drupal view node posted field - drupal

I have a view where i need to use the node posted as a field. It will show all the nodes which have been posted in descending order. How can i do that? I have only been successful with node update . But i want node post date as the field

To make a view that will show a list of all nodes in descending order by the node's post date:
Assuming you are using a plain node such as "story":
Create a new view, name it whatever you like
In the "Fields" box click the "+" to add all the fields ("Node: Title", "Node: Body", "Node: Post date") Add any other fields you would like to see displayed.
For each field choose the settings you want to use and click "Update"
In the "sort criteria" box (upper right of view UI) also click the "+", add "Node: Post date", choose "Descending" then click "Update"
Save the changes to your view
This will give you a very basic list of all your nodes ordered by newest to oldest. You could also do this for specific content types if needed by adding a "Node: type" filter.


Rearrange child subtab in Netsuite

I have a requirement to have two custom record types under parent subtab arrange in order. I used parent-child relationship but the arrangement of the child subtab is something I couldnt customize. 'test one' and 'test two' are my custom record types, and Parent is item fulfillment record.
I want 'test one' to come first and then 'test two'.
I tried adding a new Subtab via customization under translation and this order customization is not available in netsuite. Am i missing anything?
Please help.
Edit the record
Click "customize" then "customize form" in the top right of the form
Navigate to "Lists" then select "Communication"
You can drag and drop your prefered order from this screen
Name then save the custom entry form
You can then manually select this form for the record or set it as the default form
If a field is visible on the form, then it appears somewhere in the Custom Entry Form screen. Which tab it's on depends on the type of field. It could be under Lists, or Fields, or elsewhere. Look for it.
When you find it, use the Field Group dropdown to move the field between the main view and sub tabs, and drag/drop the field to change its top-down display order. The drag handle looks like ⋮⋮.

Changing CCK field values from view list

I have a content type Task, where we create task for ourself or user and in that there is a drop down, which contains some taxonomy terms, which show the status of task.
Below this form I list the all the task for current user which shows some input values of content type task in some columns.
I want to show the status(CCK field) in a column as select box, which will show the current status of task and user can select some other status & submit it directly. So that user will not have to go to task node.
Is it possible ?
Thanks in advance :)
Upload - editablefield module
Enable it
Go to the view (or create view)
Add CCK field under content
Select Editable Field under "Format"

Drupal views exposed input as form select (/jumpmenu)

I have content type called news. I have a view thats lists all the news. But now I would like to filter those by year and type. User could select from select menu / dropdown the publish year (2010, 2011, 2012 so on) and also the type of the news (taxonymy terms).
I was playing around with views exposed but I only got a text input field. Can I somehow get a select menu instead of normal input field? And also how can I list all the publish years when news are published to that select menu?
Should this be done even with views?
Filter dropdowns: -type- -year-
Press releaseses listed down here according the filters.
Select boxes will only be used in Views exposed filters when there is a finite number of possible values. In other words, if your field you want to filter on has something set in the 'allowed values' section you should have the option of a select box if you choose "FIELD NAME - Allowed Values" as the field to filter on in Views.
If your field has an unlimited amount of possible values, you could always write a custom module to create a block with a form that presents your select boxes and directs the user to the view (using the filter parameters of the view).

drupal create content "add more" field

how do i make that in the creating screen of content type i will be have option to add single/multiply values? so if use have field: type your friend name:
he can choose to type one friend and there is option add more and then another field will open to him so he can add more friends names?
Navigate to:
Administer->Content Management->Content Types
Click Manage Fields on the type you want to change
Next click the configure link beside the field you want to have an "Add More" for
Finally under Global Settings change the "Number of values:" setting to unlimited.
Now when you add a content item of that type there will be a "Add More" or "Add Another Item" link provided.

Drupal Views: Display recent nodes created by user on profile page

I'm wondering how I can display the recently created nodes by a user on their profile page. I've created a new page for a user at /user/%user and I want to be able to display the latest nodes created by that user.
ok, the answer involves creating a drupal view, so you will need the views module and although simple, the answer is lengthy. please bear with me through this... :) (i am actually doing this on a test site as i write the instructions, to make sure i dont miss anything...)
i assume that you know how to download and install the views module. make sure you also enable the views-ui module.
go to site building->views->add.
put "recent_posts_by_user" for view name, "recent posts by user" for description and "node" for view type. hit next.
under the "default" view type, on the "fields" block, hit the "+" sign.
under "groups" select node, then check the "node type", "node title" and "node updated date" fields. hit the "add" button below the list.
under basic settings block (on the left), click on the "10" for "items for display" and change to "5" or however many items you want per page, and hit "update"
under "use pager", click on "no" and "full pager" or "mini pager" and hit "update" again.
under style, hit "unformatted" and change it to "table" set all fields to sortable, then choose the "updated date" as "default sort", then on "default sort order", select "descending". hit update.
hit "save" to save your progress thus far.
default view is done. YAY! lets add the block
now on the drop-down that says "page", select "block" and hit "add display".
hit "arguments" (block title on the center of the screen)
hit "override" and "update"
hit the "+" sign to the right of "arguments"
on the "groups" drop down, select "user" and select "user id". hit "add"
under "Action to take if argument is not present", select the last option "provide default argument", select "user id from url" and check "Also look for a node and use the node author"
under "validator", select "user" and "Allow both numeric UIDs and string usernames"
under "Action to take if argument does not validate" select "hide view/page not found (404)"
hit "update" then "save"
view is created now lets make sure it shows up on the right pages.
go to site building->blocks, search for the "recent posts by user" block and hit "configure"
scroll all the way to the bottom and select "Show on only the listed pages." and put in "users/*" under the "pages" text area
hit "save block"
now find the "recent posts by user" block again and set it to "content bottom" region (or any other region your theme has available).
hit "save blocks"
DONE! Not rocket-science, but lengthy process... drupal 6 views is so much better than drupal 5! :)
now go visit a user page http://site/users/username and see the table show up there!
hit me up if you still have questions about views.
Put in a Views Argument that uses the User ID from the URL argument. It will be arg(1). That should filter content that was authored by the profile you are looking at. That can work for a block or content pane.
I just prefer you to go to Views -> Sort Criteria and add the Node:Updated Date and mark it as descending as it shows the granularity over the time.
Moreover, you can also get the most recent node not only to the table style but to all.
