login module vs own login -

Can anyone tell me what the benefits and disadvantages are of the login module and building your own login? Or links to where I can get more information.
Thank you!

Further to what talljoe said it is less work and also standardised which will help anyone else that comes in need to make changes.
Unless you need some specific function that the control doesn't have, there's no real need to write your own.


ASP.NET (C#) do a post to page from code and go to that page

I am very new to .NET and am now in need to modify an existing ASP.NET website done with C# long back by someone else (with .NET version 2.0).
There are lot of process involved in this website and I need to get few data from the database and then do a POST to another page from the code itself. I am able to do a redirection to required page with necessary parameters, but need to implement the same with POST.
Can anyone please guide me on how to implement this? Thank you.
After few more searches on my requirement, came across another Stackoverflow post -
This was a much straight forward approach for me and it worked like a charm. Thanks to Pavlo Neiman (

Is there any way to set & bypass default value to the captcha?

Currently i am want to automate the banking application (with the selenium web-driver) in which more use of captcha. i know very well captcha is used to prevent automation & there is one way to block the captcha functionality from testing environment & do the work.
But my Question is that, is there any way to set & bypass the default value to captcha, so that we can automate the captcha functionality without hiding the captcha code?
Thanks in advance for your valuable suggestions.
I think you need to ask whoever wrote the banking application.
If it is possible for a user to bypass the captcha through the web front-end then webdriver should be able to automate it fairly easily. If it's not possible for a user to bypass it, then webdriver may be able to do something clever with javascript. But it all depends on what the application allows.
If there are hidden inputs which can be used to bypass the captcha for example, then WebDriver deliberately can't interact with them, but custom javascript can. However the point of captchas is to make it impossible to for an automated script to get through, so no well-designed captcha would have such an obvious loophole.

How to prevent users from manipulating html content "badly" and posting it back to server?

I have not found the same as or related to my question above.
If it is already asked, please let me know, I will delete mine.
I am learning mvc 2.
After downloading the rendered page, the visitors have a chance to manipulate the html contents ILLEGALLY and submit it back to the server. In MVC, how can I avoid this issue?
You cannot prevent anything on the user side. Therefore you must ensure that the server reacts correctly to manipulated input.
Note that the automatic model binding is tricky: both over- and under-posting can cause trouble.
This is an excellent post on that topic:
Take all the efforts you can to validate the user input at the server. MVC offers the AntiForgeryToken which helps verify that the page being posted back is the correct page but as with any client-side verification, it's not foolproof.
You can't do anything about this.
Use the mantra "never trust anything from your users" and validate everything on server side.

Is there any Forum or Knowledge base for Plumtree interms of hosting as Portlets

I am quite new to Plumtree, and hosting pages as portlets is not so easy.
There are weird issues coming up every time, like
-> Session variables don't work across PAges
-> Build- in Ajax doesn;t work
-> Response.redirect fails
I would like know more on hosting pages in plumtree, Please let me know if you come across any Forum or Knowledge base for Plumtree.
Your best place would be BEA/Oracle forums for Aqualogic, LiquidSomething, Interaction, or whatever they call it now.
Explaining inner-working of Plumtree here would take forever.
The best way to do this is to use the session preference in the web service definition
Use session preferences. More information and details can be found here:
Also check out for Plumtree/Aqualogic Interaction/WebCenter Interaction discussion.

DotNetNuke - Plain text to Encrypted/Hashed passwords

I've inherited a DotNetNuke site that was built and managed by someone who thought storing user passwords as plain text was a good idea because he could easily look up a password and tell the user what it is if they forgot it and to log in as them if they had an issue. After recovering from my heart attack at discovering this and getting my mind to navigate away from the idea of how stupid that is, I need to fix it.
I know to change the web.config settings to use the correct password configuration, but was hoping someone else that's had to do this with a DotNetNuke site might provide some guidance on the best way to approach this. Should I just use standard .NET code and write an app to cycle through them and change them or do I need to use the DotNetNuke user objects? Any article links or sample code would be really helpful. I've found posts about doing this generally but not in the context of a DotNetNuke site and am unsure if there's any special considerations I need to take into account.
Sadly there isn't any real documentation that I'm aware of that would handle this. My recommendation would be to make the web.config change to hashed. After doing this user resets will start using the new format.
You could then write a simple module that grabs all users with plan text and resets their password using the ChangePassword API call from the UserController API. It isn't elegant but would get the job done.
