Please help me with this page with IE 7/8 - css
When I use my IE 7 or IE 8 to visit this page, the text below the carousel image is aligned to the right, until I manually navigate images through clicking the left & right button or the dots.
At the same time, the left & right buttons are placed under the dots, while it should be on the right of the dots.
(this page works properly in FF).
I also got some feedback from folks saying that this page works correctly in their IE 8. So I am totally confused.
(Please see attached screenshot from my IE 8)

Give "wrapper" a size in pixels, not PERCENT, such as width:450px


Display differences on different computers/devices - background image and button

This site is displayed differently in Chrome depending on the computer or phone used.
On most in Chrome and, apparently all, in FF, Edge, Opera, a background image and text/button with color ffff00 (yellow) are displayed. On some computers/devices using Chrome (same version), the image is not displayed and the text color is black.
I am attaching a comparative image. The left side shows what some Chrome users see and the right what everyone else sees.
image shows the correct display on right and the problem on the left
I have no ideas about the cause of the problem.

Position this footer correctly in IE? (links to examples inside)

Could someone with access to Internet Explorer possibly figure out what's wrong with this page?
Someone with IE told me the footer(s) are not displaying properly - they are not staying at the bottom.
There are two footers - a small one that starts with "Coming up", which is stacked on top of a larger one with links, copyright, etc. in it.
This page is with content that should be longer than the browser window:
This one has content that does not fill the browser window.
It looks fine in Firefox on Linux:
Any ideas?

Firefox div parent width head-ache

I am making a site. I am using Drupal 7 with HTML5 strater kit of Omega theme. I have poped up two regions. Each one contains an image and some text (image on the top and text in the bottom). Now the display for the IE9 and chrome is OK but for firefox is not understandable for my brain. the address is the reason i am giving out the web address is because i have no idea what css or html code i should post. Just open it in firefox, IE and chrome you will see the difference.
Thanks in advance.

RTL issue in IE affecting whole page

I'm developing a website in hebrew, and everything is fine in Chrome and Firefox (as expected), but I have an issue with IE.
When I place
the whole page gets shifted to the right, and a horizontal scrollbar appears.
On initial load of the page, IE loads it scrolled to the right side, so it looks good (no need for manual scrolling), but the horizontal scrollbar is there.
All the other elements are placed correctly and I can't find the issue. There is no element that would overflow outside the main wrapper, and the scrollbar is there only if direction:RTL is placed.
I can notice that the scrollbar appears near the end of the loading, but I don't know if there is some way to step through the loading of the page (something like breakpoint/debug/step).
I tested it on 3 different computers (IE8/XP, IE8/Win7, IE9/Win7, and also with )
Some help/guidance would be greatly appreciated.
You can check it at:

IE css placement dont work as in FF

I can't believe the number of bugs I have to sort out due to IE6...Can somebody have a solution to all the IE problem in WordPress ?
here is the file :
you have to login to view it
login/ psw : test / test
NOW in firefox (real browser) you see the red box (top right of the photo) "nous joindre" OVER the picture and in IE6... it push DOWN the pic...
if I have no choice I will put the picture in the background of the box... but for some technical reason i prefer no to... i like to make it work as is
I know z-index and absolute positioning but i like the box to be center horizontally and relative placement is a must...i'm open to any suggestions, and i will try any solutions !
Having wai 2 days, and receive no answer... i put a ie6 update screen, and image on background... work fine, thanks
