Menu I wonder how to style and IE7 to accept this - css

I'd try to be as short as possible as no one likes to read long stuff and waste time,
now it is a menu with a twisted center image that should look like this -
but I wonder how to make it's left and right repetitive parts to repeat one only left and the other only right. I tried some stuff but didn't work out so decided to ask here if someone has idea how it gonna happen.
And these divs are transparent as there is a repetitive bg behind them.
Thanks in advance. :)

You can't to it like that with pure css since there is currently no way to calculate widths. You could do it with Javascript (maybe you try using jQuery) or you can simply use images, if that's an option.
Here's my image based solution:


Parallax- Having images move faster than background

I have looked all over for this and cannot find a tutorial or anything to help create it.
I am looking to do something like this site
If you see on the left the text Mar is scrolling faster than the background image. Can anyone point me in the right direction so I can learn how that is done.
The site you are reffering to uses only JavaScript for making all the animations. Using this technique has some andvanteges and disadvanteges (for example you can't use hardware-acceleration).
But as you have used css as your only tag I will lead you to a pure css solution:
At first you should read something about 3D-transformations in CSS3. The reason for this is, that you will move the things that has to move slower far away in the background. This will have the side effect, that they appear to be smaller. This problem can be resolved be using zoom in CSS.
If this is exactly what you wan't here is a good tutorial on how to do this.
Tipp: When you wan't to learn new things it's always a good practice looking what other people have done. This is very easy in webdesign because you can look at other peoples sourcecode :-)

CSS background-position fixed to parent

my question is a bit tricky and I'm not really sure if it is possible, but I think I have a memory of doing it before or seeing it somewhere.
So, I am making a horisontal menu. I have a div block of size 980x36px. It has a background image:
Inside I have links text) which I made block elements (display: block;) and floated left. So now it would look more like this:
Now I want all active links and all links that are mouse-overed to have a different background, like this:
The problem here is that my background image (on hover) is again 980x36 px and is different in the different horisontal positions just like the first background, blue on the left and red on the right:
So, now when I hover on a link I must set the background position some negative horisontal value, for example for the third link I should set something like background-position: -233px 0px; so the colors of the two backgrounds would fit.
My question is how can this be acomplished automaticaly? Here is the tricky part: I don't know the width of all links since they are text and should support multi-language (so they obviously cannot be pre-made images). I don't want to use PNG (I could easily make a semi-transparent 'glass' which would overlay with the first background and create the same effect) - because of.. guess who, yes IE6. And finally I want this to be done with a nice, clean and widely supported technique, so JavaScript is out of the question (I know it's easy, I can make it, I just don't want to use it).
The thing that is familiar in this situation is the background-attachment: fixed; method. In this case it would be great if I could fix the position of the background of each link to the position of the container div. That would be perfect! Just what I need! Each link will be on it's place, but the background would render as if it was on the container div! Well, that's the problem, if anyone knows a good solution.. If not I should consider the less pain, which in my opinion, currently is to try the PNG way with some IE fixer maybe?
You should just use a .png as you described in your question.
To fix IE6, you should use one of the many available JavaScript-based .png fixes, such as:
It's just not worth crippling yourself by pandering to the minuscule percentage of users that are using IE6 and have JavaScript disabled.
(yes, I realise the question is old, and you've probably already created your menu)
The quickest solution that comes to my mind is using jQuery to position the background accordingly (you can check each element's position and just change its CSS background position).

resizable backgrounds

ok i need to make a whole background image so that it resizes with the window and keeps the same proportions
i need to do this only using css
does anybody know how i have looked but cannot find a working solution.
i tried some suggestions on here too but does not seem to work for me either
You might want to read the article "Supersize that Background, Please!" on A List Apart. It presents "old" as well as modern techniques.
In order to do it in vanilla CSS, you cannot settle for less than CSS3 since both Background and Borders and Media Queries modules are required.
What you are asking for is not possible. Not with standard CSS2.0 and XHTML.
You can make an image tile, but not scale to fit your page.
The link you provided does just that, it repeats the image in a tile fashion. Background images do this by default.
Sorry, CSS can't stretch images. Only an <img> tag can do that. So you'll have to put one of those in the background.
Maybe you can do that with CSS3, I don't know, but even then browser support is not very good yet.
Here is an example of using a div (100% width + height) containing an img tag to use as the background, might be worth a look.
Try this technique:

Inline stretchy button with CSS background image

Anyone know if there's a bullet-proof (standards-compliant to XHTML1.1 strict, cross-browser, non-javascript) way to use CSS and background images to turn an inline link into a visual button that will stretch to accommodate different amounts of text (or text resizing)?
I'm thinking I need to use background images as the designer's buttons have rounded corners with a different coloured border. It must work in IE6 (Government job).
Im pretty sure the answer is no, but as always thought it worth a check.
Amongst other things, I've already tried variations on the sliding doors technique, but can't make it work as the solution needs to work inline (i.e. within a paragraph) and I can't set a fixed width.
EDIT: There are several buttons, each of which has a different colour for foreground, border and background. They also have a gradient 'face', but no need for transparency or anything else 'unorthodox'. Unfortunately I can't link to examples as I'm under an NDA.
I'm not sure if this will fit your needs, but I helped someone with hoverable rounded buttons in this post... it uses only HTML and CSS.
I don't think you can do this within your restrictions. The problem is that you have one element, but to properly do stretching, you need three (unstretched left side, stretched center, unstretched right side).
Yeah, you probably need to make image buttons for this.
Just as an aside in future, here's a page on CSS button styling.

How to remember in CSS that margin is outside the border, and padding inside [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I don't edit CSS very often, and almost every time I need to go and google the CSS box model to check whether padding is inside the border and margin outside, or vice versa. (Just checked again and padding is inside).
Does anyone have a good way of remembering this? A little mnemonic, a good explanation as to why the names are that way round ...
When working with CSS finally drives you mad the padded cell that they will put you in has the padding on the inside of the walls.
pin - P is in
You are using a box. If you were putting something in a box you would put some padding inside to make sure it didn't smack against the sides. Margin would then be the other thing.
Print the diagram from the Box Dimensions section of the specification, and put it on the wall.
To me, "padding" just sounds more inner than "margin". Perhaps thinking about the printed page would help? Margins are areas on the far outside - generally, you cannot even print to the edge - they are unmarkable. Within those margins, the content could be padded to provide an extra barrier between the content and the margin?
Once you work in CSS enough, it'll become second nature to remember this.
I've just learnt it over time - the box model is fairly simple but the main reason people find it hard is because body doesn't visibly break the model.
Really, if you give body a margin and a background you should see it surrounded by a white strip. However this isn't the case - body's padding is the same as margin. This establishes a few incorrect things about the box model.
I usually think about it like this:
margin = spacing around the box;
border = the edge of the box;
padding = space inside the box.
Padding is usually used inside. Either on the interior of a wall or a delivery box, that's simple. And if padding is inside, then margin is outside. Shouldn't be too hard.
use firebug to help you see.
Tim Saunders gave some excellent advice - when I first got started with CSS, I made a point of building a good, fully commented base stylesheet. That stylesheet has changed many times and remains a terrific resource.
However, when I ran into my own box model problems, I started using 'Mo Pi'. As in, "I'm not fat enough, I need to eat mo pi." Strange, but it worked for me. Of course, I put on twenty pounds while learning CSS...;-)
Create yourself a commented base stylesheet which you can use as a template whenever you need to create a new site or edit an existing site.
You can add to it as you grow in knowledge and apply it to various different browsers to see how various things behave.
You'll also be able to add in comments or examples about other hard to remember stuff or stuff that is counter intuitive.
Add border, even just temporarily. As you play with the numbers, you'll see the difference.
In fact, temporary borders around elements is a helpful way to work, such that you can see why floats are dropping, etc.
I know this is an answer to your question, but more of a tip. Whenever I am dealing with margin and padding, I will add a border around the part you are working with, then from there, it shows me the room I have to work with. When I am all set, I remove the border.
PAdding is a PArt of an element's PAinting: it extends the element's background. It makes sense to think of a pair element+padding as sharing a common background. Padding is analogous to the painting's canvas: the bigger the padding, the bigger the canvas and therefore background. Border (the painting's frame) would go around that pair. And margin will separate paintings on the gallery wall. Thinking about the concept of object background helps glue the pair object+padding together. The usual explanations of what is inside vs outside do not stick to memory: after a while everybody gets back to the original confusion. Remember also that margins are vertically collapsible and padding is not.
Instead of ask again and again to google you just use inspector window. In that style tab and scroll down to bottom you can see like this.
Margin:When you want move the block.
Padding: When you want move the items within a block.
