modify project in 1.1 in vs 2010 -

i have a project that is developed in 1.1. But i have vs 2010 installed...can i modify,debug and deploy from vs 2010...

ASP.NET 1.1 is not supported with VS 2010. So, if you want to debug and deploy, you will need to at least convert it to 2.0+
This will probably break some things like relative links in your existing project.

yes you can modify , debug, deploye your project in VS2010.


Migrate VS2010 to VS2013 - what would be the major changes we would be facing?

I have one web application in C# which is developed using Visual Studio 2010 and I want to convert or Migrate that web application in Visual Studio 2013 (C#).
Note:- Below listed things I used in my current Web Application using VS2010 (C#)
Asp.Net Server Controls.
ClassLibrary (.dll).
Web services.
Above Listed things I used in my current Web application which is in VS2010.
Now, My Question Is- What would be the major changes I would be facing if I am using all above listed Microsoft Technologies using C# and Migrate it to VS2013.
The biggest change for us was that Visual Studio Setup Project was depreciated in VS 2012, so we had to build new installers.
Also, which version of .NET is you application? Keep in mind framework targeting for Visual Studios (basically if your application is .NET 3.5 SP 1 or newer you should be fine):
The Web Services should also be okay, if you intend to keep creating web services instead of switching to WCF, you may want to look at this:
Create a asmx web service in C# using visual studio 2013
The thing we first noticed is VS2013 uses IIS Express 8.0, at the time our production web server was IIS 6 - we encountered, on numerous occasions a web.config setting working fine locally but forgot to add the IIS 6 equivalent.
For our web apps we kept targeting the same .Net framework and I can't recall any issues. For your reference our stack was Asp.Net MVC 4, EF 5 WebApi plus numerous NuGet packages. So we didn't have any server controls.
You may also want to ensure all your VS2010 plugins have a 2013 equivalent.
You shouldn't have any problem at all with the types of proyects you are using.
You could even open the solution with VS2013 and then open it back with VS2010 SP1 without any problem (as long as you don't switch the .NET framework to 4.5).
Starting from VS2012, Microsoft made changes to allow developers open a solution with older versions of VS (VS2010 SP1 being the oldest version that supports this). There ARE some proyect types that won't be compatible, but from the things you listed, you won't have any problems.
When you open the Solution with newest VS, it WILL make some changes, but you still will be able to open it with VS2010 SP1 (again, with some exceptions).
Anyway, my suggestion is, install VS2013 in a test machine and try it out. You can even create an Azure VM with VS2013 PreInstalled in minutes to try it out.
There is already available VS2015 preview, why not wait until it is released? (or use the preview)
as other said, it should not brake much

Convert a web app created in VS 2010 ASP.NET 4.0 to ASP.NET 3.5

I've made a web app in VS 2010 and by default, I think it uses the .NET Framework 4.0. Problem is, the server that's going to run it doesn't have 4.0.
Is there a way to downgrade the project? I'm not really knowledgeable with web hosting or web servers so I don't really know which is easier, downgrading the project or upgrading the web server. It's a company web server by the way, so I'm not sure about the legalities and stuff. It's free though, right?
Just right-click on the project in the Solution Explorer and go to properties. Under the "Application" tab, change the "Target Framework" from 4.0 to 3.5. That should do it provided you are not using any code features unique to 4.0.
If you can update the server easily, I would recommend that so that you have the 4.0 framework available to you going forward. The .NET framework is a free download.
Right-click on the project name and select Properties On the Application tab, you should see a Target framework: dropdown.

Experiences deploying ASP.NET 3.5 web site with charting control

Has anyone deployed a web site using the 3.5 framework and the Microsoft charting control?
I know this is built into .NET 4.0, but our client isn't ready to move up to the .NET 4.0 yet.
Specifically, do you need to run the chart install on the server to deploy the control, or is there a way to do this in the deployment (such as dropping the System.Web.DataVisualization [sp?] dll into the BIN directory and updating Web.config?
I want to add we're using VS 2010 as our IDE...has anyone used the chart control while targeting the 3.5 .NET framework?
I have not used the controls myself so I don't now what major differences there are between versions, if any, but you can try using the .NET 3.5 version of the charting controls.
Edit: You should be able to add the .NET 3.5 control to the VS 2010 Toolbox manually, if it isn't added automatically using the instructions on MSDN.

Targeting .NET3.5 with ASP.NET MVC2 Web Application in Visual Studio 2010?

Our current environment is .NET 3.5 SP1 but we're in the process of migrating to .NET4 and Visual Studio 2010.
I would like to stick to using .NET 3.5 for the deployment/production environment however use Visual Studio and TFS 2010 for development, until the production environment is cleared for upgrade to .NET4. Is this possible (I assume yes :B), and how?
What I have tried is changing the TargetFrameworkVersion in the project settings to "v3.5". However, I get a build failure due to the classes in System.Web.Security that moved to System.Web.ApplicationServices in .NET 4 (e.g. MembershipUser) not being found... so it appears that it is using .NET4 libraries and not .NET3.5? Do I add the System.Web.ApplicationServices library to my project, and if so, does this mean it will still run on .NET 3.5?
Also, I noticed that the ToolsVersion of the project is 4.0, would changing it from 4.0 to 3.5 be the correct thing to do? When I do this, re-opening the project causes Visual Studio to run the conversion process, changing the ToolsVersion back to 4.0 ...
You must have Visual Studio 2008 installed to be able to target .NET 3.5 in Visual Studio 2010.

Why can I not use Asp.Net DataAnnotation Validation with VS 2008

I have a problem. I am developing Asp.Net MVC2 Application with VS2008 very well, but now I want to use the amazing DataAnnotion Validation shipping with Microsoft.MVC.DataAnnotation.dll. I can't find the DLL so I found it on the project Site #
I can't compile the Project. Is it a VS 2010 or .Net 4.0 thing ? Do I need VS 2010 or is there a way to use it within VS2008 ?
Thanks a lot guys, sorry about my bad English ;)
You don't need VS2010, you can use Data Annotations with VS2008 and .net 3.5
The example above actually works in VS2008. I just verified it.
Also the dll you mentioned above is the wrong dll for MVC2, instead of Microsoft.MVC.DataAnnotation.dll, you want System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations which should be part of .net 3.5.
follow this guide:
maybe you just need to service pack your vs
