How to pass vars from AIR App to external SWF - apache-flex

I am developing an air application where I have to drop an image and save the Image path, width, height to variables and pass those variables to external swf. I load the swf like this:
var myLoader:SWFLoader = new SWFLoader();
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("myExternalMovie.swf");
I am getting this error: the way I am passing the URL of the swf is incorrect and not supported in AIR.

Haven't encountered this one myself yet but, the first thing that came to mind is well what path should that be. That is if I look at some filename from an application am I concerned with a path relative to the application's current working directory from which it was executed or am I concerned with the application install folder and paths relative to there, looking at the docs it seems Adobe went down the same line of thought and provided the ability (and need) to specify:
Was going to copy but basically read through the section titled
Using AIR URL schemes in URLs


create folder in file system storage is not working in code name one

In CodeNameOne, I am using the following code to create a new folder but it's not working. I am testing in android simulator and mobile.
FileSystemStorage storage = FileSystemStorage.getInstance();
Codename One's FileSystemStorage requires absolute paths to all files, you need to either construct a path from the roots or from the app home method. Your statement assumes a current working directory which is problematic on a phone.

Flex Image Source Server Side Flash and Air

I'm trying to run my flex application in the air runtime instead of flash runtime. It seems to work perfectly except the images. Adobe Air runtime tries to load them. Is there a way to change the root adresses for Image to server side? If possible I'd like to use the same code for flash runtime and air runtime .. "single codebase ;-)"
var icon:Image = new Image();
icon.source = "images/test.png";
Typically I would simply package the assets into the AIR app. That way the relative paths would be valid both in the web app and the desktop app. However, since you pointed out in the comments that we're talking 10000 images you'll have to find another solution.
What you need is a variable that is configurable for each type of project. The final code to access your images should look like:
var icon:Image = new Image();
icon.source = rootUrl + "/images/test.png";
That rootUrl may be "" for the web app, and "" for the desktop app. Or it could be the absolute path in both cases. It doesn't matter: we don't want to hardcode that URL into our application.
Create a .properties file (or XML, or JSON; whatever configuration file you like) that contains the value for rootUrl and read that into your application model. This configuration file can be packaged into the AIR app.
A .properties file will look like this:
For reading the file, you could use AIR's file streaming capabilities, but I suggest you load it the old-fashioned way with a URLLoader: this way it'll work both in the web and the desktop app.

ASP.NET Sound Resource not publishing

So I created an ASP.NET 4 application in VS2010, that needs to play sound to the end user, and it is working perfectly in my local development environment. The problem is the sound resource nor the Resources.resx is not being published to the server. Any idea why?
What I did:
1) Under Project  Properties  Recources I added my sound resource called: soundbyte (containing soundbyte.wav). I noticed this creates a Resource folder with the wav file and under my project a Resources.resx file referencing the file
2) In my code I play the file as follows:
Dim audioFile = My.Resources. soundbyte
Dim player = New Media.SoundPlayer(audioFile)
In the Visual Studio Solution Explorer right-click on Resources.resx and select Properties. Build Action. Set to content.
EDIT: The following resource might also help.
Ultimately, I found a way to play the sound to the client browser (as opposed to the server the asp app is running on) was to follow the techniques in this example:
But I found an even better way in my case was to use Javascript, which doesnt' require the Resources technique.
simply embed the sound on the page after the tag:
<embed src="Sounds/jump.wav" autostart=false width=1 height=1 id="sound1" enablejavascript="true">
Then in javascript setup the function:
function EvalSound(soundobj) {
var thissound=document.getElementById(soundobj);
Finally play the sound in the browser as needed in Javascript:

How to specify the location for FileReference.browse() in Flex

I have a requirement to select a file from fileReference.browse(), but I want to browse a file to specific location say D:\Dir\file instead of the OS specific (The dialog box is native to the user's operating system).
Is it possible?
Thanks in Advance-
Since you're using File, I'm assuming you're using the Air runtime. To do this, you just need to set the path in the file constructor before you browser; like this:
var file:File = new File(somePath);
The only problem with this is that if you set it as an absolute path (like say, "c:\Users\SomeUser"), it might not work on Macs or Linux computers. Be sure to use some of the File class' built in static properties when you can, like these:
File.applicationStorageDirectory—a storage directory unique to each installed AIR application
File.applicationDirectory—the read-only directory where the application is installed (along with any installed assets)
File.desktopDirectory—the user's desktop directory
File.documentsDirectory—the user's documents directory
File.userDirectory—the user directory

Air: Possible? Writing into installed application package

This is probably a bad idea or whatever you wan't to call it. Nevertheless, curious to know if Air can write inside it's own installed package. I'm referring to the OSX '.app' files found in great numbers in the applications folder. Since every one of these can be opened as a regular folder, i'm guessing that's what they are.
What other fancy filewriting tricks am i missing out on?
It's definitely a bad idea. That said, it looks like it's probably possible. Something like (untested):
var appDir:File = File.applicationDirectory; // uses app: URI, can't be written to
var appPath:String = appDir.nativePath;
var writeableAppDir:File = new File(appPath);
var newFile:File = writeableAppDir.resolvePath("writeme.txt");
The nativePath and applicationDirectory documentation in the File class are full of warnings against this. Follow them.
From the docs:
Modifying content in the application
directory is a bad practice, for
security reasons. If you want to store
application-specific data, consider
using the application storage
(File.applicationStorageDirectory). If
you want any of the content in the
application storage directory to have
access to the application-priveleged
functionality (AIR APIs), you can
expose that functionality by using a
sandbox bridge.
