Drupal comments per fields - drupal

I have been looking all over for this, but so far without any luck. Is there a way to have comments per field instead of per node in drupal? If there are no modules available for this, do you think it would be hard to implement?
I thought I could make a "pseudo-content-type" with views that's nothing more than several content types displayed one on top of the other, so you could comment any of them. But then I don't know a way of making the user create all those content types at once.

The built-in comment module is not going to do comments per field on a node. I've been drupaling for almost three years and I don't know of any module that allows comments per field.
It is possible to do, but it would take a custom module and plenty of slick programming to get it to work. As far as difficulty I think an intermediate PHP developer with some knowledge of Drupal should be able to whip this out.

A kind of quick solution would be using panel module; form all your commentable content in nodes ad put them together all into a panel. This is kind a quick and static solution, possibly with views one can make it more custom.


Drupal - Show content on specific page

Am I able to add the following field to a content type, so that each piece of content I create can be conditioned to a page?
Or is there a module to extend Publishing Options, where by it adds all the pages I have created (just like 'Promote to Front Page')?
If not, why is no one doing this? As a new user to Drupal this seems like it would be a handy operation. (I have already tried this module but it doesn't achieve the results I'm after).
If none of these solutions are available, what would be the best alternative way of doing this?
I've posted this question on Stack Exchange for Drupal but I need a quick answer and there seems to be a bigger community here :D
You should use Context. With Context, you'll be able to manage contextual conditions and reactions for your drupal like Regions.
Have you used Views? it is one of the most common used drupal modules. It doesn't extend publishing options directly but it does replace it in a way. You can say by example put a list of al content-types: your_own_Content_type that have the publishing options of promoted to front-page. then sort them by title, date, what ever you like.
you could also create only one view and create multiple blocks out of it. you have to understand the logic of drupal: if you want different blocks on different pages, you have to create the different pages AND different blocks
create the view for one type of content-type and make one block out of it. put this block on the desired page. All your other blocks are made with the same view, just adjust a condition in your view and create a new block out of it. You should also put all your blocks in the same region, and set the to the right pages
here you can find a lot of documentation if you run into any problems... drupal.org/project/views
Views is the best at creating a slideshow of images or any type of data on your site.
Used in combination with nodequeue it might offer near or the full functionality you are trying to achieve (check this out ... and this too) - but I don't understand your question entirely.
By my opinion Views is too complicated task for much simple request.
There is a few ideas for solution:
Easy way - You can create a specific template file or add some if statments to the node.tpl.php(specific tpl better)
For minor changes - Create a new context with "path" filter and "theme html" reaction, than hide the field by the css
Best but complicated(large usages) - create a new "view mode" and implement the display by new "hook_menu".
~ Almog

Should I use custom taxonomy or custom post type?

I've recently taken on a project from a client of mine, after a lot of persuasion I've managed to finally get the website under some kind of CMS. I'm pretty new to Wordpress I've come from an ExpressionEngine background and fancied trying something new for a change, so excuse the lack of knowledge (I'm trying my best! :D).
Now The issue I'm currently facing is that they have very specific directions regarding how they want their content displayed on their website and more importantly how they would like to manage it. They are a travel agent I'm currently putting together the resort directory that will display all of the resorts they offer.
In regards to the current structure of the directory it will be made up of 4 different sections. To give you a better understanding of how I want things to work take a look at this hierarchy below, (I've used turkey as an example, these would need to be dynamic):
/destinations/ This will be our destinations page that will list
all of the countries they currently
offer. I imagine this to be a static
page with some content about the
countries on offer with a list of the
countries below (These will be our
parent taxonomies).
/destinations/turkey/ This will be our parent taxonomy. This
page will also have to have the
ability to add some static content to
insert information about the country
and its locations. Below this will be
a second list, these will be the
different areas of turkey (These will
be children of the parent
/destinations/turkey/belek/ This will be our child taxonomy, This
page will again need to have the
ability to add some static content.
It will also include our list of
resorts that my client offers within
this location (These will be our
This will be our post/entry page,
here we will have all of the
information on the select resort, the
specifics of this aren't an issue and
I've already got this sorted.
Now, I've done a lot of reading up on custom post types, custom taxonomies and their abilities and uses but I'm hit with a situation at the moment where I can't decide on which route I should take. I've been experimenting over the last few hours with the setup of one custom post type (for resorts) and one hierarchical taxonomy (for locations). Which works some what ok BUT due to the limitations of the taxonomy UI within the admin panel it doesn't allow me to add my static content/images etc. (I'd much prefer to use a WYSIWYG especially from a clients point of view).
So this makes me wonder if it would be worth making two custom post types and scrapping taxonomies all together, making one of the post types resorts and the other locations. With the locations post type I could set it up like the pages module (which would give me hierarchical controls to allow me to organise my locations how I had originally planned) but is this a wise move? I mean from what I've read you shouldn't really organise content this way but I've got a feeling that maybe just a clash of contextual semantics (I could be wrong!). Would there be any limitations for me setting things up this way should I wish to add search functionality in the future? Or anything else for that matter?
I thought I'd mention this before I FINALLY click the submit button (apologies for the great wall of text) but pages... I've read here that they are powerful little gems within Wordpress, how should I be taking advantage of these if I'm using custom taxonomies? How well do they work with listing categories are they what I need?
Right, that about wraps up everything I've got to ask for now - maybe I should have split this into a few posts but hey! I hope this gives you guys enough information about what I'm trying to achieve and please if I am going wrong feel free to point me in the right direction I'm really eager to learn more about Wordpress and it's capabilities.
While this is one approach, it sounds like what you really want to be using (rather than custom post-taxonomies) is simply the Page functionality of WP. Everything you're describing is simply the hierarchical structure of the navigation of your pages. Yes, you can use the custom taxonomies to accomplish this same thing, but since you're describing things that tend to be "one" thing (ie: a single resort) you probably don't need the taxonomies.
You might want to look at another option: PODS CMS http://podscms.com
This will give you a simple structure to add custom features to your posts relatively easily... Things like pricing, amenities, and other "organizable" details can be stored using PODS and then referenced across your site for better usability. It might be worth a look!

Basic drupal model / concepts

I'm migrating a site from a proprietary cms (reddot) to drupal. For all its flaws, reddot has a very simple yet flexible model:
templates consist of markup with placeholders for variable content
every piece of content, from a full page, to a shared piece of sidebar content, and even a single image can be built from a template, if an appropriate one exists
My first impression of drupal is: woah, this is complicated! Rather than three simple objects, now i'm dealing with nodes, pages, blocks, regions, views, panels, etc. What is the simplest way to recreate the template/content/placeholder model that i'm familiar with?
Reddot uses a rather well architectured MVC-alike system. In addition, from my limited experience, Reddot follows the there is only one way to achieve Foo-philosophy.
Coming to Drupal, especially as a frontend-developer you will be dissapointed, lose a lot of hair and probably curse a few times when you realise everything has to be done all over again.
Coming to Drupal you will love the gigantic amount of (unfortunately unorganised) documenation and its flexibility and enormous amount of new posibilities.
When people come from properly architectured systems into Drupal, I advice them to do one thing: become pragmatism-exstremists. Don't (ever) try to make things proper, clean or well-thought out. You will only be able to do that once you truly grok Drupal. And that only comes with a lot of experience. Just fiddle untill it works, close the code and never look at it again.
First thing you will need to learn, is Drupals PHPTemplate engine, which is rather different from Reddots, but has a lot of similarities. Where Reddot uses RenderTags, Drupals PHPTemplate uses plain old PHP.
<%!! Context:CurrentPage.Template.Name !!%>  
<?php print $name ?> 
And yes, $name is entirely globally scoped. Remember? I told you to be a pragmatism-extremist. Don't even think about namespacing, object scoping and such.
Want to know what variables you have available? Just do a <?php print get_defined_vars() ?>.
Want new variables in your template? You need to preprocess them.
Want to change, alter, strip or modify existing variables? You either need to preprocess, or template override or even write new modules that make new or different variables available?
Knowing which to choose, when to preprocess, when to create modules, when to override, when to implement hooks to alter stuff is experience.
Drupal has never thought that out clearly, there is no general rule or best practice, other then the last eleven times that Foo-concept did not work out, maybe Bar proves the best.
Drupal's templates are similar to what you describe of reddot, but there are probably more options and they can be nested. To get a good sense of how the templates work together download the Theme Developer module and watch the associated screencast.
To get a sense of the "placeholders" you can use in a given template, visit the api.drupal.org page for the template file or check out this Drupal 6 Theming Cheat Sheet.
Another one bites the dust.. ;)
Let me know how you go with the migration Bobby Jack.
I think for the content you might be able to create an XML variant in the CMS and export everything to re-import it to Drupal..
On the Drupal note: Once you get your head around the concept of templates being able to inherit/being overwritten it's easy.
It's like a set of pre-assigned content classes in RedDot which can change to render them in a different layout. Similar to the "replace content-class" functionality.

Daily question in my drupal website

I am new to drupal so may be my question will be very dumb.
I want to show daily questions on my website which is build using drupal. The question is of multiple choice and the options should be displayed by default. The visitor will simply click on the ans and press submit to ans. It seems to be like a poll but i dont want to show the summary on submission instead i want to show the correct ans.
Thanks in advance :)
The Quiz module provides, well, quizzes and supports multi-choice questions. After a quiz has been fully answered, it provides various display option. It may suits your need if you use single-question quizzes.
For the quiz to be daily, you may have to add some code or use additional module to handle automatic creation, publication and de-publication of your daily quizzes.
I don't know of any module that will do this out of the box, but the built-in, core module "poll" will do something terribly close.
To get the exact functionality you desire, you could simply override the template files for poll to make it so that it does not display the results upon submission. Then you could make a comment on the poll that contains the correct answer. (You can do this without allowing others the ability to comment.) This would effectively meet the given requirements.
Anyway I know its not a perfect solution, but it would give you the described requirements without too much work.

Filter a view by user-created tags in Drupal?

I'd like to add a block to the user profile that shows them content listings in their groups based on tags that they have in their profile.
(ie: someone puts a bike up for sale, the user has listed "bike" on their wishlist, it should show up to get their attention)
Since these tags vary user-to-user, I'm not sure exactly how to set up the filter.
Going a little farther, can I sort them by the number of matching tags?
I've found that taxonomy terms and views can be very tricky to get right. The main problems is that taxonomy terms has a one to many relationship with nodes, and views is built to be generic.
It might be quicker to create such a block in a custom module instead, because you may very well get stuck in views before getting what you want. Also you most likely have to create your own sort plugin for views, to get the sorting you want. I haven't seen any module creating something like that, and I don't think it's possible with views core. Creating plugin for views can be very harry, the first time you do it, so unless you know your way around views, I think you will have more luck just creating a block yourself. It's much simpler, than having to extend the views functionality.
Have you looked into Views? You can set up a block with views that retrieves (almost) ANY information from the database.
In your case, you can filter the information that you need and that belongs to the current user, also, sorting is doable via the Views administration.
