XSP4 from Mono 2.10 not working under Windows - asp.net

I'm trying to run any application on XSP4 web server using new Mono 2.10 (downloaded from windows installer bundle). I have already tried to run simple ASP.NET MVC2 project and ASP.NET. Both were simple applications stubs. In all cases in browser under localhost:XXXX it seems that page is loading but nothing happens. With Mono 2.8 it works without any problems. Any suggestions how I can debug or solve this problem?
PS. My windows firewall is turned off so it shouldn't be problem.

The latest MonoDevelop Beta, 2.6b1, contains an updated XSP4 and Mono.WebServer.XSP (aliased as MonoDevelop.Xsp.dll in this distribution, and from my experience must be placed in the GAC for it to work) which fixes this issue on 2.10.

A good place to ask questions regarding ASP.NET using Mono is Mono ASP.NET list


Could not load file or assembly 'System.ValueTuple, Version=

I have an ASP.NET MVC .net Framework 4.7 web application targeting a .net Standard 2.0 library that utilizes EntityFrameworkCore. I am getting this error when trying to run the project. I have tried to enable the auto binding redirects and inserting manual binding redirects. The manual ones at least gave me that it was looking for a different version number but still same error. Any idea on how to fix this?
I upgraded my .NET from 4.7 to 4.7.1 that is installed on my computer. This seems to have fixed the issue
I was having the exact same problem occurring on my testserver and not on my local computer.
After installing .Net framework 4.7.1 on my test server the problem was solved.

How to deploy ASP.NET website (version prior to ASP.NET 5) to Linux server?

I am currently in process of identifying a mechanism to deploy ASP.NET websites to Linux server. I know this requires Apache to be installed on Linux, and can be achieved using Mono.
I found a lot many articles but they all are referring to ASP.NET version 5 (i believe, vNext). But couldn't find anything for a version prior to that.
Is it due to "System.Web" assembly that we can't deploy ASP.NET website on anything except IIS? I know, OWIN has replaced that in vNext.
Any help on deployment of previous versions of ASP.NET to Linux will be very appreciated.
The new version of ASP.NET, version 5, and more specifically the .NET Core, runs cross-platform. That's why there is a lot of information about running ASP.NET 5 (or vNext) on Linux with Kestrel, the new cross platform webserver for ASP.NET 5.
However, you can run older ASP.NET projects on Apache using, indeed, Mono. The official documentation can be found here: http://www.mono-project.com/docs/web/aspnet/#aspnet-hosting-with-apache and here: http://www.mono-project.com/docs/web/mod_mono/

A site built in .NET 3.5 to target 4.0, when server runs 3.5

I have a legacy .NET site that has been around since the 1.1 days. As I've upgraded my VS, I've upgraded the target framework as well. Currently the site is running 3.5. I just got VS10 and it is asking me to upgrade the site to 4.0. However, my (shared) server is still running 3.5 and I can't upgrade it. Is it safe to upgrade the site to 4.0 while the server running it is 3.5?
No, I wouldn't think so. All of your basic assembly information in your web.config will be changed to target the versions of dll's and not the versions. As a result, you will generate a lot of missing assembly error messages. PS - VS2010 should only prompt you once...
No its not safe for you to upgrade, your website wont run.
When i upgraded to VS10 i forgot to upgrade my server. It was showing errors about the unknown tags VS10 adds during the upgrade process, which i imagine is just the start.

ASP.NET 3.5 on Windows 2000

I am trying to get an ASP.NET 3.5 site to run on a Windows 2000 machine (not my idea!!!) but am having some problems. I have been working through copying required DLL files from C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.5 into my app bin directory. This succesfully got me past the "assembly not found" errors.
However, I am now getting the following error.
Compiler executable file csc.exe cannot be found"
How can I fix this? It is primarily LINQ functionality I am looking to utilise.
You are going to have many issues as .NET 3.5 is not supported on Windows 2000 (see System Requirements).
You can try to install .NET Framework 3.5 manually. It relies on .NET 2.0 runtime + some extra stuff.
See Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 in
for install steps.
See also More details on installing
.NET 3.5 in Windows
for explanations.
Install a Virtual Machine with a newer Windows in it ;-)
Many 3.5 sites will work just fine in 2.0, you just need to compile them that way. I would have whoever built the app switch to 2.0 targets and see how it goes. If that doesn't take, the VM option is probably the best way to fly.
Save yourself some time and pain, install on a platform that supports 3.5.
Trying to circumvent minimum requirements usually comes back to bite you in the end.
Just because you can doesn't always mean you should. :)
Unfamiliar with the environment, but...
More of the framework (including csc.exe) resides in %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5 (e.g. C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5) - are these files on your installation and the directory in your path?

Running an asp.net 1.1 app under windows server 2008 64bit

Are there any issues with running an asp.net 1.1 application under windows server 2008 64-bit web edition?
I have never tried it myself, but I did find the following pages that you might find interesting:
This blog has an in depth walk through of configuring ASP.NET 1.1 on Windows Server 2008. The author does not say if it is x86 or x64, so I would just assume its x86. But either way, it looks like the author had to jump through some hoops to get the ISAPI filter setup correctly.
I also found this thread on the IIS7 forums where someone discuses having poor performance from ASP.NET 1.1. on x64 Win2k8. So from poor performance I would assume it worked to some extent. Unfortunately towards the end of the thread the author mentions encounter 500 errors, and then the discuss stops :-(
So from what I've read I would guess that its possible, but I would also guess that you would have less hassle if you could find some alternative that didn't involve both II7 and x64.
I have recently been testing our application on 64 bit 2008. Our application is .net framework 3.5 but we had a few problems.
The main issue we had was with 3rd party components such as Aspose words which were not built for 64 bit and caused an error. Unfortunatly you wont know without trying it..
.NET 1.1 is 32 bit only hence the app pool would have to run as 32 bit and use the classic pipeline. I haven't tried myself and I would do all that I can to not have to install .NET 1.1 on a 2008 server but it should work.
No problem. Just follow intructions on
The option "CGI Restrictions" (last step) is found on IIS7 admin by clicking on the machine name.
I'm pretty sure that the article at http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/472/how-to-install-aspnet-11-with-iis7-on-vista-and-windows-2008/ is for NON-R2 versions of Windows Server.
As far as I know ASP.NET 1.1 cannot run (or at least, not run well) on Windows.
There are some band-aid solutions around that various people have posted / blogged but this isn't supported by Microsoft.
