Evolving a lisp image - common-lisp

I love the idea of image-based languages, and lately I've been toying with Common Lisp via sbcl. I've read in a few places about how through being able to save and load back an image of the virtual machine, you can evolve an application or set of apps running on that image.
I get how to load code into an image and get it running, slime makes this sort of thing very nice, but my question is this: How can I tell what functions are defined in an image? Let's say I want to make an update to a function days or months after it has been running and I can't remember the name. Is there any way to get to the code or even just the names of the functions defined in an the image?
Now, I do write the code out into source and load it in via the repl, so I have a copy there, but it seems like this would be an obvious feature.

Common Lisp has the idea of packages. Packages are kind of a registry for symbols and are used as namespaces for symbols. You can ask Common Lisp for a list of all packages.
CL-USER 1 > (list-all-packages)
(#<The SQL-COMMON package, 0/4 internal, 28/32 external>
#<The LOOP package, 245/256 internal, 3/4 external>
#<The COMM package, 0/4 internal, 940/1024 external>
#<The REG package, 41/64 internal, 0/4 external>
Each packages stores the interned symbols in some data structure. You can ask Common Lisp which symbols are interned in a package.
CL-USER 2 > (loop for symbol being
each external-symbol in (find-package "COMMON-LISP")
collect symbol)
To make that easier, Common Lisp provides functions APROPOS and APROPOS-LIST.
CL-USER 3 > (apropos "MAKE-LOCK")
MP:MAKE-LOCK (defined)
Functions, Classes, etc. use symbols as their identifier. You can also ask a symbol, which function it denotes.
CL-USER 4 > (symbol-function 'www-utils:make-lock)
#<Function WWW-UTILS:MAKE-LOCK 41E006A69C>
Sometimes a Common Lisp also records the definition of functions. Then the function FUNCTION-LAMBDA-EXPRESSION can be used to retrieve 'it'.
CL-USER 5 > (defun foo (a) (* (sin a) a))
CL-USER 6 > (pprint (function-lambda-expression 'foo))
(DECLARE (SYSTEM::SOURCE-LEVEL #<EQ Hash Table{0} 41403151C3>))
(* (SIN A) A))
But usually nowadays Common Lisp implementations don't use the recorded definitions, but record the locations of the source for each Lisp construct.
Most Common Lisp implementations can track the source locations in an implementation specific way.
The Common Lisp standard defines a function ED.
CL-USER 7 > (ed 'www-utils:make-lock)
This calls an editor (internal or external) and should open the source code for that function. To make that work, Common Lisp needs to keep track of the source location for each function. Next the editor needs to have access to that source. Sometimes the location recorded is an absolute path /Users/joswig/lisp/utils.lisp . If the editor wants to open that file, it should be accessible. But it is also possible to use logical pathnames like http:server;utils.lisp . This is then translated into a real physical pathname. This translation can later be configured. So it would be possible to move a Lisp to a different machine with different pathnames, configure the logical pathname HTTP and then the Lisp still finds all source code, even though it is on a different machine with a different file system structure. So, to make it work may need some configuration. But it is a very useful feature and it is widely used.
How the recording of source code and how the recording of source locations work is implementation dependent and is a feature of the respective Lisp in combination with its development environment. Better Lisp implementations have a lot of features in this area.

You can also use do-symbols or do-external-symbols if you prefer:
>> (do-external-symbols (s (find-package :foo-package)) (print s))
Where XXX, YYY & ZZZ are all external symbols in the package :foo-package.


Usefulness/point of function "symbol-name"?

On first look it seems somewhat silly to have a function which returns the name of a symbol, which must be called using the name of that same symbol. i.e. it should already be obvious in the calling context what the function will return. On the other hand there is identity which is sometimes useful (I forget where just now) but I supposed (perhaps wrongly) that symbol-function is there for a reason other than simply to act as a kind of identity.
However, the hyperspec offers a possible hint:
(symbol-name 'temp) => "TEMP"
(symbol-name :start) => "START"
(symbol-name (gensym)) => "G1234" ;for example
I note that :start means get the name of the symbol start from the keyword package, where the keyword package is denoted simply by :.
(:keyword being its longer form, unnecessary to use). Thus, in this case symbol-name plays the role of simply removing the package prefix.
The other thing it might do is, given an implementation is case insensitive, it would get the actual name by removing case in the symbol name supplied.
Is that roughly it or is there any importance to this function I am missing?
One thing I was confused by about symbols (cleared up now) is that symbol-plist does not tell you everything about the symbol (say, whether it holds the value of a special variable or function). Rather, plist is a mainly legacy feature now largely replaced by hashtables. So, a call to symbol-plist is going to return NIL even if one has set a special variable on the symbol.
One final question on that, Paul Graham says in Chapter 8 (p133), that "You can use symbols as data objects and as names for things without understanding how the two are related". Would it be correct say that if we rarely now use plists, that, today, we generally don't use symbols "as data objects" at all, instead, just as names for things (allbeit with the duality in CL of course, i.e. symbol-function and symbol-value simultaneously).
Symbols are objects. You can create them and pass them around programmatically. One of the properties of these objects is their name, which is a string. Symbol-name is the reader (not accessor) for that. That's all.
Symbols are also used in the representation of code. In this case, they are created by the reader and used by the compiler. This is not their only use, however, and the spec makes no such assumptions either. I hope that this addresses the core of your question.
Here is a function that, given a symbol, returns a symbol interned in the same package but with a reversed name:
(defun reverse-symbol (symbol)
(intern (make-symbol (reverse (symbol-name symbol)))
(symbol-package symbol)))
Here is a function that, given a string designator, returns the designated string:
(defun designated-string (string-designator)
(ctypecase string-designator
(string string-designator)
(symbol (symbol-name string-designator))))
You can also do all kinds of shenanigans in macros and compiler macros by inspecting the names of the symbols in the given form and applying some conventions (not that you should…).
Let's assume you want to write some protocol for transmitting bits of structure between two different systems over some serial channel
(defgeneric transmit-object (o stream))
What is the method for symbols going to look like?
(defmethod transmit-object ((o symbol) stream)
... (symbol-name o) ...)
In particular you certainly do not know the name of the symbol at the point where you need to reason about it, and you could not write such a protocol without using symbol-name (or some absolutely appalling hack like printing the symbol to a string and using that).
Regarding symbol-plist, the implementation is completely at liberty to keep all sorts of information on the property list of a symbol. I am not even sure that the implementation is not allowed to do (a cleverer version of):
(defun symbol-value (s)
(let* ((d (load-time-value (cons nil nil)))
(v (get s secret-value-indicator d)))
(when (eq v d)
(error ...))
It may be that this is not allowed, but I am not sure. Certainly it was once fairly common for function definitions to be kept in this way.
It's not so silly when you process symbol names. When you for example build preprocessor - you read some data, convert it to list structures and then some code is processing those list and trigger some additional logic when symbol-name is lets say defun-my-ubermacro. It's exactly what's in Graham quote - you treat symbols as data.
And (in my opinion) it's not correct to say, that when you don't use plists, you generally don't use symbols as data. Plists are only on of many places where it's useful feature. A lot of what macros do is processing symbols as data / names.
On first look it seems somewhat silly to have a function which returns the name of a symbol, which must be called using the name of that same symbol.
That's wrong. symbol-name is called with a symbol and not a name. It returns the name as a string.
I note that :start means get the name of the symbol start from the keyword package, where the keyword package is denoted simply by :. (:keyword being its longer form, unnecessary to use). Thus, in this case symbol-name plays the role of simply removing the package prefix.
No, symbol-name returns the name of the symbol as a string. The keyword symbol is an object of type symbol.
A symbol is a data type and has several cells:
the name, a string
possibly a function
possibly a value
a property list
optionally the home package it is interned in
don't use symbols "as data objects" at all, instead, just as names for things
No, symbols as data objects have many purposes. For example Lisp source code uses many symbols. But it can also appear in all sorts of data.
CL-USER 6 > 'foo
CL-USER 7 > (type-of 'foo)
CL-USER 8 > (symbol-name 'foo)
CL-USER 9 > (type-of (symbol-name 'foo))
CL-USER 10 > (mapcar #'symbol-name '(a b c defun foo bar))
("A" "B" "C" "DEFUN" "FOO" "BAR")
CL-USER 11 > (mapcar #'type-of *)
Since you haven't accepted an answer, here is my take.
For most day-to-day programming symbols, and therefore SYMBOL-NAME,
aren't very useful. Mostly they are used for their
unique-ness. However they shine when you are modifying the compiler
with macros.
Here are 3 examples where SYMBOL-NAME is used:
Firstly, LOOP is the CL generic looping construct, it works via
placeholder symbols in a way that some claim is un-lispy, but it
remains very handy, especially if you are stepping things in parallel.
The following 3 forms are equivalent (at run-time):
(loop for i in list collect i)
(loop :for i :in list :collect i)
(loop #:for i #:in list #:collect i)
I, personally, prefer the third form because it makes it really
obvious where the LOOP magic is happening, and also avoids interning
symbols in any package (which is usually harmless, but not
always). That the third works at all requires the existence of
Secondly, I don't make much use of CLOS but classes are undeniably
useful. DEFCLASS tends to be too verbose for what I want to do though,
so I often employ a macro that uses implied symbols. So:
(defbean peer ()
(defclass peer nil
((id :initarg :id :reader peer-id)
(next :initarg :next :accessor peer-next)
(beats :initarg :beats :accessor peer-beats)))
Saving much typing. Notice how the slot name is converted to a keyword
for the initargs, and how reader and accessor names are created.
Some don't like this sort of macro, and I can see how it might be
problematic if you have a large team with everyone doing this all over
the shop (though M-. and C-c ret are always available), but for
small teams I think this is one of the best reasons to use lisp,
customising it to how you actually want to use it.
Thirdly, my sqlite helper library uses SYMBOL-NAME to generate SQL
statements (along with some more implied symbols) for even more
(defsqlite-table artists
(id :auto-key)
(artist-name :t)
(sort-artist-name :t :n))
Becomes something pretty huge:
(defparameter +create-artists-sql+
"CREATE TABLE artists (
artist_name TEXT NOT NULL,
sort_artist_name TEXT
(defun create-artists-table (pjs-sqlite::db pjs-sqlite::recursive log)
(eval-when (:load-toplevel)
(defun insert-artists
(pjs-sqlite::db artist-name sort-artist-name &key (id nil id-p))
(defun update-artists
(pjs-sqlite::db id
&key (artist-name nil artist-name-p)
(sort-artist-name nil sort-artist-name-p))
(defun delete-artists (pjs-sqlite::db id)
(with-sqlite-statements (pjs-sqlite::db
"DELETE FROM artists WHERE id = ?"))
(I stripped out a lot of code that would be distracting, but it should
be clear how I mapped symbols to sql identifiers)
I hope this gives you some ideas on what sort of things SYMBOL-NAME
can be used for.

How to export all definition symbols in a file in Common Lisp?

My lisp file contains about 50 function and macro definitions. At the head of the file is:
(defpackage :utils
(:use :common-lisp))
(in-package :utils)
; ... ~50 defuns/defmacros follow along with some other code
I want to export all these 50 definitions. But no other symbols.
To write them all out in :export clauses inside defpackage seems very tedious.
I tried getting the necessary symbols by using loop's facility for listing symbols in a package. But both "symbol" and "present-symbol" don't output the needed definition symbols. I could somehow subtract "external-symbols" and inherited symbols. But this seems like the kind of thing everyone would need and there should be an established easy solution. I looked around and haven't found a straightforward answer.
How do I export all the definition symbols without having to write them out individually and manually?
scan symbols
You can scan all symbols and export all that have a function binding (this includes macro names):
(defun export-fbound-symbols (package)
"export symbols with function bindings"
(do-symbols (s package)
(when (fboundp s)
(export s package))))
This is usually not a very good idea: good software engineering practice is to limit the set of public interfaces.
be more selective
You can redefine defun and defmacro so that they automatically export their definienda.
See exporting.lisp in CLISP. E.g.,
(defmacro define-function (name lambda-list &body body)
(export ',name)
(defun ,name ,lambda-list ,#body)))
Note that this ignores the possibility of (defun (setf foo) (...) ...).
No, this is not something everyone needs. Usually, you'd export them as you write (and actually need) them.
I'd probably use an ad hoc keyboard macro for this. You could also write a little Lisp function to read your file form by form and output the relevant symbols for copy-paste.

Franz LISP to Common LISP conversion questions

I'm reviving an old LISP program from the early 1980s.
(It's the Nelson-Oppen simplifier, an early proof system.
This version was part of the Ford Pascal-F Verifier,
and was running in Franz LISP in 1982.) Here's
the entire program:
I'm converting the code to run under clisp on Linux,
and need some advice. Most of the problems are with
Hunkshell was a 1970s Stanford SAIL hack to support records with named fields in LISP. I think I've converted this OK; it seems to work.
The original macro generated more macros as record update functions.
I'm generating defuns. Is there any reason to generate macros?
By the way, look at what I wrote for "CONCAT". Is there a better way
to do that?
More old SAIL macros, to make macro definition easier before defmacro became part of the language.
I've been struggling with "defunobj". Here's my CL version, partly converted:
; This macro works just like defun, except that both the value and the
; function-binding of the symbol being defined are set to the function
; being defined. Therefore, after (defunobj f ...), (f ...) calls the
; defined function, whereas f evaluates to the function itself.
(defmacro defunobj (fname args &rest b)
(defun ,fname ,args ,b)
;;;;(declare (special ,fname)) ;;;; ***declare not allowed here
(setq ,fname (getd ',fname))))
If I made that declare a proclaim, would that work right?
And what replaces getd to get a function pointer?
There are lots of (DECLARE (SPECIAL FOO)) declarations at top
level in this code. That's not allowed in CL. Is it
appropriate to use (PROCLAIM (SPECIAL FOO)) instead?
Essentially correct, but indentation is broken (like everywhere else - I suggest Emacs to fix it).
Also, you don't need the values there.
I suggest defparameter instead
of setq. Generally speaking, before setting a variable (with, e.g., setq) one should establish it (with, e.g., let or defvar).
fdefinition is what
you are looking for instead of getd.
I also don't think you are using backquote right:
(defmacro defunobj (fname &body body)
(defun ,fname ,#body)
(defparameter ,fname (fdefinition ',fname))))
I think defvar and defparameter
are better than proclaim
PS. Are you aware of the CR.se site?

What's the meaning of "#+" in the code of cl-mysql? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
operator #+ and #- in .sbclrc
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Recently I tried to read code about cl-mysql, but got stuck with the #+.
Tried to google it, but not work, so turn to here
(defun make-lock (name)
#+sb-thread (sb-thread:make-mutex :name name)
#+ecl (mp:make-lock :name name)
#+armedbear (ext:make-thread-lock)
#+ (and clisp mt) (mt:make-mutex :name name)
#+allegro (mp:make-process-lock :name name))
And looks like it is for different backend lisp compiler. But still no idea why write something like this.
Anyone can help me make it clear, thx.
#+ is a reader-macro that checks if a keyword is in the special variable *FEATURES*. If it isn't there, the following form will be skipped over (by the reader; the compiler will never see it). There is also #- which does the opposite.
There are some things that aren't part of the Common Lisp standard, but are important enough that all (or most) implementations provide a non-standard extension for them. When you want to use them in code that needs to work on multiple implementations, you have to use read-time conditionals to provide the correct code for the current implementation. Mutexes (and threads in general) are one of those things.
Of course there may be features provided by third party libraries as well. The contents of *FEATURES* will look something like this:
So if you wanted to write code that depends on Quicklisp for example, you could use #+quicklisp. If you wanted code that is only run if Quicklisp is not available, you'd use #-quicklisp.
You can also use a boolean expression of features. For example,
#+(or sbcl ecl) (format t "Foo!")
would print Foo! on either SBCL or ECL.
#+(and sbcl quicklisp) (format t "Bar!")
would only print Bar! on SBCL that has Quicklisp available.
One could imagine that we can write:
(defun make-lock (name)
(cond ((member :sb-thread *features)
(sb-thread:make-mutex :name name))
((member :ecl *features*)
(mp:make-lock :name name))
But that does usually not work, because we can't read symbols when their package is not existing and some packages are implementation/library/application specific. Packages are not created at read time in a lazy/automatic fashion.
In Common Lisp, reading a symbol of a package, which does not exist, leads to an error:
CL-USER 1 > (read-from-string "foo:bar")
Error: Reader cannot find package FOO.
1 (continue) Create the FOO package.
2 Use another package instead of FOO.
3 Try finding package FOO again.
4 (abort) Return to level 0.
5 Return to top loop level 0.
In your example sb-thread:make-mutex is a symbol which makes sense in SBCL, but not in Allegro CL. Additionally the package SB-THREAD does not exist in Allegro CL. Thus Allegro CL needs to be protected from reading it. In this case, the symbol sb-thread:make-mutex will only be read, if the the feature sb-thread is present on the cl:*features* list. Which is likely only for SBCL, or a Lisp which claims to have sb-threads available.
The feature expressions here prevents the Lisp from trying to read symbols with unknown packages - the packages are unknown, because the respective software is not loaded or not available.

Defining aliases to standard Common Lisp functions?

Lisp is said to enable redefinitions of its core functions.
I want to define an alias to the function cl:documentation function, such that
(doc 'write 'function) === (documentation 'write 'function)
How can this be done and made permanent in SBCL?
Creating an Alias
You are not trying to redefine (i.e., change the definition of) the system function documentation, you want to define your own function with a shorter name which would do the same thing as the system function.
This can be done using fdefinition:
(setf (fdefinition 'doc) #'documentation)
How to make your change "permanent" in common lisp
There is no standard way, different implementation may do it differently, but, generally speaking, there are two common ways.
Add code to an init file - for beginners and casual users
The code in question will be evaluated anew every time lisp starts.
Easy to modify (just edit file)
Takes little disk space
Normal lisp invocation captures the change
Evaluated every time you start lisp (so, slows start up time if the code is slow)
Save image - for heavy-weight professionals
ECL - not supported
The modified lisp world is saved to disk.
Start uptime is unaffected
Requires re-dumping the world on each change
Lisp image is usually a large file (>10MB)
Must specify the image at invocation time
Even though #sds has already answered pretty thoroughly I just wanted to add that the utility library serapeum has defalias
I use a simple macro for this:
(defmacro alias (to fn)
`(setf (fdefinition ',to) #',fn))
(alias neg -) => #<Compiled-function ... >
(neg 10) => -10
Other answers include detail about how to make this permanent.
