SqlProfileProvider - can you use Profile.GetProfile() in a project? - asp.net

I am attempting to use the SqlProfileProvider in an application and can't seem to use it the way I want to. I would like to be able to simply call up a profile like this:
Profile p = Profile.GetProfile("naspinski");
p.Organization = "new_org";
but I can't seem to find the correct way to use the GetProfile() that I seem to see scattered around the net. Is there a way to grab, read and modify profiles?
I am using it in MVC 3 and will not be actually logging in as the specific user, this will be pulling users from the db that are specified. Thank you.

To retrieve the profile:
var profile = ProfileBase.Create(HttpContext.Profile.UserName, true);
And here's the MSDN documentation. And a nice blog post about custom profiles.


How to use IdentityRoleClaim Table (IdentityRoleClaim<TKey> Class) in Identity in ASP.Net Core

I am trying to make the best use of Identity Core. In Identity, I am seeing, there are 7 tables like this-
In there, I am curious about this table-
Which can be found in here.
I am trying to use this table for claim based authentication where Super Admin can assign claims onto any role. So that Roles could be dynamic. So, what I am thinking is something like this-
But there is no table exists named Claim or close to this.
That is why I am thinking I have some gap in my knowledge. But there is no clear documentation known to me on this topic as far as I have found.
Can anyone please let me know,
How can I add an entry to the RoleClaim table?
Why there is no Claim table in Identity?
Is there any clear documentation regarding this?
I have found one close to my need, but I am not sure. The doc can be found in here and here.
Thanks in advance for helping.
If needed, my total code can be found in here.
1.How can I add an entry to the RoleClaim table?
var accountRole = await _roleManager.FindByNameAsync("Admin");
await _roleManager.AddClaimAsync(accountRole, new Claim("Manage", "Cashier"));
2.Why there is no Claim table in Identity?
This is by design.I think you need to raise question in github to ask for PG for help.
3.Is there any clear documentation regarding this?
There seems to be no official document to explain them.

Pass search strategy to filter from rest URI

First time using api-platform and Symfony 4 to create an API interface for a MySQL db.
I'm updating an old search interface for the db for which I need to replicate many of the search options. This includes being able to search on a given field using various matching operators/strategies. e.g. starts with, contains exactly equals, etc.
I've set everything up for the api using Annotations.
The #ApiFilter(SearchFilter::class, properties={"fieldname": "strategy"} annotation on my table class works as designed, but I am limited to one-and-only-one strategy per field. I need to be able to pass the strategy to the api search function in the url. something like:
would be fine.
I can't figure out how to set this up. Shockingly, to me anyway, this common requirement doesn't seem to be documented at all.
The file CustomSearchFilter.php located at the repo https://github.com/jordonedavidson/custom_search_filter solves this use-case using the
The file was written by Kévin Dunglas (the author of Api Platform) and is presented with his blessing.

ReferenceError: people is not defined in Alfresco Community

I am using Alfresco Community 5.0.d and I'm getting below error.
ReferenceError: people is not defined
For following code in people-finder.js file:
var currentUser = people.getPerson(person);
I want to use the people methods for further process. Is there anyway to achieve this?
Also my target is to get all groups for the current user and the search result too.
One way I know is making ajax call to /alfresco/service/api/people/{people}?groups=true but this is an expensive way to achieve this.
Is there an alternative to achieve this?
The "people" root object as well as any other that depends on repository tier services can not be accessed directly from a web script running in Alfresco Share.
if you wanted to get all the current user details in share webscript then you can get it using user Object
Currently i have logged in with admin user
my webscript files
Output ::
{lastName=, userStatus=null, alfUserLoaded=1489745903574,
id=admin, email=admin#alfresco.com}
list of groups in output::
By repo webscript
if you wanted to get all the current user details in repo webscript then you can get it by using
Currently i have logged in with admin user
my repo webscript files
var users = people.getPerson(person.properties.userName);
var groups=people.getContainerGroups(users);
model["groups"] = groups;
test1.get.html.ftl file
<#list groups as g>

DotNetOpenAuth and Quickbooks

I'm need to develop a .NET 3.5 application that imports data from Quickbooks, and I decided to use DNOA to OAuthorize with them. I downloaded the latest available version (4.1.something), took a look around, then create a QuickBooksConsumer following the example of GoogleConsumer. However, there is a problem I cannot seem to solve.
The url of the QuickBooks REST services looks like this:
{0} is the name of the object to get the records of (like, "invoice", or "payment");
{1} is the realmId, i.e. the id of the Company the data is required for
The problem is that I don't see how to do PrepareAuthorizedRequest with such variable urls. The function is not virtual, so I cannot override it in my QuickBooksConsumer.cs. I'm stuck.
Can you please show me the way how to do that?
Thanks in advance!
Authorizing requests to dynamically created URLs should be no problem at all. Just wrap any URL in a MessageReceivingEndpoint and send it through ConsumerBase.PrepareAuthorizedRequest and you're good to go.

How do I query for comments in Orchard?

I am trying to build a "Latest Comments" widget for Orchard CMS.
I know I could directly query the SQL, but is there an API I can use in Orchard to get the latest comments on the whole blog (and which blog post each comment belongs to, etc)? I've been looking at IContentManager::Query, but I'm not exactly clear how I can use this to get the information I want.
Check out the CommentsService in the Orchard.Comments module. Orchard.Comments.Services.CommentsService. It's really close to what you need. Since the service returns the query, you could just tack on some additional sorting like this...
var query = commentsService.GetCommentsForCommentedContent(blogId);
var comments = query.OrderByDescending(c => c.CommentDateUtc).Slice(10);
Something like that.
