Interpolate missing values in a time series with a seasonal cycle - r

I have a time series for which I want to intelligently interpolate the missing values. The value at a particular time is influenced by a multi-day trend, as well as its position in the daily cycle.
Here is an example in which the tenth observation is missing from myzoo
start <- as.POSIXct("2010-01-01")
freq <- as.difftime(6, units = "hours")
dayvals <- (1:4)*10
timevals <- c(3, 1, 2, 4)
index <- seq(from = start, by = freq, length.out = 16)
obs <- (rep(dayvals, each = 4) + rep(timevals, times = 4))
myzoo <- zoo(obs, index)
myzoo[10] <- NA
If I had to implement this, I'd use some kind of weighted mean of close times on nearby days, or add a value for the day to a function line fitted to the larger trend, but I hope there already exist some package or functions that apply to this situation?
EDIT: Modified the code slightly to clarify my problem. There are na.* methods that interpolate from nearest neighbors, but in this case they do not recognize that the missing value is at the time that is the lowest value of the day. Maybe the solution is to reshape the data to wide format and then interpolate, but I wouldn't like to completely disregard the contiguous values from the same day. It is worth noting that diff(myzoo, lag = 4) returns a vector of 10's. The solution may lie with some combination of reshape, na.spline, and diff.inv, but I just can't figure it out.
Here are three approaches that don't work:
EDIT2. Image produced using the following code.
myzoo <- zoo(obs, index)
myzoo[10] <- NA # knock out the missing point
plot(myzoo, type="o", pch=16) # plot solid line
points(na.approx(myzoo)[10], col = "red")
points(na.locf(myzoo)[10], col = "blue")
points(na.spline(myzoo)[10], col = "green")
myzoo[10] <- 31 # replace the missing point
lines(myzoo, type = "o", lty=3, pch=16) # dashed line over the gap
legend(x = "topleft",
legend = c("na.spline", "na.locf", "na.approx"),
col=c("green","blue","red"), pch = 1)

Try this:
x <- ts(myzoo,f=4)
fit <- ts(rowSums(tsSmooth(StructTS(x))[,-2]))
tsp(fit) <- tsp(x)
The idea is to use a basic structural model for the time series, which handles the missing value fine using a Kalman filter. Then a Kalman smooth is used to estimate each point in the time series, including any omitted.
I had to convert your zoo object to a ts object with frequency 4 in order to use StructTS. You may want to change the fitted values back to zoo again.

In this case, I think you want a seasonality correction in the ARIMA model. There's not enough date here to fit the seasonal model, but this should get you started.
start <- as.POSIXct("2010-01-01")
freq <- as.difftime(6, units = "hours")
dayvals <- (1:4)*10
timevals <- c(3, 1, 2, 4)
index <- seq(from = start, by = freq, length.out = 16)
obs <- (rep(dayvals, each = 4) + rep(timevals, times = 4))
myzoo <- myzoo.orig <- zoo(obs, index)
myzoo[10] <- NA
myzoo.fixed <- na.locf(myzoo)
myarima.resid <- arima(myzoo.fixed, order = c(3, 0, 3), seasonal = list(order = c(0, 0, 0), period = 4))$residuals
myzoo.reallyfixed <- myzoo.fixed
myzoo.reallyfixed[10] <- myzoo.fixed[10] + myarima.resid[10]
In my tests the ARMA(3, 3) is really close, but that's just luck. With a longer time series you should be able to calibrate the seasonal correction to give you good predictions. It would be helpful to have a good prior on what the underlying mechanisms for both the signal and the seasonal correction to get better out of sample performance.

forecast::na.interp is a good approach. From the documentation
Uses linear interpolation for non-seasonal series and a periodic stl decomposition with seasonal series to replace missing values.
fit <- na.interp(myzoo)
fit[10] # 32.5, vs. 31.0 actual and 32.0 from Rob Hyndman's answer
This paper evaluates several interpolation methods against real time series, and finds that na.interp is both accurate and efficient:
From the R implementations tested in this paper, na.interp from the forecast package and na.StructTS from the zoo package showed the best overall results.
The na.interp function is also not that much slower than
na.approx [the fastest method], so the loess decomposition seems not to be very demanding in terms of computing time.
Also worth noting that Rob Hyndman wrote the forecast package, and included na.interp after providing his answer to this question. It's likely that na.interp is an improvement upon this approach, even though it performed worse in this instance (probably due to specifying the period in StructTS, where na.interp figures it out).

Package imputeTS has a method for Kalman Smoothing on the state space representation of an ARIMA model - which might be a good solution for this problem.
na_kalman(myzoo, model = "auto.arima")
Also works directly with zoo time series objects. You could also use your own ARIMA models in this function. If you think you can do better then "auto.arima". This would be done this way:
usermodel <- arima(myts, order = c(1, 0, 1))$model
na_kalman(myts, model = usermodel)
But in this case you have to convert the zoo onject back to ts, since arima() only accepts ts.


Time series daily data modeling

I am looking to forecast my time series. I have the following period daily data 2021-Jan-1 to 2022-Jul-1.
So I have a column of observations for each day.
what I tried so far:
d1=zoo(data, seq(from = as.Date("2021-01-01"), to = as.Date("2022-07-01"), by = 1))
tsdata <- ts(d1, frequency = 365)
ddata <- decompose(tsdata, "multiplicative")
I get following error here:
Error in decompose(tsdata, "multiplicative") :
time series has no or less than 2 periods
From what i have read it seems like because I do not have two full years? is that correct? I have tried doing it weekly as well:
series <- ts(data, frequency = 52, start = c(2021, 1))
getting the same issue.
How do I go about it without having to extend my dataset to two years since I do not have that, and still being able to decompose it?
Plus when I am actually trying to forecast it, it isn't giving me good enough forecast:
Plot with forecast
My data somewhat resembles a bell curve during that period. so is there a better fitting timeseries model I can apply instead?
A weekly frequency for daily data should have frequency = 7, not 52. It's possible that this fix to your code will produce a model with a seasonal term.
I don't think you'll be able to produce a time series model with annual seasonality with less than 2 years of data.
You can either produce a model with only weekly seasonality (I expect this is what most folks would recommend), or if you truly believe in the annual seasonal pattern exhibited in your data, your "forecast" can be a seasonal naive forecast that is simply last year's value for that particular day. I wouldn't recommend this, because it just seems risky, and I don't really see the same trajectory in your screenshot over 2022 that's apparent in 2021.
decompose requires two full cycles and that a full cycle represent 1 time unit. ts class can't use Date class anyways. To use frequency 7 we must use times 1/7th apart such as 1, 1+1/7, 1+2/7, etc. so that 1 cycle (7 days) covers 1 unit. Then just label the plot appropriately rather than using those times on the X axis. In the code below use %Y in place of %y if the years start in 19?? and end in 20?? so that tapply maintains the order.
# test data
s <- seq(from = as.Date("2021-01-01"), to = as.Date("2022-07-01"), by = 1)
data <- rnorm(length(s))
tsdata <- ts(data, freq = 7)
ddata <- decompose(tsdata, "multiplicative")
plot(ddata, xaxt = "n")
m <- tapply(time(tsdata), format(s, "%y/%m"), head, 1)
axis(1, m, names(m))

Time series prediction with and without NAs (ARIMA and Forecast package) in R

This is my first question on stack overflow.
Situation: I have 2 time series. Both series have the same values but the second series has 5 NAs at the start. Hence, first series has 105 observations, where 2nd series has 110 observations. I have fitted an ARIMA(0,1,0) using the Arima function to both series separately. And then I used the forecast package to predict 10 steps to the future.
Issue: Even though the ARIMA coefficient for both series are the same, the projections (10 steps) appear to be different. I am uncertain why this is the case. Has anyone come across this before? Any guidance is highly appreciated.
Tried: I tried setting seed, creating index manually, and using auto.ARIMA for the model fitting. However, none of the steps has helped me to reconcile the difference.
I have added a picture to show you what I see. Please note I have hidden the mid part of the series so that you can see the start and the end of the series. The yellow highlighted cells are the projection outputs from the 'Forecast' package. I have manually added the index to be years after extracting the results from R.
Time series projected and base in excel
Rates <- read.csv("Rates_for_ARIMA.csv")
#ARIMA with NA
Simple_Arima <- Arima(
order = c(0,1,0),
include.drift = TRUE)
fcasted_Arima <- forecast(Simple_Arima, h = 10)
#ARIMA Without NA
Rates2 <-$Rates2)
##Remove the final spaces from the CSV
Rates2 <- Rates2[-c(106,107,108,109,110),]
Simple_Arima2 <- Arima(
order = c(0,1,0),
include.drift = TRUE)
fcasted_Arima2 <- forecast(Simple_Arima2, h = 10)
The link to data is here, CSV format
Could you share your data and code such that others can see if there is any issue with it?
I tried to come up with an example and got the same results for both series, one that includes NAs and one that doesn't.
ts1 <- arima.sim(model = list(0, 1, 0), n = 105)
ts2 <- ts(c(rep(NA, 5), ts1), start = 1)
fit1 <- forecast::Arima(ts1, order = c(0, 1, 0))
fit2 <- forecast::Arima(ts2, order = c(0, 1, 0))
pred1 <- forecast::forecast(fit1, 10)
pred2 <- forecast::forecast(fit2, 10)
> all.equal(as.numeric(pred1$mean), as.numeric(pred2$mean))
[1] TRUE

Is there a way to simulate time series data with a specific rolling mean and autocorrelation in R?

I have an existing time series (1000 samples) and calculated the rolling mean using the filter() function in R, averaging across 30 samples each. The goal of this was to create a "smoothed" version of the time series. Now I would like to create artificial data that "look like" the original time series, i.e., are somewhat noisy, that would result in the same rolling mean if I would apply the same filter() function to the artificial data. In short, I would like to simulate a time series with the same overall course but not the exact same values as those of an existing time series. The overall goal is to investigate whether certain methods can detect similarity of trends between time series, even when the fluctuations around the trend are not the same.
To provide some data, my time series looks somewhat like this:
ts <- arima.sim(model = list(order = c(1,0,0), ar = .9), n = 1000) + 900
# save in dataframe
df <- data.frame("ts" = ts)
# plot the data
plot(ts, type = "l")
The filter function produces the rolling mean:
my_filter <- function(x, n = 30){filter(x, rep(1 / n, n), sides = 2, circular = T)}
df$rolling_mean <- my_filter(df$ts)
lines(df$rolling_mean, col = "red")
To simulate data, I have tried the following:
Adding random noise to the rolling mean.
df$sim1 <- df$rolling_mean + rnorm(1000, sd = sd(df$ts))
lines(df$sim1, col = "blue")
df$sim1_rm <- my_filter(df$sim1)
lines(df$sim1_rm, col = "green")
The problem is that a) the variance of the simulated values is higher than the variance of the original values, b) that the rolling average, although quite similar to the original, sometimes deviates quite a bit from the original, and c) that there is no autocorrelation. To have an autocorrelational structure in the data would be good since it is supposed to resemble the original data.
Edit: Problem a) can be solved by using sd = sqrt(var(df$ts)-var(df$rolling_mean)) instead of sd = sd(df$ts).
I tried arima.sim(), which seems like an obvious choice to specify the autocorrelation that should be present in the data. I modeled the original data using arima(), using the model parameters as input for arima.sim().
ts_arima <- arima(ts, order = c(1,0,1))
my_ar <- ts_arima$coef["ar1"]
my_ma <- ts_arima$coef["ma1"]
my_intercept <- ts_arima$coef["intercept"]
df$sim2 <- arima.sim(model = list(order = c(1,0,1), ar = my_ar, ma = my_ma), n = 1000) + my_intercept
lines(df$sim2, col = "blue")
The resulting time series is very different from the original. Maybe a higher order for ar and ma in arima.sim() would solve this, but I think a whole different method might be more appropriate.

STL ts frequency = 1

I am using the stats::stl function for first time in order to identify and delete the tecnological signal of a crop yields serie. I am not familiar with this method and I am a newbie on programming, in advance I apologize for any mistaken.
These are the original data I am working with:
dat <- data.frame(year= seq(1962,2014,1),yields=c(1100,1040,1130,1174,1250,1350,1450,1226,1070,1474,1526,1719,1849,1766,1342,2000,1750,1750,2270,1550,1220,2400,2750,3200,2125,3125,3737,2297,3665,2859,3574,4519,3616,3247,3624,2964,4326,4321,4219,2818,4052,3770,4170,2854,3598,4767,4657,3564,4340,4573,3834,4700,4168))
This is the ts with frequency =1 (annual) created as input for STL function:
time.series <- ts(data=dat$yields, frequency = 1, start=c(1962, 1), end=c(2014, 1))
plot(time.series, xlab="Years", ylab="Kg/ha", main="Crop yields")
When I try to run the function I get the following error message:
decomposed <- stl(time.series, s.window='periodic')
> Error in stl(time.series, s.window = "periodic") : series is not periodic or has less than two periods
I know that my serie is annual and therefore I can not vary the frequency in the ts which it is seems what causes the error because when I change the frequency I get the seasonal, trend and remainder signals:
time.series <- ts(data=dat$yields, frequency = 12, start=c(1962, 1), end=c(2014, 1))
decomposed <- stl(time.series, s.window='periodic')
I would like to know if there is a method to apply STL function with annual data with a frequency of observation per unit of time = 1.
On the other hand, to remove the tecnological signal, it is only necessary to obviate the trend and remainder signal from the original serie or I am mistaken?
Many thanks for your help.
Since your using annual data, there is no seasonal component, therefore seasonal decomposition of time series would not be appropriate. However, the stats::stl function calls the loess function to estimate trend, which is a local polynomial regression you can adjust to your liking. You can call loess directly and estimate your own trend as followings.
dat <- data.frame(year= seq(1962,2014,1),yields=c(1100,1040,1130,1174,1250,1350,1450,1226,1070,1474,1526,1719,1849,1766,1342,2000,1750,1750,2270,1550,1220,2400,2750,3200,2125,3125,3737,2297,3665,2859,3574,4519,3616,3247,3624,2964,4326,4321,4219,2818,4052,3770,4170,2854,3598,4767,4657,3564,4340,4573,3834,4700,4168))
dat$trend <- loess(yields ~ year, data = dat)$fitted
plot(y = dat$yields, x = dat$year, type = "l", xlab="Years", ylab="Kg/ha", main="Crop yields")
lines(y = dat$trend, x = dat$year, col = "blue", type = "l")

STL decomposition of time series with missing values for anomaly detection

I am trying to detect anomalous values in a time series of climatic data with some missing observations. Searching the web I found many available approaches. Of those, stl decomposition seems appealing, in the sense of removing trend and seasonal components and studying the remainder. Reading STL: A Seasonal-Trend Decomposition Procedure Based on Loess, stl appears to be flexible in determining the settings for assigning variability, unaffected by outliers and possible to apply despite missing values. However, trying to apply it in R, with four years of observations and defining all the parameters according to , I encounter error:
time series contains internal NAs
when na.action = na.omit, and
series is not periodic or has less than two periods
when na.action = na.exclude.
I have double checked that the frequency is correctly defined. I have seen relevant questions in blogs, but didn't find any suggestion that could solve this. Is it not possible to apply stl in a series with missing values? I am very reluctant to interpolate them, as I do not want to be introducing (and consequently detecting...) artifacts. For the same reason, I do not know how advisable it would be to use ARIMA approaches instead (and if missing values would still be a problem).
Please share if you know a way to apply stl in a series with missing values, or if you believe my choices are methodologically not sound, or if you have any better suggestion. I am quite new in the field and overwhelmed by the heaps of (seemingly...) relevant information.
In the beginning of stl we find
x <- na.action(as.ts(x))
and soon after that
period <- frequency(x)
if (period < 2 || n <= 2 * period)
stop("series is not periodic or has less than two periods")
That is, stl expects x to be ts object after na.action(as.ts(x)) (otherwise period == 1). Let us check na.omit and na.exclude first.
Clearly, at the end of getAnywhere("na.omit.ts") we find
if (any(
stop("time series contains internal NAs")
which is straightforward and nothing can be done (na.omit does not exclude NAs from ts objects). Now getAnywhere("na.exclude.default") excludes NA observations, but returns an object of class exclude:
attr(omit, "class") <- "exclude"
and this is a different situation. As mentioned above, stl expects na.action(as.ts(x)) to be ts, but na.exclude(as.ts(x)) is of class exclude.
Hence if one is satisfied with NAs exclusion then e.g.
nottem[3] <- NA
# [1] 12 <- function(x) ts(na.exclude(x), frequency = 12)
stl(nottem, na.action =, s.window = "per")
works. In general, stl does not work with NA values (i.e. with na.action = na.pass), it crashes deeper in Fortran (see full source code here):
z <- .Fortran(C_stl, ...
Alternatives to are not delightful:
na.contaguous - finds the longest consecutive stretch of non-missing values in a time series object.
na.approx, na.locf from zoo or some other interpolation function.
Not sure about this one, but another one Fortran implementation can be found for Python here. One could use Python of possibly install R from source after some modifications, in case this module really allows missing values.
As we can see in the paper, there is no some simple procedure for missing values (like approximating them in the very beginning) which could be applied to the time series before calling stl. So considering the fact that original implementation is quite lengthy I would think about some other alternatives than whole new implementation.
Update: a quite optimal in many aspects choice when having NAs could be na.approx from zoo, so let us check its performance, i.e. compare results of stl with full data set and results when having some number of NAs, using na.approx. I am using MAPE as a measure of accuracy, but only for trend, because seasonal component and remainder crosses zero and it would distort the result. Positions for NAs are chosen at random.
mape <- function(f, x) colMeans(abs(1 - f / x) * 100)
stlCheck <- function(data, p = 3, ...){
pos <- lapply(3^(0:p), function(x) sample(1:length(data), x))
datasetsNA <- lapply(pos, function(x) {data[x] <- NA; data})
original <- data.frame(stl(data, ...)$time.series, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
original$id <- "Original"
datasetsNA <- lapply(datasetsNA, function(x)
data.frame(stl(x, na.action = na.approx, ...)$time.series,
id = paste(sum(, "NAs"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
stlAll <- rbind.fill(c(list(original), datasetsNA))
stlAll$Date <- time(data)
stlAll <- melt(stlAll, id.var = c("id", "Date"))
results <- data.frame(trend = sapply(lapply(datasetsNA, '[', i = "trend"), mape, original[, "trend"]))
results$id <- paste(3^(0:p), "NAs")
results <- melt(results, id.var = "id")
results$x <- min(stlAll$Date) + diff(range(stlAll$Date)) / 4
results$y <- min(original[, "trend"]) + diff(range(original[, "trend"])) / (4 * p) * (0:p)
results$value <- round(results$value, 2)
ggplot(stlAll, aes(x = Date, y = value, colour = id, group = id)) + geom_line() +
facet_wrap(~ variable, scales = "free_y") + theme_bw() +
theme(legend.title = element_blank(), strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white")) +
labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) + scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
lapply(unique(results$id), function(z)
geom_text(data = results, colour = "black", size = 3,
aes(x = x, y = y, label = paste0("MAPE (", id, "): ", value, "%"))))
nottem, 240 observations
stlCheck(nottem, s.window = 4, t.window = 50, t.jump = 1)
co2, 468 observations
stlCheck(log(co2), s.window = 21)
mdeaths, 72 observations
stlCheck(mdeaths, s.window = "per")
Visually we do see some differences in trend in cases 1 and 3. But these differences are pretty small in 1 and also satisfactory in 3 considering sample size (72).
Realize this is an old question, but thought I'd update since there is a newer stl package available in R called stlplus. Here is its homepage on github. You can install it from CRAN with install.packages("stlplus") or directly from github with devtools::install_github("hafen/stlplus").
