IDialogService in design time - mvvm-light

I was fallowing Mix 2011 MVVM Deep dive talk and try to implement IDialogService interface to display messages and common loading bars... etc, but I found bit troubling assignment DialogService to ViewModel thru Views constructor. like this
((MasterViewModel) DataContext).DialogService = (IDialogService) App.Current;
This causing InvalidCastException in designg time, do you have any idea how to fix this?

Tried using an 'as' instead of a cast?


What is a good approach to bind an entityproxy to a UI component?

I'm currently working on a GWT project. The thing is, I find very hard to believe that I need to repeat some boilerplate over and over to bind the data from an EntityProxy (say a getSomeData() method) to a UI component (say a TextBox).
How do you guys overcome this issue? For now I have to create a method to read from the TextBox and set it to the EntityProxy, and a method to write to the TextBox after reading from the EntityProxy.
Basically, it's always the same! i.e.:
// Update the text box
T someData = entity.getSomeData();
// Update the entity
String value = textBox.getText();
You get my point? I'm aware there is no Reflection at client side. I could use deffered binding but I'm not sure how or if it is a good approach with RequestFactory's EntityProxys.
Thank you
I use the technique you have defined in your question to push and collect data from my controls. Recently I have found out that there is a built-in feature of GWT called Editors. I didn't have a chance to try it myself yet but perhaps you want to check it out it seems promising. Also here is another useful link from Thomas Broyer's blog about Editors

Getting a static instance of a class (singleton) by using getDefinitionByName

I have a ManagerClass with a Singleton implementation inside, I get the instance by calling ManagerClass.getInstance().
Can I get that same instance by just having the class name as a string?
I have tried something like:
var theInstance:* = getDefinitionByName("ManagerClass").getInstance as Class;
theInstance.doTrace(); // I get a 1009 error here
well - im dealing with singletons because the application that I'm working on is written in cairngorm, and a whole bunch of things have to be singletons in it.
in regards to why I need to "pass the class names" instead of hardcoding them - is for exact that reason - I don't want to hardcode anything in. this application is 5 years in developement, and now would not be good time to switch it to RobotLegs and such.
haha - yea, you're right - i forgot the () after getInstance. Must be the lack of sleep... Now it works!!!!
Sure why not make a Singleton manager (similar to the Flex core mx.core.Singleton class) that registers these classes and handles if they're null.
Similar to here :

MSAA COM-based?

I'm wondering if MSAA is COM-based, then one should be able to use CreateObject("Accessibility") to create an instance and call its methods. I had no success doing that. I have "OLEACC.DLL" in SYSTEM32 and it's registered with Windows. But the CreateObject fails.
Any thoughts?
I would like to use functions like AccessibleObjectFromPoint() to get the IAccessible object of the control at the given point.
Has anybody had such an experience?
Any input would be highly appreciated,
MSAA is COM based. However, there is no co-creatable class exposed, it exposes only interfaces. That's the reason you can't do CreateObject().
The MSAA-exposed APIs, like AccessibleObjectFromPoint and AccessibleObjectFromWindow are dll-exported C++ methods. You can use them from C++ by linking the proper lib or doing LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress with the function name. From C#, you can get the P/nvoke declaration for these from For example, here's the DllImport for AccessibleObjectFromWindow.

Using a dictionary object in application scope in Classic ASP

Following up from my last question does anyone know how I can use a dictionary object in application scope in Classic ASP? You cannot use Scripting.Dictionary - if you try you will see something similar to the following:
Application object error 'ASP 0197 : 80004005'
Disallowed object use /xxx.asp, line 2. Cannot add object with apartment model behavior to the application intrinsic object.
I found this article on (good ol') 4GuysFromRolla but it points to Microsoft's free Lookup Component and a free Dictionary Component from Caprock Consulting - both of which are dead links.
The article clearly explains why you can't use the Scripting.Dictionary in application scope, but I was wondering if anyone knew of a free alternative or where I might find a copy of the old components that 4GuysFromRolla mentioned?
I was able to download the Dictionary Component from Caprock Consulting using this link:
I have the LookupTable-component and can provide it to you if interested.
However, I have notived that you can use .NET HashTable in application-scope which might be useful for you.
just do this:
<object id="YOUR_VAR_NAME" progid="System.Collections.HashTable" runat="Server" scope="Application"></object>
this will give you a global, application-wide HashTable-object.
Beware of modifying this to heavily though, I have problems with memoryleaks where eventually the applications session-handling gets unreliable (doesn't invoke SessionStart properly)
i had the same issue and ended up feeding the application variable with the content of my dictionary and added
for each obj in application.Contents
if Left(obj,6) = "urlLog" then
end if
to kill all the application variables in the global.asa on application.end ( you could also use the Application.Contents.RemoveAll but i heard there was som issue with it leaving some variable up and causing memory leak even tho i could net find any solid source to prove it ...
anyway is the Caprock dictionary working for you ?

LinqtoSQL and problems

I am using link to sql, I have a connected set of objects.
I start out and do a linq statement like this
Dim L= from II in context.InventoryItems select II
Dim L2 = L.tolist
The second line was so that I could narrow down where the problem was occuring. When the second line is hit I get an error "The EntitySet is already loaded and the source cannot be changed"
Any ideas what might be causing this?
Omer's comment brings up a very good point: is this DataContext being re-used from a previous operation? If so, you may want to check out Dino Esposito's blog post regarding lifetime of the DataContext to make sure you're not keeping it around too long.
That error sounds like maybe you have already loaded data from the InventoryItems table using that DataContext and possibly made some changes to entities bound to the DataContext that you have not yet submitted. If you try your code with a brand new DataContext without specifying any special DataLoadOptions it should work.
For anyone interested, be careful what you do in the constructor, I was initializing some stuff in the constructor that I shouldn't have been and it caused an error on loading from the datacontext.
