parallel R execution problem in R - r

I am using doSMP as a parallel backend in Windows 7, with R 2.12.2. I incur in an error, and would like to understand the likely cause. Here is some sample code to reproduce the error.
wrk <- startWorkers(workerCount = 2)
DF = data.table(x=c("b","b","b","a","a"),v=rnorm(5))
foreach( i=1:2) %dopar% {
The error message is
Error in { : task 1 failed - "could not find function "J""

I've not used doSMP, but I did some digging around and it looks like this post gets at a similar issue.
so it looks like you should be able to do:
foreach( i=1:2, .packages="data.table") %dopar% {
I can't test as I don't have a Windows machine handy.

OK, I asked Revolution computing, and Steve Weller (of RC) replied:
The problem is a R scoping issue. By
default, foreach() will look for
variables defined in it's own
'environment'. Any objects defined
outside of it's scope need to be
explicitly passed to it via the
'.export' argument.
In your case, you will need to modify
your 'foreach()' call to pass in the
objects 'DF' and 'J':
foreach(i=1:2, .export=c("DF","J")) %dopar% {
I haven't tried either solution yet, but I trust both JD and RC...


'mc.cores' > 1 is not supported on Windows

I am new to programming and I am trying to use parallel processing for R in windows, using an existing code.
Following is the snippet of my code:
if (length(grep("linux", R.version$os)) == 1){
num_cores = detectCores()
impact_list <- mclapply(len_a, impact_func, mc.cores = (num_cores - 1))
# else if(length(grep("mingw32", R.version$os)) == 1){
# num_cores = detectCores()
# impact_list <- mclapply(len_a, impact_func, mc.cores = (num_cores - 1))
# }
impact_list <- lapply(len_a, impact_func)
return(sum(unlist(impact_list, use.names = F)))
This works fine, I am using R on windows so the code enters in 'else' statement and it runs the code using lapply() and not by parallel processing.
I have added the 'else if' statement to make it work for windows. So when I un-comment 'else if' block of code and run it, I am getting an error "'mc.cores' > 1 is not supported on Windows".
Please suggest how can I use parallel processing in windows, so that less time is taken to run the code.
Any help will be appreciated.
(disclaimer: I'm author of the future framework here)
The future.apply package provides parallel versions of R's built-in "apply" functions. It's cross platform, i.e. it works on Linux, macOS, and Windows. The package allows you to often just replace an existing lapply() with a future_lapply() call, e.g.
your_fcn <- function(len_a) {
impact_list <- future_lapply(len_a, impact_func)
sum(unlist(impact_list, use.names = FALSE))
Regarding mclapply() per se: If you use parallel::mclapply() in your code, make sure that there is always an option not to use it. The reason is that it is not guaranteed to work in all environment, that is, it might be unstable and crash R. In R-devel thread 'mclapply returns NULLs on MacOS when running GAM' (, the author of mclapply() wrote on 2020-04-28:
Do NOT use mcparallel() in packages except as a non-default option that user can set for the reasons Henrik explained. Multicore is intended for HPC applications that need to use many cores for computing-heavy jobs, but it does not play well with RStudio and more importantly you don't know the resource available so only the user can tell you when it's safe to use. Multi-core machines are often shared so using all detected cores is a very bad idea. The user should be able to explicitly enable it, but it should not be enabled by default.

R Parallelisation Error unserialize(socklisk[[n]])

In a nutshell I am trying to parallelise my whole script over dates using Snow and adply but continually get the below error.
Error in unserialize(socklist[[n]]) : error reading from connection
In addition: Warning messages:
1: <anonymous>: ... may be used in an incorrect context: ‘.fun(piece, ...)’
2: <anonymous>: ... may be used in an incorrect context: ‘.fun(piece, ...)’
I have set up the parallelisation process in the following way:
Cores = detectCores(all.tests = FALSE, logical = TRUE)
cl = makeCluster(Cores, type="SOCK")
clusterExport(cl, c("Var1","Var2","Var3","Var4"), envir = environment())
exposureDaily <- adply(.data = dateSeries,.margins = 1,.fun = MainCalcFunction,
.expand = TRUE, Var1, Var2, Var3,
Var4,.parallel = TRUE)
Where dateSeries might look something like
> dateSeries
1 2016-04-22
2 2016-04-26
MainCalcFunction is a very long script with multiple of my own functions contained within it. As the script is so long reproducing it wouldn't be practical, and a hypothetical small function would defeat the purpose as I have already got this methodology to work with other smaller functions. I can say that within MainCalcFunction I call all my libraries, necessary functions, and a file containing all other variables aside from those exported above so that I don't have to export a long list libraries and other objects.
MainCalcFunction can run successfully in its entirety over 2 dates using adply but not parallelisation, which tells me that it is not a bug in the code that is causing the parallelisation to fail.
Initially I thought (from experience) that the parallelisation over dates was failing because there was another function within the code that utilised parallelisation, however I have subsequently rebuilt the whole code to make sure that there was no such function.
I have poured over the script with a fine tooth comb to see if there was any place where I accidently didn't export something that I needed and I can't find anything.
Some ideas as to what could be causing the code to fail are:
The use of various option valuation functions in fOptions and rquantlib
The use of type sock
I am aware of this question already asked and also this question, and while the first question has helped me, it hasn't yet help solve the problem. (Note: that may be because I haven't used it correctly, having mainly used loginfo("text") to track where the code is. Potentially, there is a way to change that such that I log warning and/or error messages instead?)
Please let me know if there is any other information I can provide to help in solving this. I would be so appreciative if someone could provide some guidance, as the code takes close to 40 minutes to run for a day and I need to run it for close to a year, therefore parallelisation is essential!
I have tried to implement the suggestion in the first question included above by utilising the outfile option. Given I am using Windows, I have done this by including the following lines before the exporting of the key objects and running MainCalcFunction :
reportLogName <- paste("logout_parallel.txt", sep="")
file = paste(Save_directory,reportLogName, sep="" ),
with(getLogger(), names(handlers))
loginfo(paste("Starting log file", getwd()))
cl<-makeCluster(mc, outfile="")
Similarly, at the beginning of MainCalcFunction, after having sourced my libraries and functions I have included the following to print to file:
reportLogName <- paste(testDate,"_logout.txt", sep="")
file = paste(Save_directory,reportLogName, sep="" ),
with(getLogger(), names(handlers))
loginfo(paste("Starting test function ",getwd(), sep = ""))
In the MainCalcFunction function I have then put loginfo("text") statements at key junctures to inform me of where the code is at.
This has resulted in some text files being available after the code fails due to the aforementioned error. However, these text files provide no more information on the cause of the error aside from at what point. This is despite having a tryCatch statement embedded in MainCalcFunction where at the end, on any instance of error I have added the line logerror(e)
I am posting this answer in case it helps anyone else with a similar problem in the future.
Essentially, the error unserialize(socklist[[n]]) doesn't tell you a lot, so to solve it it's a matter of narrowing down the issue.
Firstly, be absolutely sure the code runs over several dates in non-parallel with no errors
Ensure the parallelisation is set up correctly. There are some obvious initial errors that many other questions respond to, e.g., hidden parallelisation inside the code which means parallelisation is occurring twice.
Once you are sure that there is no problem with the code and the parallelisation is set up correctly start narrowing down. The issue is likely (unless something has been missed above) something in the code which isn't a problem when it is run in serial, but becomes a problem when run in parallel. The easiest way to narrow down is by setting outfile = "Log.txt" in which make cluster function you use, e.g., cl<-makeCluster(cores-1, outfile="Log.txt"). Then add as many print("Point in code") comments in your function to narrow down on where the issue is occurring.
In my case, the problem was the line jj = closeAllConnections(). This line works fine in non-parallel but breaks the code when in parallel. I suspect it has something to do with the function closing all connections including socket connections that are required for the parallelisation.
Try running using plain R instead of running in RStudio.

Cannot access parameters in C++ code in parallel code called from Snow

I am developing a parallel R code using the Snow package, but when calling C++ code using the Rcpp package the program just hangs and is unresponsive.
as an example...
I have the following code in R that is using snow to split into certain number of processes
MyRFunction<-function(i) {
if (mpi) {
clusterExport(cl, list("set.user.Random.seed"))
clusterEvalQ(cl, {library(Rcpp); NULL})
out <- parallel::mclapply(1:mc.cores,MyRFunction)
Whereas my C++ function looks like...
RcppExport SEXP CppFunction(SEXP n) {
int n=as<int>(n);
If I run it with mpi=false and mc.cores=[some number of threads] the program runs beautifully BUT
if i run it with mpi=true, therefore using snow, the program just hangs at int=as<int>(n) ?????
On the other hand if I define the C++ function as...
RcppExport SEXP CppFunction(SEXP n) {
CharacterVector nn(n);
int n=boost::lexical_cast<int>(nn[0]);
The program runs perfectly on each mpi thread?? The problem is that it works for integers doubles etc, but not matrices
Also, I must use lexical_cast from the boost package to make it works since as<> does not.
Does anybody know why this is, and what I am missing here, so I can load my matrices as well?
It is not entirely clear from your question what you are doing but I'd recommend to
simplify: snow certainly works, and works with Rcpp as it does with other packages
trust packages: I found parallel computing setups easier when all nodes are identical local packages sets
be careful with threading: if you have trouble with explicit threading in the snow context, try it first without it and the add it once the basic mechanics work
Finally the issue was resolved, and the problem seems to lie with getMPICluster() which works perfectly fine for pure R code, but not as well with Rcpp, as explained above.
Instead using makeMPICluster command
mc.cores <- max(1, NumberOfNodes*CoresPerNode-1) # minus one for master
cl <- makeMPIcluster(mc.cores)
cat(sprintf("Running with %d workers\n", length(cl)))
clusterCall(cl, function() { library(MyPackage); NULL })
Works great! The problem is that you have to manually define the number of nodes and cores per node within the R code, instead of defining it using the mpirun command.

Running doRedis- Object not found even when it's been exported

I'm testing the doRedis package by running a worker one machine and the master/server on another. The code on my master looks like this:
#Register ...
r <- foreach(a=1:numreps, .export(...)) %dopar% {
train <- func1(..)
best <- func2(...)
weights <- func3(...)
return ...
In every function, a global variable is accessed, but not modified. I've exported the global variable in the .export portion of the foreach loop, but whenever I run the code, an error occurs stating that the variable was not found. Interestingly, the code works when all my workers on one machine, but crashes when I have an "outside" worker. Any ideas why this error is occurring, and how to correct it?
UPDATE: I have a gist of some code here:
UPDATE2: I asked a another to doRedis related question: "Would it be possible allow each worker machine to utilize all of its cores?
#Steve Weston responded: "Starting one redis worker per core will often fully utilize a machine."
This kind of code was a problem for the doParallel, doSNOW, and doMPI packages in the past, but they were improved in the last year or so to handle it better. The problem is that variables are exported to a special "export" environment, not to the global environment. That is preferable in various ways, but it means that the backend has to do more work so that the exported variables are in the scope of the exported functions. It looks like doRedis hasn't been updated to use these improvements.
Here is a simple example that illustrates the problem:
startLocalWorkers(3, 'jobs')
glob <- 6
f1 <- function() {
f2 <- function() {
foreach(1:3, .export=c('f1', 'glob')) %dopar% {
f2() # fails with the error: "object 'glob' not found"
If the doParallel backend is used, it succeeds:
cl <- makePSOCKcluster(3)
f2() # works with doParallel
One workaround is to define the function "f1" inside function "f2":
f2 <- function() {
f1 <- function() {
foreach(1:3, .export=c('glob')) %dopar% {
f2() # works with doParallel and doRedis
Another solution is to use some mechanism to export the variables to the global environment of each of the workers. With doParallel or doSNOW, you could do that with the clusterExport function, but I'm not sure how to do that with doRedis.
I'll report this issue to the author of the doRedis package and suggest that he update doRedis to handle exported functions like doParallel.

could not find function inside foreach loop

I'm trying to use foreach to do multicore computing in R.
A <-function(....) {
foreach(i=1:10) %dopar% {
then I call function A in the console. The problem is I'm calling a function Posdef inside B that is defined in another script file which I source. I had to put Posdef in the list of export argument of foreach: .export=c("Posdef"). However I get the following error:
Error in { : task 3 failed - "could not find function "Posdef""
Why cant R find this defined function?
So I can reproduce this, for the curious:
registerDoSNOW(makeCluster(5, type="SOCK"))
fib <- function(n) {
if (n <= 1) { return(1) }
return(fib(n-1) + fib(n-2))
my.matrix <- matrix(runif(2500, 10, 50), nrow=50)
calcLotsaFibs <- function() {
result <- foreach(row.num=1:nrow(my.matrix), .export=c("fib", "my.matrix")) %dopar% {
lotsa.fibs <- calcLotsaFibs()
I have been able to get around this by putting the function in another file and loading that file in the body of the foreach. You could also obviously move the function definition into the body of the foreach itself.
[EDIT -- I had previously suggested that perhaps .export doesn't work properly with function names, but was corrected below.]
The short answer is that this was a bug in parallel backends such as doSNOW, doParallel and doMPI, but it has since been fixed.
The slightly longer answer is that foreach exports functions to the workers using a special "export" environment, not the global environment. That used to cause problems for functions that were created in the global environment, because the "export" environment wasn't in their scope, even though they were now defined in that same "export" environment. Thus, they couldn't see any other functions or variables defined in the "export" environment, such as "Posdef" in your case.
The doSNOW, doParallel and doMPI backends now change the associated environment from the global to the "export" environment for functions exported via ".export", and seems to have resolved these issues.
Quick fix for problem with foreach %dopar% is to reinstall these packages:
It worked in my case.
