aspx ashx mash-up -

I'm retro-fitting a .aspx page with AJAX functionality (using VB, not C#). The codebehind populates the page with data pulled from a web-service. The page has two panels that are populted (with different data, of course) in this way. On a full page refresh, one or both panels might need to be populated. But populating Panel 2 can take a long time, and I need to be able to update panel 1 without refreshing Panel 2. Hence the need for AJAX (right?)
The solution I've come up with still has the old .aspx page with .aspx.vb codebehind, but introduces a Generic Handler (.ashx) page into the mix. Those first two components do the work on the user's first visit or on a full page refresh, but when AJAX is invoked, the request is handled by the .ashx page.
First question: Is this sound architecture? I haven't found a situation online quite like mine. Originally, I wanted to make the .aspx page into the AJAX handler by having the codebehind implement IHttpRequest, and then providing "ProcessRequest" and "IsReusable" methods, but I found I couldn't separate a regular visit to the page from an AJAX request, so my AJAX handlers took over even on the first visit to the page. Second question: Am I right to think that this approach (making the .aspx page do double-duty as the AJAX handler) will never work? Is it impossible to tell whether we're getting a full-page request or a partial-page (AJAX) request?
If the architecture is good, then I need to dynamically generate a lot of HTML in the .ashx file, right? If that is right, should I send HTML back to the client, or should I encode it in some way? I've heard of JSON encryption, but haven't figured out how to use it yet. So, Third question: Is "context.Response.Write" the only pipeline for sending data back to the client? And, if so, should I send back HTML or some kind of JSON-encoded objects?
Thanks in advance.

It sounds as if the page requires some AJAX functionality added to the UI.
Suggest using an UpdatePanel for each web form element that needs to have AJAXy refresh
functionality. That'll save you from having to refactor a bunch of code, and introduce a whole lot of HTML creation on your .ashx.
It'll be more maintainable over the long run, and require a shorter development cycle.

As pointed out by others, UpdatePanel would be a easier way - but you need to use multiple update panels with UpdateMode property set as conditional. Then you can trigger the update-panel refresh using any button on the page (see AsyncPostBackTrigger) or even using java-script (see this & this). On the server side, you may decide what has triggered the partial post-back and act accordingly by bypassing certain code if not needed.
You can also go with your approach - trick here is to capture the page output using HttpServerUtility.Execute in your ashx and write it back into the response (see this article where this trick has been used to capture user control output). Only limitation with this approach is that you can only simulate GET requests to your page and so you may have to change your page to accept parameters via query string. Personally, I will suggest that you create a user control that accept parameters via method/properties and will generate necessary output and then use the control on your page and in ashx (by dynmaically loading it in a temperory page - see this article).
EDIT: I am using jquery to illustrate how to do it from grid-row-view.
$(document).ready(function() {
$("tr.ajax-grid-row").click(function() {
$("#hidden-field-id").val($(this).find(".row-id").val()); // fill hidden filed
$("#hidden-button-id").click(); // simulate button click
You can place above script in the head element in markup - it is assuming that you have decorated each grid-row-view with css class "ajax-grid-row" and each row will have hidden field decorated with css class "row-id" to store row identifier or the value that you want to pass to server for that row. You can also use cell (but then you need to use innerHTML to get the value per row). "hidden-field-id" and "hidden-button-id" are client ids for hidden field and submit button - you should use Control.ClientID to get actual control ids if those are server controls.

JSON is not for that purpose, it is to pass objects serialized with a nice light weight notation, is you need to stream dinamically generated html using ashx, response.Write is what you have. You may want to take a look at MVC
Or you could use jquery if it's just html, the simpliest would be the load function, or you can look into Ajax with jquery. Since the ashx can be served as any resource it can be used in the load function.

I agree with #p.campbell and #R0MANARMY here. UpdatePanel could be the easiest approach here.
But then like me, if you don't want to go the UpdatePanel route, I don't see anything wrong with your approach. However, generating the html dynamically (entirely) at the back end is not a route I'll personally prefer (for the maintainence reasons). I'd rather prefer implementing a solution that will keep the design separate from the data.


How can I do a partial page update with ajax using Sitecore?

I have a specific page (sitecore content item) in my web application composed of a sitecore layout and many sublayouts. One of those sublayouts is a user control that I would like to have refreshed once a certain button is clicked. I would like only that sublayout to be refreshed and the rest of the page to remain unchanged (typical ajax situation here). How do I accomplish this with sitecore when all of my sitecore content items are directly related to a full page in my web application (layout with sublayouts)? In my case, I want to use ajax to return the content of a specific, single sublayout only. What is the best practice for this kind of ajax situation with sitecore? I'm using sitecore 6.5.
Since you use the phrase "partial page update", I assume you are using an UpdatePanel. This doesn't really function any different than it would in a traditional ASP.NET application. You will handle the button click in a server-side handler method, modify properties on controls and let the update panel handle the rest.
If you are not using update panel, you have a few options depending on exactly what you want to achieve.
Typically, if you are clicking a button to trigger an ajax request, you are posting some data back to the server. For this case you would usually set up a web service to process the data and return some result. Your service can access Sitecore data, but does not utilize the Sitecore presentation engine.
Another option would be to make the request to a Sitecore page (possibly the same as the original request), but include a querystring parameter to trigger a different device. You could configure this device to render JSON, XML or a fragment of HTML rather than the normal Layout and battery of sublayouts.
Another option would be to use the Sitecore Item Web API. If you go this route, you will have another array of options (and a bit of a learning curve as well). Start by reading the documentation on SDN or some of the many blog posts on the topic.
There are a number of options available for achieving asynchronous behavior. None of these really relate to Sitecore directly, however, there are some Sitecore specific things to watch out for which I have highlighted below.
UpdatePanel Control
If you are performing something trivial where ultra-fast performance isn't a concern, simply wrap your button (and any other .NET controls that you would
like updated) in an UpdatePanel Control. You will also need to drop
a ScriptManager control into your base layout near the top inside
the <form> element. NOTE: When using this method, you will need to ensure that that your Sublayout does NOT have caching enabled, otherwise your button will not postback properly
Create your own web service
In this scenario, there are many client-side frameworks available for achieving the same result. My preferred method is to hook onto the client-side button click event with jQuery, prepare a request object, and post it to the server (getting back the information you need to update the client).
Here are a number of web service options that work with Sitecore - allowing you to have access to the Sitecore.Context and all of the subsequent Sitecore APIs.
Create an empty ASPX Web Form that accepts parameters as query strings. In the Page_Load method, do some work with the parameters and write directly to the response using Response.Write(). A JavaScriptSerializer comes in handy for serializing to JSON, just be sure to set Response.ContentType = "text/javascript";
Create an ASMX Web Service and decorate your methods with [WebMethod] (or [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] if you need access to Session data).
Use MVC Controllers (ex: ASP.NET Web Api) to create an API. I believe there are some issues to work around in Sitecore 6.5 as described here.
Since this is all contained within a single Sublayout, you could simply use a standard <asp:UpdatePanel> surrounding your button and the usercontrol. In the code-behind, you can then do whatever databinding / data retrieval necessary to update the content of the usercontrol.
Note, if the button was on a different sublayout to the one where the content needs to be updated, you can use the approach described in this question as long as both controls have their content within <asp:UpdatePanel>.
In answer to your other question:
What is the best practice for this kind of ajax situation with sitecore?
There's not really a Sitecore-specific best practice for this sort of thing. In this case, any approach which works for plain ASP.NET will also work with Sitecore. The approach I described above is probably the simplest and quickest to implement, but you could also do this via jQuery and ajax to call a web service to load updated content.

Easiest way to simply display confirmation that a webservice worked?

I'm calling an webservice from an ASP clasic page basically just with:
<a href='http://domain/webservice.asmx/command'>Command</a>
and when users hit that button it works but they're just shown an xml page. The function will either work or not so I was wondering if it'd be possible to just have a pop up box appear to tell them if it worked or not after they clicked it rather than redirecting them to an xml page.
I'd prefer to not have to use jQuery or another javascript library.
If that's not possible, is there any way to dress up the XML page? Currently it says 'This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.' at the top.
Also, the domain that the webservice is on is different to the domain that the website that's call the webservice is on. Not sure if that matters.
Check out this MSDN Link on Calling A WebService From Javascript Using AJAX. No JQuery is required and it boils down to having to use the ScriptService attribute on your WebService method and adding a ServiceReference in a ScriptManager control. You can then easily call your WebService from Javascript and it will call another Javascript function when it finishes. It is in that response function where you can add your confirmation display.
be aware that this is a bad idea to let the user handle directly - web services are almost always called by your code rather than a client browser session. One reason is that raw error information would be hown to the client if there were a problem.
If you really want to do this, you can either:
Use AJAX (No framework required - just JS) or
You can make the webservice non-standard so it returns user-friendly content - perhaps by wrapping it in a website which calls the API behind the scenes and formats the response in a meaningful fashion.

ASP.NET and Javascript DOM manipulation

I have an aspx page with a set of controls.
A small JS script written on top of jQuery allows the user to drag "li" elements from one list to another.
What I would like now is for my C# code to be able to figure out which items the user has placed in which list after the page is posted back to the server.
Does anyone know how I can do this?
Without some specifics, its hard to get into details. But for ASP.NET server-side controls, the trick is properly maintaining viewstate (or just bypassing it). So strategically you've got two fundamental options:
1) Track the changes server-side by using AJAX to push updates to the server.
2) Track the data client-side by updating some element ASP.NET could understand. My personal favorite is to use a hidden form field that I add a user's "moves" to in a format that can be replayed in my web form.
The easiest way to do it would be to add a HiddenField to your page. Whenever the lists change, populate the HiddenField's value accordingly. When a postback occurs, the HiddenField's value will be available on the server side.
What i've done in the past with drag & drop functionality in ASP.NET, is read the DOM elements via jQuery, and do an AJAX postback with the values in those DOM elements as a parameter.

A big dilemma - ASP.NET and jQuery

I have a wizard style interface where I need to collect data from users. I've been asked by my managers that the information is to be collected in a step by step type process.
I've decided to have a page.aspx with each step of the process as a separate user control. step1.ascx step2.ascx etc...
The way it works now, is that when the initial GET request comes in, I render the entire page (which sits inside of a master page) and step1.ascx. When then next POST request comes in for step 2 (using query string step=2), I render only step2.ascx to the browser by overriding the Render(HtmlTextWriter) method and use jQuery html() method to replace the contents of a div.
The problem with this whole approach, besides being hacky (in my opinion) is that it's impossible to update viewstate as this is usually handled server side.
My workaround is to store the contents of step1.ascx into temporary session storage so if the user decides to click the Back button to go back one step, I can spit out the values that were stored for it previously.
I feel I'm putting on my techy hat on here in wanting to try the latest Javascript craze as jQuery with .NET has taken a lot of hack like approaches and reverse engineering to get right. Would it be easier to simply use an updatepanel and be done with it or is there a site with a comprehensive resource of using jQuery to do everything in ASP.NET?
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Another approach, that might be easier to work with, is to load the entire form with the initial GET request, and then hide all sections except the first one. You then use jQuery to hide and show different parts of the form, and when the final section is shown the entire form is posted in one POST to the server. That way you can handle the input on the server just as if the data entry was done in one step by the user, and still get the step-by-step expreience on the client side.
You could just place all your user controls one after another and turn on the visibility of the current step's control and turn on other controls when appropriate . No need to mess with overriding Render(). This way the user controls' viewstate will be managed by the server. and you can focus on any step validation logic.
Using an UpdatePanel to contain the steps would give the ajax experience and still be able to provide validation on each step. If you are OK with validating multiple steps at once, Tomas Lycken's suggestion (hide/show with JQuery), would give a fast step by step experience.
Did you look into using the ASP.NET Wizard control? It's a bit of a challenge to customize the UI, but otherwise it's worked well for me in similar scenarios.

Understanding Postbacks in ASP.NET

For example,
If I have a textbox with runat=server on a page, The value will be posted back to the server so I can access the properties in the code-behind.
However, under the following situations, does it still hold true?
A textbox with runat=server but does not appear in the function that is post back to. For example, a button is also on the page, when clicked a post back occurs and within the method that is raised, this textbox was not used.
Within a MasterPage, will a textbox residing on the Masterpage itself be posted back?
Because just thinking, isn't this mechanism bloated in nature?
If all input controls and its value are posted back on every single button click (even when the input control is not needed), doesn't this deteriorate performance?
Having just one Form Tag on the page really restricts us to using this mechanism?
Truly Understanding ViewState is a must read article on the subject of ASP.NET ViewState
There are several options to cut down on the bloat (and yes, there's a lot of it when dealing with lots of controls):
Use AJAX to post only the items required - although be careful to allow clients that don't have JavaScript enabled to still use the page/ site.
The MVC framework allows multiple form tags to be used so you can group sections if needs be.
Set the EnableViewState to false on pages/ controls.
Break up your pages into smaller ones.
Additionally, check out this brilliant graphical representation of the Page Life Cycle in ASP.NET.
Every input on the page is posted back fully unless you use ajax, because of the single form tag. Welcome to
As long as the method that you're hitting on the server-side is a non-static member of the page's class, it'll have access to the textbox and all other controls on the page.
And yes, all controls rendered to the browser (whether in the MasterPage, user control, etc.) will be available on post-back.
You may want to look into Understanding ASP.NET View State.
There surely are performance hits with this architecture, but (depending on complexity of the page) it's usually not an issue from the server load perspective, because hardware upgrades are typically cheaper than additional programming hours spend on optimizing application performance.
With that said, (and as others have pointed out) look into using AJAX if you want to avoid whole page-level postbacks to the server.
Yes, it's all posted back, and yes it can cause bloat. I'm sure if you search for ViewState you will find plenty of people ranting about it and how to minimise it :)
Yes your text box will be available in both cases, yes it is bloated. This is where AJAX comes into play. Using AJAX you can send just the data you need.
If you want to send a minimal ammount of data, you could use a Page Method (static method on page decorated so the script manager builds javascript to call it or you could call it using jquery or other methods), or a script enabled web service works nice as well.
You also have viewstate which can get very large. ASP.Net MVC is a new paradigm instead of using WebForms which doesn't have view state, or post backs. It embraces HTTP instead of hidding it giving developers more control.
The textbox data would be posted back as noted. In addition to using Ajax, disabling view state greatly imporoves your page's performance though even then data in properties critical to the functioning of controls (Control state) would still be posted back.
If you didn't have postback for every control on the form, you wouldn't be able to access it in code-behind. I.e. if in your button press you wanted to modify the property of the text control you couldn't do that because ASP.Net would know nothing about the text control.
Since the communication between the server and the client is stateless and every time a page is server the server forgets all about it Postbacks are important if you want to work with the same page again. No matter what programming language you use, this or similar mechanism exists for processing server side code.
If you wish to minimize postback (viewstate size), do this.
Set enableviewstate=false on all controls that you don't want posted back.
Use AJAX and web services wherever possible (and don't use UpdatePanel).
Use HTML control as much as possible instead of ASP.Net controls.
Hmm.. There are some excellent suggestion in other answers and good links too.
You've pretty much hit the nail on the head with vanilla ASP.NET - it's not very good! In both the instances you describe the answer is yes - the textbox will be sent with the form.
The whole postback/ViewState problem is a bit of a pain, one of the first things any competent ASP.NET developer learns to do is avoid them!
