Unzip files on Bada os? - unzip

Did somebody know any easy to modify leightweighted zip class to modify for bada?
In an other thread i read that somebody has modified LiteZip for Bada...
Thx in anticipation

Try Wave Compressor from WaveAccess. I use it on my Wave 2 (Bada 1.2). It handles Zip and Bzip2. options exist for 7z and RAR, but are greyed out. Not open-source though.

use lite ftp you can download it from getjar


What to do if Processing won't find a library?

No matter what I do, Processing just won't find this library. No matter where I put it or how many renames I do, Processing can't find it and I can't find an alternative anywhere. I basically only need it for the "Descriptive" class. And I know its in the correct spot because I have the library "minim" and Processing can find that. The DL link.
Anyone want to give it a shot and then give a solution (or walkthrough of what/how they did) if they find whats wrong? Or know of another library where this class is at?
The simplest way to load a non-standard library into a Processing sketch is to drag the .jar file onto the Processing editor.
You don't have to install the library in the libraries directory. Just find a file like YourLibrary.jar and drag it directly onto your sketch in the Processing editor.
This will automatically put the library jar file in the correct place, and you'll be able to use the jar in your sketch.
Shameless self-promotion: here is a guide on using libraries in Processing.
It is possible that you are putting the library in the wrong folder, click Preferences in Processing and look for Sketchbook Location (which is where you should copy the downloaded folder in) to make sure you are putting it in the right place. I have checked the download link and the site says you have to copy the entire unzipped folder into your libraries folder (which is located in your sketchbook folder) in order for it to work.
If you have checked what I suggested above and still cannot find a problem, refer to https://github.com/processing/processing/wiki/How-to-Install-a-Contributed-Library which will hopefully help you.

Library to compress a file as a.qzip

I have some files whose extension is qzip, for example a.qzip.
It seems that those files are compressed with a library of qt.
Could anyone tell me what it is?
Thankyou very much.
According to this FAQ page:
Qt uses the zlib library to provide compression. This means that you can compress and decompress your bytearrays of data using Qt. [...]
Note that this does not produce file archives that can be opened by other applications, to do that you will need to write it yourself using Qt’s custom file handling system or use a 3rd party library.
Which if someone (lazily) created a file using qCompress() you would need to write your own code to read the file as a QByteArray then use the corresponding qUncompress() method to read it. There is no official qzip format related to Qt that I know, so you should probably go and slap the developer who made these files if it works out!
In general, if you want to compress data that will be reusable, use a common file format.
This was the only reference I have found on the entire www over qzip.

Is there an Unrar for Adobe AIR?

I'm working on a file system app and I need to be able to expand rar files. Is there a way I can do that?
Should have clarified. My target platform is mobile
You could utilize the NativeProcess class and run the UnRAR command line tool.
If you need a native unrar implementation then it could become it "little bit" more work. But you could try if Alchemy can help you in converting the UnRAR C++ source code into ActionScript.

Documentation of Qt in CHM format

Is it possible to find some information about Qt? I need chm file with all documentation of all classes (https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/classes.html). Does somebody knows where can I find it?
If you have installed Qt in your machine, use Qt Assistant. The help available are pretty much the same as that in the online.
Qt Assistant is just an application which requires no internet connection and useful for offline help..
You can use the script from this site: http://www.interclasse.com/scripts/chm.php in order to generate chm file from an online tutorial you find anywhere in the web. Like this one: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/nokia-qtsdk-1.0/index.html
I haven't tried it myself, but seems rather promising.
Good luck!
I've made a little script that will automatically build a CHM file out of the latest available documentation for QT. All credits to char101 for the main script that actually converts HTML docs into the CHM project, my part was only a little automation.

Flex AIR unzip

I am a newbie to Flex AIR. I am trying to create an application that will unzip the contents of a zip file & place them in a particular directory.
How can I achieve this? Is there any unzip library available for flex? Pls help me.
Thanks in advance.
How can I achieve this?
Read the ZIP specification. Implementing it is easy.
Is there any unzip library available for flex?
Is Google down again? The first link takes me here.
For AIR projects I used airxzip from coltware (google it). It has the capability to extract single file from archive, not loading it entire archive into memory.
