 00:00:00, and you must use a date format string to present it to your users in the manner you intend.
cant you use ToShortDateString() like below?
List<DateTime> time = new List<DateTime>();
var WhatDate = from date in time
select new { Date = date.ToShortDateString() };
In your case try this
From d In Request
Where d.Requestor= "XXXX" And d.ProcessedFlag = "N"
Select new{ RequestID = d.RequestID, RequestReason = d.RequestReason.ItemValue, RequestType = d.RequestType.ItemValue, RequestedDate = d.RequestedMoveDate.ToShortDateString()};

SelectedDate not setting properly on the load in Flex

SCinitiationtarget.selectedDate = new
I am setting my seletedDate in my DateChooser like this. The format i am getting from the Database is 2009-12-30.
Its displaying in correctly.
I believe the date object doesn't recognize the dash as a valid separator. You'll have to some how reformat your date objects.
For example this works:
var date:Date = new Date("2009/12/30");
myDateChooser.selectedDate = date;
But this doesn't:
var date:Date = new Date("2009-12-30");
myDateChooser.selectedDate = date;
For more information on what date formats are valid, see the documentation here: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/langref/Date.html#Date%28%29
The first argument of Date constructor is called yearOrTimeValue and as its documentation says it accepts either year or time in UTC milliseconds. For proper Date construction use:
new Date(2009, 12, 30)
I got the solution finally.
var dateStr:String = dateFormatter.format(rows1[i]['InitiationTarget']);
SCinitiationtarget.selectedDate = new Date(dateStr);
<mx:DateFormatter id="dateFormatter" formatString="MMM D, YYYY"/>
With this the problem gets solved.
Why not use the parse method of the Date class?
SCinitiationtarget.selectedDate = Date.parse(rows1[i]['InitiationTarget']);

Flex: Converting DateField text to seconds?

Is there anything wrong with following snippet of code?
var d:Date = DateField.dateToString(myDateField.text,"DD/MM/YYYY");
testTextArea.text = d.getSeconds().toString();
Error: Implicit coercion of a value of
type String to an unrelated type Date.
Here is your problem: DateField.dateToString's first parameter is supposed to be a date. It then takes that date and returns a string using the second parameter as a format string.
It looks like you're trying to convert the string to a date (the other way around) so you can get the seconds from it and put it in the text area. The DateField control has a selectedDate parameter that will give you the date you need. Then you just run this code to put it in the text area:
testTextArea.text = myDateField.selectedDate.getSeconds().toString();
