How can I spoof the sender IP address using curl? - unix

I need to make a request with a spoofed IP address for testing purposes. What's the easiest way to do this?

For my own purposes, changing the HTTP header was enough, via the following:
curl --header "X-Forwarded-For:" ""

You can't.
In general, spoofing IP addresses for TCP is remarkably difficult. Unless you have control of a router quite near your target or near the IP you're spoofing, consider it impossible.
The reply packets need a path back to you in order to complete even the three-way handshake. The most reliable way to do this is to have control over a router in the most common pathway between your target and your spoofed IP address: this would let you capture packets between the target and the spoofed address and forward them on to you.
You could also try injecting bogus BGP route advertisements, but doing so would doubtless be noticed and cost you dearly when your peers drop you completely.

Can I make libcurl fake or hide my real IP address?
No. libcurl operates on a higher level. Besides, faking IP address
would imply sending IP packet with a made-up source address, and then
you normally get a problem with receiving the packet sent back as they
would then not be routed to you!
If you use a proxy to access remote sites, the sites will not see your
local IP address but instead the address of the proxy.
Also note that on many networks NATs or other IP-munging techniques
are used that makes you see and use a different IP address locally
than what the remote server will see you coming from.


Why is it not possible to spoof an ip address (without using a proxy) and still receive a response?

I understand that if I tell my computer to send TCP packets from a fake ip address - say - then my computer will happily send the packets out but not receive them in response.
But why is no response received? At which point in the chain is the return packet dropped?
Or, to give the same question asked another way - if my internet provider assigns me some arbitrary IP address, why can't my computer tell the internet provider to give me a different, arbitrary, IP address?
It's like sending a letter with a return address in it that is invalid. The mail will still get there, but if they send it back the postman (router) will at best be able to deliver it to a fake return address.
Your internet provider gives you an address on internet that isn't arbitrary rather one of it's internet addresses it has allocated. You can't 'move house' by wishing it.
If you do move house by getting another valid address you still need to receive a response using address supplied.
The postmen (routers) are incorruptible AFAIK :)
To start with your question about why no response is received, it is because the response goes to the person whose IP you spoofed. This can be abused, and an example if this is a "smurf attack". You would need to control the spoofed IP in order to receive the response, and there would be no point to spoofing if you had this control.
As for your question about why you cannot make your ISP assign you an IP is because, firstly, your ISP has control of a range of IPs and cannot assign IPs out of its permitted range. Secondly, most ISPs won't take into account the IP that your device wants. It has full control and will control your IP how it wants, so you cannot change your external IP at will.
There are many reasons why an ISP will not give an 'arbitrary' IP address. These include
They themselves only have a block of IP addresses they are allowed to allocate to users, if the IP address you want to use is not in this block there's nothing they can do (even if they want to, which they probably don't)
You are mostly likely being assigned an IP through DHCP (unless your provider is very generous or you are paying for a static IP). This also means that your IP is frequently changing.
The reason you receive no response is, as you put it, because the spoofed address is not your IP address. You are in essence telling the receiver of the TCP packets to respond to a different user (e.g., you send a packet, and they respond to some random stranger).

Networking - sending and receiving data

This could not be the right place, as it's not about pure programming;
nevertheless, as a simple web developer I find myself quite
ignorant on the subject of networking(Wikipedia usually mix
different subjects on the matter), and I feel as it is a "must" to know.
I sort of have an image of what happens when you write
on your browser, and I don't know the whole process(I have a modem,
a router and a few computers connected to it. let's use my case for an example):
You write characters into chrome ->
there is some character encoding done to translate the address(ASCII or else) ->
DNS does something, not sure ->
your router receives a digital request from a computer's internet cable/WIFI, it saves the internal IPV4 address of
the sender in order to know to which computer to respond back. it sends the digital data to the modem ->
your modem receives digital data, and translates it from digital to analog ->
now your network provider does some work - >
the google server receives a request from an IP address - >
not sure how the google server handles the data, nevertheless it sends back data ->
service provider - > router gets translated digital data from the modem and remembers who sent the request, and sends it to the right person.
in order to optimize a web server or maybe to write a better code which involves networking, perhaps each beginner(such as myself) needs to understand this first? Thank you for your time.
EDIT: I did read wikipedia's OSI model, though it's not quite as helpful as I thought it would.
i will try to explain the idea, although its may be much ,more complicate - it depends on how deep you want to go ...
you write ""
your OS will try to resolve the to an IP address
since your OS probably cant, it needs to ask a DNS server
assuming you use an external DNS ( say IP= and your IP= which is on a different networks ), your OS will check if it knows how to reach
a default route exists on your PC (this is also known as 'default-gw' which includes ALL internet, it points to your local router
an IP packet will be sent to the router MAC address with the DNS IP address in the destination
your router will probably change your private IP address to its own public IP address and will sends it to the ISP
ISP will route it to the internet until it reaches which is the DNS
DNS will reply back resolving to an IP address
your PC now knows how to send packets to
packet will be sent to stackoverflow ip address ( to port 80 (http)
stackoverflow web server listen to requests on port 80
once a packet arrives it will generate a response packet
it will send it back to you exactly in the same way
all that traffic can be seen with a network capture utility like wireshark, u can use those commands (windows) to verify...
netstat -rn
tracert -d

Using Client IP address in HttpWebRequest

What I need is quite the same asked here, I don't understand the answer too well, because of my knowledge, so maybe someone could help me.
What I'd like to do is using the connected user's IP address (Client IP) to make the server-side HttpWebRequest, so I would grab the user's IP and make the call with it.
What I'd like to obtain is that every connected user makes HttpWebRequests with their IP.
Is it possible?
If it is, how should I edit that code to do this?
This is impossible. My answer to the other question was about selecting which IP Address (read: network adapter) to use for a request. However, you cannot invent IP Addresses out of thin air, nor use IP Addresses that are not yours (in a physical, attached-to-this-computer sense).
Now, technically, using Raw Sockets, you can spoof another IP Address in your packets. However, the problem with that is that the return traffic will go to the IP Address you specify, not the one you actually have!
So, my advice is to not pursue this line of thought any further, and find another way to do whatever it is that you are trying to do.
You may only make outbound connections from your server using an IP that is assigned to the server. If you tried to use a client's IP, it would fail.
Even if it did not fail, it would be a form of spoofing and would fail pretty qucikly anyway- the handshake that occurs using tcpip would case the remote connection to send an acknowledge packet back to the source ip (in your case, the client ip) which would result in an error.
If you are using UDP, it actually is possible to do this, but that is a different subject.

Do all web requests contain the requestor's IP?

Am I able to depend on a requestor's IP coming through on all web requests?
I have an application and I'd like to use the IP to identify unauthenticated visitors. I don't really care if the IP is unique as long as there is something there so that I don't get an empty value.
If not I guess I would have to handle the case where the value is empty.
Or is there a better identifier than IP?
You can get this from Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].
It doesn't hurt to be defensive. If you're worried about some horrible error condition where this isn't set, check for that case and deal with it accordingly.
There could be many reasons for this value not to be useful. You may only get the address of the last hop, like a load balancer or SSL decoder on the local network. It might be an ISP proxy, or some company NAT firewall.
On that note, some proxies may provide the IP for which they're forwarding traffic in an additional HTTP header, accessible via
Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]. You might want to check this first, then fall back to Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"] or Request.UserHostAddress.
It's certainly not a bad idea to log these things for reference/auditing.
I believe that this value is set by your web sever and there is really no way to fake it as your response to there request wouldn't be able to get back to them if they set there IP to something else.
The only thing that you should worry about is proxies. Everyone from a proxy will get the same IP.
You'll always get an IP address, unless your web server is listening on some sort of network that is not an IP network. But the IP address won't necessarily be unique per user.
Well, web request is an http connection, which is a tcp connection and all tcp connections have two endpoints. So, it always exists. But that's about as much as you know about it. It's neither unique nor reliably accurate (with all the proxies and stuff).
Yes, every request must have an IP address, but as stated above, some ISP's use proxies, NAT or gateways which may not give you the individual's computer.
You can easily get this IP (in c#) with:
string IP = Context.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString();
or in asp/vbscript with
IP = request.servervariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
IP address is not much use for identifying users. As mentioned already corporate proxies and other private networks can appear as a single IP address.
How are you authenticating users? Typically you would have them log in and then store that state in their session in your app.

How does client-machine/browser handle unrequested HTTP response?

Imagine the following:
User goes to script (,
Script sends an HTTP request to some other page ( For this example, we'll say using curl.
The script sets the IP address of the request to the user's IP, via CURLOPT_INTERFACE.
I know already that the requesting script will not receive the response, as the remote-host will send any responses to the IP address given in the request.
What I am wondering is what happens to this response? Assuming the client is on a LAN that has one external address and that all traffic sent to that IP is handled by a router acting as a DHCP server, will the response even get back to the user's machine? If it did, would there be any way to ensure that it was handled by the user's browser? And if so, how would the browser handle this, typically? Would it open a new window with Google in it?
I definitely have a follow up to this question, but I am very curious what goes on at this level, before I experiment further.
The script sets the IP address of the request to the user's IP, via CURLOPT_INTERFACE.
Usually, this won't work. Your ISP knows which IP address you are supposed to have and will not forward traffic coming from "fake" IP addresses.
In particular, since you can only communicate one-way with a fake IP (since the answer won't reach you), you would not be able to establish a working TCP connection, since TCP requires a three-way handshake. Thus, you wouldn't be able to submit your web request.
What I am wondering is what happens to this response? Assuming the client is on a LAN that has one external address and that all traffic sent to that IP is handled by a router acting as a DHCP server, will the response even get back to the user's machine?
If the user's PC has an internal IP address and uses NAT, the router will not know which LAN machine to forward the packet to (since it did not see any outgoing request to which it could match that response). Therefore, the answer would be dropped.
Even if you could get the response to reach the client:
If it did, would there be any way to ensure that it was handled by the user's browser?
No. As stated above, a TCP request consists of a three-way handshake. This handshake has not been completed, so the operating system would just drop the packet.
CURLOPT_INTERFACE is for use on computers that have multiple IP addresses assigned to them, to specify which of those addresses should be used as the source IP for the connection. You can't use it to spoof some other computer's IP address. Most likely you'll either get an error, or the option will be ignored and the OS will choose a source interface automatically (the default behavior).
The response will be returned on the same TCP connection as the request.
