Modifying Application Variables in ASP.Net (MVC) -

I store a large structure holding my application's reference data in a variable I access through HttpContext.Application. Every once in a while this data needs to change. When I update it in place, is there a danger that incoming requests will see the data in an inconsistent state? Is there a need (and a way) to lock some or all of this structure? Finally, are there other approaches to this problem other than querying the database every time you need this (mostly static) data?

There are also other solutions availiable, there are many caching providers that you can use.
First of all, there's the HttpRuntime.Cache (which is the same as the HttpContext cache). There's also the System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache in .NET 4.
You can set data expiry and other rules for the data in the cache.
More advanced caching includes distributed caches.
Usually, they reside on another server but may also reside on a different process on the same server.
Such providers are AppFabric (from Microsoft) and MemCached and others that I can't recall currently.

You will not see the application variable in inconsistent state.
The MSDN page for HttpApplicationState says (Under the Thread Safety section):
This type is thread safe.

You may be looking for HttpContext.Items instead to store data in the request scope instead of the application scope. Check out this article to get a great overview of the different context scopes in ASP.NET.
Your solution to avoid querying the database for "mostly static data" is to leverage ASP.NET's caching.


When to use HttpApplicationState rather than Web.Caching.Cache?

When i need to cache something in my application, i used to choose Web.Caching.Cache. But i ran into some legacy code that using HttpApplicationState instead.
Since Web.Caching.Cache is more powerful and flexible (seems MUCH more), is there a situation that better to use HttpApplicationState??
I will be very appreciate if you can show me some examples :-)
Both HttpApplicationState and Web.Caching.Cache can be used to store information that can be globally accessible throughout an ASP.Net application. However, they have very different uses.
HttpApplicationState is used to store application data that typically does not change. It is typically populated in Application_Start in Global.asax, when the application is starting. I personally have not used it much, but I believe it is typically used to store small pieces of application configuration that are global to all users of an application and which either do not change or change very infrequently. Something put into Application state will remain there indefinitely, until the app recycles. But when it recycles and restarts again, Application_Start will execute again and re-populate it.
It is important to note that HttpApplicationState is a singleton and is not thread safe. So when you make changes to it, you must lock and unlock the Application object via calls to Application.Lock() and Application.UnLock(). Read more
There are actually three different ways you can cache ASP.Net content: Page level, partial page, and data. I am going to talk about data caching, since I think that is most relevant to your question. The ASP.Net cache is used to store large quantities of application data that would be expensive to retrieve from a data store for every request. The key differences between HttpApplicationState and Cache are 1) Cache data is designed to expire and be purged from memory by a variety of triggers or conditions (time, other cache dependencies, etc), whereas HttpApplicationState will be there forever until the app recycles, and 2) Cache data can be purged from memory if a server is experiencing severe memory pressure, and you thus can never count on it being there and must always test to see if it is present, whereas HttpApplicationState will always be there.
Caching is used to store data closer to the application that does not need to be pulled from a database on every request. Caching is designed to store very large quantities of data, and an intelligent caching architecture can have an enormous positive impact on performance. application session cache best practices and patterns

In the major data stores are application, session and we also have the object cache.
I have used common sense hints/tips (e.g. never put users specific data in application, never put unmanaged resources in session etc. etc.) but to be honest I have never come across any recommendations and examples for when to use what in MSDN or from prominent figures like Haack and the Gu that cover all three together (e.g. Google's first hit to MSDN talks about using application as a global cache, if that's the case, what's the object cache for ?
Also something that I find seldom discussed is comparison in scenario, for example I know its easy to unnecessary load up memory usage with over use of session, but what happens if you used the object cache as an alternative to store the same data ?
Edit: This is the best information I have found so far:
Use Session to store user-specific information, since the framework automatically associates each session store with a specific user.
Use the Object Cache for information that can be cached once and reused across the entire application or across a set of users. If you store user-specific data in the Object Cache then you'll have to invent some mechanism to associate cache entries. Not only would this require extra work on your behalf, but you might do it in such a way that increases the likelihood of a nefarious user somehow doing something akin to session spoofing.
I don't know when you'd ever need to use the Application object. If I'm not mistaken, the Application object is more of a relic from classic ASP than anything else.
Another form of caching that can be just as important is per-request caching via the HttpContext.Items collection. This allows you to cache data for the lifetime of a request and is useful if you keep requesting the same data during a single request (such as from different User Controls on the page). For more information on this approach, see HttpContext.Items - a Per-Request Cache Store.
I'd suggest creating a wrapper class, at least for the session, if those get used throughout your code. That way, you can inject an instance of the class to do the real work, and use a mocked version for unit tests. I did this for a large project where the session was widely used, and it worked out rather well.
You can combine this with the facade pattern - the wrapper will provide specific methods that you needs, instead of exposing the general interface. As an example, the session takes objects and returns objects, it is not strongly typed. The wrapper can have strongly typed add and get methods.

.net Artchitecture that works like - Cache everything, read from cache

Hi I want a sample that does following:
Database <-> Data Access + Cache <-> Business logic <-> UI
so basically everything you want from database should be accessible from cache, if it's not in cache, underlying data access layer will populate if and return it otherwise returned from cache
is there any disadvantage? in what scenerios this could be a good solution
I like creating my own static wrapper class for the System.Web.Caching.Cache class.
Essentially you create a class in your web application module, and create all the standard Cache functions (get, add, remove, etc). The methods need to be implemented with generics to ensure type safety.
Here is a good example
You then create another static class, which acts as like a service model from your web tier through to your data tier.
Your web tier would invoke methods on the static class, which would first generate a CacheKey based on the supplied method parameters, check cache, if found return, otherwise call data layer, add to cache and return.
Depending on how your business objects are setup, your might need to provide deep copies (ie implement IClonable and ovveride the Clone method) on your objects.
Also, your cache solution depends on your web farm architecture. If you have lots of web servers, the chances are your data could become stale so you need to decide on the best option there (SQLCacheDependecy, Distributed Caching, etc).
The obvious disadvantages are cache validity (how do you know that the data was not changed/added since you cached it) and memory/disk usage.
It is a good solution when your data is static (no need to think when to update cache).
We used a similar approach with dynamic data and cache introduced quite a number of problems. Sometimes cache updates were too expensive (the server had to notify all clients about the data which they cached and which has been changed), sometimes memory usage on clients was too high.

ASP.NET Masters: What are the advantages / disadvantages of using Session variables?

I've done a search on this subject already, and have found the same data over and over-- a review of the three different types of sessions. (InProc, Sql, StateServer) However, my question is of a different nature.
Specifically, what is the advantages/disadvantages of using the built in .NET session in the first place?
Here is why I am asking: A fellow .NET developer has told me to NEVER use the built in Microsoft Session. Not at all. Not even create a custom Session State Provider. His reasoning for this is the following--that if you have the Session turned on in IIS it makes all of your requests happen synchronously. He says that enabling session degrades the performance of a web server.
His solution to this is to create a session yourself-- a class that stores all values you need and is serialized in and out of the database. He advises that you store the unique ID to reference this in a cookie or a querystring variable. In our environment, using a DB to store the sessions is a requirement because all the pages we make are on web farms, and we use Oracle-- so I agree with that part.
Does using the built in Session degrade performance more than a home-built Session? Are there any security concerns with this?
So to sum it all up, what are the advantages/disadvantages?
Thanks to all who answer!
My experience has been that the session is a good means of managing state when you use it appropriately. However, often times it's misused, causing the "never ever use the session" sentiment shared by many developers.
I and many other developers have ran into major performance issues when we mistakenly used the session to store large amounts of data from a database, so as to "save a trip." This is bad. Storing 2000 user records per session will bring the web server to its knees when more than a couple of users use the application. Session should not be used as a database cache.
Storing an integer, however, per session is perfectly acceptable. Small amounts of data representing how the current user is using your application (think shopping cart) is a good use of session state.
To me, it's really all about managing state. If done correctly, then session can be one of many good ways to manage state. It should be decided in the beginning on how to manage state though. Most often times, we've run into trouble when someone decides to just "throw something in the session".
I found this article to be really helpful when using out-of-process modes, and it contains some tips that I would have never thought of on my own. For example, rather than marking a class as serializable, storing its primitive datatype members in separate session variables, and then recreating the object can improve performance.
Firstly, you colleague is implementing his own DB backed session management system, I do not see what advantage this has over using built in session state stored on a database (MS SQL is the default, there is no reason not to use Oracle instead).
Is his solution better than the built in one? Unlikely. It's way more work for you for a start. Here's a simple illustration of why. Let's say you use cookies to store your ID, how do you cope with a user who turns off cookies? If you are using ASP.Net's session state there's no problem as it will fall back to using the query string. With your colleagues idea you have to roll your own.
There is a very valid question as to whether you shold have session state at all. If you can design your application not to need any session state at all you will have a much easier time scaling and testing. Obviously you may have application state which needs to live beyond a session anyway (simple case beign user names and passwords), but you have to store these data anyway regardless of whether you have session state.
The MS implementation of Session State is not evil in and of itself... it is how some developers use it. As mentioned above, using the built-in session state provider means that you don't have to reinvent the security, aging, and concurrency issues. Just don't start jamming lots of garbage in the session because you're too lazy to figure out a better way to manage state and page transitions. Session doesn't scale really well... if each user on your site stuffs a bunch of objects in the session, and those objects take up a tiny bit of the finite memory available to your app, you'll run into problems sooner than later as your app grows in popularity. Use session in the manner for which it was designed: a token to represent that a user is still "using" your site. When you start to venture beyond that, either because of ignorance or laziness, you're bound to get burned.
You should be judicious in your use of Session, since multiple requests to the same Session object will usually be queued: see "Concurrent requests and session state"
Note that you can set EnableSessionState to ReadOnly to allow concurrent read access to session state.
This queuing is a good thing, as it means developers can use Session without being concerned about synchronization.
I would not agree with your colleague's recommendation to "never" use Session and I certainly wouldn't consider rolling my own.
First, a browser will only make two requests, to a given hostname, at a given time. For the most part these requests are for static content (JS files, CSS, etc). So, the serializing of requests to dynamic content aren't nearly the issue that one might think. Also, I think this may be confused with Classic ASP, where pages that use Session are definitely serialized, I don't believe this is the case with ASP.Net.
With ASP.Net session state (SQL mode, state server, or custom) you have an implementation that is standard, and consistent throughout an application. If you don't need to share session information this is your best bet. If you need to share information with other application environments (php, swing/java, classic asp, etc.) it may be worth considering.
Another advantage/disadvantage is that there has been a lot of developer focus on the built-in methodology for sessions with regards to performance, and design over rolling your own, even with a different provider.
Are there any security concerns with this?
If you roll your own you'll have to handle Session Fixation and Hijacking attacks, whereas using the built-in Session I think they are handled for you (but I could be wrong).
the home made session as you have described is doing nothing different "SQL" state of .Net sessions and in my experience i dont think session degrades your performance in anyway. building your own session manager will require putting in several other plumbing tasks along - security, flushing it out, etc.
the advantage with in-built sessions is its easy to use with all this plumbing already been taken care of. with "SQL" mode you can persist the session data in database thus allowing you to run your app on web-farms without any issues.
we designed a b2b ecommerce app for fortune 57 company which processes over 100k transactions a day and used sessions [SQL mode] quite extensively without any problems whatsover at all.
Correct me if I am wrong:
The primary advantage of storing Session state in a db, e.g., SQL Server, is that you are not consuming memory resources, but instead storing it to disk in a db.
The disadvantage is that you take an IO hit to retrieve this info from the database each time you need it (or maybe SQL Sever even does some magic caching of the data for you based on recently executed queries?)
In any event, this the price an IO to retrieve the session info from a db per trip to the web server seems like a safer strategy for sites that encounter a lot of traffic.

Caching the profiles from SqlProfileProvider -- ProfileManager.GetAllProfiles result

I'm using the SqlProfileProvider on one of my websites and in one page I need to fetch the whole list of profiles (it is an intranet).
The method that I use is the ProfileManager.GetAllProfiles(). The problem is that its performance is really bad and it slows down the website considerably.
Therefore, I was thinking of caching the result of the method call in the Application scope as a DataTable (so I could filter/search on it as well).
My problem is that I have several servers running this webapp, and I would like the cache to be in sync. I started using memcached but I was put off by some problems (hence going back to thinking in caching in the Application scope).
So, here are my questions:
Would it be efficient to store the DataTable containing the profiles in the Application object? Or, is it possible to store objects in the Cache and have them available for all clients/browsers?
Is it possible to add a (SQL) Cache Depedency to this cache?
You could cache portions of the web page which will depend on the list of profiles by putting them in a user control and marking it as cacheable. SqlCacheDependency cache policy expiration could be defined as well. As for the cache location, every web server in the farm will have it's own version in memory but using cache expiration will make sure that this version is not out of sync with the data in the DB.
Page or fragment caching is the most effective caching technique because contrary to caching your model (a DataTable or whatever) you don't pay the price of HTML rendering.
