TRAC - change css but being overwrote on page load - css

Does anyone know how I can change a css files like roadmap.css for trac? I figured out where the file is but when I modify it, the modification is overwrote on page load/refresh.
Example of where my roadmap css is – x:\xx\xx\BitNami Trac Stack projects\.egg-cache\Trac-0.12.1-py2.5.egg-tmp\trac\htdocs\css\roadmap.css
I would like to add some different classes for the milestone graph like
table.progress td.promote { background: #dcefdc}

Instead of modifying the existing stylesheets, add your custom styles to a new stylesheet and link it into your pages. Your custom styles should override the built-in styles. See TracInterfaceCustomization for more info and CookBook/SiteStyleCss for examples.


I edit the style sheet of my css in wordpress but the changes do not apply on the blog

I'm breaking my head, to change the size of my wordpress blog logo, because they say it is for the css style sheet, but any changes I make to the style sheet do not apply to my blog, even if I delete all style sheet my blog does not change, can anyone help me?
There are several things to consider:
If the changes you want to make are minor, just use theme editors css and js injection mechanics.
Second most common thing is syntax, to counter that just edit your current active themes style file and enter something like body background-color:{ red !important} to check if the changes are being made. Then check with your browsers developer tools to check if the changes are being made in the style file.
If you are using some caching plugin, turn it off until you are done working on the site changes.
Check if you are editing the right theme. You should check what theme is active in your themes section of the wordpress.
In the case where you are using a child theme and you are editing child themes style.css file, you should first enqueue the file. More info on that here
If you are hosting your website not on the shared hosting, but on private server, you should check your file permissions.
Hope this helps.

Embed other code to Wordpress whitout using theme css files

I have a wordpress theme, and it looks good now, however, I want to add a custom html form to it. But when I put the code in it whith path to its own css and js. The form looks terrible because of the css from the theme.
Is there any plugin or option to fix this or do I need to do it by an other way?
I looked everywhere on the internet but couldt find any solution.
Any help is welcome.
Thanks alot.
CSS means cascading stylesheets, and that's because the CSS from the page cascades downwards onto all the elements on the page. You either have to manually reset the CSS before it hits your form, or you need to embed your form as an iframe to avoid the cascade.
Theme and bootstrap css will override input fields with ton's of styles. You don't have much options but to find and "ran over" problematic styles with your own.
Use !important only if needed.

What's the difference between additional CSS in the customizer and editing the style.css file?

I've got a local server set up and i've been editing the CSS of my child theme in Dreamweaver. I've now seen, through the WordPress dashboard, the additional CSS area and the Appearance > Editor.
What's the difference between them and do I need to choose one and stick to it? I was testing some code in the additional CSS box and then erased it but now the stuff i'm writing in Dreamweaver isn't updating when i view my site through the WordPress dashboard.
Custom CSS allows you to add your own styles or override the default CSS of a plugin or theme.
And CSS, or Cascading Styles Sheets, is a way to style and present HTML. Whereas the HTML is the meaning or content, the style sheet is the presentation of that document.
If your newly added style rules doesn't seem to work you need to need to perform some troubleshooting steps
Scan your style file for missing ";" which can prevent following style
rules from being recognised.
Use inspect feature of your browser check for conflicts , style rules that override the css that doesn't work.
Test from a different browser and make sure that the css file loaded in your browser is the correct version not a previously cached one.
Here is a useful reference
Also read about css priority and specificity rules.
you can use "!important" as a quick fix but it is not considered as a good practice.
Customizer settings are stored in the database and loaded after the main styles, lastly loaded rules override same previous rules if it has higher spesifisity.

How does Wordpress deal with / compile SASS?

Really simple answer possible but I've not had the chance to work with SASS yet and especially not in Wordpress so bear with me.
I'm working on a site that has been developed in Wordpress and need to make some edits to the CSS (just increase an element's min-height from 54px to 64px at the moment). It has been done using SASS and folders have been set up for the partials and imported via a main.scss.
Where I've got stuck is that I don't understand what I need to change or action to make the _general.scss file (imported via main.scss and in a folder) compile to update the style for this element. I've changed the value from 54px to 64px as it has saved in the _general.scss but this isn't reflected via the browser (if you view the actual scss page) hence it doesn't update the style.
I know I need to recompile it some how ...but how?
Sorry in advance for what is a newbie question from an experienced coder! (embarrassing!)
You do not necessarily need to edit the CSS of the template. You always have other options at your disposal.
you can either create a child theme and make changes in it
you can also create a custom style sheet and import the main stylesheet in your style sheet and put your code into your stylesheet
or you can simply download a plugin which will allow you to put your custom css in the backend of wordpress and the plugin will import the custom css in the end of the main css file.
Following is a link to a plugin that will give you a window to add your custom css into:
Please use this and do not get messed up with SASS.

Unable to customize Stackoverflow by CSS in Firefox

I would like to control which parts in Stackoverflow are visible to me by a css file.
There are about ten css -files in Firefox installation folder. I am not sure whether I should edit them or not.
How can I customize Stackoverflow by CSS in Firefox?
You can create a file called "userContent.css" in your profile folder and it will be loaded on each page. Here's more information:
If you need to make changes which only affect one particular site instead of every site, then you can use this syntax:
#-moz-document domain( {
body {
The CSS equivalent of GreaseMonkey is the Stylish extension which allows you to overwrite site CSS without modifying your userChrome.css file.
With Stylish installed, you can simply create a custom user style for stackoverflow containing your css overwrites without risking messing up userChrome.css. You can also disable or enable that particular stylesheet at any time. Also, make sure to use !important in your style declaration as CSS specificity comes into play.
Try using firebug from
You can also use greasemonkey to do further customization.
You can get a very handy addon in Firefox, called GreaseMonkey. It executes a custom javascript after a page loads, and is able to modify the html on the client side. For example people use it to strip out various elements, change color, fonts, rearrange elements etc
There is also a book about it available online for free
You can get the Greasemonkey add-in here.
