get user Active Directory details -

I am building a simple intranet site and I want to get the user's Active Directory.
What steps do I need to take on the IIS side for this to work?
Are any changes required to my web config?
I would appreciate a detailed explanation, as this is giving me a hard time.
I have tryed things like this
the users will not login the page should be able to get the credentials without them typing their username and password
windows authentication in my web config throws an error and causes my page not to work

This might be a good starting point for you:
Recipe: Enabling Windows Authentication within an Intranet ASP.NET Web application
or this:
Active Directory Services: PrincipalContext — What is the DN of a “container” object
As #Joel Ehterton said, more details of exactly what you're trying to do would be helpful.


Select permission denied

I am hoping this will be a simple question. I am using IIS 7.5 / Visual Web Dev 2010 Express.
I know why this error appears :) it's a security/user issue. The problem is, I don't know what account/permissions this intranet is using that's causing the issue.
I use a simple authentication method that detects the user ID. If they're on that list, they are allowed to look at the page. This is done through:
[allow users] and [deny users]
(Brackets substituted for arrows.)
Authentication mode is set to Windows.
There is another intranet site that users can access- I have read and write permissions on that database that this web site uses. That intranet site works for me, but this gives me a security error.
I'm thinking that by using this authentication method, that it switches to a system profile which tries to access it and gets denied. Is there a generic system profile you guys know of that would cause such an error? Is that even a right assumption or is it a security setting that's related to my username?
Thanks in advance...
Well, maybe this could be helpful for someone in the future who is also facing the same problem. I am not sure where to find this, but apparently I had left out or there was not a tag called identity impersonate. By just having the authentication mode set to Windows, I thought it would take care of everything.
I am assuming that if you use Windows authentication, a system account will try and access the SQL database. Because that system account (whatever it may be, there is one defined somewhere but I forgot the name of it) does not have access, that permission error gets thrown.
What will make the web page use the user permission is with this tag:
[identity impersonate="true"/]
Substitute brackets with arrows.

FTP credentials needed when using RenderAction for controller method with [Authorize]

I often use #{ Html.RenderAction("Method", "Controller"); } in my views to embed additional content. Due to a bug, such a RenderAction tried to access a controller who was decorated with [Authorize] although the user wasn't logged in.
Then something scarry happend: When the page was loaded, the browser opened a form and asked for credentials. The form looked like to one you see when you try to access a password protected directory (via .htaccess).
Via trial and error, I was able to log in - by using the credentials of my admin ftp account. Afterwards the membership code believed that I was logged in (with the user name [MachineName]\[FTPUserName]), causing a lot of new bugs (because this account couldn't be associated with an user id by my own code).
While all I had to do was to fix the first bug, I really would like to know why the membership code of was able to use the FTP credentials for a login and why it tried to do so in the first place.
Additional information: This bug didn't occurred when I debugged the program on my personal computer, only on the web server where I published it.
Please ask if more information is required.
I think it could be because some statics files, images for example, are in a folder that is not visible for everyone. Does the IIS_IUSRS have read access on the directory server (in properties/security of the folder)? Do you have custom rules in your FTP setup that protect some files? That should explain why it works on your computer but not online. It's more an IIS setup problem then a MVC problem.

"401 Unauthorized" on a directory

I assume this is an IIS error, as this doesn't happen if I run the project on my local machine.
I have my stylesheets at ~/Content/css
Any files in that directory won't load on the page, and when I navigate to them directly, I get a server error:
401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
This only happens with that directory, I have no problem accessing any other files. Is there something I need to do in IIS7 to stop this?
Open IIS and select site that is causing 401
Select Authentication property in IIS Header
Select Anonymous Authentication
Right click on it, select Edit and choose Application pool identity
Restart site and it should work
It is likely that you do not have the IUSR_computername permission on that folder. I've just had a quick scan and it looks like you will find the information you need here.
If that isn't the case, are you prompted for your username and password by the browser? If so it may be that IIS is configured to use Integrated authentication only, as described here.
Open IIS
select site where you are facing the problem
Select Below
- Right click on Anonymous Authentication and click on edit and follow below
You do not have permision to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
This happened despite the fact the user is already authenticated via Active Directory.
There can be many causes to Access Denied error, but if you think you’ve already configured everything correctly from your web application, there might be a little detail that’s forgotten. Make sure you give the proper permission to Authenticated Users to access your web application directory.
Here are the steps I took to solve this issue.
Right-click on the directory where the web application is stored and select Properties and click on Security tab.
Click on Click on Edit…, then Add… button. Type in Authenticated Users in the Enter the object names to select., then Add button. Type in Authenticated Users in the Enter the object names to select.
Click OK and you should see Authenticated Users as one of the user names. Give proper permissions on the Permissions for Authenticated Users box on the lower end if they’re not checked already.
Click OK twice to close the dialog box. It should take effect immediately, but if you want to be sure, you can restart IIS for your web application.
Refresh your browser and it should display the web page now.
Hope this helps!
You need to check the folder permissions on your server and check that the account that you are using to run your application has access to that folder.
For me the Anonymous User access was fine at the server level, but varied at just one of my "virtual" folders.
Took me quite a bit of foundering about and then some help from a colleague to learn that IIS has "authentication" settings at the virtual folder level too - hopefully this helps someone else with my predicament.
In our case it was Windows-integrated authentication specified in the app's web.config
BUT the windows-auth module was not installed on the IIS machine at all.
Just adding another possible reason.
Another simple fix I found was to delete the local IIS site (from within IIS Manager) and then re-create the virtual directory from the "Properties" of your web project in Visual Studio.

Quick Question About IIS 7 Asp.Net Setup

I have been trying to configure a small website on a Windows Server 2008 running IIS 7. Unfortunately, when trying to load the website I keep getting the error: Server Error 401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.
The permissions on the website folder include read, write, and execute for user ASP.NET v4.0. I even clicked "Check names" before adding the user to folder, to make sure that I spelled everything correctly. But the error continues to show. Also, I noticed that everything works okay if I add "Users" to the permissions for the folders containing the website, but I don't see why this should be necessary. I only want to give ASP.NET v4.0 access to the folder.
Some other noteworthy points include that I'm using the ASP.NET v4.0 application pool, that the managed pipeline is integrated, and that load user profile is set to true.
If anyone has any ideas, I'd appreciated the help. I'm stumped!
EDIT: Does it matter that the website is on the d: drive? I just assumed this wasn't important...
I find I always need to give IIS_IUSRS access.
I'd recommend you to use the Process Monitor to detect which user is actually accessing the file.
Here you'll find an explanation about how to achieve that.
Open IIS7 on the server. Highlight the site, and double-click on the Authentication icon in the Security Section. Check that Anonymous Authentication is enabled.
Some troubleshooting links for this particular issue:

FTP Error 530 User cannot login

I am trying to FTP to a new FTP site I setup with IIS 7.0 for the Windows Server Web (64-bit) edition. But I get the above error when I try to login to this site. But I can login to my other FTP sites.
Also, when I select this website from IIS Manager, the FTP section does not display in the middle section although it does display in Action panel. And I cannot successfully login to this FTP site either.
I have checked and I have Log on locally selected. I do not have allow only anonymous connections. I have Access this computer from the network selected.
I restarted my IIS and FTP services also.
The one different thing I noticed about this website in IIS different from the other site that has FTP working is that this one there are 3 virtual directories beneath the site. And that when I click on any one of these 3, then the FTP strip does appear in the center pane. Make sense?
How can I debug cause of this error? Any SW tools I can use?
Have you tried logging in from the FTP server? If you do this, and have "Show detailed messages from local requests" enabled under FTP Messages, then you'll get a clearer idea as to why the login if failing. In my case I got the following message (I am using IIS Manager Users, and Passthrough authentication)
530-User cannot log in.
Win32 error: Access is denied.
Error details: Filename: \\?\C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\config\redirection.config
Error: Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient permissions
To solve this I gave the NETWORK SERVICES user read only access to the config directory specified in the error message. I'm not 100% sure this is the right thing to do, but it certainly fixed this issue for me.
in my situation, I was missing Role Service FTP extensibility, which is actually allows IIS Manager Auth.
This is pretty tricky, as you could allow IIS Manager auth, but still it would not work until you have not installed FTP Extensibility
In my case I forgot to enable the Basic authentication
There seem to be many different possible causes. In my case, I was unable to login with the plain "username" with the same error as mentioned.
It was solved when I logged in with ".\username" instead.
For some reason the FTP client was trying to login with a domain account, while I just wanted to login with a local computer account.
Hope this helps someone.
Try submitting your credentials in this format:
UserName: Domain|Username
Password: secretSquirrel
I had the same problem, I removed the FTP site and followed this:
Prerequisites - I set the permissions on the folders using the 4 command samples but this did not alone fix the issue, so I cannot in good faith say this step is needed, but it is what I did and it now works.
Just do step 4, removing the existing user first and then re-adding them.
Creating a New FTP Site and Configuring an IIS 7 Manager Account -
All the steps here
All 12 steps here, including the "administrator" setting in step 5.
Then it started working for me, I am guessing when I did this without a guide I skipped something simple.
In My case I have made that user a member of IIS_IUSERS.
Using IIS Users.
Do not isolate users -> User name directory was working fine. Users started in the right folder.
When I was switching to Isolate Users -> User name Directory I had the following error:
Response: 530 User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible.
Win32 error: The system cannot find the path specified.
For some reason, you need to add the LocalUser virtual directory that points to your root.
It has to be that exact name and it's case sensitive.
That worked for me.
Per this knowledgebase article, you would need the log on locally privilege enabled.
I had the exact same error. In my case, I was using a local user defined on the server running FTP. The username was very short (3 characters). I could "run as" this user on the server, confirming that Windows was Ok with it, and allowed it to authenticate. But when testing FTP, it would return User cannot log in.
Solution? I renamed the user to be longer (4 characters). Of course, updated its name under Authorization as well. Then FTP worked. Hope it helps someone!
For me, I've configured the IIS as per usual procedure properly. The anonymous authentication was working but specific user are not.
because, the user accounts were created in IIS. Actually it was also supposed to be created Windows local accounts.
Then it worked.
Please Check the security of folder which is use that ftp .
see if the user or group you select for that ftp is associate with security of that folder .
In my case I had to remove domain from user.
So, your user should be like username, not like domain\username.
Hope it helps to somebody.
For some reason my user was "locked". So I could "unlock" it at local user manager (computer management). Now it works fine. I hope it helps.
I would recommend checking FTP logs first. The status code will give you more information about the issue. Here is the explanation of the status codes: The FTP status codes in IIS 7.0 and later versions
I had this issue because my IIS didn't support passive mode. After entering data in FTP Firewall Support module, the issue was solved.
More scenarios from this post 530 User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible
Authorization rules. Make sure to have an Authorization rule that allows the user or anonymous access. Check “IIS > FTP site > FTP Authorization Rules” page to allow or deny access for certain or all users.
NTFS permissions. The FTP users (local or domain users) should have permissions on the physical folder. Right click the folder and go to Properties. In the Security tab, make sure the user has required permissions. You can ignore Shared tab. It is not used for FTP access.
Locked account. If you local or domain account is locked or expired, you may end up seeing “User cannot log in” error. Check local user properties or Active Directory user settings to make sure the user account is active.
Other permission issues. The user account may not have “Log on locally” or “Allow only anonymous connections security” rights.
I spent long time looking for a solution, I've tried every shared answer on the internet and nothing could solve the issue. It is an issue I was ignoring for years and I never could fix.
Ok, I've Plesk installed and I'm not sure if it has some effect on IIS FTP to do the following behavior ...
Using Process Monitor tool, and making ftp login request and watching the tool and doing your investigation using this tool, you can get a hint about the REAL reason of the problem.
For me, I found out that IIS FTP was trying to access the ftp folder from a path DIFFERENT than the actual ftp path I've set, I do not know why, but maybe Plesk has some effect on this.
The actual ftp path is
The path that IIS FTP was trying to access DURING the login process is
I fixed the issue by creating a folder link from 'actual' folder path to the path IIS was trying to access - using the tool mklink tool
CMD command
mklink /d C:\inetpub\vhosts\Servers\7\localuser\zid_app_ftp_user "C:\inetpub\vhosts\zidapp"
I've fixed the issue that way, so wen FTP is trying to access the folder from the wrong path, it is now goes to the correct one.
Please note doing folder shortcut wont work for this, you need a link like linux, not a shortcut ...
I hope it will help you :)
You can check the reference account you are using to log in.
Mine happened to be locked out causing the 530 error.
