How to use wp-ecommerce plugin in wordpress - wordpress

I'm working on a site that is built in WordPress and I want to add ecommerce functionality. I have some products, and need a backend for these products so I'm using wp-ecommerce plugin - but how do I use this functionality on frontend?
If anybody has any ideas how to make a shopping related site in WordPress then please let me know.

I would suggest you to go straight to the source and talk to the guys that did it
and see some video tutorials on the subject
also, you can try different methods, for example, if it's a simple shop why not give FoxyCart a go seeing this good screencast from CSS Tricks


Is there any sms bump plugin in wordpress which can show a pop-up like the following?

I require a sms bump plugin in WordPress which will show a pop-up like as given in the following image. Please suggest which plugin which plugin in WordPress has such a functionality.
Unfortunately, for now, SMSBump is not available on WordPress. If you have other questions or need more information, you can also reach out to the support team (on Facebook or directly on
Best of luck! :)

AMP Stories along AMP Wordpress Plugin, is it available now?

I was trying out AMP and wanted to make it work with Wordpress. I found the plugin. I primarily want to explore AMP Stories, so when I read the plugin documentation here - it says that AMP Stories are coming out as a separate plugin. So I checked but I couldn't find a plugin by the - AMP Project Contributors . So is this plugin still in pipeline?
As an engineer working on both the official AMP plugin and on Stories, I am happy to answer your question.
First of all, it's great that you're interested in Stories! I'd be curious to learn more about the specific project you're envisioning to use Stories on. Would you mind sharing some more details about this?
To answer your question: Yes, this plugin is actively being worked on and it's coming soon! We want to make sure we create a captivating solution for visual storytelling that WordPress users will love, that's why you can't find it yet on It'll take at least another month until we feel comfortable sharing the new Stories plugin with the community.
Once it's ready, we will make sure to announce it on various channels and update the website accordingly. Until then, you might want to follow development progress on GitHub.

WordPress plugin/theme suggestion

I am looking for a WordPress plugin/theme that offers similar functionality to this website:
The search would essentially be the same, leading through to a few options which you can then book/purchase via a payment merchant.
I have ploughed through plugins section, and had no joy.
If anyone can recommend or know of anything similar, as has any type of solution I would be most grateful! :)
You will not find a specific WordPress plugin tailored to that type of search and purchase function. If you look at the source code for that site (in Chrome, View -> Developer -> View Source), you will see that the main script that is running the search is an .asp script (Microsoft product). This is likely a custom built site.
There are some plugins that will help you with e-commerce on the WordPress platform such as WooCommerce, Shopify, WP Ecommerce, etc, all of which do charge fees for the services provided in the plugin. Many people who run e-commerce sites often find developers to work with them to build something more custom than these platform plugins can provide.
Instead, look for a search function plugin in WordPress to go through your database, then evaluate the e-commerce platform plugins for a functional match. A good rule of thumb in WordPress is that if you can't find an exact plugin for what you want, try to break the pieces down into components and search for a plugin for each of the components.

WordPress: Plugin Development overriding guide

I have been developing plugins for WordPress. Most plugin I have developed with two three classes and not so huge like Buddypress, WooCommerce or etc.
I am planning to make two open source plugins to deliver some sort of complex system (detail can't share you at the moment but later during the development) where other developers can customize functions and system for them need same as Buddypress and WooCommerce.
As I check those plugins files and realize they have register them own action and filters which developers can modify as per them need. But my problem is unable to understand completely how I should write the plugin where other developer have flexibility to override plugin function as well as they can add them own.
I know it is difficult to give definite answer but I need some sort of start-up guide so I can go into right direction. Do I need to register my action and filters? If yes how to do? if not than how can I do?
Your hint will help me a lot... Thanks a lot
You can check WordPress-Plugin-Boilerplate, it should get you started on the right path.
It may be useful to use wp-cli for generate plugin like so:
wp scaffold plugin my-plugin
Or using "WordPress Plugin Boilerplate" for more complex works:

How to use wordpress to make a commerical/non blog website

I have managed to setup a blog on localhost quickly using wordpress. But what is ivolved in setting up a commercial website that is not a blog?
Also, should learning to use wordpress be more diffcult than learning Asp.Net or php? I can use these languages to create a website more quickly than using wordpress it seems. I'm guessing it should be possible to create a basic php website and then somehow hook it up to the admin functionality of wordpress to publish content and update it?
Any comments and suggestions will be appreciated.
A few thoughts on this.
First, Wordpress is based on PHP. So if you know your way around in PHP you are able to change anything within wordpress, you can build customized plugins, templates, etc.
However, using Wordpress has nothing to do with the programming languages you know. The fact that you are struggling with it is probably more because you don't understand yet what the features of Wordpress are or what you can use them for.
You can easily use Wordpress to create a simple non-blog website by setting up pages instead of posts. So you would be using Wordpress not as a blog engine but more as what's usually called a content management system CMS (not that using it as a blog engine wouldn't make Wordpress a CMS, but I'm talking about the general usage of those wordings).
A simple Google search might help you find more information about how to accomplish it in your specific case.
Hope this helps!
You need experience with PHP, HTML and CSS to configure WordPress to run like a non-blog website. Is it easier? Maybe, you get what you want but you won't understand what is going on.
If you are creating a static web page, say like a company's web site with little to none dynamic content, use pages (not posts) and create a static front page.
If you wish to use WordPress like a generic CMS, you can either use the Pods plugin or the newly introduced custom post types and taxonomies (new in Wordpress 3.0). You still need knowledge of PHP/MySQL to configure the Wordpress Loop (which is used to display blog posts and other dynamic content) and Wordpress Theme tags (to display name of the current logged in user).
Some plugins help with customizing the site for a non-blog look. Theme My Login and Theme my Profile blends the log-in page and profile page with your theme. However, if you need to customize the appearance, or add new logic, you pretty much need programming.
In short, you would need knowledge of PHP and MySQL; CSS too, if possible. Get your hand dirty building some sites, then what Wordpress offer and does for you with its API will be more relevant.
