rjava .jcall issue - r

I am currently working on developing an R package to integrate java code within R. However, I am having issues trying to properly call the java class methods. So far I have independently developed and compiled a java program into a class file and then packaged it up as a jar file. A sample of my code is as follows:
.onLoad <- function(lib, pkg) {
pathToSdk <- paste(system.file(package = "mailViz") , "C:\\path\\to\\libs", sep="")
jarPaths <- c(paste(pathToSdk, "mail.jar", sep=""),
paste(pathToSdk, "mailReader.jar", sep="")
.jpackage(pkg, morePaths=jarPaths)
attach( javaImport( c("java.lang", "java.io", "java.mail", "java.util", "java.text")))
packageStartupMessage( paste( "mailViz loaded. The classpath is: ", paste(.jclassPath(), collapse=" " ) ) )
# get method arguments for the class
z=.jcall("mailReader", "Ljava/lang/String;", "readEmailInfo", "username", "password")
However, when I execute the .jcall function I receive an error:
Error in .jcall("mailReader", "Ljava/lang/String;", "readEmailInfo", "username", :
method readEmailInfo with signature (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; not found
I tried multiple ways of changing the arguments but no luck. When I run .jmethods("mailReader") on the class file it lists all the methods available:
[2] "public java.lang.String mailReader.readEmailInfo(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"
So, I am lost in how to make the proper call passing two arguments (username, password) to the java class file.
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance,

I have resolved this issue and the key here is to use the
mailReader = .jnew("mailReader")
call so that R has access to this class before making a call in the
z = .jcall(mailReader, "S", etc....)
By default, R has access to the static java methods.


Error when trying to prase a HTTP-Request in R

im using R package httr to get a HTTP-Response for a specific link.
When trying to parse the content of the response im getting the Error:
Fehler in parse(text = script_content) : <text>:1:10: Unerwartete(s) '['
1: {"lines":[
Translated to enlgish it says something like this (sorry for my error messages being in German):
Error in parsing(text = script_content) : <text>1:10: Unexpected '['
1: {"lines":[
It seems as there is a problem with the format/encoding of the text. Here is my code:
script <-
url = "https://my_url.which_origin_is_not_important/my_script.R",
authenticate(username, pass)
script_content <- content(script, as = "text", encoding = "ISO-8859-1")
parsed_condent <- parse(text = script_content )
The value of script_content looks like this:
"{\"lines\":[{\"text\":\"################## FUNCTION ##################\"},{\"text\":\"\"},{\"text\":\"library(log4r)\"}],\"start\":0,\"size\":32,\"isLastPage\":true,\"limit\":500,\"nextPageStart\":null}"
Some more background to this operation: Im trying to source a code, which is currently inside of a private repository. I wrote the code myself i'm trying to source. I made sure, that the issue is not coming from within th code.
I got the solution from: Sourcing R files in a private github folder
Thanks for any advice!!

R targets and dataRetrieval return a connection error

I am attempting to use a targets workflow in my R project. I am attempting to download water quality data using the dataRetrieval package. In a fresh R session this works:
To use this in targets, I have the following _targets.R file:
tar_option_set(packages = c("dataRetrieval"))
name = wqp_data,
command = readWQPdata(siteid="USGS-04024315",characteristicName="pH"),
format = "feather",
cue = tar_cue(mode = "never")
when I run tar_make() the following is returned:
* start target wqp_data
No internet connection.
The following url returned no data:
x error target wqp_data
* end pipeline
Error : attempt to set an attribute on NULL
Error: callr subprocess failed: attempt to set an attribute on NULL
Visit https://books.ropensci.org/targets/debugging.html for debugging advice.
Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred.
I have attempted debugging using tar_option_set(debug = "wqp_data") or tar_option_set(workspace_on_error = TRUE) but outside of isolating the error to readWQPdata() didn't get anywhere.
I also had success using curl directly in targets so I do not think it is my actual internet connection:
name = wqp_data,
command = {con <- curl::curl("https://httpbin.org/get")
* start target wqp_data
* built target wqp_data
* end pipeline
Any advice on how to diagnose the connection issue when using these two packages?

When creating an R package how do I include warnings that display upon installation? Is there a convenient roxygen2 tag?

I am packaging up some of the functions used by my company regularly. I would like to include warnings in the package that display upon installation/update notifying colleagues of changes that may have downstream effects on their code? Is there a roxgen2 tag I could use in the package documentation?
As far as I know, there is no such tag for package:roxygen2.
But you can edit the function(s) directly. Here is what RPushBullet does (in the context of parsing a config file).
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
dotfile <- .getDotfile()
if (file.exists(dotfile)) .parseResourceFile(dotfile)
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
packageStartupMessage("Attaching RPushbullet version ",
packageDescription("RPushbullet")$Version, ".")
dotfile <- .getDotfile()
if (file.exists(dotfile)) {
packageStartupMessage("Reading ", dotfile)
} else {
txt <- paste("No file", dotfile, "found. Consider placing the",
"Pushbullet API key and your device id(s) there.")
txt <- paste(strwrap(txt), collapse="\n")
.pkgenv[["pb"]] <- NULL
So .onLoad() is actually not allowed to print messages, but .onAttach(). As it is more polite to display them in a way that is also suppressable you should not use cat() or warning() directly but packageStartupMessage().
These are commonly placed in a file R/init.R or R/zzz.R.

NoSuchMethodException when calling sendKeys on object of class org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebElement via R package rJava

I am trying to use the selenium webdriver API directly from R using rJava. I am subject to a fairly restrictive IT environment, so I can't access a remote driver currently (hence why I'm not currently using the Rselenium package), and I don't have either Chrome or Firefox availaible--just phantomjs. I am able to get this working okay from the Scala REPL. I used sbt to get all the dependenices--build.sbt contains, for example:
retrieveManaged := true
libraryDependencies ++= Seq (
"org.seleniumhq.selenium" % "selenium-java" % "3.9.1",
"com.codeborne" % "phantomjsdriver" % "1.4.4"
(Note that I have phantomjs installed as /usr/local/bin/phantomjs, and it is
version 2.1.1).
I then copied all the jar files to a single-level folder via cp jars/*/*/*.jar alljars/ containing the following:
animal-sniffer-annotations-1.14.jar httpcore-4.4.6.jar selenium-api-3.9.1.jar
byte-buddy-1.7.9.jar j2objc-annotations-1.1.jar selenium-chrome-driver-3.9.1.jar
checker-compat-qual-2.0.0.jar jline-2.14.5.jar selenium-edge-driver-3.9.1.jar
commons-codec-1.10.jar jsr305-1.3.9.jar selenium-firefox-driver-3.9.1.jar
commons-exec-1.3.jar okhttp-3.9.1.jar selenium-ie-driver-3.9.1.jar
commons-logging-1.2.jar okio-1.13.0.jar selenium-java-3.9.1.jar
error_prone_annotations-2.1.3.jar phantomjsdriver-1.4.4.jar selenium-opera-driver-3.9.1.jar
gson-2.8.2.jar scala-compiler-2.12.4.jar selenium-remote-driver-3.9.1.jar
guava-23.6-jre.jar scala-library-2.12.4.jar selenium-safari-driver-3.9.1.jar
httpclient-4.5.3.jar scala-reflect-2.12.4.jar selenium-support-3.9.1.jar
I start Scala via scala -cp "alljars/*" and can the do following:
val drv = new org.openqa.selenium.phantomjs.PhantomJSDriver
val q = drv.findElementByName("q")
q.sendKeys("rJava selenium")
I think the following is roughly the same thing in R using rJava:
jars <- dir("alljars", pattern = "*.jar", full.names = TRUE)
drv <- .jnew('org/openqa/selenium/phantomjs/PhantomJSDriver')
q <- drv$findElementByName("q")
q$sendKeys("rJava selenium")
This fails at the point q$sendKeys("rJava selenium") with the following error:
Error in .jcall("RJavaTools", "Ljava/lang/Object;", "invokeMethod", cl, :
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: No suitable method for the given parameters
In RStudio, if I type q$ and press TAB, sendKeys is definitely in the list of available methods. I tried to be explicit about this, and tried:
keys <- .jnew("java/lang/String", "rJava selenium")
keys <- .jcast(keys, "java/lang/CharSequence", check = TRUE)
q <- .jcast(q, "org/openqa/selenium/WebElement", check = TRUE)
.jcall(q, "V", "sendKeys", keys)
which resulted in the following error:
Error in .jcall(q, "V", "sendKeys", keys) :
method sendKeys with signature (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V not found
q has class org/openqa/selenium/remote/RemoteWebElement in R, and org/openqa/selenium/WebElement in Scala; but in both cases the return is void and the required argument is CharSequence according to the javadocs. I tried a few variations of this--java.lang.String instead of CharSequence, RemoteWebElement instead of WebElement, etc., but no joy.
I doubt this is a problem with rJava, but I'm stumped nonetheless and need help!
Oh good grief. I didn't know about .jmethods. Running this:
> .jmethods(q, "sendKeys")
[1] "public void org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebElement.sendKeys(java.lang.CharSequence[])"
So, basically, my problem was that I was passing String instead of String[]. That is, instead of:
q$sendKeys("rJava selenium")
I can use:
q$sendKeys(.jarray("rJava selenium"))
The more you know...

Building R package with Reference objects fails

I recently rewrote a package to use the new(er) R reference class objects. I've exported the three classes using export() in the NAMESPACE file so as far as I'm aware that should work. However when I test build the package I get an error at lazy loading stage:
** preparing package for lazy loading
Error in file(con, "rb") : invalid 'description' argument
ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ‘PACKAGE_NAME_HERE’
* removing ‘/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.0/Resources/library/PACKAGE_NAME_HERE’
I'm not sure what the problem is here. I don't know if it's relevant but the reference classes do store data on files in the tmp directory by having some fields set as accessor functions - I don't know if that's what s being complained about here when it says (con, "rb") which I guess is some connection thing. Does anybody have any ideas or advice for making sure reference classes get exported properly? My namespace is currently simple -
Which are the three reference classes I exported by using #export tags in roxygen2.
What is it I'm doing (or not doing) that is throwing the lazy load error?
(ASIDE - I have no compiled code - all R, although the reference class methods do call some internal functions that are not exported, but these are supposed to be internal so I don't think I need to export them.
My description file is as follows:
Package: HybRIDS
Type: Package
Title: Quick detection and dating of Recombinant Regions in DNA sequence data.
Version: 1.0
Date: 2013-03-13
Author: Ben J. Ward
Maintainer: Ben J. Ward <b.ward#uea.ac.uk>
Description: A simple R package for the quick detection and dating of Recombinant Regions in DNA sequence data.
License: GPL-2
Depends: ggplot2,grid,gridExtra,png,ape
I can't see what is wrong with this - the Depends are correct.
I've eliminated the first error with the description but I'm still getting the con error.
I think it's because the Mainseq class (which is nested in class Main) has some fields:
FullSequenceFile = "character",
FullSequence = function( value ) {
if( missing( value ) ){
as.character( read.dna( file = FullSequenceFile, format = "fasta", as.matrix = TRUE ) )
} else {
write.dna( value, file = FullSequenceFile, format = "fasta" )
InformativeSequenceFile = "character",
InformativeSequence = function( value ) {
if( missing( value ) ){
as.character( read.dna( file = InformativeSequenceFile, format = "fasta", as.matrix = TRUE ) )
} else {
write.dna( value, file = InformativeSequenceFile, format = "fasta" )
The idea being upon initialisation, the two character fields are filled with a path to a temp file in tmpdir, and when the variables are called or edited the files containing the variable data are read or written to. However it seems the variables are being accessed before this path is available because up package build the following happens:
** preparing package for lazy loading
Warning in file(con, "rb") :
cannot open file '/var/folders/kp/clkqvqn9739ffw2755zjwy74_skf_z/T//RtmpLB8ESC/FullSequenceaba52ac591f3': No such file or directory
Error in file(con, "rb") : cannot open the connection
