TypeLoadException when trying to mock IObjectSet with Moq - moq

I have the following setup code:
MockOf<IObjectSet<Dummy>>().Setup(c => c.AddObject(dummy)).Verifiable();
MockOf<IObjectContextWrapper>().Setup(c => c.GetObjectSet<Dummy>()).Returns(MockOf<IObjectSet<Dummy>>().Object);
where Dummy is an empty class definition, and dummy is a Dummy. MockOf<T>() is a mock managing feature on a base class, which basically makes sure that each time it's called on a type, it returns the same mock instance.
The test containing this setup code fails with a TypeLoadException and the following message:
System.TypeLoadException : Type 'IObjectSet`1Proxy389e220f10aa4d9281d0b9e136edc1d4' from assembly 'DynamicProxyGenAssembly2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a621a9e7e5c32e69' is attempting to implement an inaccessible interface.
at System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.TermCreateClass(RuntimeModule module, Int32 tk, ObjectHandleOnStack type)
at System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.CreateTypeNoLock()
at System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.CreateType()
at Castle.DynamicProxy.Generators.Emitters.AbstractTypeEmitter.BuildType()
at Castle.DynamicProxy.Generators.InterfaceProxyWithTargetGenerator.GenerateCode(Type proxyTargetType, Type[] interfaces, ProxyGenerationOptions options)
at Castle.DynamicProxy.ProxyGenerator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithoutTarget(Type interfaceToProxy, Type[] additionalInterfacesToProxy, ProxyGenerationOptions options, IInterceptor[] interceptors)
at Moq.Mock1.<InitializeInstance>b__0()
at Moq.Mock1.InitializeInstance()
at Moq.Mock`1.get_Object()
at OddEnds.Tests.Data.EntityFramework.RepositoryTest.Delete_DeletesObjectFromObjectSet() in RepositoryTest.cs: line 43
I have imported System.Data.Objects and referenced both System.Data.Entity.dll and Microsoft.Data.Entity.CTP.dll in both the test project and the project where the class being tested resides. The build succeeds with no errors, warnings or messages (except a few related to Code Contracts...)
How do I fix this?

Are any of the interfaces or class you are using in your tests internal? Are you using something like [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("YourTestAssembly")] in order to get things to compile?
If so, you'll also need to add one for DynamicProxyGenAssembly2 in order for Moq to dynamically generate the proxy for the classes.
//goes in the AssemblyInfo.cs where the internal interfaces / classes are defined
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("DynamicProxyGenAssembly2")]
Here is a relevent post about the topic
I hope this helps

I found that in my case I had created a Dummy class instance to be used in my unit test which happened to be private (as I didn't really want to share the test object outside).
My code was along these lines:
var mockMonitor = new Mock<ICacheMonitor<int, PrivateObject>>();
where the PrivateObject was a private class definition within my TestClass.
The fix in my case is therefore to ensure that any of the types in your Mock constructor are public.
public class PrivateObject () {}
(Obviously I wouldn't call my public object a PrivateObject either...)

I tripped across another case which I couldn't figure out at first. I was working on a proxy for an interface created inside of my unit test...
public IDoWork
void DoWork();
It took me forever to figure out that the problem was not with that interface, but was, rather, that the unit test itself was not public:
class TestSomething // missing public keyword
// .. some test which tries to create a mock of the interface
public IDoWork
void DoWork();
So, while IDoWork is says it's public, it really is not since it's enclosed in a private class.
Hope this helps someone.


ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance giving "A suitable constructor not found" for simple examples

So I am building a complex case here with inheritance and IOC, need to use ActivatorUtilities to inject instances and pass parameters... no matter what I do I get the following error:
System.InvalidOperationException: 'A suitable constructor for type
'blabla.ISimpleTest' could not
be located. Ensure the type is concrete and all parameters of a public
constructor are either registered as services or passed as arguments.
Also ensure no extraneous arguments are provided.'
So in order to discard what could be the problem and ensure there is no constructor issues, I created a very very simple scenario that gives me the same error.
services.AddScoped<ISimpleTest, SimpleTest>();
the class and the interface, very simple here:
public interface ISimpleTest
public class SimpleTest : ISimpleTest
public SimpleTest()
var theInstance = ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<ISimpleTest>(ServiceProvider);
Additional notes
The ServiceProvider instance is fine (the rest/entire application depends on it).
Tried with and without adding the public constructor(empty params)
Tried also constructor with params, same error.
Tried to specify the params[] parameter, by sending null or empty array, same issue.
Extra test:
Just to confirm it's properly registered, I tried to get the instance using the Service provider, and works without issues:
//No issues this way:
var yyy = ServiceProvider.GetService<ISimpleTest>();
What am I doing here wrong? According to documentations, this should be enough to work

netcore DI container returns different instances for same registration with overloads

I encountered a Problem with the DI framework of netcore. I am aware about the different ways to register an type in the DI container.
Specifically I am interested in the .AddSingleton method. There are many overlaods of this method.
My Problem is that I want to ensure that when I register the same class in different ways (with an interface and just with the class type), then two instances are created, one for each "registration" way.
Lets say I have an Interface called ISomeInterface an one implementation of it named ImplementationOfSomeInterface.
In my case I want the DI system to create an instance whenever the ImplementationOfSomeInterface is requested. Further I have some places where I define the dependency just with the interface ISomeInterface.
The Problem is that the DI system returns 2 instances of ImplementationOfSomeInterface. One for the case where the dependency is related of the class and one for the case where the dependency is given by the Interface.
I already checked many documentation and tutorials, but they all just explain the differences of AddSingleton, AddScoped etc...
// registration with the class type
//registration with an interface and the corresponding 'same' class type
services.AddSingleton<ISomeInterface, ImplementationOfSomeInterface>();
//--------- now the usage of it -------------------
public TestClassA(SomeInterfaceImplementation instance)
var resultingInstA = instance;
public TestClassB(ISomeInterface instance)
var resultingInstB = instance;
//I would expect that resultingInstA is pointing to the very same object of
//resultingInstB => but they are different!
I would expect that resultingInstA is pointing to the very same object of resultingInstB => but they are different!
How can I achieve that I get the same instance back?
You can do it by registering an instance of the class rather than just the type.
var instance = new ImplementationOfSomeInterface();
Now any attempt to resolve ImplementationOfSomeInterface or ISomeInterface will both return the instance initialized here.

asp.net mvc3, why do I need to constructors for my controller class

I am learning asp.net mvc3. one example I found online is to show me how to use IOC.
public class HomeController : Controller
private IHelloService _service;
public HomeController():this(new HelloService())
public HomeController(IHelloService service)
_service = service;
there are two constructors in this example. I understand the second one. the first one I understand what that for, but to me, it seems like extra code, you will never need it.
can someone please explain to me whats the point to add the first constructor.
public HomeController():this(new HelloService())
When the MVC Framework instantiates a controller, it uses the default (parameter-less) constructor.
By default, you are injecting a concrete IHelloService implementation. This will be used when a user navigates to the action.
Unit Tests would use the overload and pass in the mock IHelloService implementation rather than calling the default constructor.
It can be useful if you don't use a dependency injection framework that injects this for you. In this way you never have to manually inject the object, the object will handle that by itself.
The second constructor is, of course, useful to inject custom objects when unit testing.
Normally one would need to do this:
IFoo foo = new Foo();
IBar bar = new Bar(foo);
When your constructor creates a default object you can just do this:
IBar bar = new Bar();
Bar will then create a Foo and inject it into itself.

Access objects instantiated in Flex app's MXML file in other AS classes

I've got an object declared and instantiated in my Flex application's singular MXML file:
public var CDN:CDNClass = new CDNClass;
I would like to access this same CDN object (and its public methods and properties) in another class declared in a separate .as file as such:
package my.vp
import my.media.CDNClass;
public class SyncConnectorManager
private function syncMessageReceived(p_evt:SyncSwfEvent):void
switch (p_evt.data.msgNm)
case "startStream" :
// Play a stream
But when I try to access the public method parsePlayList in the CDN object in a method in the class defined in the .as file, I get the following error:
Access of undefined property CDN
The reason I want to do this is to break up the logic of my application into multiple AS files and have minimal MXML files, probably only one.
Thanks - any help is much appreciated. Perhaps my OOD/OOP thinking is not correct here?
IT depends on your class architecture. For your code to work, the CDNClass instance must be defined and implemented inside your SyncConnectorManager.
Generally, you can always call down into components, but should never call up
One option is to pass the instance ofCDNClass to a variable inside SyncConnectorManager. Add this variable to your SyncConnectionManager class:
public var CDN:CDNClass = new CDNClass;
And at some point do this:
syncConnectorManagerInstance.CDN = CDN;
That way both classes will have access to the same CDN instance and can call methods on it.
Yes, your OOP thinking is not correct here. You should take in mind differences between classes and instances. This line declares a filed in a current class and initiates it with an instance:
public var CDN:CDNClass = new CDNClass;
So current instance of your MXML class (you can think about it as usual AS class with some other notation) has public field. To operate with CDN instance you need something from the following:
Read the value of CDN (as far as it is public) from the instance of your MXML class. You need some reference to it for that.
The instance of your MXML class can have a reference to the instance of SyncConnectorManager and SyncConnectorManager should have a way to inject the value of CDN there. Something like:
Your class:
package my.vp
import my.media.CDNClass;
public class SyncConnectorManager
private var CDN:CDNClass;
public function SyncConnectorManager(CDN:CDNClass)
this.CDN = CDN;
private function syncMessageReceived(p_evt:SyncSwfEvent):void
switch (p_evt.data.msgNm)
case "startStream" :
// Play a stream
In your case SyncConnectorManager class hasn't CDN declared (the problem of the compiler error you mentioned) and instantiated (the problem of NPE even if you just declare field).
As the bottom line I can suggest you to follow ActionScript naming and coding conventions to talk other people and team members about your code :)

Using IOC Container for multiple concrete types

I want to implement IOC in my application but i am confused, in my application i have multiple concrete classes which implement an interface. Consider this scenario:-
I have an Inteface ICommand and following concrete types which implement this interface:-
Basically user performs all this action in UI and then List is passed to the service layer where each command is executed.
So in GUI layer I will write
ICommand command1 = new AddAddress();
ICommand command2 = new RemoveContact();
In command manger
List<ICommand> listOfCommands = List<ICommand>();
Then finally will pass listOfCommands to service layer.
Now as per my understanding of IOC is only one concrete class is mapped to the interface. And we use this syntax to get our concrete type from StructureMap container.
ICommand command = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<ICommand>();
How should i implement IOC in this scenario?
In this scenario you're better off making your commands into value objects, i.e. not created by the IoC container:
class AddAddressCommand {
public AddAddressCommand(string address) {
Address = address;
public string Address { get; private set; }
When you create a command, you really do want a specific implementation, and you want to parameterise it precisely, both concerns that will work against the services of the IoC container. This will become even more relevant if you decide at some point to serialize the command objects.
Instead, make the service-layer components that execute the commands into IoC-provided components:
class AddAddressHandler : IHandler<AddAddressCommand> {
public AddAddressHandler(ISomeDependency someDependency) { ... }
public void Handle(AddAddressCommand command) {
// Execution logic using dependencies goes here
In your case, the component that accepts the list of commands to execute will need to resolve the appropriate handler for each command and dispatch the command object to it.
There's some discussion of how to do this with Windsor here: http://devlicious.com/blogs/krzysztof_kozmic/archive/2010/03/11/advanced-castle-windsor-generic-typed-factories-auto-release-and-more.aspx - the community supporting your IoC container of choice will be able to help you with its configuration.
As mentioned by Mark, StructureMap will allow you to set up and call named instances of an interface:
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
You can still add a default instance for that particular interface, of course:
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
When you call ObjectFactory.GetInstance<ISomeInterface>(); the default instance (the one initialized with Use instead of Add) is the one that will be returned.
So in your case, the set up would look something like:
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
// names are arbitrary
These would be called as pointed out by Mark:
Hope this helps.
Most IOC containers allow you to register "named instances" of interfaces, allowing you to register several implementations of ICommand, each with its own unique name. In StructureMap, you request them like this:
Have a look at this question to see how you setup the container in StructureMap.
