How to setup users with email: in ASP.NET -

I have a requirement which is to allow users to buy a domain through my site and then programatically set them up with email accounts at that domain, eg, etc.
To integrate the buying of the domain I'm planning on using a domain reseller like this.
The next step - of creating the email accounts - is where I'm floundering currently. I'm assuming I can programatically set the domain name to point where ever I need for the email pointers, but not sure how to programatically setup the email client on the other end. I don't care so much what the email client is - gmail, etc. Ideally I'd be able to brand it a bit, but it's not absolutely required.
Hoping someone has experience with this. Thanks in advance.

first you need to choose a mail server for your system. Then you get the SDK of this server and create with the provided interfaces users from your user interface.
For example, a basic free mail server is MailEnable that plesk also use for the same reason.
on this page you can get the sdk of the MailEnable mail server
and there you can find the api to control it from your pages.
Hope this helps you to start.


Protect a single wordpress page and authenticate against an API of external system

I've had a request to provide some internal assistance with our company WordPress website. Its a public site and our marketing team would like to host a single page on there that only existing customers can gain access to. We have an internal in-house developed CRM which the devs have exposed an API to check if an email address provided is that of a customer or not and return a true/false result. The internal CRM uses identity for its auth.
I've done quite a bit of research into the possible options, but none really give a definitive path to achieve this, or offer an alternative solution.
I have a small amount of WP experience, and unfortunately am the only person internally who comes close to being able to "help", however I need some assistance please! What would be the best way to go about securing a single page on a WP site, authenticated by a user providing their email address and it checking the CRM endpoint for true/false validity?

Authentification with just a password

I currently built a small WebApp for personal use. I want to push it online but not everyone should have access to it. I want to send the password to people which I will allow to access the site but I only want one password which can everyone use. I build the App with just Nuxt.js and firestore because I'm not familiar with backend technology.
I'm aware of the firebase authentication, but it only supports authentication with e-mail address.
Does someone know a simple Method how I can do this? Security is in this case not very import, I just want that not everyone can go on the site yet.
Thank you very much for your help.
As you mentioned, you're aware of firebase authentication, create a single account with email and password. For now, on login screen you can pass email hardcoded in input[type='hidden'] field.
You can use basic authentication for that. Not the most secure way of securing a site since the credentials are sent over with each request but If your site is under https you should be fine.

Restrict users in intranet to access websites like facebook,linkedin etc

I want to restrict my intranet users in such a way that I provide them userId & password of websites (such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Gmail, Twitter etc) only these logins should be allowed.
If any user tries to use another userID then it should block all such users to access above mentioned websites.
I am not sure how this should be achieved. But here I am trying to develop a web application using that will Log-In to websites with default credentials & save the session cookies in browser then user will be redirected to relative website, which will have user session in cookies. Also I'll block Login page of websites for rest of users/systems on CC Proxy.
Please guide me in right direction.
I think DNS will be a bad option for you, it will be easy to bypass and you could not redirect specific web page.
I think the answer to your question will be proxy, with proxy you will be able to supervise thier web actions completely.
They will still be able to bypass it but I believe it will be hard enough

Email from address changes once it is delivered

I am currently doing work for a client and am running into a bit of an issue when an email receipt is sent to the user. What is happening is that once the email address is delivered the from address is completely different then the one I am using. I have tried using a few different email addresses and they work fine. It's only the one that they really want to use that is causing the problem.
I don't have access to their site and am also unsure of how the mail is sent. What I am wondering is if anyone knows the questions that I can ask to figure out what is going on on there end. They recently changed who was handling their site so I have a feeling something may be getting mixed up.
The site is built with WordPress and is using Gravity Forms. From the changed email address I can see that they are using Bluehost since the email changes from #companyname to
Email servers are not my area of expertise so I really appreciate any help.
Very likely their Wordpress website is sending emails through the wp_mail() function which is nothing more than the usual mail() function from PHP.
By default if you send an email through this method it will display either the hostname of the server where the website is sitting or the SMTP server, in this case depending on what's the policy of Bluehost regarding sending e-mails.
Generally hosting provider switch off the php mail() function in shared hosting environments to prevent spam and they provide you with the details to connect to their SMTP server and send legit e-mails, if their server is sitting on a shared hosting I think you might need support from Bluehost directly, explain to them the situation and they will help you throughout the process.
If the website is sitting on a virtual dedicated server then they need to do additional configuration on it. In this case what I do is to access onto cPanel and create a new mailbox with the address I want to send from (,, whatever the client wants to be displayed) and configure Wordpress to send with through the VPS SMTP (you can do that easily with this nice plugin: ) with the address and password you chose when creating the email account on cPanel.
From now on the email will show the correct address.
Also you might want to increase the deliverability of your message and to instruct the email servers that are receiving the email that you're using a legit account, so you should add to their DNS both DKIM and SPF server records.
Note: I suggest you to be extremely cautious when playing around with DNSes, especially when touching email related records. If you are not familiar on how setup new and change the current existing records ask for help from someone who has quite good experience and to guide you through the process so you understand how it works and the consequences of a bad formatted or clashing records.
We recently had a really bad couple of hours at work when someone touched the company records without any clue of what was doing and we ended up with no email and website working for several hours.

host .net 3.5 webservice on dynamic ips / domains

hey guys i have written a small webservice which allows users of a company (lets call it xyz) to login to xyz's website remotely via my iphone app (without ever going on xyz's official website to login)
after logging these users programatically to xyz's website, i can allow my users to do many authenticated tasks xyz offers
since xyz does not offer apis for this i was forced to hijack xyz's login cookies from my webservice to allow users to use all the authenticated features
at no point of time am i saving xyz users username or password and use https for my webservice to ensure safety n security of users
however i have got an email from xyz asking me to shut down my webservice otherwise face legal action. if i do that my users would be very unhappy to loose so many cool features of my iphone app
i wanted to know the best way to host my webservice on some offshore server which has elastic / dynamic ip addresses with completely different patters (so xyz cant block a particular range of ips or even domain names)
i have heard amazon provides elastic ips - can they be used for such scenario
or can someone help me come out with a better solution
webservice is 3.5 based
You should negotiate with them and find out what they don't like about your service.
You can then modify it to be friendlier to them.
Alternatively, you can get rid of your webservice and connect to their control panel directly from the iPhone.
Looks like you are asking for help on doing illegal things. Not a smart thing to do on something as public as this.
Best advice I can give is bite the bullet and take your service down.
