Broken JavaScript Registry in Plone 3.1.7 - plone

I created a javascript file TTW for a quick fix to something i was working with, and when i went to the portal_javascripts and added it there i was met with this error upon saving:
Exception Type: CompilerError
Exception Value: Path element may not be empty in 'portal/'
I get that same error every time i attempt to navigate to the portal_javascripts through the ZMI, it's obvious that I incorrectly entered the id of my file, but now I can't even fix it.
I was able to find this example of someone with a similiar issue, but I have no how to go about his fix

Try this:[your_js_resource_id]


Fix for the "The following theme is missing from the file system" error in Drupal 7

I keep getting this same error from bugsnag for my site, and I'm unsure how to fix it/why it's popping up in the first place.
User Warning ยท The following theme is missing from the file system: <em class="placeholder">Theme_Name</em>. For information about how to fix this, see the documentation page.
The theme that it claims it is missing is the only theme I have for the site and is the one it is currently using. Besides overloading my bugsnag reporting, it's not causing any issues. Is there a way to resolve this? I checked the documentation page and all the articles I found only refer to modules.
It's likely that the there is an old reference of Theme_Name in the systems table of your database.
You can look for the references that your Drupal instance is checking against by running this query:
SELECT name, status, filename FROM system WHERE type = 'theme' AND name = 'Theme_Name';
Find the reference that doesn't look quite right, preferably by the name of "Theme_Name", and delete it.
DELETE FROM system WHERE type = 'theme' AND name = 'Theme_Name' AND status = 0 AND filename = 'path/to/' LIMIT 1;
Once deleted, flush your Drupal caches.
Well this is embarrassing. The source of the problem was that I was adding an image using:
src="<?= drupal_get_path('theme','Theme_Name'); ?>/sites/all/themes/theme_name/img/image.png">
The first problem is that the theme name I was calling was using capitals when the actual theme was all in lower case. But to actually resolve the problem I changed the image call to:
src="<?= drupal_get_path('theme',$GLOBALS['theme']); ?>/img/image.png">
Unsure if this turns out to be the same problem others have had, but that's what fixed it for me. If you're getting this error I'd suggest double checking how your src's are being called. Thanks to everyone that answered/responded!

dkan dataset not displaying drupal 7

Here is what is going on.
I have Drupal 7 setup and I'm using the dkan module. What seems to be going on is that every time I click on a item (for example I click on an item like this: http://sitename/?q=dataset/dataset-name), but I get title of the dataset and the following error message: The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
So I check the log and I'm seeing the following message:
Location http://sitename/?q=dataset/dataset-name Referrer sitename/?q=search/type/dataset Message EntityMetadataWrapperException: Unknown data property field_modified_source_date. in EntityStructureWrapper->getPropertyInfo() (line 354 of /var/www/html/site/profiles/dkan/modules/contrib/entity/includes/
What could be causing the issue and how would I go about resolving it?
Thank you...
It looks like you may have a problem with clean_urls.
When you're logged into your DKAN instance go to Configuration > Search and metadata > Clean URLs.
Check Enable clean URLs and click Save Configuration.

Ruby/Selenium/Watir-Webdriver: "path is not absolute" error for absolute path

document_name ='TestDoc'
document_path = ("/Users/Me/QA/Project/Documents/#{document_name}") ("/Users/Me/QA/Project/Documents/#{document_name}") # => File is created
filename_field.send_keys :tab # => To Trigger event but where error occurs
filename_field = browser.file_field(:name, 'file') declared in a module elsewhere.
As far as I can tell, I have provided an absolute path for the filename to upload the file but when the tab key is sent, an error occurs of:
Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError: unknown error: path is not absolute:
With an odd squiggly symbol in RubyMine that I've never seen before. Any ideas?
I added
puts filename_field.value
# => C:\fakepath\TestDoc
Spoke to one of the developers and she said "Browser does it to fake things out, so the filesystem isn't exposed". Not sure if that helps solve my issue or I'm SOL?
That error comes from Chromedriver, and comes from sending an incorrect path string to a file element. Since :tab is not a path, it is correctly raising an error.
You shouldn't need to send a tab; just sending the path of the file should accomplish what you need.
I see many small strange things in your code.
document_path = ("/Users/Me/QA/Project/Documents/#{document_name}")
document_path = "/Users/Me/QA/Project/Documents/#{document_name}"
But the main question is why you are using send_keys instead of set?
I failed to reproduce your problem. Maybe it will be possible if you will provide your html. But i suggest you to try:
Because you can easily check it even with irb send_keys is acting differently in firefox and in chrome for example. So maybe problem with it.
Another suggestion
That is a much more weak idea. But...
Try to clear value before changing it. You can do it with javascript:
b.execute_script("arguments[0].value=''", field)
I had the same issue with Chromedriver 2.26.436421 and it was solved when I removed the code which was sending the tab key.
With previous Chromedriver sending tab key was required to trigger the change event on the file input but with latest one it seems like it is only causing issues and the change event gets triggered without it.

Parsing Meteor error: Exception from Deps afterFlush

I get these Deps errors from time to time and I can never figure out what they mean or what they're pointing to:
Exception from Deps afterFlush function function: SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
at eval (native)
at http://localhost:4000/packages/jquery.js?265926494aaa3929cd2e30da265211c5929f37a4:372:22
at Function.jQuery.extend.globalEval (http://localhost:4000/packages/jquery.js?265926494aaa3929cd2e30da265211c5929f37a4:373:7)
at jQuery.ajaxSetup.converters.text script (http://localhost:4000/packages/jquery.js?265926494aaa3929cd2e30da265211c5929f37a4:9806:11)
at ajaxConvert (http://localhost:4000/packages/jquery.js?265926494aaa3929cd2e30da265211c5929f37a4:8873:18)
at done (http://localhost:4000/packages/jquery.js?265926494aaa3929cd2e30da265211c5929f37a4:9293:15)
at callback (http://localhost:4000/packages/jquery.js?265926494aaa3929cd2e30da265211c5929f37a4:9753:8)
at Object.send (http://localhost:4000/packages/jquery.js?265926494aaa3929cd2e30da265211c5929f37a4:9759:7)
at Function.jQuery.extend.ajax (http://localhost:4000/packages/jquery.js?265926494aaa3929cd2e30da265211c5929f37a4:9244:15)
at Function.jQuery._evalUrl (http://localhost:4000/packages/jquery.js?265926494aaa3929cd2e30da265211c5929f37a4:9409:16) debug.js:41
It thinks that there is a syntax error, but the only files it points to are jquery.js, which I HIGHLY doubt contain errors...
This error is caused by code in a Template helper somewhere that uses JQuery/a jquery plugin and is running code using eval which contains a syntax error in it, which is why it appears to come from JQuery itself.
There isn't much more than this to go off im afraid. It might be from ajax. Have a look at your chrome's network tab to see what is being downloaded just before this happens and see if it contains any javascript.
If it contains HTML when it should contain javascript check your Meteor paths, Meteor does not throw 404 errors, instead it serves out the main page's html, which may be why the error displays this way instead of a 404
I just came across the similar "afterFlush" error, and while my error was also rooted in a jQuery/plugin with Meteor, it had nothing to do with eval.
The issue circled back around to updating the DOM at the same time I was updating a reactive method, where Meteor was also updating the DOM reactively. I found this out, and removed the manual DOM manipulation, which made this error go away. Hope someone else finds this helpful...

Add Source file link to the default ASP.NET Server Error page?

Has anyone ever thought to attempt to modify the default ASP.NET Server error page to provide a link BACK to the error source in Visual Studio?
Consider the following standard error page in ASP.NET:
Server Error in '/myproject'
Invalid object name 'usp_DoSomething'.
Description: An unhandled exception
occurred during the execution of the
current web request. Please review the
stack trace for more information about
the error and where it originated in
the code.
Exception Details:
Invalid object name 'usp_DoSomething'.
Source Error:
Line 4323: cmd.CommandText = "usp_DoSomething";
Line 4324:
Line 4325: using (var dr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
Line 4326: {
Line 4327: if (dr != null)
Source File:
Line: 4325
When an error like this is generated, the HTML has the source back to the file the error occurs in and the line number. Has anyone ever written or thought of writing some mechanism to turn the text into a link back to the error in Visual Studio?
I've never seen anything that does it, but it just seems like it would be a helluva nice feature and I think about it in the back of my mind every time an error occurs when I have to manually go find it in the source. It would just be nice to be able to click a link to take me straight there.
Anyone written any, or know of any solutions for this. I use Chrome or Firefox as my browsers of choice, but I'd even consider using IE again if someone found a plugin that did this.
Well, I had been hoping for some means of hacking the error page to turn this:
c:\development\myproject\myproject.components\providers\sql\sqldataprovider.cs Line: 4325
into a link back into my source code in Visual Studio... being that the file name and line number is provided. I was thinking of a browser plugin or something, but apparently no one has built anything like that before... oh well. Was worth a shot.
