I have a flex business application and need to create some control that will show a small picture symbol of given user's MSN messenger status (online, away etc.)
Alternatively, how to insert an html page inside flex form?
There is a HTML code snippet on MSN site (supposed to be) doing exactly what I want, here it is:
<a target="_blank" href="http://settings.messenger.live.com/Conversation/IMMe.aspx?invitee=eb892994c712bb83#apps.messenger.live.com&mkt=ru-RU">
<img style="border-style: none;" src="http://messenger.services.live.com/users/eb892994c712bb83#apps.messenger.live.com/presenceimage?mkt=ru-RU" width="16" height="16" />
(it can be found here: http://settings.messenger.live.com/Applications/CreateHtml.aspx)
Also I'll need to replace eb892994c712bb83 in this snippet with user's cid code. How to find user's cid knowing his/her MSN account name is one more question...
Ok, week of investigation and some results:
1) MSN API exists for .NET and JavaScript - getting status from ASP.NET server side is possible;
2) there is an arcane ActiveX control named Name.NameCtrl that comes with Microsoft Office and can be used from JavaScript to retrieve MSN user status;
3) simplest way is to use htmlText property on a Flex control, for example on mx:TextArea control. Assigning HTML quoted in the question to htmlText property "just works". Comprehensive guide to htmltext property is here:
The HTML support within Flex (outside of AIR) is quite limited.
Another option is to use an Image control:
<s:Image id="msnLiveStatusIcon"
click="openMSNLive()" />
where initStatus and openMSNLive are defined along the following lines:
private var userCID:String = "eb892994c712bb83";
protected function initStatus():void {
var iconURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://messenger.services.live.com/users/"
+ userCID + "#apps.messenger.live.com/presenceimage?mkt=ru-RU");
msnLiveStatusIcon.source = iconURL;
// poll to check for updated status
var pollTimer:Timer = new Timer(60000); // once a minute
function (e:TimerEvent):void {
msnLiveStatusIcon.source = null;
msnLiveStatusIcon.source = iconURL;
protected function openMSNLive():void {
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://settings.messenger.live.com/Conversation/IMMe.aspx?invitee="
+ userCID + "#apps.messenger.live.com&mkt=ru-RU"),
The polling is optional. The anonymous function for the listener is used for brevity only, and not recommended for production.
One step to prevent caching (in addition to adding the appropriate headers etc..) is to add a random number to the end of my URLs.
I'm using an ASP.NET menu and would like to add a random number to each menu item's navigate URL as it is clicked.
I can do this in the MenuItemDataBound event, but haven't had much luck doing the same with the MenuItemClicked Event.
Answer (can't answer my own question for 8 hours, and I don't have time to wait that long so here's my server side solution.)
To do this server side, I've had to remove the sitemap and the databinding from the menu.
I simply added all of the items from the sitemap as menuitems to the items collection in the menu markup removing the url property. The key here is removing the url property.
<asp:menuitem Text="Home" ToolTip="Go Home" Selectable="True" />
Then in your code behind you can handle the MenuItemClicked event (which should now fire, because there is no longer a navigateurl in the markup).
In the MenuItemClicked event codebehind I simply do the following:
string TimeStamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfffffff");
// get iframe control - must have 'runat=server' attribute
HTMLControl display = CType(this.FindControl("display"), HTMLControl);
// dispatch menuitem
switch (e.item.valuepath)
case "Home":
display.attributes("src") = "home.aspx?=" + TimeStamp()
This is the server side solution with an iframe.
I don't know if you're considering client-side URL manipulation as an option, but running this little bit of JavaScript on each page load would give you the behavior you're looking for by appending a timestamp to each of the links. You can modify it to target links in a specific area/div of the site, but this example will change them all:
<!-- include the jQuery library -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var time = new Date().getTime();
$('a').each(function() {
var append = (this.href.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&' : '?');
$(this).attr('href', this.href + append + 't=' + time.toString());
Since every time the page loads the timestamp will be different, you should always get a unique set of links.
EDIT Here's a working jsFiddle demoing the behavior: http://jsfiddle.net/2HzqU/2/
I don't think that's the best solution. Have you tried using something like this:
On an ASP.NET page with a tabstrip, I'm using the hash code in the URL to keep track of what tab I'm on (using the BBQ jQuery plugin). For example:
Unfortunately, I've just realized that there are a couple of places on the page where I'm using an old-fashioned ASP.NET postback to do stuff, and when the postback is complete, the hash is gone:
... so I'm whisked away to a different tab. No good.
This is a webforms site (not MVC) using .NET 4.0. As you can see, though, I am using URL routing.
Is there a way to tell ASP.NET to keep the hash in the URL following a postback?
The problem is that the postback goes to the url of the current page, which is set in the action of the form on the page. By default this url is without #hash in asp.net, and its automatically set by asp.net, you have no control over it.
You could add the #hash to the forms action attribute with javascript:
document.getElementById("aspnetForm").action += location.hash
or, if updating an action with a hash already in it:
var form = document.getElementById("aspnetForm");
form.action = form.action.split('#')[0] + location.hash
just make sure you execute this code on window.load and you target the right ID
I tried to put the code from Willem's answer into a JS function that got called everytime a new tab was activated. This didn't work because it kept appending an additional #hash part to the URL every time I switched tabs.
My URL ended up looking like http://myurl.example.com/home#tab1#tab2#tab3#tab2 (etc.)
I modified the code slightly to remove any existing #hash component from the URL in the <form> element's action attribute, before appending on the new one. It also uses jQuery to find the element.
$('.nav-tabs a').on('shown', function (e) {
// ensure the browser URL properly reflects the active Tab
window.location.hash = e.target.hash;
// ensure ASP.NET postback comes back to correct tab
var aspnetForm = $('#aspnetForm')[0];
if (aspnetForm.action.indexOf('#') >= 0) {
aspnetForm.action = aspnetForm.action.substr(0, aspnetForm.action.indexOf('#'));
aspnetForm.action += e.target.hash;
Hope this helps someone!
I have another solution, implemented and tested with chrome, IE and safari.
I am using the "localStorage" object and it suppose to work all the browsers which support localStorage.
On the click event of tab, I am storing the currentTab value to local storage.
$(document).ready(function() {
jQuery('.ctabs .ctab-links a').on('click', function(e) {
var currentAttrValue = jQuery(this).attr('href');
localStorage["currentTab"] = currentAttrValue;
// Show/Hide Tabs
jQuery('.ctabs ' + currentAttrValue).show().siblings().hide();
// Change/remove current tab to active
if (localStorage["currentTab"]) {
// Show/Hide Tabs
jQuery('.ctabs ' + localStorage["currentTab"]).show().siblings().hide();
// Change/remove current tab to active
jQuery('.ctabs .ctab-links a[href$="' + localStorage["currentTab"] + '"]').parent('li').addClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active');
quick back story--
I am working on ASP.Net based template editor that lets authors create text templates using Javascript inserted placeholder tags that will be filled in with dynamic text when the templates are used to display the final results.
For example the author might create a template like
The word [%12#add] was generated dynamically.
The application would eventually replace the tag with a dynamic word down the road (though it's not specifically relevant to this post)
The word foo was generated dynamically.
Depending on the circumstances, the template may be created in a text input, textarea or a modified version of the Ajax Control Toolkit HTML Editor. There might be 40 or more of these editable elements on the page, so using lots of stripped down or modified HTML editors would probably bog the page down too much.
The problem is that the tags such as [%12#add] are displayed inline with the user text and the result is confusing and aesthetically gross. The goal is parse the contens of the source element and when a tags such as [%12#add] are encountered, display something prettier and less cryptic to the user such as a stylable element or image wherever tags such as [%12#add] occur. The application still needs the template text with the tags on postback.
So the user might see
The word tag placeholder was generated dynamically.
but the original template would still be the value of the text input box
The word [%12#add] was generated dynamically.
It seems HTML editors like the ACT version and FckEditor accomplish this by rendering their output in an IFrame, but rather than kill myself trying to roll a lighter specialized version myself, I thought I'd ask if anyone knows of an existing free component or approach that has already tackled this.
With good reason, I don't think S.O. allows HTML formatting, but the bold "tag placeholder" above would ideally be something like tag placeholder.
I think CKEditor might be your best bet. I recently wrote a plugin for it that kept placeholders in the editable content for chunks of content that the user couldn't edit directly. A question I asked may help, particularly the comments to the accepted answer: Update editor content immediately before save in CKEditor plug-in.
The recommendation to me was to look at how object tags (e.g. as used to embed Flash movies) are handled, and from that I was able to proceed fairly quickly. Be aware though that CKEditor is not well documented for plugin developers, so you may often have to resort to looking at the source code.
Final model solution in case someone in the same situation needs a boost.
aspx page:
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtTest" TextMode="MultiLine" CssClass="Over" />
<br />
Add CKEdit
<br />
Add Tag
<br />
<asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" runat="server" Text="Submit" onclick="btnSubmit_Click" />
<script type= "text/javascript" >
function ckTest(el) {
var tinyTool = {
['Bold', 'Italic', 'UIColor'], ['Styles', 'Format', 'Font', 'FontSize']
//Note: config.htmlEncodeOutput = true; to work with ASP.NET, see postback for decoding input
var editor = CKEDITOR.replace(el);//, tinyTool);
editor.addCss('.aux1 { background-color: #FFE0C0; border: solid 1px #17659E; }');
function insertTag(id, tag, display) {
var e = CKEDITOR.instances[id];
if (e) {
//Storing in comments does not work. stripped out when using insertHtml. Workaround?
//e.insertHtml("<span class='aux1'>" + display + "<!--" + tag + "--></span>");
//Kludge: fake attribute
e.insertHtml("<span class='aux1' tag='" + tag +"'>" + display + "</span> ");
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Note: CKEditor converts single to double quotes in insertHtml
Regex regHiddenTag = new Regex(#"<span\sclass=""\w+""\stag=""(\[%[0-9]{1,2}_[TR]\])"">\w+</span>");
//Note: config.htmlEncodeOutput = true;
string encoded = txtTest.Text
.Replace("<", "<").Replace(">", ">").Replace("&", "&");
//TODO: Use AntiXss Library that I have to thwart bad HTML
string extractedTag = regHiddenTag.Match(encoded).Groups[1].Value;
//store to DB
string template = regHiddenTag.Replace(
string finalText = template.Replace(extractedTag, "foo");
I am using Struts 2.1.6 with Dojo plugin, whole app has ajax links (sx:a).
Did anybody succeed to implement back button functionality and linking to certain content?
Does anybody have any experience how to implement? I am planning to implement (if there is no good solution already) something like so:
changing address bar link (adding parameters) with js which I can then read and get proper content and then publish it with notifyTopics.
Or should I just change whole app to use jQuery plugin? Do jQuery has good solutions for back button and linking on ajax pages?
I can think of 2 simple ways off the top of my head:
<s:form action="actionName">
<input type="hidden" value="<s:property value="someProperty"/>" name="someProperty"/>
<input type="hidden" value="<s:property value="someProperty2"/>" name="someProperty2"/>
<s:submit value="Back" />
<s:url name="backURL" action="actionName">
<s:param name="someProperty" value="someProperty"/>
<s:param name="someProperty2" value="someProperty2"/>
If you already have query string parameters:
<input type="button" value="Back" onclick="javascript.window=document.referrer;"/>
I have tried to use Struts 2 with dojo and implement the back button. You are already way over the head of Struts 2's ajax implementation. They mainly used and wrote it to write simple and quick ajax function calls and is not very well suited for more extensive uses. Plus when you do s:head theme='ajax' tag; struts will import every ajax js file you 'may' need which kills load time.
I would suggest either 1. Learn dojo and use the library independent of struts 2. Or 2. Get jQuery, I was able to implement a back button functionality relatively simple (more so then struts 2 theme='ajax').
Don't know Struts, but have you looked at dojo.undo (0.4.3)?
All my links go through one action which looks for a parameter menuId (of course id of a menu which has to be shown).
From this action, before returning response I set one javascript function to be called:
MenuId is the id, sometext is a name of that menu, so browser log history better.
function setBackMenuId(id,subtekst) {
window.location.hash = "menuId="+id;
document.title = subtekst;
selectedHash = document.location.hash;
if(intervalHashSearch == '') {
Then, other needed js functions:
function publishLinkTarget() {
var param = window.location.hash;
if(param) {
if(param.indexOf("menuId") > 0) {
var id = param.split("=", 2);
if(id[1]) {
setTimeout('publishLayoutContent()', 100);
var selectedHash = '';
var intervalHashSearch = '';
function initializeHashSearch() {
intervalHashSearch = window.setInterval('checkHash()', 500);
function stopHashSearch() {
intervalHashSearch = '';
function checkHash() {
var currentHash = document.location.hash;
if(selectedHash != currentHash) {
selectedHash = currentHash;
function publishLayoutContent() {
If you look at it you see, that first it is called 'setBackMenuId', which adds hash and parameter to address bar and changes title, and then remembers this hash, so interval hash search can find out the differrence. Then it initializes this hash search.
'checkHash' is running ever 500 miliseconds and is checking if hash has changed (that means, that back button was pressed, and not a new link was clicked (setBackMenuId sets selectedHash). If true (back/forward button was pressed) function 'publishLinkTarget' is called, which reads the parameters from hash, and if they are ok, first I set a cookie, so I can read it from the HttpServletRequest and find out for which menu id link is. If I am here it means that I have to also publish the content which is made with 'publishLayoutContent'.
In action class (this is MenuAction, method view, the same as published in ) only this is important:
Integer menuId = null;
if(request.getParameter("menuId") != null) {
menuId = Integer.valueOf(request.getParameter("menuId"));
} else {
menuId = getIntCookie("hiddenMenuId");
So, if I don't get the menu id from the parameter (link clicked) I get from a cookie (back/forward button).
And JSP with this target:
<s:url var="layoutContentUrl" action="Menu-view" namespace="/public" />
<sx:div showLoadingText="false" indicator="ajaxIndicator"
id="layout-content" href="%{layoutContentUrl}" theme="ajax"
listenTopics="layoutContentTarget" preload="false"
NOTE: This is a special case if you have everything connected through one parameter, but it can be easily extended with other parameters which publish other targets. I will try to make it enough generic to publish it somewhere, but this is (I guess) a long way ahead :)
If you have any question, please post it.
I am trying to figure out how to click a button on a web page programmatically.
Specifically, I have a WinForm with a WebBrowser control. Once it navigates to the target ASP.NET login page I'm trying to work with, in the DocumentCompleted event handler I have the following coded:
HtmlDocument doc = webBrowser1.Document;
HtmlElement userID = doc.GetElementById("userIDTextBox");
userID.InnerText = "user1";
HtmlElement password = doc.GetElementById("userPasswordTextBox");
password.InnerText = "password";
HtmlElement button = doc.GetElementById("logonButton");
This fills the userid and password text boxes fine, but I am not having any success getting that darned button to click; I've also tried "click", "Click", and "onClick" -- what else is there?. A search of msdn of course gives me no clues, nor groups.google.com. I gotta be close. Or maybe not -- somebody told me I should call the POST method of the page, but how this is done was not part of the advice given.
BTW The button is coded:
<input type="submit" name="logonButton" value="Login" onclick="if (typeof(Page_ClientValidate) == 'function') Page_ClientValidate(); " language="javascript" id="logonButton" tabindex="4" />
How does this work? Works for me
HtmlDocument doc = webBrowser1.Document;
doc.All["userIDTextBox"].SetAttribute("Value", "user1");
doc.All["userPasswordTextBox"].SetAttribute("Value", "Password!");
var btn = document.getElementById(btnName);
if (btn) btn.click();
There is an example of how to submit the form using InvokeMember here.
You can try and invoke the Page_ClientValidate() method directly through the clientscript instead of clicking the button, let me dig up an example.
mshtml.IHTMLWindow2 myBroserWindow = (mshtml.IHTMLWindow2)MyWebBrowser.Document.Window.DomWindow;
myBroserWindow.execScript("Page_ClientValidate();", "javascript");
Have you tried fireEvent instead of RaiseEvent?
You could call the method directly and pass in generic object and EventArgs parameters. Of course, this might not work if you were looking at the sender and EventArgs parameters for specific data. How I usually handle this is to refactor the guts of the method to a doSomeAction() method and the event handler for the button click will simply call this function. That way I don't have to figure out how to invoke what is usually just an event handler to do some bit of logic on the page/form.
In the case of javascript clicking a button for a form post, you can invoke form.submit() in the client side script -- which will run any validation scripts you defined in the tag -- and then parse the Form_Load event and grab the text value of the submit button on that form (assuming there is only one) -- at least that's the ASP.NET 1.1 way with which I'm very familiar... anyone know of something more elegant with 2.0+?
Just a possible useful extra where the submit button has not been given an Id - as is frequently the case.
private HtmlElement GetInputElement(string name, HtmlDocument doc) {
HtmlElementCollection elems = doc.GetElementsByTagName("input");
foreach (HtmlElement elem in elems)
String nameStr = elem.GetAttribute("value");
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (nameStr) && nameStr.Equals (name))
return elem;
return null;
So you can call it like so:
GetInputElement("Login", webBrowser1.Document).InvokeMember("Click");
It'll raise an exception if the submit input with the value 'Login', but you can break it up if you want to conditionally check before invoking the click.
You posted a comment along the lines of not wanting to use a client side script on #Phunchak's answer. I think what you are trying to do is impossible. The only way to interact with the form is via a client side script. The C# code can only control what happens before the page is sent out to the browser.
try this